Why are """white nationalists""" the ones always getting their asses beat at these rallies? Aren't you guys macho alpha males?
Why are """white nationalists""" the ones always getting their asses beat at these rallies...
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Why do you set up a false premise and make bait threads based solely upon these false premises? Does it really pay that well from your overlords? Does it make you feel good shitting up this board with your stupid bullshit?
Unless ur a white supremacist then you shouldn't get triggered that badly.
And if whites are supreme, they'd wreck anyone who starts on them.
Also, one of the "select all the houses" in the capcha was from a town I lived in. 2spooky4me.
Racist Minority hits white guy Media silence gets unreported.
Racist White Guy hits somebody gets arrested and National Media Coverage on the incident.
People need to put into perspective what you're really up against.
Antifa is an organized, trained militia. Designed to seek out and stop hate speak by harsh, yet necessary means. They are fit and trained to fight.
Many anti refugee fascists (let's be real here, you're fascists). Have no real world experience, can't fight and mistake being overweight for being strong.
>Using an Abakan where it can get clogged with debris
>Using an Abakan in a place that is nothing but easily-clogging debris, like the fucking desert
>Using an Abakan
It's a pretty gun but it was so shit the Russians scrubbed it. It has to be bad if that's happening.
>implying it doesn't turn out like this
Nice proxy shit stain.
1. Anti fa is not a militia it is a terrorist organization
funded by the US left.
2. Hate speech is what retards who can't discuss anything call everything they disagree with
May many misfortunes you encounter.
White nationalists may be morons, but it's funny how they're either extremely dangerous terrorists or incompetent beta faggots depending on the agenda of the day.
>They are fit and trained to fight.
lol antifa got hospitalized by some larping WNs in Sacramento
That guy got blind sided with a bat.
Look at the Battle of Sacramento or Dover.
>Outnumbered beta MGTOW males with maybe like 4 actual dangerous skinheads on their side
Because the so-called "tolerant" leftists beat the shit out of them to try and silence them, literally terrorism.
which country is that?
why do we arm and train these police to just stand there and take it like idiots?
because it's not their job to escalate violnce
Hahaha, he barely slapped him and he goes down like a bag of rocks. Didnt even spill beer.
>That slap
My goddamned sides! It looks like Italian league soccer.
LMAO didn't even let go of his drink
>trained militia
>fit and trained to fight
Bait post mate.
Not even jerking the Fash here but anti-fa are hipsters and fags. The strong ones are mislead working-class men with social problems - of which make up a tiny fraction of anti-fa, the majority being college/uni students who are angry.
Also the meme about loads of them taking drugs and shit isn't a meme, it's true.
looks like central/eastern europe.
thats just a racist attack faggot
Americans like to talk big game and always rave aobut "MUH GUNS"
But when it comes to actually throwing hands, they're a nation of babies.
If you wanna see right wingers actually fight back and even cause some serious damage to the opposition, just look at Europe.
How clueless are you concerning antifa?
They are literally nothing more than a club to bash people on the head for political parties nothing more. They are useful idiot to politicians that themselves despise antifa if you talk with them privatly they will tell you that.
I'm not even a white nationalist, but generally the left is the ones that get their heads stomped in. AntiFa is particularly weak.
So the violence is coming from the left then? Ok, cause the (((media))) seems to think its these little pansies are the ones beating everyone up.
I always though it was because lefties just did suckerpunches
No you stupid shitskin, the nog was playing loud music and intentionally disrupting prayers.
Now go die in an earthquake
>They are fit and trained to fight
most of them are drug users my biggest fear is getting infected by HIV from those fuckers, rest of them are just beta weakling larpers
lmaoing at nazis lives
>Why are """white nationalists""" the ones always getting their asses beat at these rallies?
So the left can do staged photo ops of 'helpful minorities destroying racist biases' just like the picture you posted.
thats a white nationalist larping as a women
>americucks and spencer
>macho alpha males
Usually what they do is sucker punch normies and then label them as fascist. That way they don't have to fight anyone that'll actually swing back.
Actual Stormfags are the wimpiest of all posters here desu
isnt it normally due to sucker punches, multiple attackers, the "clam and peaceful" protestors turning to violence when they dont get there way ?
because they are the only ones with guts to stand up for what is right.
>when antifa rats realize they are not behind the pc
jesus christ this thing...
what the fug
antifa are social outcasts and misfits who collect governement funds because they are unable to support themselves. most have mental illness. they spend a portion of their free time organizing together, and during free public protests of policy by actual working people, they attack using dishonorable methods. The police turn a blind eye because the politicians are corrupt, but if the other side fights back they are arrested.
How does it feel to be this autistic? You proxy and reply to your own comment with another,worthless nigger.
one of those webms you can watch endless times and see a new reaction every time
Staged photo
You can meme all you want about how antifa are limp wristed beta males but in the meantime it's the right-wingers who are getting physically assaulted at every rally.
Last time it cost 30 million soviets to kick nationalists ass. Really makes me think.
We can't deny that some of rightwingers are weak shit that only do thing behind a PC sadly
So what that means is Antifa are just violent nigger-like thugs who exist soley to harm people and commit crime.
No wonder no one takes their shit seriously.
Quick tip mate
Rallies for anything (other than gathering others for your cause) doesn't do shit.
>No wonder no one takes their shit seriously.
and yet our guberment pays them and they are immune to police
>a-antif isnt really strong g-guys!
Maybe before, but now they're serious
>disrupt prayers
>get btfo
niggers on suicide watch
While it is bait, their are grains of truth. Much like the left have underestimated us and Trump, we should not be underestimating antifa (they are organised, and they are willing to face jail to enforce their ideals).
To combat them, we need our own militia, trained up in the cities that antifa has strong grips on.
You mean Soros and friends are shelling out more shekels to mobilize and train their sorry asses. But for all the support they get, they're stupid, disorganized and incapable of effectively operating outside of large cities.
>organized, trained militia
that's a funny way of saying bunch of paint huffing twigs who's only real advantage is going 12v1 with steel-toe boots.
Objective opinion: wanna know who's wrong here? the people who were praying
there are millions of churches near you, yet you chose to pray in the middle of a fucking street. that's as retarded as muslims praying in the street
also considering that 90% of people play music while walking, it makes the aggressor even more retarded
that pic is so fucking autistic, considering that crusaders were the ones to travel half of the world to jerusalem just to wage war on salahuddin's army and then do some war crimes here and there
don't get me wrong i hate antifa as much as you but i gotta point out your cognitive dissonance
>1. Anti fa is not a militia it is a terrorist organization
terrorist organization because they use violence? fascists use violence too, therefore, you're a terrorist too.
>2. Hate speech is what retards who can't discuss anything call everything they disagree with
Funny considering that fascists also advocate heavy censorship to whoever disagrees with them
Whats your point.
Its the same reason why republicans support the police.
Thing is, its a conservative value to form your own militia irregardless of the will of the state, too many right leaning individuals have had GOP cuckservatism tell them to be moderate and let the authorities deal with it.
The people are the authorities, and if the police, who as we seen at berkeley, do not wish to engage with violent rioters as is the authoritative will of the people, then as natural conservatives we must mobilize are own protection.
Weak willed cuckservative, neo con centrists need to either rise to the occasion, or fall like a huge fucking faggot.
You're next Saracen.
>implying muslims don't pray in public when the call the prayer is sounded
>millions of churches
>90% of people play music while walking
literally no one plays music from a speaker in public it is considered very rude
also tunisia is a failed islamic state fuck off
Pretty sure it's poland
>that blonde chicks reaction with the phone
Holy shit you're a fucking retard. You do the same thing as antifa do, you generalise all right wingers as "fascists". This is the kind of thinking that makes them hated among the public, they target anyone who has the slightest bit of right-wing views but they don't seem to realise that the pendulum is going to strike against them.
And another thing, antifa aren't your average liberals, they're full-blown communists, who are much worse than fascists.
would smash
>>implying muslims don't pray in public when the call the prayer is sounded
Nice projections, never in my life i've seen people pray in anywhere near churches or their homes
and it's considered disrespectful to pray in public
>millions of churches
yeah, there's a shit ton of churches where they live, why not pray there in peace?
>literally no one plays music from a speaker in public it is considered very rude
i'm gonna be as objective as possible
so a guy plays music loudly, and instead of telling him to respectfully fuck off or just turn it off, walks up to him and punches him, that's not a way to get people to do what you want, when you do that you're looking for a fight
Ebic :DD
>you generalise all right wingers as "fascists"
nope, i'm generalizing all Sup Forums as fascists, because 99% of them are.
Like i said, i hate antifa probably more than you, but i'm pointing out that fag's doublethink
Because we are circumspect. Because we are men of peace, integrity and patience.
Because we know how, and when, to pick our battles, when we do finally strike you'll never know what hit you.
whaT THe fuck is this from
watch out dude the antifa special ops are on the streets
>yeah, there's a shit ton of churches where they live, why not pray there in peace?
Because they are praying out the front of an old church set for demolition that they hope to prevent from happening.
>so a guy plays music loudly, and instead of telling him to respectfully fuck off or just turn it off, walks up to him and punches him, that's not a way to get people to do what you want, when you do that you're looking for a fight
Why are you assuming so much without any context at all?
>it's considered disrespectful to pray in public
that's funny because muslims do it all the time. pic related
>why not pray there in peace
because they are clearly trying to pray in public peacefully, what is so wrong with that?
wouldn't arabs be just as mad if a christian white guy interrupted their call to prayer by playing loud music why they were trying to peacefully carry out their prayers?
Once again, you're STILL making the mistake of generalising. While Sup Forums is indeed right wing you have all kinds of right-wingers here from conservatives, classical liberals, libertarians, natsocs and even ancaps.
>Why are you assuming so much without any context at all?
I'm not assuming shit, there are millions of ways to tell someone to "fuck off" without punching them to the curb,you violent dickhead
>haha here's my anecdote, you're totally so BTFO!!
naming a single incident where people ran out of place in a mosque doesn't make it any better
>because they are clearly trying to pray in public peacefully, what is so wrong with that?
pray all you fucking want, but remember you're in a fucking street, not a church, people will make noise, will play music, will yell at each other, don't expect to find peace in a goddamned street. that's like going to a brothel and expecting everyone to be chaste
it's the fight between Matthew Heimbach's white nationalists and Yvette Falerca's gang of antifa teens in Sacramento CA last summer.
Several of the antifa started fights with the nationalists. They attacked them with knives, their own weapons were turned back on them, and iirc one of the antifa kids died of his stab wounds. None of the nationalists were charged.
For many Sup Forumsacks this was the first redpill on exactly how evil California marxist radical and "BAMN" (By Any Means Necessary) leader Falerca is. She was on Tucker Carlson recently spewing her usual violent garbage. She's a fucking elementary school teacher.
where is tha guy who post videos of antifa being BTFO when we need him?
>Once again, you're STILL making the mistake of generalising. While Sup Forums is indeed right wing you have all kinds of right-wingers here from conservatives, classical liberals, libertarians, natsocs and even ancaps.
Nope, 99.99% of Sup Forums is fascist, because any thread that isn't a hitler cumsuck would get shitposted to page 10
>enter libertarian thread
>Sup Forumsfags: HAHA ROADS
>enter ancap thread
>enter conservative thread
And white bois cannot resist, lol.
You're actually retarded. Starting violence leads to us being called Nazis and Fascists, which then leads to the movement dying because normies aren't redpilled.
Also you're retarded because we won our election back and your country is still engaging in the practice of destroying Europe.
>a single incident
muslims pray outside of the mosque all the damn time and you know it
>in a street
>actually right outside of church
>trying to interrupt what is CLEARLY a pray session with loud annoying music
he knew what he was doing. he got what was coming.
arabs in tunisia would have reacted similarly
>enter natsoc thread
There's no ideology that doesn't get shit on on Sup Forums, it's just that left-wing ideologies get shit on more