What's his name Sup Forums?

What's his name Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Mike 'Zap-a-Trap' Pence

Mike "homo medicine from Thomas Edison" Pence

Mike "Dykes and gays will scream for days" Pence

Mike "If it's cock you crave, you're in for an early grave" Pence

Mike "making fags a part of the resistance" Pence

Mike "AD/DC If you're LGBT" Pence

Mike "Goblin Jumper Cables XL" Pence

Mike "I beg, you are no fag" Pence

Mike "electricity for faggotry" Pence

Mike "Like it in the crapper, get the zapper" Pence

Mige Benis :DDDD

Mike "turning fruits into vegetables" Pence


I see this and immediately know that Joe Biden memes are some PR firm job.

They did the meme equivalent of a dad joke.

You could say he's a Trap-eze artist.

where does the electric mike meme come from?

Mike "Biri-Biri, Zap the Queery" Pence

Mike "1000 Points of Light" Pence

Mike supports shock therapy to cure the faggotry out of the gay

Mike "Electric Lobotmies for fix'n Sissies" Pence
Mike "Judge, Jury, and Zeus's Fury" Pence
Mike "Maxwell's Equation for the Homo Persuasion" Pence
Mike "Lobotomize Effeminate Guys" Pence
Mike "Lightning Strikes for Fags and Dykes" Pence


Mike "The electric fence" Pence


It's a liberal disinfo meme but Sup Forums has adopted it and made it entertaining


Slightly. He supports voluntary conversion therapy for people who are gay but don't want to be, which could involve electroshock therapy if your therapist was dumb enough to use outdated methods. The left tried to spin this into 'he wants to fry all the gays.'

Youre sure one to talk about crappers there, Pajeet.

Mike "ACDC for LGBT" Pence shall smite you!

All of them

Mike "Electric Fence" Pence
Mike "Use sodomites as christmas lights" Pence
Mike "Deus Volt" Pence
Mike "Like it in the crapper? You get the zapper" Pence
Mike "If he like gays I'll shock him for days" Pence
Mike "100 amps to the nipple clamps" Pence
Mike "309 electoral volts" Pence
Mike "Enola the gays" Pence
Mike "Follow God's Path, or face Tesla's Wrath" Pence
Mike "Set Phasers to Straight" Pence
Mike "Homoshima and Fagasaki" Pence
Mike "The Electricutioner" Pence
Mike "Thomas Edison has the Best Medicine" Pence
Mike "Bringing Back the DC back to DC" Pence
Mike “ if you like dick it's gonna be electric “ Pence
Mike “ putting back the amps in our straight camps “ Pence
Mike “ if you love a chap, I must give you a zap “ Pence
Mike “ put your dick in Mick, you'll get the electro stick “ Pence
Mike “ suck a cock, electroshock “ Pence
Mike “ suck a dick, you'll go static “ Pence
Mike “ put your queer derriere in my electric chair “ Pence
Mike “ stick it where they poo, zap the gay out of you “ Pence
Mike “ Electrocute the fruit “ Pence
Mike “ AC/DC if you're LGBT “ Pence
Mike “ like a guy, then arbeit macht frei “ Pence
Mike “ wetting your head, dolts will be spread “ Pence
Mike “ if you're queer then jolts you will fear “ Pence
Mike “ touch a willy and I'll zap you silly “ Pence
Mike “ touch dicks in the dark and get the spark “ Pence
Mike “ gay flirts, 60s hertz “ Pence
Mike “ buttbumpers get the jumpers “ Pence

Mike “ jerk it to a guy, circuit 'til you fry “ Pence
Mike “ fap to traps and get the zaps “ Pence
Mike “ having a gay fap will get you the zap “ Pence
Mike “ fags in the Periphery, charge my battery “ Pence
Mike “ bareback raw, ohm's law “ Pence
Mike “ act like a sister, human resistor “ Pence
Mike “ touching jewels, get the joules “ Pence
Mike “ once a cocksucker, now a conductor “ Pence
Mike “ out of the attic, into the static “ Pence
Mike “ electrocution is my final solution “ Pence
Mike “ if you're queer, you get the ampere “ Pence
Mike “ gays in the corner, now hook the transformer “ Pence
Mike “ still haven't learned, get the current “ Pence
Mike “ stick your wiener there and get the chair “ Pence
Mike “ put on Nike, kick that dyke “ “ Pence
Mike “ drag queen, meet this Tesla machine “ Pence
Mike “ if you act camp, you get the amp “ Pence
Mike “ your ass is loose so you get the noose “ Pence
Mike “ blast those gays with tesla rays “ Pence
Mike “ conservatives don't kill, but look at my electric bill “ Pence
Mike “ Megawatts for your impure thoughts “ Pence
Mike “ if men make you jerk it, you get the circuit “ Pence
Mike “ If you're a sodomite, then you will ignite “ Pence
Mike “ if you like to be queer, then get ready for mjolnir “ Pence

Mike "Don't like twat, zapped with gigawatt" Pence
Mike "On a cocksucking spree? Ready the E.M.P" Pence
Mike "Can't fix your gay son, cause he is better cocksucker than his mom?" Pence.

Mike "Shock Doctor" Pence
Mike "Straight Maker" Pence
Mike "Electrocure" Pence

that was awful, don't waste a carlos pic like this

Mike "Electrocute the Morally Destitute" Pence