Why is National Review so fucking based?

>I am writing this column in Japan, a country whose crime rate is the lowest among countries with large populations. I asked my Japanese translator, a middle-aged woman, what she thought. “Why is there is so little crime in Japan?” I asked.

>Without taking a moment to reflect, she responded, “because we don’t allow immigration.”

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National Review tend to pull back whenever somebody really pushes things. They're kind enough to tolerate Armond White though so props for that. They should have stood by John Derbyshire though. He said what they were all thinking.

The pendulum swings at last.

The Left constantly repeats that “we are a nation of immigrants” without citing the other half of that fact — “who assimilate into America.” The Left mocks the once universally held American belief in the “melting pot.” But the melting pot is the only way to have a country composed of immigrants build a cohesive society. America was never just “a nation of immigrants.” America was always a nation of immigrants who sought to become — or at least were taught by American public schools and by the general American culture to become — Americans.

If America becomes a nation of non-assimilating immigrants, or becomes a nation consisting of non-assimilating ethnic, racial, and national groups who are already here, America will cease being a glorious idea and become just another nation torn by conflicting interest groups. These various groups will fight one another — first verbally and then, perhaps, violently, and America will see more and more violence — just as France, Sweden, and Germany have since they began taking in millions of immigrants, many of whom have no intention of becoming Frenchmen, Swedes, or Germans.

Integration is also alright.

i thought crime rates are low in japan because a crime is only reported if it gets solved

national review is cucked

Nah, you'd be surprised how low crime rate is when you aren't a sub-human and live with nothing but your own kind.

in what way?

i would consider most readers to be cucked by CNN/NYT/HufPo, but to suggest national review is cucked needs some explaination

But the Left, with its identity politics and commitment to multiculturalism — as expressed, for example, by ballots in dozens of languages, the proliferation of ethnic-studies departments at universities, and allowing all-black dorms and graduation ceremonies on campuses — is undoing that.

she knew that's what he wanted to hear
inb4 how many ppl did he have to ask that stupid question before someone finally said something openly about hatin on non-japanese
>low crime rate
north korea crime rate zero you pinhead
crime rate depends on who's asking
are their prisons empty of salarymen
no triads or other gangs ever heard of since the great bowling green massacre right sure user

>If America becomes a nation of non-assimilating immigrants, or becomes a nation consisting of non-assimilating ethnic, racial, and national groups who are already here, America will cease being a glorious idea and become just another nation torn by conflicting interest groups. These various groups will fight one another — first verbally and then, perhaps, violently, and America will see more and more violence — just as France, Sweden, and Germany have since they began taking in millions of immigrants, many of whom have no intention of becoming Frenchmen, Swedes, or Germans.

he's got a point
This man did nothing wrong and they fired him for saying that naive young whites/azns (his wife is Chinese) more or less need to be told 'around blacks, don't relax.' He wasn't vitriolic or anything about it, he just seemed like a normal guy who was looking out for his kids based on experience and he got absolutely chewed out by the entire internet for it. I understand why National Review ditched him but it reflects poorly on them. They didn't stick with him even though they all probably agreed. In fact, most people who aren't online bloggers probably do. It's 'Rivers of Blood' all over again.

This is the truth. When a community is homogenous there is simply more trust between them.
It begins with trust, and it's maintained by locals greeting each other when they meet on the road even though they might not know each other.
And it's just gets better and better and more peaceful.

All these new muslim shitskins and their terrorist attacks just destroys that dynamic.

I'm not even native ethnic Dane, but I remember in my childhood, everybody here would smile and greet you and be friendly.
Some of my earliest memories was being in a shop and randomly ask a nice old lady what the heck that things on the shop shelf was and she would explain me stuff.

Today I don't see the same warmth, all the old folks don't see me eye to eye when we walk past each other. I think they might be afraid of me or something.
But things just aren't what they used to be.

How long have you been here?

America is already fucked

have you been there? mentally ill, homless, tent people, gutter punks wandering the streets, hanging out front of shops, asking for spare change, its like a dystopian bad dream

Based armond. The madman was the only reviewer out of over 100 people to give Get Out a rotten score on rotten tomatoes. Based gay republican negro.

Come on m8, every country in the world has areas like that. For a country with every single race on the planet living here, I think we're doing ok.

Armond White's reviews transcend the good/bad dichotomy. He's the Pauline Kael of our time. Part aesthete, part sociologist.


Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam made a career out of telling Americans that social capital was plummeting and that this was having and would continue to have disastrous results for all of America. In 2001 a study he conducted concluded that diversity lowers social capital and as a result generally lowers quality of life in all ways. He didn't publish this until 2006 because he had to come up with a way of explaining that didn't sound blatantly racist. Enjoy.;jsessionid=7C74C876A92A89C3629410F4D5139CA2.f04t04

yeh I know just freaked me out how easily you could sink to the bottom when you make bad choices, have bad experience or are born into a shit family, and society is just gonna walk past you and not give a fuck

literaly fucking zero
i have never felt compelled to break the law
even on meth

/our guy/

we literally dont
not in my state

actually have been wanting to kill that one ethiopian family that i saw at the shopping center after the police put up a big flashing sign saying home invasions in the area, make sure to lock up, report suspect activity. near the round about

Every thread can benefit from Armond-posting.

He's a fucking king among men. No other critic alive is even worthy of the job title. Pauline Kael and Armond White. Disregard all pretenders.

Which state?

Ok but I said country. You can't tell me there's no abo ghettos in all of Australia, right?

Abos are not people.

probs in melbourne or sydney thx to immigrants

also this
abos literally sit out side on a rock with a fire when they are given council housing and its freezing outside and they have a cold

>Japan, a country whose crime rate is the lowest among countries with large populations
>trusting jap statistics
their police also have a 100% "success" rate in catching "criminals", because they're allowed to arbitrarily detain and torture anyone for 2 weeks straight, and whoever they happen to pick up usually magically "confesses" to whatever crime they were trying to "solve"

really tingles those testicles

I don't think that's it. I've heard that it's more that Japanese police simply don't report crimes that they can't solve.

its a stupid stat because they leave organized crime alone anyway

Exactly. Organized crime is too big a problem to tackle so they just ignore it completely. That way their records are spotless.

> praising this cuckservative publication

yess go you have to assimilate, blanda up!!!

>Japan's low crimerate BTFOs liberals
Can you people not apply any critical thinking to what you say?

I remember that in high school, the syllabus required us to learn that the White Australia Policy was replaced with an official policy that required assimilation, and that this was in turn abandoned in favour of multiculturalism.

The teacher was supposed to have us recant the reasons why assimilation was almost as bad as a "whites only" policy, and why multiculturalism was superior to both, but she was too great of a teacher and instead we had a class discussion about the whole thing. Several, in fact, over several lessons.

To give you some context, I went to one of the top-ranked selective schools in my state and most of the kids there were second-generation Asian immigrants. A room of 30 smart young minds and the best teacher I ever had went over the topic with a fine-tooth comb for several lessons and we overwhelmingly agreed that the stated goals of multiculturalism made no sense - most immigrants (and especially hose with families who are moving permanently) come to our country because the culture is one that they want to be a part of. They don't like the way of life in China, or Korea, or India, at least not enough to want to stay there, and we shouldn't adopt an official policy that ultimately encourages them to ghetto into specific neighbourhoods, never have to learn English, and bring a culture they don't much like with them.

It's basically retarded that the topic of "whether it's right to expect assimilation from immigrants" is even being considered - if you want to take up permanent residency in a foreign country, you damn well learn to live like the foreigners, and most of all you probably want to, that's why you're moving in the first place.

Ethnic homogeneity is largely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things - what's important to a nation's wellbeing is cultural homogeneity, and cultural assimilation of willing immigrants is the only way to meaningfully grow a small population like ours in a sustainable way.

/blog, I guess

>the once universally held American belief in the “melting pot.”

You mean the meme started by a Jewis playwright in the 1920's to push for opening up immigration to communist Jews from Eastern Europe?

>wanting any shitskins to assimilate into your grandchildren's dna is considered based
>its okay to get replaced as long as they imitate us
Fuck assimilation for people not native to this area.

>Cultural assimilation is important
>ethnic homogeneity is largely irrelevant
t. Zhang whose parents are corrupt industrialists who own 15 rental properties

Just kidding. This is more or less right. Our old policy mightn't have been the most tolerant thing in the world, but when did tolerance become the #1 ideal of every country in the whole fucking world? If every Australian shared this view we'd be more or less sorted.

the correct way to go about this is to point out aus has like 20 so it makes sense they dont have as many ghettos

thanks for sharing. you might like this too, pic related

> Ethnic homogeneity is largely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things

lol no

ethnic diversity ultimately leads to fifth columns, whether you like it or not, IQ is irrelevant

American foreign policy has been completely hijacked by Israel exactly because a high-IQ highly integrated ethnic group pursues its policies that benefit them just like every other single well-adapted organism on Earth

In the case of a conflict with the Changs that are conquering your country, you would be a fool not to expect a significant number of them not to activately sympathize with their ethnic brethen and sabotage your efforts

>In 2001 a study he conducted concluded that diversity lowers social capital and as a result generally lowers quality of life in all ways
Definitely. And it's amplified even further when you are dealing with sandniggers.

The thing I talked about with the greetings and stuff? It's hindered even more when the other person is an antisocial shitskin hiding behind a burka.
No eye contact is exchanged,
No simple good-afternoon greetings occurs,
You're just two ghosts passing by each other.
That's muslim culture, it disrupts contact between locals, and it creates an atmosphere of distrust.
These shitskins have infected our society with their bullshit.

>Why is National Review so fucking based?

The "melting pot" is a literal myth. It was created by a man named Israel Zangwill, a British Jew, who had never even been to america. He made it up for a fucking play.

Way too many myths are just accepted as "history".

* you would be a fool not to expect a significant number of them to activately sympathize with their ethnic brethen and sabotage your efforts

Lol I'm white as a ghost, I was in a minority of about 30% at my school when I graduated, it's probably something like 10-15% now. The thing is that most white parents don't like the idea of getting their kids private tutors from the age of 6 specifically to get them into a selective school, they're far more likely to just cop the financial hit and send the kid to private school.

Meanwhile first-generation Chinese parents are looking for the absolute cheapest way to get the absolute best results, and so they play the long game. The end result is kids who are total robots and can't really handle normal social interaction because they spent three afternoons a week getting tutored throughout most of their childhood. But god damn can they ace tests.

As far as I know, the Chinese industrialists you're talking about never move here for permanent residency or citizenship, they just invest and speculate in the property market. They might even have a penthouse flat in Sydney that they sometimes use on holidays, but their kids go to international schools in Hong Kong and their families live on the mainland, if they even have kids and families at all.

what about the Zhang army in uni?


To be fair I think it's more cosmopolitanism in general which does that. When everyone's the same people feel comfortable. When everyone's too different people feel put off and form little enclaves of their own kind.

Satan, the Zhang army don't live here. They just come to La Trobe, watch League of Legends matches on youtube for three years and then go back home with a meme-degree which makes them a god among the proles and settle into their shitty non-jobs with higher pay than the rest.

Our school system is 100 different kinds of fucked. Efficiency shouldn't be the end-goal but it is. That's all it prepares you for. Efficient drudgery. If you learn anything along the way that's a happy accident.

Most of the Asians at uni are just regular kids of immigrants, often more Aussie than me (I moved here from the UK as a kid), but it's true that the international students are the same kids of the multi-millionaires who have come to Aussie unis after going to a prestigious international high school somewhere else.

They can pay their way into university placements in a way that isn't possible at the high school level because of catchment and residency requirements - every Asian at my high school could speak perfectly fluent native English, and only one or two had an accent. I'm not 100% sure how things work in private schools, but I seem to remember that they also have residency requirements unless they're specifically an international school, of which there are very few here.

Basically our university system is an international whore because there's so little government oversight at this point, and any attempt to exercise a modicum of it gets swiftly shouted down by rabid socialists and neocons alike.

This is exactly how it is in highschool too, 99% of the Asians blacks and browns at my very diverse (but still Catholic) high school could speak English perfectly and had parents who had been in Canada for ages working menial jobs so their kids could have a better life. The only person I remember with a strong accent was this chick from Romania who had moved to Canada a year before highschool.

When I went to university I started to feel bad for those kids ^. Because it was just a bunch of rich dumb assholes who can't speak English from Taiwan China and India pricing them out of Canadian universities.

It's not just white people who hate all the jackasses hyjacking our education systems.

>When Jewish tricks aren't good enough for modern Jews
They're evolving




Why would we take the risk of taking immigrant on the basis of a promise that they assimilate considering the fact that we also live in a nation of personal liberties and free association, which means we cannot coerce people into assimilation?

What is it that these people are supposed to assimilate into considering that we are a pluralistic society (I mean, even within whites we are pluralistic in our lifestyle and value) without any one group having a monopoly on what it means to be American, nor having any capacity to enforce a cultural or political vision?

How do you define assimilation within a system which is ever changing, ever evolving, and is designed to be this way through the process of deliberative democracy?

The good people at National Review are basic bitch cuckservatives who take no account of reality and believe that their particular version of the American identity will somehow be adopted by all other ethnic groups for no reason what so ever and without any viable mechanism of enforcement.

>civic nationalism
>not some stupid fucking trap


The fact that we have so much of every race on the planet living here means we're not okay

you guys have computers?

How does it feel being a proxy in a colonization-based cold-war between China and Japan?

>live in a nation of personal liberties and free association, which means we cannot coerce people into assimilation

Personal liberties and free association are the rights of citizens. If you want to show you're worthy of citizenship, you need to show that you understand and abide by the culture.

>any one group having a monopoly on what it means to be American

Wait, aren't you Canadian?

>How do you define assimilation within a system which is ever changing, ever evolving, and is designed to be this way through the process of deliberative democracy

Understanding, believing in and abiding by the processes of said democracy and the importance of meeting the legal responsibilities of a citizen if you expect to be granted the rights of one.

Most importantly, respecting and following the laws as they currently stand. Learning the official language(s), and speaking it (or them) in day-to-day life. Learning and respecting the history of your new nation, recognising its unique significance to her people and consciously taking it on as your own cultural identity.

Civic nationalism is the only thing standing between civilisation as we know it and ruin at the hands of stateless billionaires, or worse - billionaires who ARE the state, as is the case with China and to a lesser extent Russia. Ethnic nationalism is anachronistic, alarmist garbage, but there are core ethics behind our ways of life that would never be represented within a unified global government, and that set us apart from our neighbours in important ways. Nationalism is founded upon the belief that these differences are important enough to maintain, and assimilation means agreeing with that.

>Personal liberties and free association are the rights of citizens. If you want to show you're worthy of citizenship, you need to show that you understand and abide by the culture.

Thanks for not addressing the main point of my criticism.


This is most readily seen in the case of Muslim but we do not have to limit ourselves to this case. We may, for instance, imagine the case of black immigrants coming to a white country with the promise of integration and assimilation. We may imagine that they are only looking to have "better lives" and "improves the condition of their family" (or some such non sense). Once having received full citizenship, however, and being unable to "assimilate their blackness" (and why would they even try anyway?) they start to coalesce into a community of "black immigrants" of some origin, and start asserting their collectivized identity as "black immigrants" and demand special rights and recognition from the government and society at large on the basis of their identity and history.

There is no mechanism through which you can prevent this given that you are committed to personal freedom. Personal freedoms and, presumably, a assorted love of free speech and the right of association, forces you to tolerate this type of behavior. If you are, furthermore, committed to democracy, you are also committed to respecting the influence which this national community within your nation will exert on your political environment.

Again, two points are at issue here: (1) you have no way of guaranteeing assimilation once the immigrant is here, and the basis on which you want to allow him to be here (FOR NO REASON AT ALL I MIGHT ADD) is nothing that a promise that leaves all the initiative in the immigrant's hands and (2) personal freedom is an underdetermining culturally.

>Civic nationalism is the only thing standing between civilisation as we know it and ruin at the hands of stateless billionaires, or worse

There is no such thing as civic nationalism. I don't know what the situation is in your country, but here the only people who nationalists are white. Yes, there are a few token minorities, but nationalism in the US is essentially a white mindset. The minorities who live here want open borders and multiculturalism because it goes against the nature of most people to just shred their ethnic and cultural heritage. They come here to take advantage of the civilization white men built on Anglo-Saxon values and culture because it is economically adventageous for them. They don't care about the history or culture and seek to change it to match that which they are accustomed to.

Culture is not fungible. Culture is the product of ethnic group evolution. It is the fruit of generations of people with genetic ties subject to environmental, genetic, epigenetic, and social pressures. You cannot export it and you cannot just hand it to people when they cross the border.

I am sure you can cite some anecdotal exception of some guy you know, but that doesn't disprove the rule as it applies to the masses.

As for (2), I mean this: that a commitment to personal freedom or to the democratic process does not in any way guarantee that the people who do make such commitment will not have other allegiances or mode of association which will ultimately create social antagonism that will be deleterious to social harmony.

For instance, black people in America may very well be committed, more or less, to personal freedom and the democratic process in the United-State. Never the less, these commitments are not constraining enough to make every black person who do have them identical with every white person who does also. Indeed, it may be precisely through a commitment to a democratic process that a black person may seek to achieve something like reparation payments, which would also be congruent with personal freedoms, to the
extent that historical collective responsibility may be compatible with them.

Moreover and to reiterate, your own personal commitment to personal freedoms prevents you from insuring social cohesion in this regard. Your are compelled to defend's the black group's ability to coalesce and mount a democratically sound campaign of fiscal compensation that is inherently antagonist to the white group, and this in spite of the black's group adherence to notions of personal freedoms.

Your legalistic framework is unsound since it cannot be enforced in principle and undertermines the cultural situation. It is therefore simplistic and should be rejected.

Have fun encouraging your becoming a minority in your own country, at which point all of your options will have been taken away from you.

>Ethnic nationalism is anachronistic
>believing in an ideology of progress

Ethnic nationalism is more robust, period. Multi ethnic societies do not get rid of ethnic nationalism, they merely create the necessary condition for the extremely unhealthy competition of several ethnic nationalism within a single polity.


>Indeed, it may be precisely through a commitment to a democratic process that a black person may seek to achieve something like reparation payments

This is precisely what happens. Blacks elect blacks because they will advocate for more money, programs, etc. for blacks. They don't care about whether whites get anything. The same thing can be seen with Hispanics. They elect spics and those politicians then advocate for amnesty, open borders, etc. because it furthers their ethnic group interests (which are actually more diverse than the umbrella of "Hispanic", but they happily unite under that to achieve power and raise their standing).

>Culture is not fungible. Culture is the product of ethnic group evolution. It is the fruit of generations of people with genetic ties subject to environmental, genetic, epigenetic, and social pressures. You cannot export it and you cannot just hand it to people when they cross the border.

This is actually important enough that it needs to be developed in a systematic manner in such a way that we can use it. Culture and social identities are not really, at the very least initially, chosen voluntarily within a context of radical free choice. Rather, we are thrown into life in a certain milieu which we then automatically absorb as infant. While we may later on reflect on the set of custom and socio-cultural categories which form our cultural background in order to modify, revise or discard some aspect of it, we are none the less condemned to take this baggage as our starting point, and there is no reason for immigrants, nor do we have any way of insuring that, they themselves should discard their own set of organically evolved cultural practices merely in order to please us.

As far as we know, they merely come into our countries because their material conditions are superior and because we're dumb enough to let it happen. Analogously, a vagrant may very well stumble into my house if he knows that he will be able to get a certain access to my food and if I'm stupid enough to not call the police. This in no way would be indicative of a willingness, say much less an actual possibility, on the part of vagrant to become part of my family.

>meeting someone on Sup Forums who interprets recent immigration debates and racial controversies through the lens of inter-ethnic conflict
>he also mentions culture as an evolved entity
>he imply it is partly deterministic

Next you'll tell me you have an historicist interpretation of human rights and doubt their universal applicability.


A relevant post with quality discussions and arguments. Long time no see esp from an aussie. Gj m8

Your country has a rock band name.