Holy shit!! Drumpf is finished
Drumpf BTFO by witches
Why is this news.
I mean, really. Pause the memes, pause the bantz and the fun.
This happened and is news in 2017. Think about that for a second.
Fake News. Trump has declared war on the media and the media is going to fight back by reporting on all the things that don't matter one bit in an effort to get people not to like Trump. All while ignoring more pressing matters.
Are those magic the gathering cards?
because its funny and outlandish
And we crushed their bitchcraft with meme magic.
They were using carrots as ritual candles for fuck's sake. Carrots.
Cool trick, Potter Sluts. Do some more!
>BBC India
They weren't even competent witches.
Trump has already been sworn in, with America's Christian traditions, and even if you could argue to the effectiveness of the black arts, they are no match for the will of God.
Heathens eternally BTFO.
If digits the poos will roast the witches
poo witch coming for you, will you poo in loo
DEWD that id is a holographic edition
Duplicates have been fulfilled kek wills it.
*Musters best dothraki moon nigger speak*
"it is known"
Kek is collecting power from repeating integers in this thread for a counter spell.
Help him.
hey india, do you know if the toiletwitch was involved?
>"Okay so media is shitty but there's real reporting out there. Serious news outlets like the BBC!"
>Mass spell
Check 'em
Magic tricks can't stop Trump from making America Great Again
This is literally going to bounce back on them.
Trump is protected by kek.
Women can't do magic kek
Negress voodoo and femitranny cuntery is inferior to the druidic numerosorcery employed by kek's faithful.
>instead Pence takes all their pagan magic and filters it through the Holy Spirit
>Pence is now the 10,000 watt electric messiah
>thousands of gays across the USA suddenly wake up feelin' heterosexual
>Trump twitters: SAGED for FAKE NEWS! Wiccan Whackos Can't Beat Meme Magicians!
Yes, but sadly they're older ones banned from competitive play.
They forgot you needed to be a virginal witch to gain power and onlynhave ritual sex. These burned out hoes are too loose for lucifer even.
kek. their curse struck them at the oscar
Fuckin scrubs didnt check the boardstate.
Too bad, I just wielded my staff to Hillary Clinton while chanting wololo, expect results within the hour.