Leaving your family in the car.
And get back to this:
What do?
Leaving your family in the car.
And get back to this:
What do?
Ban assault cars
Fucking greeks
Poor guy
>Four people, including a 33 year old mother and her 3 year old child, were tragically killed in Greece today when the driver of a speeding Porsche crashed into their car at a rest area on the highway.
>George Vakakis, 24 year old son of Greek businessman and owner of children’s toy retailer Jumbo, was killed when he lost control of his Porsche at high speed on the A1 Motorway, some 80 km (50 miles) outside of Athens. According to eyewitnesses, the road was wet at the time.
>The German sports car uncontrollably slid across the highway smashing into the Honda Civic of a 41 year old father who had lawfully parked at the rest area and who at the time, was in the bathroom, while his wife and child were waiting in the car.
>The force of the impact was so strong that the cars blew up in a massive ball of fire.
>The tragic father ran out of the restroom when he heard the crash and the explosion, but there was nothing he could do.
>The fourth victim of this shocking incident was the passenger of the Porsche who has yet to be identified, but who police think was probably not wearing his seatbelt, as he was thrown out of the car upon impact.
>George Vakakis, 24 year old son of Greek businessman and owner of children’s toy retailer Jumbo
I'd say the 41 year old man has himself a target.
Isn't it funny how the most successful people breed the stupidest motherfuckers?
Shit like this is why I'm afraid of going outside
> Greek millionaire
where did he get these millions from and when is he gonna pay dempts
putting my bet he either gets revenge or just suicides himself.
when a man loses his wife and child like that, he is broken.
Fucker should've been wearing his seatbelt
>deja v-
its another spoiled rich kid wrecks somebodies life out of reckless stupidity episode
>Given a Porsche
>Drives it at 200+kmph on a wet road
Is this yet more evidence that Greeks cannot be trusted with money?
>Speeding in a Porsche with no seat belt
dafuq? What kind of nigger doesn't wear his seat belt?
harden the fuck up and get a new one
women are all the same
dude work so hard to get a porsche and then total it and yourself, nice. greeks suee know how to party
>ive just been in the place befo-
Yeah it would have made locating his corpse slightly easier.
The dude driving had better hope to God that he died in the impact because the devil himself would cringe at what I'd do to him before the cops arrived.
>24 year old son of Greek businessman
>tfw spoiled little shithead kills your whole family in a car worth more than you make in a year
There really is no god
oh he might go binge on some whores user, but his prob gonna suicide in a few years desu
Why are Greek rest stops level with the road?
What a piece of shit
Shit, at least they didn't suffer, wish people were more responsible while driving, they all feel safe in the metal cage but they forget they're driving a ton of metal sitting on some pieces of rubber.
like a barrel bomb
i would probably at least disfigure his father too, but its really no ones fault but the dead fuck in this case.
there are people in this world who want to kill, harm, or even just put your family in danger on purpose, more people need to 'react' in these situations as opposed to raging and getting 'revenge' over a negligent mistake.
Nah, it cuts off right at the vu
like look at this picture
stupid parasitical gets rekt in combat and expects a man to risk his life to save her by acting all kawaii uguu~~ lel fuck that shit
I don't because fuck you if I want to die in a horrific car crash then that's my fucking deal.
Fuck of cunt with your holier than though attitude.
His father is to blame just as much as he himself, since he raised the cunt into a cunt.
>The German sports car uncontrollably slid across the highway
Still killing women and children. Fucking nazis. Germans never change
thanks for the feels faggot
>Praying to a magic sandnigger in space
Burgers are beyond retarded..
When is the day of hanging as we watch him slowly asphyxiate, making sure not to break his neck, while his father watches?
Such is life in the world of the cuckcage. Cuckcages an albatross around the neck of civilization.
Sit on him?
It was ironic Mohammed, I'm agnostic. Considering your kin will be praying to a shitskinned pedophile come 10 years time, maybe you should start making peace with the local imams.
Looks like 911 to me.
Even professional racing drivers struggle to control it under those condition, let alone some rich kid twat.
so you would react the same as this instance where a meth addict did the same thing on purpose?
personally i would wait until he is in a stable condition and breathing on his own, then i would kidnap him from his hospital bed, skin him, and keep him alive for as long as possible while removing body parts and mailing them to his family.
I realize he's dead. Got angry over nothing. kek
ever cut yourself on one of your sharp edge? being so edgy can be a pain sometimes...
>What do?
Buy a gun and wait in front of that rich guys house, approach calmly from behind, put a bullet in the back of his head, and keep walking.
based porsche douchebag population control
That's some Final Destination shit anons.
Just imagine if the father had stopped few meters further or just didnt want to piss...
>devil himself would cringe
Depends on where you live. Texas jury just aquitted a guy who calmly got his gun and blew the guy's brains out. As I recall the jury astonishingly said it couldn't be proven but really everyone knew it was just street justice.
>hear a huge explosion outside
>still mid-dump, more to come
>don't want to get up but feel compelled to
>wat do?
Pretty sure it's mostly the dad's fault for having to stop and pee like the enlarged prostate cuck he probably is. The only person that matters in this is the dad of the Porsche driver and how he copes, since he's actually a somebody and contributor to humanity.
Based Texans.
>Just imagine if the father had stopped few meters further or just didnt want to piss...
He will this forever of this as being his own fault.
Guess which one is the douche
ur gay
He sells cheap plastictoys
Kill yourself
I would probably off myself honestly.
you should probably suicide,since you are defenetily not contributing to humanity
>He is literally one of the worst employers in Greece
>Made billions of Euros by selling toys
>Contributor to humanity
please shut up
>Riding the four-wheeled Jew.
It's a scary world
what do you recommend? a horse? probably a jew behind that too
stupid fuck
They invented gayness.
like 82% of married men, he most likely regretted getting married and having kids.
>wife and kid are suddenly gone
>no messy divorce with wife taking half your shit
>no alimony
>fat insurance payout from wife, kid, and car being destroyed
>will get easy pussy anytime he shows off that cool video and pretends to be sad
this is another win for MGTOW.
>Not knowing about the equine jew
Btw, a Tesla would have prevented this
Danke, we also just banned refugees.
Why was he doing like 100 mph at the entrance to the rest stop?
Why not speed on the actual motorway part?
Don't be afraid, if you die you win, remember?
That spoiled irresponsible brat didn't just end his own life, he killed a man's family, and worst of all, left the father alive to witness the tragedy.
What an awful situation.
>this is your mind on ancap
>Ban assault cars
Yeah, nobody needs a car that can go faster then 70 mph.
Ban assault cars now.
t. citizens for reasonable car laws
if it's true and his father really did fund this disaster he should serve jail time
My only condolence is that he was denied the affluent and rich lifestyle promised to him from birth. Hopefully the man who lost his family receives support from his community
consider myself lucky i can start over.
>non-whites dies
>everyone is crying
nu-Sup Forums everyone
>Drives it at 200+kmph on a wet road
200 km/h is a piece of cake. I drive that regularly on German roads in my Audi.
North of 250 km/h do you get into trouble. From the vid he might have been close to 300 km/h.
and he bought that car with EU money
fuck EU
>lets a gorillion sandniggers invade and rape who pray to a magic retarded corner of a box
yeah you sound like the voice of reason there maygne
This makes me physically sick for some reason. Even ISIS videos don't do this to me.
Kill yourself
>go to take a shit
>in the middle of whiping ass
>run outside
>everybody you love is dead
>shit runs down your leg
>a literally shitskin sperm calling someone else non white
Phone camera wobbling around, claimed to be "CCTV".
Cars don't explode like that. Real life is not a movie.
75 of accidental death happens to people in their own homes
They're lucky. I wish I could die in an accident.
Add some eurobeat to that video and it's perfect.
>Cars don't explode like that. Real life is not a movie.
>le white are so emphatic and moral
>why isn't everyone glad innocent people died?
aut-right logic
>Cars don't explode like that. Real life is not a movie.
Shut the fuck up retard, all you need is a crash with enough force to rupture the fuel tank and distribute the fuel into droplets/aerosols and then something to ignite it all.
>can't afford to pay debnts
>can afford to crash sports cars
>our money literally going up in flames
Here is a God. Hell is the a scenes of God. We are all in Hell. Trust me. I've been here a long while.
Useless mobile...
Let me try that again..
There is a God. Hell is the absence of God. We are in Hell. Trust me, I've been here awhile.
Seen that webm like 300 times. Still can't stop watching it. It looks like a fucking action movie set.
>Alright! We only have one take! Let's get it right! ...........ACTION!