Why are right wingers always so pessimistic and unwillingness to accept and adapt to a changing world?

Why are right wingers always so pessimistic and unwillingness to accept and adapt to a changing world?

For example just look at all the great wonderful technology we have been developing as a species, right wingers will always find ways to find negatives about it and they have been doing this in the advent of civilization (see luddites and quackers). Just look at how many people here fear automation or bring up Ted Kaczynski every time

Transgenderism: people are not bound by societal constructs that don't benefit themselves. They can free themselves from the shackles of brainwashing and do and be what they want to be.

Multiculturalism: we have the privilege of experiencing new and different cultures instead of having one bland uniform culture. This diversity opens us to new worlds of food, peoples, lifestyles, traditions and customs and allows to form new relationships with differentbmembers of our species.

Globalism: an interconnected world that is more open and tolerant that can trade together and solve problems together and share together as a collective species instead of a fragmented world of nation states that can only bread hostility with each other. Fact: nation states have caused the biggest and most bloody wars and conflicts that have only led to pain and torture and destruction. In an age of nuclear weapons we cannot continue in this failed system of organization lest we end up killing ourselves.

New domains of sexuality: people are not entangled in old rigid and sometimes unhealthy relationships anymore and are free to pursue their sexual freedoms as they wish. More and more people are in different relationship categories now that didn't exist 30 years ago (e.g. open relationships, homosexual relationships, etc.) thanks to the sexual freedom we have achieved. More and more are free to explore their bodies and sexualities. A truly great thing. We owe all this to the freedoms that democracy has given us.

I can go on and on. From my perspective I see great things ahead for our species. Yet a right winger because by definition he wants to cling to old traditions and old ways of being that have been discredited he will manage to turn every positive into a negative. What's ironic though is that while a liberal may see real doom and gloom in an area such as a global warming which actually is more of a threat to our survival as species than muh refugees mug globalism the right winger will see a good thing or a neutral thing despite the fact that most of his worldview is predicated upon fear.

Ultimately the right wing version of reality is completely opposite of what is true and is completely manufactured by feelings and not facts. It explains why they can listen to a nutjob like Alex Jones a known crackpot conspiracy theorist and call widely respected media like the NY Times and a Washington Post that have track records spanning hundreds of years 'fake news'.

Go back to plebbit

multi culturalism doesn't work in the long run when one culture is islamic and the other is western


problem is a lot of this is new age feminism gibberish and anti science

why would I support a free market with countries that don't reciprocate and why would I potentially throw my own country under the bus for an alien country and culture I never live in

Because they are spiteful retards

They aren't right wing out of any moral good or end goal

They just want to hurt people

Oh nice argument there mate. Reddit is infinitely more superior to this site anyway so it doesn't bother me. There are actual intelligent people there who have actual intelligent discussion. There are actual people who are accomplishing things there. Ffs. Just look /r/science and /r/math. World's best scientists are on that site. What does this site have? Lonely reactionary hateful right wingers with below average IQs.

Also reddit is more white than Sup Forums so there's that.

t. Street shitter

Most Muslims are moderate and well adapted. Stop painting them with a broad brush. However.. don't mind decreasing immigration from those countries and deporting radical Muslims.


>most muslims are moderate



Because the separation is not real. We're an interconnected species now (well we always were) and we are all dependant on each other a global network. Just look at the financial system.. if one country goes into economic turmoil it affects us all. If there is war or famine in one country it directly affects us because it leads to a refugee crisis.

Globalism is inevitable. And it's been driven entirely by technology. Can you stop technology? No. Then you can't stop globalism. Society is shaped by the technology/means of production of its present age.

Don't feel the troll. Sage and move on.

It's 100% a factual statement. Its like saying all Christians are hardcore Baptists. If Muslims were like Sup Forums claims they are, you would be dead by now.

>Also reddit is more white than Sup Forums so there's that.
Reddit needs more diversity. #redditsowhite.


Anything information which goes against my fragile worldview is trolling.. what's it like living in such a bubble. Let me guess.. you're a NEET?

Memes are not arguments. Are you 15? Surely you aren't above the age of 15?


Okay I'm out. It seems that I've stumbled on a board filled with 15 yr olds.


>Most Muslims are moderate and well adapted.

The world doesn't change that much it's just more of the same shit faster. Also people don't change at all

Eat shit, you enormous fucking faggot


>liberals and leftists take credit for the advance of science

Daily reminder we are in an accelerating technological ratchet INSIDE a degenerating social and political ratchet

>Fact: nation states have caused the biggest and most bloody wars and conflicts that have only led to pain and torture and destruction.
Even if this is true it doesn't mean that there would be less of pain and destruction under globalism, there could be less, more or just as much of it, throwing away a whole system to have 1 out of 3 chances to do better doesn't look like a good deal tbqh

'old' traditions have been proven right by history and evolution. The 'new changing world' is an experiment that only has a few decades and is already bursting out in its astounding failure.

Transgenderism is a mental illness, the only two right genders are hetero/man and hetero/female, the rest is just a defect, they can't reproduce and society have no benefit to adapt their presence, especially when you consider their rates of mental illness and STD

Multiculturalism is a nation wrecking ideology, you can have declinaisons of a same culture but you can't have multiple cultures in a same pre existing nation with its own culture because they will inevitably compete and clash leading to a war, especially when religion and races are added to the recipe.
Dogs don't live with wolves.

Globalism is the negation of self determination, it basically denies people the right to live according to their identity and values that their ancestors developed, globalism is tyranny, genetic and cultural genocide

>New domains of sexuality
Sexuality has an impact on society, women who whore themselves are more prone to be unhappy in their marriage and then divorce, breaking home, generating suffering and creating damaged individuals (85% of youths in prison grew fatherless).
Promoting sexual degeneracy is an attack on the basic brick of society: the family, and for what ? Nothing. Stats show that trannies or fags are still as mentally ill.

Yes once our new Muslim overlords take control three quarters of this nice list won't be obliterated

because inventors can't invent in an uncontrolled environment, it's pure chaos and nothing will work out

right wingers are the ones with the working systems, controlled environments and potential for mass production

both sides need each other but don't realize it

Transgenderism is mental illness, not breaking social constructs.

Globalist society might be good...1000 years from now. Until the lowest common denominator has semi-decent morals we cannot have a borderless world. Right now the lowest common denominators are radical Muslim nations (SA, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Somalia, etc), secular nations (Israel), and most of East Africa. I don't want people from those nations flowing freely around the world until they get their shit together. They cannot grasp the non-aggression principle therefore they wither and die or ascend and join the developed world.

Multicultural exposure and understanding and voluntary engagement is fine. Force-fucking diversity into stable communities and creating needless tension is retarded. Different cultures have different priorities and values, stop trying to force people to live/work/recreate together.

Sex for pleasure is degeneracy. Sex is for expression of love and procreation. All other sex is a detriment to your physical and spiritual health, and undermines your community.

Learn values, shed degeneracy, embrace masculinity and femininity, reject radical ideals of the world, and strengthen the community and culture that you value, not someone else's distorted vision of humanity.

>Transgenderism is a mental illness

why do retards on here say this like it is le ebin smackdown?

it's literally in the DSM-V, everyone knows its a mental illness, in fact you need to get diagnosed with it to be given hormone treatments in most countries

>Multiculturalism: we have the privilege of experiencing new and different cultures instead of having one bland uniform culture. This diversity opens us to new worlds of food, peoples, lifestyles, traditions and customs and allows to form new relationships with differentbmembers of our species.

you can experience that by traveling and you won't destroy your own culture.

>Globalism is inevitable. And it's been driven entirely by technology. Can you stop technology? No. Then you can't stop globalism. Society is shaped by the technology/means of production of its present age.

You mix globalization and globalism, you clearly don't understand what you are talking about.
That's like saying progress and progressism are the same thing.
Progress is just a measure of technological development, it's neutral, progressism is a political ideology which isn't a progress in itself, most progressists advocate for socialism and immigration for third world but aren't these things hindering actual progress by polluting genepool (see pic related) and keeping down the people with the highest potential ?

In short that's a semantic battle, globalization is a phenomenom indeed linked to technological advancement, but globalism isn't an effect of globalization, it is a political project USING globalization to impose its ideas.
Communism and neo-liberalism are both a form of globalism for example but they are almost opposed on every topic.

>why do retards on here say this like it is le ebin smackdown?
Because they contest the effectiveness of the commonly accepted treatment for it I guess, transgenderism is also often associated with gender theory panfaggotkins and the likes. Some people here are genuinely homophobics too

mental ilnesses need to be cured, not embraced.

Did you sleep during the last 7 years ?
Leftists don't say it is a mental illness at all, they say it is a biological one, the problem for them isn't the mind not reflecting the organic reality, it's the organic reality not representing the mind.
They are advocating to normalize it and removing it from the DSM just like they did with homosexuality.

Technology: A good thing over all but people want to apply in ways that will make all citizens slaves of the government. No thanks.

Transgender: We are enabling the mentally ill and tricking them into thinking they'll be happy and sane if they mutilate themselves. These people need help and playing along with their sickness isn't helping.

Multiculturalism: Only causes conflict. What's so good about other traditions and customs? Why aren't the ones we have are enough? If I wanted to go see other people and who they lived, I'd buy a plane ticket and visit their home country. And the food meme is bullshit, it's a superficial aspect of culture and people can still follow western culture while eating curry or kebab.

Globalism: We already trade with other countries and as we have already explained multiculturalism causes conflict. You said yourself that different cultures have different lifestyles, traditions, and customs. Why should everyone have to live under a government that doesn't represent them? Because that's all globalism is. It's forming a one world government. Oh and you are an idiot if you think that there would be no war without nations. The Native American, Germanic, and African tribes did not have official nations, and they still engaged in warfare. The only way to get rid of warfare is to completely remove all individuality from humans. We'd have to all look alike, speak the same language with no other alternatives, think the same way, believe the same things, and have the same interests. We'd have to become the Borg.

Sexuality: Homosexuality should be ignored for the most part, but they should not be allowed to adopt children and they should have civil unions, not religious marriages. Open relationships are just a symptom of the breakdown of the traditional family, one of the pillars on which civilization is held up. To tear down the traditional family is a mistake that we are just beginning to reap.

>Its like saying all Christians are hardcore Baptists.
No it's not because it isn't fucking true.

What bothers me the most about the muslim shilling is the idiotic definition of "radical" that libcucks subscribe to. I've been to afghanistan for example. A country dominated by islamic thinking. American forces once instilled a method of compensating for collateral damage during a strike of some sort. If a local's family member was killed, we would compensate them with cash as a small way of saying sorry. They caught on to this. It was long until they started killing their own daughters (girls are considered pretty much worthless over there) and bringing us their corpses for free cash. We had to stop the program for this reason.

The people doing this weren't taliban or even forced to fight for the taliban. These were straight up homeboys from down the street. Average locals. Call me some insane right-winger who argues from emotion but i would see every single asshole who killed his own daughter for a few grand strung up by his fucking balls. I dont count these types among the moderates. This is just one example but its THESE types that comprise the majority of this fucked up religion. the only muslims who are well-adjusted are those born and raised in the west which is an extremely small minority.

>Technology: A good thing over all but people want to apply in ways that will make all citizens slaves of the government. No thanks.
You are ALWAYS a slave to a government. The only thing that's up to you is if it's yours or someone else's.

>Transgender: We are enabling the mentally ill and tricking them into thinking they'll be happy and sane if they mutilate themselves. These people need help and playing along with their sickness isn't helping.
But their disorder is incurable, and this is the only way to alleviate the symptoms.

>Multiculturalism: Only causes conflict. What's so good about other traditions and customs? Why aren't the ones we have are enough? If I wanted to go see other people and who they lived, I'd buy a plane ticket and visit their home country. And the food meme is bullshit, it's a superficial aspect of culture and people can still follow western culture while eating curry or kebab.
Causes conflict until the breaking point, when all cultures merge into one. Then we have eternal peace.

>Globalism: We already trade with other countries and as we have already explained multiculturalism causes conflict. You said yourself that different cultures have different lifestyles, traditions, and customs. Why should everyone have to live under a government that doesn't represent them? Because that's all globalism is. It's forming a one world government. Oh and you are an idiot if you think that there would be no war without nations. The Native American, Germanic, and African tribes did not have official nations, and they still engaged in warfare. The only way to get rid of warfare is to completely remove all individuality from humans. We'd have to all look alike, speak the same language with no other alternatives, think the same way, believe the same things, and have the same interests. We'd have to become the Borg.
And what exactly is bad about this? What is the point of individuality? It is pure cancer.

People really love to mistake reality with pessimism.

People think being delusional is optimistic.

>see western society crumble
>mad at those who do not want that

fuck off

>right wingers
are butthurt and negative about the world. Their orientation always involves hating on others and preventing people from doing fun shit. This is why only about 10 percent of Americans under 25 support Trump. There's no fun to be had in conservatism.

I can't really be mad at you for wanting to become an ant-person, because anything would be a step up from being a Serb.

This is why liberals are a laughing stock.

People dying, starving, being mutilated worldwide by barbarians and all you can get out of bed to talk about is feelings and having fun and having a hip president.

8 years faggot. Maybe you will grow up and b conservative by then. Liberalism is cast aside by 30 yrs old max if you have any common sense.

>(see luddites and quackers)

This is now a thread about quackers

Because the only working class people that are winning on globalism is the asian working class. The western workers have experienced steady decline for the last 20-30 years.
Go fuck yourself

>But their disorder is incurable, and this is the only way to alleviate the symptoms.

Like they even fucking try
It's usually stemming from an underlying issue and it needs to be addressed in therapy before they go all balls to the trash bin

luddites were leftists you fucking idiot, they wanted to bring in government regulation to stop technology replacing workers.


Etnic conflict how can you have lgbt and 3d world Muslim immigration i lived in north ghana for years the effects of multiculturalism can be seen every where from the fights between monks and muzzies to the lynching of fags in Africa how can you say you believe in science and think everybody is equal? Evolution is uniqueal

Adapt and adjust to your new president

>calling other butthurts and "no-fun"
>created political correctess
>perpetually angry against whites and trying to remove freedom of speech and defend yourself


>This is why only about 10 percent of Americans under 25 support Trump. There's no fun to be had in conservatism.

Kids have no experience about life and have no historical or philosophical culture (that's not "fun" enough), if anything this displays how much they have been brainwashed by the educationnal system and the medias to have such one sided convictions.

Spotted the eastern suburb/north shore/Newtown shitter that lives nowhere near refugees.

Because right wing folks are realistic. They want a functional society, not fantasyland of nothing but emotional outbursts and no planning for the future. They also want real scienctific discoveries, exploration for expansion, and to better life for all. This is what they claim, but regularly fall short.

The left, if taken to its conclusion, is about making mankind into a savage animal; at the mercy of forces, eating only nuts and berries, no clothes, no morals, no civilization, no impact on the earth, tiny population, and no understanding of their Creator. This is what they're working towards daily.

I'd rather be civilized.

>I can't really be mad at you for wanting to become an ant-person, because anything would be a step up from being a Serb.
Why do you people always assume you can insult another person based on ethnicity?

I'm not a Serb, I am a human being, a citizen of the world.

Some cultures are incopatible with others like islam and lgbtCitizen of the world believes in multiculturalism

Also, technology is not a replacement for culture. The development of technology is also dependent on the development of culture. As the West gets more mongrelized, tech will stagnate. NASA is a joke now because they have to hire black trannies instead of German National Socialists.

*temporary multiculturalism
I believe that all cultures should merge into one, and no one should be allowed to reason outside of this culture, so there would be no more conflicts.

>human being

>we have the privilege of experiencing new and different cultures

Your a serb and im a Belgian you know why we dont have a 1world gov because it would would become a authoritarian hellhole how do you keep others in line cultures that dont mix? Force why do you think countrys exist? The country is where the countrys rules govern

Oh please, tell me what would happen if some people tried to have their own culture in this conflict free society of yours.

>All cultures merge into 1
How fucking stupid are you you? Would destroy the thing that makes humanity most unique people Would eventually make their own subgroups and cultures based on the living conditions fuck of your not turning me into the borg

There's nothing wrong with technological advances, there's something wrong with accepting pedophilia and degeneracy by (((the pop industry))).

an epic get


4466 nice


>anyone who disagrees with me is a child

lol, bye


Thank you for baiting. May better luck be with you next time.

Cultures are created through oppression. Only the government should have a right to oppress whom it deems appropriate. They are those who attempt to destroy the unity. These people need to be removed so the end of history could be reached.

So you want to be a special snowflake? Newsflash: you're not and you never will be. We are all made of the exact same organic matter, and our differences are nearly non-existent.

If we keep believing in common superstitions, we will end up destroying each other over whose arbitrarily determined group of people is better than the rest.

What we should seek is the knowledge of our human limits and the united effort to achieve some kind of progress.

The problem with us is that we got an education and usefull degrees. All you guys have is your gender studies degree and unemployment.

Also, stop talking psychology bullshit without being a psychologist. Damn, im sure they keep quiet about this because they can milk work out of you mentally ill minds.

Sup Forums is mega conservative.
they would even advocate fucking ur wife through a cloth like jewish ortodox people do

I don't care if your foolishness kills you, but I don't want it to kill this great society we have.

Everything you rally against is a pillar that holds EVERYTHING YOU LOVE up. Go see how those moderate Muslims treat you, whitey mcpronouns, when they're the majority.

Our culture and quality of life is so good that our brains have to invent new fake problems like gender identity to fucking worry about. Why do you want to destroy it so much, under the guise of a "changing world"? White people are 12% of the world's population and shrinking. Africa will be the most populous continent within 50 years. Much of Europe will likely be Sharia at that time, France will likely change its name in your lifetime. Do you think any of these people will care about you? Do you think a lot of doctors and scientists will come from this group? You'd honestly be lucky if half of them even paid taxes.

And they all wanna be where you are. They all want what you have. I understand that some liberals are motivated by what they consider moral, and good-hearted, but you are an absolute fool. Survival is always the most moral thing for our society because we are the society that will always have the most kindness, no matter how much smear is put on us. We slaughtered our own countrymen to end slavery (we bought the slaves from Muslims, btw. Whitey was never out there with fucking dog catcher nets)

A changing world my ass. This world is dying, climate change aside. Without us, men of the west, there is nothing. We go back to the fucking caves. I'd rather die than see that happen.

Technology: We dont shun technology
Transgenderism: Mental illness, not a new one, always has existed
Multiculturalism: Alah akbar
Globalism: No problem with globalism, as long as you stay in your country
New domains of sexuality: Half of them are well known, old mental illnesses, the other are plain degenerate. As long as you keep your fetishes to yourself you pedophile, i dont care.

Culture is oppression? Why, just because some people fall outside of what the majority think is acceptable behavior? That's a laugh, because here you are, advocating for forcing everyone to march in lockstep with one another to reach the 'end of history', whatever that means. What the hell do you think history is?

Lol shut the fuck up and don't tell people what to do, that's the precise reason why your shit will never work

We are the change maggot. Brexit and Trump. Chuck the EU, Chuck th UN. The world is changing, and changing in the right direction.

>moderate Islam

You sweet summer child

Ridiculous. You have utterly failed to comprehend the view point.

Automation is not only desirable it is inevitable. Luddites and quakers are a tiny irrelevent portion of a population and have nothing in common with modern right wing belief. Furthermore many luddites exist on the extreme left of the political spectrum. For someone accusing right wingers of painting with a broad brush you seem to have used a paint roller. And you seem to have confused right wing belief with traditionalist conservativism which has been struggling to maintain its grasp on the republican party -- let alone the people.

People are not bound by societal constructs, true, but then what is transgenderism other than yet another social construct. For a stance that claims that gender is a social construct, and therefore meaningless, they certainly seem to apply a lot of meaning to gender. The bathroom issue is potent, and difficult to answer because of its inherent conflicts. If gender is meaningless then we should certainly save money and build only single unisex bathrooms, but that is not the issue at all. The issue is that people assigned male at birth want to use the women's bathroom. They desire to conform to their own belief in a social construct no more meaningful than the one that already exists widely in the publics minds. And this creates conflicts with those that do conform to this social conflict. So who is right? Social construct A or B? How can we decide? How can we, objectively, come to truth. Of course the question is not falsifiable. But that is why it is complex because it is a crossroad of human belief. And can we rightfully ignore one belief over the other when they are tied to real people with real feelings on the matter? You are oversimplifying a complex issue.

[part 1]



I'm not gonna say you're wrong on other point but this
>Multiculturalism: we have the privilege of experiencing new and different cultures instead of having one bland uniform culture. This diversity opens us to new worlds of food, peoples, lifestyles, traditions and customs and allows to form new relationships with different members of our species.
This is bait right? If you add every culture into every country, you realise this will make the "one bland uniform culture" you don't want right?
The whole point of nationalism is keeping your culture in your country by keeping it indepdent from the others, preventing it from being overtaken by a bigger one like the US' culture. The world already lost for the clothes from US, every business man or worker in general wears a suit, pretty much everyone wear jeans etc. If you're not living in the US, go check your closet and see if there's any clothes that originated from your country. You might be surprised

What science supports pumping prepubescent children full of hormones and mutilating their genitals for the same sake of pretending to be the opposite gender?

How does removing borders and forcibly integrating almost every culture on the planet, many of which are dimetrically opposed to one another and the ideals of modern society, benefit the common man?

Human nature is deeply flawed and evil, how does giving the Human government authoritarian power solve that? How does the welfare state discarding the morals of our ancestors, funding degenerate lifestyles, censoring offensive speech, and disarming the law abiding population increase anyone's quality of life?

What about Sup Forums and /sci/? Sup Forums is every bit as intellectual as Reddit, even more so because we aren't an echo-chamber stifled by excessive censorship.

Why aren't Leftists able to accept Trump victory and Brexit and soon Marine Le Pen victory?

Why Leftists get so cringed when their bullshit ideologies are rejected?

>Transgenderism: people are not bound by societal constructs

Man and Woman are social construct? Go KILL yourself faggot.

Gender is not a social construct.

The end of history is a term signifying the point of ultimate enlightenment and end of all collective human struggles. Can't believe you've never heard of it.

Telling people what to do is the only reason why there is order. Don't fall for the freedumb meme. We are not free, and we will never be free. If you think you're free, try going anywhere without money.

At its face value, freedom is something desirable, but if you get realistic, you will realize that the only way to achieve true freedom is to create complete chaos, which would lead to a global struggle and eventually the demise for all of us.

Left Wingers are so acceptable of Trump's victory and if Le Pen gets elected they will be even more acceptable, sure sure...

Very good info graphic thanks

Go suck a nigger dick.

listen to this op or realize slippery slopes are very real.

Multiculturalism is a ultimately a matter of opinion. That is all. Culture is the font of societal constructs. It's the background. You call a single culture bland but call many new and different. I'd ask you why you believe a single culture is bland? Do you believe that Indian's find their culture bland? Do those in Ecuador find their culture blasé? If you've ever been to those countries you know how much they love what is tied to their heritage. I see multiculturalism as having erased the identity of cities and of people all together. Now I can get every kind of food imaginable in New York, but that is about all that multiculturalism has brought. Does this make New York unique? When every single major city in the US offers exactly the same buffet of choices where is the identity? Where do I go to experience a French restaurant when every French restaurant has been renovated to be a buffet? I'd rather have cities with identity. I'd rather have places with their own culture than a menagerie of unconnected nonsense where at the end of the day we aren't all getting together to celebrate diversity but instead are retreating to our hovels of cultural singularity. Our little chinas and our korea towns. Real life isn't like a coca cola commercial. That's what I've seen in my life. Multiculturalism doesn't bring the belonging or sense of heritage and pride that belonging to a single culture does it only proves to dillute it.

Globalism is immensely destructive. All that globalism has allowed for is the overfishing of our oceans, an appalling meat industry, and predation of impoverished nations for cheap labor. Immigration takes those that would be achievers out of their countries and puts them in a successful country and the incentives to do so are obvious. It has allowed almost all major industrial powers to offload their manufacturing to other countries in a shifty effort to dodge emmissions regulations.

[part 2]

Oh now I get it. You're a nihilist. Get over yourself and put down the razor.

>wanting to prevent the humanity's demise at any cost
Do you even know what nihilism means?

>We are not free, and we will never be free. If you think you're free, try going anywhere without money.

What exactly is wrong with that? True freedom is impossible without true chaos, as I have explained above.

This is why everyone needs to be kept in check because of the loud minority.

What does this have to do with nihilism?

I'm not interested in addressing your questionable reasoning for sexual liberation. I'd only ask you what is "freedom" and why is it "great." Those terms are ones I find people tend to use when they lack any philosophical grounding.

And lastly your statements about media are ironically appeals to tradition. I've never listened to Alex Jones, but he's likely a crackpot conspiracy theorists. Him existing doesn't erase the fact that media has become propoganda machines that willfully manipulate information and exacerbate issues for their own gain. The evidence is overwhelming. Take any controversial headline and research it in depth and you'll find lack of objectivity. It's everywhere.

just kill everybody at this point

Because fuck original culture right? All cultures are compatible with each other. /s Globalism because your relatively small governments' dick isn't big enough to satisfy you anymore?

The freedom you're thinking of is akin to anarchy.