Do white have white guilt?
Do white have white guilt?
I certainly don't.
Do nips have any Korean guilt? Well then, there's your answer.
Your government is pretty adamant that you don't.
Of course.
Fucking nazis
Jokes on you i'm only half dutch.
>1 post by this ID
you would know hans.
I had white guilt when I was between 9 and 12 years old.
And then I didn't care about shit for a while.
And then when I did again, I realised that white people were based and it was the Jews all along.
they should. after colonizing pillaging and enslaving the world, raping others of their resources and encroaching on their lands is totally disgusting. white = cruelty
No sir. I'm post-ethnic, me.
some of them yes
Oh shit, I am sorry. I am just gonna double my Erbschuld.
Yes, even though we literally dindu nuffin.
Hey Jackie Chan... what'cha doin in Africa Jackie Chan?
Is this a fetish thing for the old cunt?
Why would white people feel guilty about buying some black people from other black people?
>tribe x vs tribe z
>tribe x loses
>tribe x gets enslaved
>tribe x gets sold
I don't feel bad for black on black crime.
No. I enjoy beating muslims blacks and chinese heads in on a regular basis.
No not me.
Yes, you reminded me that I had to tell mr ahmed how sorry I am for my people being slaughtered and enslaved by his ancestors for 500 years and let him fuck my wife for compensation. IM SORRY ALLAH AKBAR
im nordic, i enslaved both black and white people i can't be racist
No and for the record the Irish could scream for reparations just like any other race they were treated horrendously by the English.
>Do white have white guilt?
Because they're been dumbed-down so much that they know nothing of history and so swallow whatever "revisionism" is barfed up to them.
But you are Ahmed.
Fuck no, I'm proud of being white
Based SA bro. Rock on.
Befor Sup Forums yes, after Sup Forums dues motherfucking vult
only cucks do
I'm greek
Cucks aren't real whites
What's the difference?
No I only have pride
I don't have white guilt I have the I need to be a white guy issues. Which means killing and subjugation of lower people specifically people living below the souther equator.
I'm a white american, and sure I think that slavery is a terrible thing but I certainly don't feel guilt for the sins of those who came before me. No shame, no guilt, no prejudice. I think that the fools who punish themselves in the name of their ancestors are socially masochistic idiots who seek to achieve a sanctimonious status through the praise of those who spread words of delusional hatred to 'fight hatred'. To preach your 'white guilt' is to partake in a sham for losers with zero self-esteem.
We all know (((who))) invented slavery.
M-malaka pls
Kostas is that you?
No it Effendi here
Just got bought some chocolate from Lidl
Russians absolutely don't have white guilt, though many ethnic groups suffered from soviet\russian\russian empire actions - wars, genocides, mass relocation of whole nations, colonisations, etc.
Though i don't consider lack of guilt as bad thing.
America never enslaved anyone, they never went to africa to chase down niggers all the way into the mainland. They were bought as merchandise at ports. Niggers enlsaved themselves.
No. Only Hillary cosplayers have white guilt.
I don't know for the other white guys, but I surely don't.
Beta cuck, go prep your bull.
no u
There's no 'white' guilt, 'white guilt' is the same old rascism, upside-down.
Smash cultural marxism
What do you have white guilt for? What have you done against non whites, and why should you feel guilt over it? Do you feel black guilt for betraying your folk by erasing the whites from your Country as well?
Even if I learned I had ancestors who owned slaves I wouldn't feel any guilt.
I'd be pleased that somebody in my family had some entrepreneurship.
I had some and i put it in the bank ..... andddddd its gone !!
No if anything i want them to pay there tickets over to the USA now that they got reparations and to start at the bottom of the immigrant visa program