What happened to Stef?
He's losing it lads
Other urls found in this thread:
His never debated anyone of note in his life all his wins are attributed to the fact he "debates" 15 year old callers.
He was a bit of a bully...
Then again the cuck asked a weird question.
look at his old videos
the guy is fucked in the head
>You think that you're better than me!!!
This vid was cringy
Stop shilling your videos on Sup Forums, Stefan. Nobody likes you.
He was pretty agressive with someone on his show who tried to explain himself, although English was not his native language, so he touched molymemes ''feels'' or sumthin.
Molymeme love getting extremely accusatory for almost no reason.
Remember the "you want me SHOT" bullshit?
As he said in the video, he is not going to hold himself to some zen like level when some fag gets the opportunity to talk shit on someone because leftists wont give him the same platform.
Stef was 100 percent right
not an argument
he has been progressively getting more unpleasant lately, it's fairly obvious he's divorcing from reality.
i mean, im sure you've heard him talk about how cool it would be if Socrates or Plato recorded themselves as much as he did.
he's way too full of himself, and it takes away from his objectivity.
Stef did nothing wrong. Fritz is a pro at playing victim.
>no mercy in these soulless eyes
He should've just asked, "What evidence do you have that 'niceness' is more effective than my method of debate?" and went on from there.
>implying he was talking to a political opponent
In his recent videos he's been a bit of a cunt to his callers.
A conversation isn't something that should be 'won'. There purpose is to glean new information, either at the time or upon reflection. Molymeme is too busy trying to 'win' these conversation he has with children. All he does is fellate himself
He was raided
what do you pisies not understand about fighting back? being ''''kind'''' '''''nice''''' or whatever(fair) is WEAK and COWARDLY. it is time to grow up and stop being pathetic girls. YOUR WAY HAS NOT WORKED. IT IS A FAILURE. you all keep saying shit about him being '''insane''' but what is actually insane is to continue failed methods over and over and over. get your shit together shills and cvcks
>Do you think you are better at convincing people than I am.
>I Don't know
stef dindu nuffin
it makes his value system unapealing if he's just a dick all the time.
he should take the christian approach, appear happy and satisfied and people will willingly come to your side.
This I agree on.
But as he has said, you faggots gather round for some super extreme unbiased argument, while everyone else can spit on him. I dont want him to go down this path, but you wont even give one dollar a month.
The only people who think this was a bad video was urban retards, rural and suburban intellectuals overwhelming thought this was a good video.
So you're saying you're a better debater than me?
All YT shills are like that.
Well, at least until someone bashes their head in. and being the way they are ATM, one of them is going to get fucked up.
we can't give Stef the nuclear codes.
He did address the argument, but that was 24 min into the video... the rest was schooling Fritz on philosophy which was quite unnecessary to hear.
A nanosecondly reminder he's a failed actor.
Sometimes he manages to hide he's a self-aggrandizing prick, but a lot of times he doesn't.
As someone mentioned in the previous thread, he's at his best when he's summarizing the research done by others.
With regard to philosophy, he has never really struck me as well-read. That he sometimes quotes either the most common citations or even misattributed ones suggests he has never done diligent reading / study. Those who have can drop jewels and citations off the beaten path. Molymeme just seems like he's bought into his own ego too much to do diligent study. Because he if he didn't do it before he started to rake in money, he's certainly not going to do it now.
ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. fritz is a feminized german ''''man'''' and plays the victim like a neutered jew perfectly.
His ass is in his rear. He does not see.
He has been arguing with lefties for far too long.
He is blinded. And finally he is one true self.
also he did put that video on hiy Yt channel instead of just pretending this argument never happened. You guys are so immature cheeto kristos....
a debate is won
depending on conclusion of audience
this was a debate
we are the audience
speaking of his shitty acting, here is a video where it shows him fake crying.
Honestly I don't know what all you fucktards see in this guy. I was willing to give him an ear, read up on defoo and decided that the guy is a dickhead of the highest order. Not being a dickhead accidentaly, but with malicious intent. By all means give him the advertising dollars by watching his videos if uou so desire, but in my opinion you're only encouraging a crazy man to be crazier.
The guy was just saying that in political/philosophical/intellectual debate it is important not to get personal, to remain calm, and to discuss things while treating each other with basic decency. His very first sentenve in response?: "YOU THINK YOU"RE BETTER THAN ME?!?!"
This was disappointing man. I love his content but this is some petty shit. Maybe you should reconsider the Sunday call-in show and stay with lecturing.
Stef is on the right side, everybody loses it now and again. Dont overanalyze the situation
it wasnt a fight
Once again Stefan picked low hanging fruitto debate. A 21 year old university student with a native language other than English.
Still, he was very insecure and had to struggle in the whole debate. All this with his 34 year experience.
back to Sup Forums
Not an argument. Being nice has a time and a place, likewise being a cunt. It isn't totally binary.
he loses almost instantly by being such a dick.
its basically ad hominem attacks at this point.
how does anyone listen to this guy ramble for 40 minutes? he's so boring
It's called the "principle of charity." It actually is effective if you're trying to change minds.
Stefan isn't trying to change minds, though. He's just trying to edify people who already agree with him.
He natters on about how he's "trained in philosophy" but somehow he always resorts to high school debate tactics. That's because he's a pundit and he thinks any change in his own views will create the impression of weakness or uncertainty.
All getting angry and aggressive creates is an atmosphere of no discussion. If he can't control his temper then why should anyone listen to him if he's supposedly so reasoned and better than leftists.
I'd say 30% of his videos are interesting or at least entertaining. The other 70% are just garbage.
i bet you did good in school
Im still buying his books tho LOL this guy is a madmindman
so literally no proof it's fake?
kill yourself you pathetic emasculated cvck. you are weak. your ideology is a failure. you are a danger to society and you will taste the rope mother fucker
>also he did put that video on hiy Yt channel
thats nice
what a goddamn waste of quints.
>rural and suburban intellectuals
do you just make this shit up as you go or does someone nod his head in real life when you say this shit?
Does fritz have some type of shitty internet community or was he just a random?
if you watched the video you would understand.
im not saying im a christian, you don't know my beliefs. im saying he could use that strategy to his advantage. y u so mad tho?
The problem is he framed the argument as
>me vs you
rather than
>my idea vs your idea
Nothing is as persuasive as an unironic Neo-Nazi shilling David "Controllable Opposition" Duke.
Does anyone else that he seen a memeball thread on Sup Forums at somepoint and totally changed his beliefs?
>500k+ subs
>less than 2k dislikes
>losing it
I don't think so, but he's becoming more obtuse. Going on rants at the drop of a hat and not allowing callers to talk for 5-10 mins at a time. He cuts people off constantly and then complains if they try to interrupt his own points.
He is becoming insufferable but I doubt the subs are going anywhere.
He's right though. Something about the way Stefs voice meanders up and down and pauses like the pretentious psued he is becomes really tedious.
Now and again? It is every week with stef
its no worse than most teachers imho
its all but confirmed he lurks here
>urban troglodyte detected
>he loses almost instantly by being such a dick.
no, arguing is not about who can be as nice as possible to the other person
>its basically ad hominem attacks at this point.
again, no, he refutes fritz's retarded statements and you whiny babies are upset over him saying the truth and not being politically correct
what a fucking sperg
A debate can never be objectively won. The premise of an argument can never be proven, no matter how structurally sound the analysis is, and so the conclusion could be true or false with a false premise, a true premise, a bad argument or a good argument. The other side has to concede the point to you, or the audience has to believe that you are right for you to "win", but it can always be challenged again and again by better opponents. It's meaningless to "win" an argument in the sense that it cannot tell you the truth, only sway public opinion, and I'd rather have a discussion where both sides are trying to learn from each other instead of falling for the popularity contest meme.
Not an argument.
Put up or shut up.
The JOOs did this!
exactly. cityslicking pussies that have never had a callous or had any kind of hardship. softies the whole lot.
I know. He just seemed to do an about turn on what he used to say in his earlier videos.
Stef addressing the argument for why the "nice way" doesn't work starts at 24 min and ends a few minutes.
>being this fucking thick
shiggy diggy
>whiny babies
Classic stefan molymeme patented ad hom
This is why I can't watch him, he treats his callers and his viewers in general like shit. He probably has some philosophical justification for why common courtesy is bad at this point.
>no, arguing is not about who can be as nice as possible to the other person
His show is meant to be a discussion not an argument. But he's developed this mentality of "everyone v me" where he has to crush every caller on every issue and won't let them finish their points.
>again, no, he refutes fritz's retarded statements and you whiny babies are upset over him saying the truth and not being politically correct
You can speak the truth without being a vindictive retard. Stefan is an entertainer, we are criticising the entertainment quality of what is a vindictive cunt trying to domineer himself over obviously intellectual inferior young people.
>no, arguing is not about who can be as nice as possible to the other person
it can be
> he refutes fritz's retarded statements
not the issue here
this many views with 500k subs is garbage
Even the retarded kids who like him are starting to realize he's just a retard acting like a smartass
I think the problem is that you cannot really bring the search for objective truth, logics or even an attempt at the scientific approach to political truth in the realm of politics where people do not seek objective truth but the exertion of their will and fullfillment of their desires. Theoretically, politics should be about problem solution, but it hasn't been for a very long time. And I think the west is going collectively crazy right now and destroying itself from within. Lots of old ideologies failing aswell.
Arguing is about trying to understand the other persons perspective and learn something new while simultaneously trying to share your own perspective and come away with something new. Even if the person you're arguing with is demonstrably wrong in every way you can at least try to understand how they got to that point and if you can't do that because you feel you're superior to that person then you're only arguing to stroke yourself off instead of for the sake of your rationality.
There is nothing worse than formalized debate. I hate it, it's complete garbage where kiddos use philosophy like it's law and try to one up their opponant. It's not about learning anything new, it's pointless competition except you're not even getting anything from it except for a massivley bloated ego because you're a edgy philosphy student.
Because Content > Emotion.
If someone screams "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE ROAD!" are you going to stop and go "He didn't tell me that nicely." and proceed to get smashed by a double decker bus. The same bus Jamal drove as he cucked your father.
It's been said a million times on Sup Forums already but he sold out so he could attract alt-right viewers and their shekels. He was a garbage "philospher" to begin with but at least he believed in it.
>believing in moral relativism
for a so called "philosopher" he is lacking some basic stoic goodness. unless his idea of being a philosopher encompasses being a miserable cunt - in which case why bother being a philosopher?
I can't tell if he's trying to be funny, or if he's been legitimately broken.
>literally posting no argument
this user puts it perfectly
and here
btw im not mad at anything. your a girl and girls get scared when MEN raise their voices. it's ok pussy i understand
Well Stef has concluded that your bullshit principle of hugbox charity doesn't work. I'm not saying he is right, but that is what his experience has led him to conclude.
>Because Content > Emotion
Agreed. What is being discussed here is molymemes fragile ego. He has this 'I need to prove that I'm right ar all costs' mentality. Just because someones feelings get hurt, it doesn't automatically make an argument right.
Refer to
>If someone screams "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE ROAD!" are you going to stop and go "He didn't tell me that nicely." and proceed to get smashed by a double decker bus.
That is the most retarded analogy and the biggest false equivalence I've ever seen. If that's the case than everybody including school teachers, bosses and parents should just scream and abuse others.
Different situations require different approaches. Situations where there is an immediate threat and danger to a person requires rough language to express the required emotion and get a visceral response.
If you're trying to spread intellectual institutions it requires a different response from people and therefore a different approach. Simply because humans are emotional and irrational, we don't want to listen to mean people no matter how right they are.
That's some brutal schooling. I loved every second of it.
Every 2X-year old thinks they're so special and such an authority when they don't know shit about life. I enjoyed seeing some smartass being put in his place.
>your a girl
Your illiterate.
"Not an argument is childish" is not an argument, he is right.
I don't think Stefan is an authority when it comes to changing minds. I think he just preaches to the converted. People listen to him because they want to confirm the things they already believe. And there's actually some value in that because he helps people inform their opinions. But I don't think he frequently, if ever, changes people's minds about things.
As fake as it gets. To be fair, he probably does believe the things he says and sometimes he changes his mind on some issues, which is fine, but it is obvious he often leans on his acting skills for dramatic effect and the end result is as fugazi as a three-dollar bill.
>His show is meant to be a discussion not an argument. But he's developed this mentality of "everyone v me" where he has to crush every caller on every issue and won't let them finish their points.
Fritz wasn't making any points, he was literally contradicting himself and whining that Stefan was being mean for 40 minutes. He can barely speak English, let alone make a cohesive argument.
Did you even watch the video? The whole fucking reason Stefan even called this guy was because he claimed he was better at persuading people than him, and he contradicted himself in his first sentence, then later in the video admits he has NO experience doing so. Stefan has NOTHING to learn from this idiot, and he essentially wasted 40 minutes of his time. Stefan then tells the kid that he has clearly bit off more than he can chew while attempting to argue with him (I'm paraphrasing, but he's not wrong) and then a bunch of quivering vags get offended because how dare he not act like a humble beta faggot.