How did the Jews become so successful in the U.S. in a span of a generation they managed to bring down the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants from being the upper class in the U.S. and Jews became the upper class themselves.
How did the Jews become so successful in the U.S...
Fitness actual, in the Darwinian sense.
To be fit in a Darwinian sense would mean that they would have more offspring compared to their other human beings per individual.
Survive of the fittest just means to breed more than others of the same race.
Ethnic nepotism. They are evolved to live of other people and as long as those people don't understand it they do very well.
wow german boy so strong independent serious
we killed the stupid ones and the most optimist ones migrated west + nepotism
White guilt, da shoah and the intelligent kikes' ability to manipulate these.
Is that Mesut Özil?
Oh, and many can pass as white to those who aren't in the know. Some people even call Jews white.
Sticking together in the world's arguably most atomised society understandably equals success.
That, and a whole standard deviation's worth of IQ over the goyim didn't hurt either.
Read the International Jew by Henry Ford.
It sure wasn't by winning beauty pageants.
maybe they're smarter and more disciplined?
Hm weird, WASP's still dominate the upper class where I'm from. Only Jews o ever see are old af
actually survival of the fittest is not based on offspring but on wether or not you are alive.
Are you currently alive? You are fit to survive. Are you dead. you are no longer fit to survive.
You're retarded
They are biologically adapted to take advantage of WASP Christian mindset.
The boys in that picture (OP) they're the same - just for different environments...
...some 4x4 have snorkles... some don't... some have bull bars at the front... some don't.... some have spotlights... some don't... but that's all minor environmental stuff.
These boys are the same.
by having an average IQ of 115
Us Aryans use Jews to do the dirty work of depopulation. When shit hits the fan, we let them take the blame. This world is run by Aryans behind the scene. Never forget that. 4th Reich is here.
High IQ, tactically brilliant, ruthless and shameless. Pointing out that the eternal Jude has these characteristics will make many here piss their pants but it's undeniably true.