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desu it really is at least half of it

We are not leaving. There is no such thing as "illegal" immigration. A human can't be illegal. You can't just rip familias apart like that. They came here to work hard and improve their life and you have no right to take that away from them.

I agree that this cunt is not using the right words but here's the thing, he's not wrong, why americans think they can benefit from slave labor (blacks) or cheap illegal labor (mexicans) to build a great rich country and then deny those humans the possibility of living there ? why didn't you build your country without using those races ?

they are already 61.6% white

half of whitty think they are robin hood
robbing white brother to give shitskin the gibs

white american is so liberal
Think niggress send a man to the moon

many white women fuck with shit-skin

America is done

if there's no such thing as 'illegal' - and by implication no such thing as 'law' - then I don't see how an abstraction such as 'rights' can exist either. So pack your fucking bags Jose, the Anglosphere is waking up and sending all the stinky mud people home

What's the chances that this spic and George takei get into a collision and both end up fully paralyzed shitting themselves until the grim reaper finishes them off

Life is unfair
Fuck you
Also rules are in place
So humans CAN be illegal


Is that the guy who says that Trump wouldn't won without spics votes?

This is just a declaration of their intention to conquer us, and Mexify America. Fucking retards.

>These shitskins hate Mexico so much they do anything to escape/
>Also they want to turn USA into Mexico 2.0

Where will they go then?

America is mine you filthy beaners. Dont make me go there.

This land is the citizen's land. It belongs under the Constitution; under American cultures and laws.

Ramos can get out with the illegals and the rest of La Raza.

>this is British soil
>So get over it

He is one of them, many such cases.


what does ESE mean?

fuck laws borders n shieet

You realize that the majority of Americans up until the post war period worked their assess off doing the "hard work", right? You realize that the white American farmers in the south during the days of slavery were NEGATIVELY effected by this, right? What do you think the term "white trash" came from? It's always been a group of wealthy internationalist types that brought these people in because white Americans wouldn't dehumanize themselves and often sought independent, rather that be farming or working for a decent wage and making your way.

that's where you're wrong, pedro.

>build a great rich country
America was around 85% white, 15% black for most of its history. Prior to the early 1900s, blacks were overwhelmingly concentrated in the South. The South was the poorest region of the US after the Civil War, and until just recently around the 1970s. Blacks did not build this country; they have always been a minority and they have always been involved in menial labor for agriculture. Slavery was both morally wrong, and responsible for the unfortunate circumstances of blacks in the US currently. If there was no slavery, they could be dying of AIDs somewhere in West Africa, or being ethnically cleansed by a neighboring tribe, or starving to death because the UN shipment of food destined for their village was stolen by a local warlord.


Don't forget that it wasn't your average white American that wanted these people but rather the wealthier ones. Also guess who the merchants were and the bankers that brought these people to the colonies in the first place, here's a hint: Not white anglo-saxon protestants

That Mexican cunt always annoyed me, he could at least admit he's serving the internets of his people but instead hides behind some shit about morality


He wasn't called.

so ? who needs to pay for this ? the fact is that blacks were taken there and used as slaves otherwise you wouldn't have so many blacks in the US, also mexicans are used as cheap labor by many companies and individuals, shouldn't those american companies be punished ? they are not as they benefit from it

It's almost as if Sup Forums supports, and the US just elected, a president that seeks to end illegal immigration to the US, and by extension, illegal immigrants' abuse by unscrupulous companies that are only out for their own profits.

The politicians, businessmen, and bankers that put money before their folk should be hung or better yet, shot, along with those that are of certain afflictions and groups that use this as a way to undermine the US and also western countries.

I agree. I mean the only reason white people hate mexicans is because they're willing to work harder for less pay.

Mexico also had slaved you dumb shitlord.

>b-but muh anti-white moral universalism that's actually completely subjective

So the whites of the United States should be forced to suffer niggers and spics until "American companies" pay back reparations and ship them away? Is that what you're telling me?

the united states shall secede from the americas

not since (the first) mexican american war and the gadsden purchase. we bought that shit, mexicans are butt hurt because they see what america built and they want back in.

>gibs me dats
>u owe me cause u wite

I don't see why Americans have to pay the price because you aren't capable of sorting out your own country.

clearly no punishment is going to take place for these wealthy companies and individuals, blacks and mexicans were used as objects for creating wealth for decades and now you all cry like babies that there's so many of them. I've met normal americans who have used illegal mexicans to build their homes, it's called being a hypocrite. Dont get me wrong I believe that on their own blacks and mexicans are not able to create prosperous stable societies but you cannot simply want them out after they created families there.

>you cannot simply want them ou
Several hundred ethnic cleansings would disagree.

sounds familiar tbqh

>'we are not going to leave'

They know sweetie, that's why they're deporting you.



>implying illegal mexican labor is even beneficial to the average american

Normal Americans use illegal Mexicans because they're cheaper. Do you not understand how this shit works. The whole middle class is built on the cheap foreign/illegal labor, and that's a bad thing. You act like most people here don't advocate against this or something

Normal Americans use illegal Mexicans because they're cheaper. Do you not understand how this shit works. The whole middle class is built on the cheap foreign/illegal labor, and that's a bad thing. You act like most people here don't advocate against this or something. Also
>you cannot simply want them out after they created families there.
That's where you're wrong kiddo

Normal americans do not hire illegals. Many construction companies use them, but the home buyer doesn't know

I spent 15 years fixing the shoddy, out of spec work that illegal spics do.

They aren't hard workers or skilled craftsman, they're criminals and hack jobs that are better off gassed.

Also, Spaniards are niggers. Literally.

You ALL carry that nigger gene.

No other country in the world would tolerate this shit. Even fucking Canada doesn't. CANADA. Unbelievable.



He is a white mexican with an addiction to the tanning salon. White latinos are trying to distract the indios from the shit they do to them by blaming white anglos for their problems. White Mexicans control mexico so are responsible for the shittyness. The full intent of people like Ramos is to purge the indios from Mexico and send them here.

I've been to america and believe me, you see less blacks and a lot more real whites (not bleached american sluts) here in Spain.

Depends on where you are, in California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas you really don't have a choice.

hahaha you are clueless about your own people. Many many americans used illegal mexicans to do shit to their homes, build a new garden, fix shit around the house, etc.

So you established that the blame lies with "American companies", but then still call us "babies" for complaining and use the anecdote of Mexicans building people's houses to imply that actually we're all to blame.

Time to cook some beans, fellas.

>t. someone whose only been to cities, California, and a few southern states at best

This is true. My point was normal people don't make that decision, companies do

Most people are not upper middle class or rich folks who just hire someone, even illegals, to do day labor like that

Engineers are having coffee as they pore over blueprints for our border wall as we speak and you cling to this shit

Its called pitty. He'll I've hired home depot Mexicans for a day just because I felt bad for the little taquito sitting there all day looking miserable. To bad his dad was an illegal and criminal and now in jail.

Normal people do still but it's out of necessity, not choice.

I said american companies and individuals, you all benefit from illegal immigrants, the average joe usually goes to mexicans because they are cheaper, according to you all if they were true americans they wouldn't do such a thing, don't be a hypocrite.

I dont know what's the solution to all this but this man is not completely wrong in saying that america is also their home.

I think its the chicano way to say "boludo " never heard Mexicans say it they usually say "wey " or "vato "

>Muslism hate the middle east so much they row-row-row their boat all the way to Europe
>they want to turn Europe into the middle east


>Blacks hate America because "muh racism"
>won't go back to Africa

Immigrants should respect their host country. If not, get out.

Get out panchito.

A wall won't separate us.

It's the eternal paradox of not being white.

>What's the one thing blacks and whites agree on?

Both don't want to go to a black school.
Both don't want to live in a black neighborhood.

Making statements like that constantly just just stay at words.

They want war.

Don't you dare
>see: (my post)
because what I said has nothing do with with what I said. I did NOT say that it is their home, it isn't.

It appears as though thoth is on it friendo

Was gonna say both hate niggers but yeah that's also true

>¡Nos somos Americanos y mieeeeerda!

>Get BTFO by Spain
>Get BTFO by Texas
>Get BTFO by USA proper
>Sell land
>Ayy pinche es our lan

Fuck off.

>What are drones?
>What are snipers?
>What is bored texan patriots?

Swiss tourists don't count.
How many niggers are swinging through your family tree?

simply pointing out that a lot of you guys still employ illegal mexicans, some americans here pretend that it never happens, and only big corporations do it.

Guaranteed replies.

Eat shit, you savages.

>why americans think they can benefit from slave labor (blacks) or cheap illegal labor (mexicans) to build a great rich country and then deny those humans the possibility of living there
Because Whites > shitskins, and all shitskins must be exploited for the good of White society. Black lives don't matter and neither do Mexicans'.

trump needed Mexican - American votes though. and personally as long as they're legal and contribute to society, they're just fine in my book. I mean I don't automatically like someone just because they're white. they have to serve a purpose in society too, ya know.

How many nigger dicks did your great great great granny employ in the course of destroying your genetics?

Funny that Mexico doesn't see it the same way. When you break into their country and try to live there they will try to arrest you are throw you I'm prison.

I'm from Texas, I'll remember the Alamo all damn day I I have to. Get these cunts out.

>a lot
Yeah, in areas where there is no other choice but to, it's not like it's people's first choice but go ahead and keep telling me about my country.

Let me live in your house

Mexicans would be starving without gringo ingenuity.

They owe us everything.

>big, heavy ladder touches wall
>wall sensor goes off
>armed drone dispatched to site of disturbance

sorry bro but after wandering for 3 or 4 days in the sonoran desert, no mexican is climbing up a 30 foot wall, not even a 15 foot wall.

>why americans think they can benefit from slave labor (blacks)
Hasn't happened in hundreds of years and in the end white Americans died to give blacks freedom to get the fuck out of America but they wouldn't leave so cucks like Charles Sumner got what they wanted and now we pay for his faggotry in the future.
>or cheap illegal labor (mexicans)
We didn't fucking bring them here, blame human traffickers, monsanto tier agriculture industry and the bureaucrats who turn their backs for some benjamins
>to build a great rich country and then deny those humans the possibility of living there ?
They didn't build fucking shit, the cornerstone of both the free United States and the Industrial Revolution was built on the backs of working class European whites. Spics have claim to Mexico since their ancestors the Spanish conquered it but they have no claim to the Southern US because we bought it from them legally and justly. If they're really this fuego they can have SoCal, they're better off going to Mexico anyways.

Never heard of watchtowers?

No, it's 49% European at best. Mixed != European. North Africans are counted as white, so are most brown people the agencies can't immediately classify.

It's funny how you have to resort to violent and illegal tactics to keep out peaceful migrants.

Ever heard of night time? They won't see us coming.

Ever heard of night vision or lamps?

Jorge Ramos used to be based as fuck. I remember watching the Spanish news back in the day, he was for the most part a very fair person and would call on someone's bullshit on the spot.

He was for deporting criminals who entered here illegally but always supported illegal immigration but only to those who were contributing members of society.

During the years I watched this man change for the worse. He began dividing people to country of origin and make sure he'd name the nationality of the person in th news, more often than not Mexicans committing crimes were not mentioned in this manner but more like blacks nowadays.

Now he's a joke, a puppet for Hos Univision masters. I want to believe he does this only to keep his job because of how liberal Univision is with their reporting. But I know better, this man is a fucking joke, a puppet with no real substance, nothing illegal Mexicans do is wrong, he doesn't even try to correct people when known lies are stated but encourages and propagates them.

I feel bad for all Latinos who think like me and see this man's contradictions and back pedaling. The amount of mental gymnastics he goes through to debate factual evidence and state his views as truth.

You realize literally every single illegal here is a criminal, right?

They're still outnumbered. It takes more than one border patrol nazi to stop one of us. The true americans will support us.


He was saying that's what Ramos says, not how it actually is

Sorry Drumpftards, you lost the popular vote and all the media and American people are against you. Latinos, gays, Muslims and blacks are here to stay and there's nothing you can do about it.

guards! take him away!

And my point is that he's some "Latino" who used to like the guy.