Life is just always hard for women, so fuck you if you're a man and don't recognize that at all times to women.
Being a mother is not a full life for women
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>tfw not born a woman so will never have cildren
Women do not know how easy they have it.
I used to like Sarah Silverman. :'(
>This kike/woman
>Being a comic/funny
>fullest life
>becoming a dried up shrew
No thank you. I'm off to take my white children to school and then fuck my wife in the ass when we get back.
>Wasting white seed
get in there and make more children.
Nasty jewess
LIES. when females don't reproduce their vagina takes their soul.
Yeah, I'm sure mothers Joan Rivers, Jennifer Lopez, Rosanne Barr, and Britany Spears were all less busy than Sarah fucking one-act-jack Silverman over the course of their careers/travel schedule.
Be nice for Beyonce (even though I fucking hate her) to tweet back at Sarah asking her what the fuck she's talking about.
its amazing that having a stay at home dad is literally unthinkable to these women.
>Sarah (((Silverman))) won't reproduce
Thank God
she doesnt even have kids
At least she's not bitter about it.
pls edit to say fail
Oy vey! Don't have kids goyim, be stronk, independent women, goyim!
I used to fap to her and i still do it sometimes.
Retarded female jews are my fetish.
> dumb cows constantly trying to play the victim role because of "muh life choices" and the typical "I want to have my cake and eat it too" female mentality.
If there's one thing that vagina's are, it's predictable.
My wife tried playing this bullshit "I'm a victim because I have a vagina" crap on me, and she found out the hard way that you better be careful about what you ask for, because you might just get it.
Stupid fucking whores....if they just pulled their heads out of their asses and realized that if they just kept sucking their husband's cocks after they got married, like they did before they got married (you know, when they thought it was going to get them a free house, a free car, and a free ride), they wouldn't be single mothers.
Is that the chick with the refrigerator body type?
Suicide in less than 10 years
Fridge is an understatement.
Its like someone tossed a grenade into a closed rusrty fridge and shes the after effect.
>she thinks it's not a sacrifice for men to go away working for months at a time and miss out on your children growing up
She's very fortunate that her father didn't let her in on the pain.
>woman is a comic
>hates comedy
I know a girl who was #singlemothering her entire pregnancy on social media, daily updates on how she's all strong and this and that.
Literally as soon as the kid is born its constant updates about WTF doesnt the dad want anything to do with his child?!
Bitch for 9 months youve been selling the idea that you didnt want or need him and were actually stoked about that
Stupid fucking fuck
Dealing with your first newborn is exhausting even as a couple. Not difficult, just exhausting.
Plus, if you're not careful, the kid can sense your frazzled state and that just makes them more antsy themselves.
It's a pity the girl started blaming the dad rather than learn something herself.
HAHAHAHA fucking hell i haven't seen that in fucking years
you funny fucking cunt you just made my day
god damn i miss that
Or abort as soon as you become aware he's not keen and stop pretending like yasssssss queeeeeeeen slayyyyyyyyyy is an appropriate life choice
Obviously she was putting on a facade and wanted him to cave (why would he cave?) and now that reality of raising a human being for 18 years and being undesirable is setting in
Can't have your cake and still eat it, can't have your vagina dumpling paid for and still vote.
>guys being a rich Millionaire white woman is like super super hard. You all should be bowing down to kiss my ass because of how hard it is.
I'm so sick of these rich cunts larping some tough life for controversy points.
what the fuck is she talking about?
I don't know Sarah Silverman's net worth, but you're telling me she can't find a husband who will stay at home while she's out earning money?
Or is it more likely she's just a stuck up cunt who says "waaaah I wanna have a babby but I can't because then I wouldn't be 'living my life to the fullest.'"
There are some girls I know who DO want to raise a family and take care of the house.
>implying it won't dribble out of her ass and into her snatch
>putting your cock in the shithole
>war breaks out
>b-but i'm a woman, I need to stay here and raise the children
What is she talking about? She's not even funny. Where is the sacrifice?
>u can't be a woman w/out sacrifice
Maybe that's why nobody respects a selfish cunt like her
Hefty black women can suck a mean dick.
>american jew degrades family values
how is this news?
Why the fuck does she have a nipple on her elbow?
I've been wondering the same thing. Odd that you pointed that out while I was focused on it.
So, women have it harder if the have children.
A woman without a child is what then? Useless?
Could it be the next step in "human" evolution?
What the fuck is stopping her from finding some guy who will live at home and raise the kids? Millions of men would kill for that life especially if they can be rich.
coloring Auschwitz photos is fucked up and gross
Woman can't be funny.
This was supposed to be funny.
>fuck my wife in the ass
I'll never get this
She could buy at least 20 american Chads to do house work.
This is some slave shit going on...
If you come everyday and fucks your wife's ass she'll never want sex.
Not even from you.
or do you think she'll find a guy to lick her pussy?
Top fuckery master-trick ever pulled.
Shouldn't we be celebrating this marx Jew never giving birth to little marx Jews?
I can understand the sentences, but not the whole.
a woman can have no full life without being a mother
>women have it harder because they can have babies
If having children is such a fucking burden why do most women decide to have babies. I can guarantee it's not the husband who wants the kids in most cases. The ability to have babies is a PRIVILEGE men don't have.
But wait, I thought (((feminism))) taught you that you could have it all, a career and a family!
You mean that was wrong?
I lost
False dichotomy
You could do the same thing with men
>As a comic always working and on the road, i have had to decide between fatherhood and living my fullest life and i chose the latter.
>Women don't have to do that. I'd so love to be a fun mother, coming home from the road and being my best fun mom myself.
>So this is just a lil fuck all y'all because you can't be a man without sacrifice and that's the fact, Sarah.
What's the difference between settling down and having a family as a man and the same for a woman? A attractive chad could just fuck a thousand attractive women and never settle down as well. This is dumb.
Lol this dumb bitch wasted her life now and will never have children
She is truly a genetic loser
Britney Spears album last year was so fucking good
Her body looks like Jar Jar Binkniggers face.
Or how about adoption? or selling the kid
Degenerate filth
lol stupid woman
objects arent people, they cant have careers
if she got out of skinny fat mode she wouldnt be that bad
How would she have time to spend all night shitposting on Twitter, if she didn't have kids?
Checkmate, op.
Life status: LIVED
good question, probably better to ruin a kids life than admit defeat
plus women get child payments from the husband for 20 years
because men never have to make sacrifices for anything, and our lives are always 100% cool and easy.
She fell for the women and have it all meme, I'm sure when she was 20 she told herself she'll hold off until her 30s to have a kid, then said oh I can wait another and by then she hit the wall, men in her social circle could find younger more attractive women and she was left old, alone, with a mediocre comedy career, bitching on Twitter about the POTUS and his 4 children.
>Dads get to come home from work and be happy go lucky dads like in Family Guy AHAHAHAHAHAHAH.
My dad was no treat, he would come home, get drunk and beat me, but my cousin on the other hand.
>Sacrificed everything in his life for his family.
>Comes home so tired, but tries his best to play with his kids.
>Falls asleep on the couch because he is so exhausted.
>Wife wont even cook him nothing because she stays at home all day "with the monsters"
>Cousin killing himself so his wife can be lazy and kids have a good life.
>Wife one day "im takin the kids and leavin for Chad, gibs me the house, monhtly's, and the car"
>Cousin now homeless, no car to get to work, and broke as shit.
>Lives in a fucking shed behind my house.
There are female comedians with children who are funnier than you are Sarah.
True, they had to work locally for a couple years until the kids got to 3-5 years old then went back on the road.
They could do that because they weren't insufferable cunts and therefore found husbands that loved them and supported their careers.
Maybe you should do that Sarah, try not being an insufferable cunt.
>he didnt select godmode when he matrixed into this simulated universe
your kids would be little asshole rat-terriers, watched by illegal nannies. you didn't sacrifice shit.
ergo, you're not a woman.
you heard it hear first, folks, sarah admits to being a man.
I guess one couldn't be a father without sacrifice.
A comedianne beyond the age of 45 with no children can count herself a failure in life.
>Motherhood is 24/7 or nothing at all.
>Fatherhood only happens every other weekend.
This is what limousine liberal Jews want you to believe so they erode what little remains of the nuclear family.
>I CHOOSE to let my ovaries dry up and become worthless so I can tell vagina jokes when I'm in my 40s
Sure thing
That's how Indians are born you dummy
Holy Christ why is she allowed to write like this?
I have a degree in Brazilology.
You must have anal sex with your wife to assert dominance. This is what she really wants, in spite of media pushing cunnilingus. The media narrative only serves to make her a sex slave to someone else, because she'd never respect you for being subservient.
> i choose to live my live to the fullest
harsh conditions culling the weak
times of plenty cull them even faster
nature sure is cruel
>I have a degree in Brazilology.
I laughed and laughed, thanks.
She was funny when she dated Jimmy Kimmel.
Yes because all the kids who's dads are on the road all the time do SO WELL don't they, I mean, it's just SO GREAT for them
Its fucking sad desu senpai
Now she is old and ugly and regretting her life
Oh. God. Someone please tweet this to her.
It's pure genius.
Going through this right now with my wife. She decided (correctly) that she'd rather raise her children than pass that duty off to someone else in order to make
(You know she's not actually here, right?)
You wanna know why that is silverman? Because men get shit on. Men get criticized day in and day out dealing with a shit load of stress at work and what they hear in the world. Get blamed for the actions of the insignificant few and told to man up all the time. So when they come home they more than happy enough to be able to provide all a child need without that child criticizing him to the point of suicide. They can't teach children how to act by example and they can have fun doing it because it's not "work".
But you are a woman. Anything you want, you'll get or you'll bitch and complain until someone gets it for you. You never get criticized and if you are everyone condemns them for hurting your feelings. Now when you realize you'd have to be in a position to provide instead of receive you fucking hate it. You won't be on top of the world. Everyone will get a chance to call you a bad mother if you fuck up. You just can't handle the stress of reality.
Men are able to do both because men know what's like to be a kid again and know how shitty life is. Women are kids all the time and don't want to accept how shitty life is.
Many such cases!
I honestly despised her since the moment she was forced down everybodys throat. Shes was and still is so extremely unfunny to me even before becoming one of the left's crazed mouth pieces. do you know?
She just can't find a husband that won't potentially treat her like a breif amusement.
I enjoyed her comedy special we are miracles or whatever
Then she supported Bernie, that was funny but fine
Then the DNC rigged democracy and she went out and stooged for them and called people who hate corruption "ridiculous"
And then I hated her and never supported her again
You can be funny or not, but when you fuck with the rule of law and democracy youre a traitor to the people
She's just a sad woman trying to make herself feel better about how selfish she is. Maybe her bitterness makes her infertile. I'mean going to continue to ignore her.