So Sup Forums why do you continue to support Trump when his NSA pick, HR McMaster is clearly an establishment stooge. McMaster has recived glowing praise from the neocons and Israeli shills. Trump said he wanted to drain the swamp but he is merely a pawn for the military industrial complex.
Sellout Trump
McMaster is great and hates Serbs and ISIS like Mattis, whats not to like?
Worry about your own shit country first
There's nothing great about hating Serbs you fucking mudslime.
I'm catholic, you fucking idiot and yes there is. I'm glad McMaster and Mattis both hate them.
Trump was never going to "drain the swamp". The fucker dug it deeper and put in a pool. McMaster is the float toy among turds.
We all knew he was going to make some compromises when he got into office, and he has yet to be as bad as Hillary would have been.
Voted for trump for non interventionism. In his first month in White House he has:
Put sanctions on Iran
Lead to a disaterious raid in Yemen
Contunined all of the illegal wars overseas
Drones strikes still ragging
One state under Israel aparteid
Now 84 BILLION dollar military budget
Hey /r/the_d was't Hillary supposed to be investigated by special prosecutors by now?
>There's nothing great about hating Serbs you fucking mudslime.
Yes, there is, and I'm a Serb.
>HR McMaster is clearly an establishment stooge
so who should he pick? some no name with zero experience?
It's not like you weren't warned over and over and over.
Starwman trumptard talking point 13765
Nobody is president. Trump is.
trump is revealing he's just another corporate insider establishment puppet like every other president.
ok, but you just dodged his question. who should he pick?
I'm seriously starting to think most of the posters on pol are either paid shills for or worked for the trump campaign. Wasn't /r/ trump general created by someone in the trump campaign?
I'm not the president faggot. Probably someone who isn't a neocon like trump picked, but that would mean I wouldn't be in the White House. Trump is only in the White House as a figure head puppet.
He never had a non-intervention platform. He said he wanted to bring the fight to ISIS even harder than Obama ever did. He just wanted to try and mend ties with Russia, something the Democratic party didn't want to do.
Don't blame him because you didn't actually understand his platform.
Ok faggots why where y'all shilling for trump in 2016 saying he would end the wars unlike that war monger Hillary. NOTHINH HAS CHANGED since trump got in
This is how liberals felt when Obama got in
Trump inherited a mess. Supporting Israel by LARPing nationalistic socialism or something, thus making jews (a biggest lobby in USA) united in opposition against you is a bad decision.
1st Rule of politics: you do not make enemies.
2nd Rule of politics: you do not make alliances with traitors. [Traitors are potential CIA meat. And if you don't have close control on CIA or other esoteric organization, you don't hire this shit at all.]
Putting potential traitors in a spotlight, while having real administration inside family - is very smart move.
If Trump would be able, and he has the potential to do so, to overtake rule over jews from anglo, you're up to a big surptise.
In a way you're right.
About 54% of the regular posters since the beginning of 2016, we have discovered, are confirmed FSB agents or their contracts. The rest we are not sure of.
They were the ones who shilled for Trump.
It was a Kushner operation. Project Alamo. Trump's support was initially centered entirely around shitting on Mexicans, who nobody likes. Once they grabbed some traction there, they just flooded any potential crevice on the internet with cucked out jew worship, recycled clash of civilizations neocon garbage, faux conflict with the "establishment", and mysterious proclamations of economic revival that didn't even have the whiff of potential nationalization lurking behind them as a threat. It's theater.
hey shareblue!
>one of the most active, embattled first month of presidency
This is why it's so obvious. I'm not defending Trump, just not champing at the bit to attack him.
This is a CTR shill thread paid for by the Democratic party
He is literally trying to end the war by actually destroying ISIS you dipshit. Its either pull out and watch the rest of the world stumble around or actually use the true might of the US military to finish them off, not just throw in some special forces advisors.
also Isis is a CIA Mossad creation redneck.
Why hello there /r/the_d!
How is the subbreddit going? Upboated!
Got to admit it worked flawlessly. Millions of white races voted for a guy with Jewish kids. I think paying off Alex Jones to convince the patriot tard info whores voters also helped.
They had a solid base to work with from the start. The default of America is ultracucked lunatic zionism for over 100 years now.
Wow, flawless argument. You finally convinced me, I am now against him.
Impeachment when? But seriously we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.