Mexican is not a race. Neither is "Hispanic"

I notice great ignorance on Sup Forums when it comes to this subject so I will explain:

Latino is not a race.

There are four big ethnic groups among Latinos as a result of the Spanish Empire, Immigration and Race Mixing:

>Mestizo(light brown skin)
>Natives(Dark brown)

Countries like México, Bolivia and Perú are mostly Native.
Colombia and Ecuador are mostly Mestizo.
Uruguay and Argentina are mostly people of European descent.

You are now educated on Latin American Demographics.

Other urls found in this thread:ía_de_Ecuadorñola

Only things in South America are mistakes.

Should've cleansed all you filth. It's in Trumps hands now.

It has nothing to do with you being a shitty empire

Nobody likes you.
You're alone.

You're all fucking Amerindians, or Tiraflechas, if you prefer it.

>still mad about getting fucking owned by an ill man carried by a mule and an army of niggers disguised like clowns

>still mad about getting fucking owned by an ill man carried by a mule and an army of niggers disguised like clowns

Please explain. I can't stop laughing


I think he refers to san martin, who crossed a mountain range, while suffering from a stomach ulcer
the clown thing might be the uniforms, but they werent that bad

You should have killed all the mapuches back when you colonized us.

To this day we still suffer from their nigger-like behavior. If you were going to do something, do it right.


Colombia and Ecuador are mostly blacked. Venezuela is mestizo. Peru and Bolivia are mostly natives. Chile mestizo. Argentina is black. Uruguay white. Brazil is African.

good luck with that

Sorry guys but you are even worse

They didn't do anything, it was you. If he's in Spain it means his ancestors sat on their asses during the entire conquest of America

Hefe go sell your churros elsewhere sombraronigger

>le spein no genocide le natives xdddd
I hate this meme.

Who cares about panchis and sheeit, really they was on their own from like 200 years ago, get over it u subhuman scums

German isn't either. Just a random mixtures of Germanics, Celts, Italos and Slavs, same with almost every other European country. But people don't get it so they wish death upon each other (especially us due to jealousy) instead of focusing on what really matters.

Ecuador is more native than mestizo brethren

Ecuador is more native than Mexico.

Ecuador is 60℅ white according to themía_de_Ecuador

Its another Argentina case then

and we are 92% white according to us

What did you guys do with all that gold? How come you are comparatively poor with people who never had so much gold?

In a nutshell, built an armada and lost it right?

they bought everything from the anglos instead of making anything by themselves

"There are not mistakes, just happy accidents"

They might not be a race, but I know what race they're not.

Históricamente fueron unos fracasados, desde Carlos V demostraron ser pésimos administradores, y peores guerreros tras ser humillados por una "mujer" como Isabel

What? The english lost a bigger fleet in the same war but nobody says a thing. Search counter/english armada. The main reason why the war ended in white peace and not a full invasion.

ok, if mexicans are not a race stop calling trump racist already

Basically yeah.
They also lost 2 times against Chile and
couldn't conquer the south and kill off the mapuche, who now are our version of niggers.
I do gotta thank them from bringing the wonders of Europe to Chile other wise we would be fucked.

long series of events fucked iberia

>the mapuche, who now are our version of niggers.
dont insult your own ancestors

Well, it's a set of misfortunes, first of all we lose part of our things when Carlos II died and put a frenchie here, there France and England take lots of Spanish territory. After that Napoleon invade us and you leave the empire, and after that 150 years of civil war.

Im sure spain had nothing going on in Europe. Your independence wars were basically civil wars between royalists and independentists. Spain was invaded by Napoleón.


The only decent thing they have done since the independence is leading half baked "insurgent" groups.
I'm pretty sure the only people that support them are lefties trying to preach "muh equality".
I'm sure the country would be better off without em.

>forever a product of foreign powers
Don't try to figure it out, you might hurt your naive thinking, just live the poor life.

>150 years of civil war.
And few more

Your natives are different then our natives.

Nigga. Spain has been at civil war with itself since the visigoths.

mexican natives actually build an empire, while your were no different from moneys

Guys, just a bit of advice: stop identifying with a race (muh european ancestry) just because you didn't do anything productive with your lives.

Instead, try to enrich yourselves and create something valuable.

All you are doing is a dick measuring contest with other virgins on Sup Forums

>enrich yourselves

go back wherever you cam from


They sacrificed child and all kinds of demented crap.

The Brazilian native is Hippie.

He would wake up.
Step outside and walk on their breakfast.

Working hard wasn't necessary.

So they would dance and fuck.

>become largest, most powerful empire at the time
>riches beyond comparison
>rules by literally retarded, inbred kings
>spend all the gold on insignificant wars in Europe, building castles for nobility and beautifying cities rather than building industry like the Brits were doing
>build large, expensive navy and lose it all
>treat your own nobility like second class citizens simply because they were born in a colony, despite them being 100% Spaniards
>when they rebelled, your strategy was to put your own loyalists in concentration camps to "separate them from the rebels"
>never address the problems through innovative law making, diplomacy and changing the caste system
>maintain and continue antiquates ruling systems
>make shitty alliances, fighting losing wars with them, losing territory as result, compromising on treaties

Literally the shittiest European empire of all time. Ask yourself this, are there ANY former colonies today that are developed, peaceful, wealthy 1st world nations?
>you can't name a single one

What is the legacy of the Spanish Empire? Compare that to the British Empire...

Sounds cliche but its not. Its just a way of saying: stop being pathetic.

Why you have a sonar radar applied to a toilet?

Why would someone keep track of their shit?

Try to name one single thing that Spain is known for...

I come with 'bull fighting'.


Being cucked by everyone since forever? Carthage, Rome, Visigoths, mudslimes, etc.

yea, lets all get ethnically replaced with bolivians, peruvians and paraguayans.


move to Europe then faggot they'll love your mindset and (your dark brown skin) there

Americans know this more than you do.

I'm exposing my age, but I remember
when the notion of a "hispanic" was completely invented.

The entire hispanic/latino concept completely didn't exist before the 1980's. Before then, most Latin-Americans were always considered white.

The "hispanic" group is the result of some kind of bizarre social engineering that happened in the 70s.

>spend all the gold on insignificant wars in Europe
I'm somehow ok with this
>rather than building industry like the Brits were doing
this is a lie, we were late in the industrial revolution because instead of put our shit together we figth eachother for retarded kings, but before that we had a great navy industry among others
>build large, expensive navy and lose it all
if you are talking about this
I have to remember that you did also this
>treat your own nobility like second class citizens simply because they were born in a colony
yes that wasn't good
>when they rebelled
when they rebeled we were fighting France and after that we fight eachother
>never address the problems through innovative law making, diplomacy and changing the caste system
Top kek India and Africa
>maintain and continue antiquates ruling systems
Tradition is one of the pillars of law u neobong
>make shitty alliances
Yes France was a mistake also USA, don't know any other in the last 300 years

>Before then, most Latin-Americans were always considered white.

This is what the Jews want you to think friend.Latin-Americans are not white.


Fucking knew you were a spic

Try living in my state.

We generate 10 to 15 times more than any of states and get average 5 times less return.

Our natives are different and also there's different proportions of European and asian influx to all latin america.

At the north of south american to mexico, probably due to struggles with weather condition people are very ethnic different from the natives we had here on the south and at the east side.

Actually the natives from the region I live were taller than what mexican are made from...

Even the mixed thing is different in Latin America and that's why we'll always see each other as different.

I think in argentine they mingled spaniards and italians and something else there.

Here the Italians are full blown italians and not from Mediterranean...

They are from central to north italy.

My family come on 1900s from Italy, they mingled in Italian communities and we on average are taller than most people.

Woman are at least 1.75m and man at least 1.85m.

The argentine people that I met even white as fuck were about 1.75m1.70m

I met a bunch of argentine.

In the south of brazil (Balenario Camburiu)

and on the North at vacationing.

(Porto Seguro).

They were all small.

Nope. In the United States, nearly all Latin Americans were considered white before the 1980s. You can look at any historical record.

Mexicans were white. They were not minorities.

True story.

mexican is not a race its a disgrace

Sorry almost forgot thaat

>still mad about getting kicked out

They still are officially white. I'm Mexican(descended) and my family was never considered white

Latin America is not one person stupid fucking bastard

a lot of gold was 'lost' during the Spanish Civil War, legend says it was delivered to the soviets during the republic years


you are right, i will start a bunker and deal drugs using poor kids that keep dying because i pay them in dangerous byproduc generated by making cocaine

nobody has ever been successful by being honest here

Funnily enough, the miscegenation process was done with Picunches, whom were North Indians. So i find find quite funny the overly-repeated leftist rhetoric of "WE WUZ MAPUCHES AND SHIEET BRO LOOK AT YOUR ROOTS."

Don't forget the 14 yo punk junkies who go to protests in order to look zorron-ish in front of 12 yo girls

>What is the legacy of the Spanish Empire? Compare that to the British Empire
Compared to the British Empire we have the first global currency, we spread Christendom, our languaje in all our colonies 200 years after we leave, discover and colonize a huge continent, abolish enslave of the, we put hospitals there yes we did things in 300 years u retarded cunt

A country's long term wealth depends on it's export and revenue from trade in general - not how much money it might have on a given time

I think all this talk about who is White and who isn't is retarded, shit and pure fucking autism

It all depends on the individual.

A good reason Latino/Hispanic exists is because media outlets in Spanish used to be based solely off of nationality.

Then Univision and the others realized they'ed make a shit ton of money if they stopped being a "Mexican" media and a "Latino" media and penetrate Cuban and Puerto Rican American markets.

>I'm somehow ok with this
Being ok with wasting money? Guess you're as retarded as your former kings.

>this is a lie, we were late in the industrial revolution because instead of put our shit together we figth eachother for retarded kings
So you claim that you I was lying then go on to tell me you were late in the I.R. because you were fighting stupid wars rather than investing in industry like the Brits, proving what I was trying to say. Ok.

>English vs. Spanish Armadas
The Brits had the vast forests of Canada and North America which had the largest trees in virgin forests. They could easily replace vast loses of ships. This is the reason why Canada's forests have little of the giant old growth trees. Meanwhile, what did you have? Vast quantities of pine and shrubs in your colonies.

>when they rebeled we were fighting France and after that we fight eachother
No, you sent plenty of armies to the colonies and they were ineffective, led by bad generals.

>"Tradition is one of the pillars of law u neobong"
>what we're doing is not working but let's continue doing it anyways because, "muh tradition!"
>previously claim, "yes that wasn't good" to treat your own people like second class citizens
>then contradict yourself by saying flawed traditions should be maintained to the detriment of stability
And that's why your own people rebelled and you lost everything.


white mexicans are to spain what white yanks are too brits

is that what you are trying to convay?

You didn't even read the thread.
We were allied to the french and they betrayed us when their armies were inside our country. Spain became a big spike in France's butt because they couldn't deal with guerilla warfare. Then the brits came to deal a final blow. Not and argument
>Couldn't defeat mapuches
No. We didn't care about chile because there aren't any resources in there.
>Mass independence movements
Not an argument. Spanish history has been like that since forever.
You amerindians are the ones creating fanfiction just like americans.

>we spread Christendom
So literally everything that is holding people to backward beliefs
>our languaje in all our colonies 200 years after we leave
Language* doesn't mean shit if you are an inefficient incompetent fuckward
>discover and colonize a huge continent
Just to lose it in less than a century by your retarded administration
>abolish enslave of the
? But I guess you mean the natives in which case, no, you did not abolish their enslavement, unless that by abolish you mean owning them like property taking away their freedom by merely giving them the freedom of a gold sweatshop
>we put hospitals there yes we did things in 300 years u retarded cunt
Again, to lose them in such a short time span by retarded reasons

you're all brown skinned beings to me

>It is not an argument that we royally suck at everything warfare-related, couldn't even beat a bunch of proto-orks wielding sticks

The "hispanic" concept was mostly about money. Mexicans wanted affirmative action. They couldnt do that as a white nationality group, so they invented a new demographic.

>Lose it in less than a century
1492-1898. Thats a lot of centuries if you ask me
You are retarded. We were not interested. Why waste resources trying to conquer a land with no resources? How is that so dificult to understand?

Spain didn't existed as a state when that invasions happened. It's like say that EEUU was invaded by the British.

>No. We didn't care about chile because there aren't any resources in there.
>Around 7% of World's copper reserve

Southern Chile you retard. You think Santiago was funded by savage people or what?

>pillars of law
I'm ok with that figths of religion was a waste of time and efforts but you have to watch the context and after 700 years of islam Spain went full catholic, now you see that as a disaster then was ok.
>So you claim that you I was lying
Yes Because if you see the Spanish period as whole 500 years till today the first years was ok
>English vs. Spanish Armadas
Is the year 1590 don't know if Canda was a thing back then 4 England...
>flawed traditions should be maintained
OFC some traditions must be kept and ofc put the people of the king directly to rule the colonies was a mistake , anyhow is what England did in the XVIII and XIX


>be italo-german-venezuelan-meme-american
>see fat la raza faggots walking around with venezuelan, other latin american flags
>like there's some kind of solidarity
infuriating desu

>Implying you didn't sit on your asses for the better part of the ((conquest)) only to build shitty communal infrastructure by the late part of it

Then why you guys struggled so much trying to conquer down to the south if there was nothing of value over there ? I mean, I know you are naturally retarded but need to string dem axons to kick some sense in.

>why did you struggle to conquer the south
BECAUSE WE DIDN'T CARE ABOUT THE SOUTH. Just a small expedition to determine the value of a land is not a fucking army. Btw im chilean.

97% ftfy

Then refer to it as Southern Chile, fuckhead
Btw, southern chile had tons of gold and coal. You would have spend the gold on gibsmedat though, so glad you didn't even step on our southern territory.

That too, it was a lot of selfish interests that coincided for the identity to emerge.

:Laughs in sunken spanish Armada:

>Great weather for crops
>Gas reserves
Fishing industry
>Only way through oceans before The Panama Channel.
>Great amount of wood for resources

500 years and they are still retarded

None of those things say America.



Don't know how will be that if we didn't went there, you maybe keep climbing trees and reggaeton 24/7
>mean owning them like property
OFC I mean that, you were in the bronze age just Africa-tier
>to lose them in such a short time
Yes we lose all of that, but what a ride, would do it again

I bet people on the sixteenth century cared about gas
The rest can barely be exploted with sixteenth century technology except the trees, but the trees could be grown anywhere. Or that's what they would tell you.