How does a Jew become a based conservative nationalist like this?

How does a Jew become a based conservative nationalist like this?

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All Jews are conservative nationalists

The question is why is this one using his powers for good instead of evil

>for good instead of evil
He isn't.


Maybe he likes living in Jew York instead of Israel and is tired of seeing more and more Muslims there?

Or maybe he's panicked about losing obedient goy slaves and having them replaced with more unpredictable ones. It's interesting that the focus is always on immigrant groups who are indifferent [spics] or hostile [sandniggers] to zionism and rarely ever targeted at immigrants group who are amenable [chinks] or enthusiastic [curry niggers] towards zionism.

Just gonna use this thread to point out that Andrew Brieitbart wasn't genetically Jewish, so that explains his lack of lying rat-like qualities.

I don't like Stephen Miller. He's just a kike who's trying to be edgy. Like a teenager stuck in the rebellious stage, shunning mom and dad.

The jew gets raised around beaners so his jew genes acclimate to destroying beanerkind instead of white people.

Not all Jews are bad. In fact a lot are based as fuck.

However, all the people that do bad, are either Jewish or you can trace the money back to a Jew.

Most Jews are conservative nationalists you dumb fuck.


Not the ones in US

They're multicultural diversity fags

Jewish shilling in high gear. Jews are never based. They are never good. Jews are not conservative nationalists, they are entrenched zionists. They seek to preserve the postwar order -- which is wholly jewish and marxist in nature. When jews say they want to "make American great again", what they mean is that they want to make America an uncritical champion of zionism again.

>they are entrenched zionists
what about the ones (an impressive percentage) who are extreme anti zionists and against the establishment of a jewish state? they're extremely conservative too and wish to not mix with other communities or take on leadership/influential roles in their host countries. they're even invited to iran at times.

Probably having a conscience. Most Jews are fine with destroying the nation and the world, as long as they make shekels doing it. Some Jews like Mark Levin and Michael Savage want to make money while keeping their part of the planet in good condition.

Being born and raised by liberals in Santa Monica, Commiefornia did it for this one.

>what about special snowflake kikes who barely exist
>it's a saffer
Kill yourself immediately.

Actually he's always been this way. He even redpilled his parents, who were CA hippies. They're Republicans now. I think he's a rogue Jew who caught the nationalist bug early and never threw it off.

Jews are not the real problem.

I hope I don't get banned for this.

he's possessed by goebbels

>marxist in nature
Read up on this guy, he's a freak, a throwback to the 1940s. Totally patriotic, even as a kid in school.

>Be an actual Jew
Religious Jews are fucking far-right as shit.
Also, be in contact with (((David Horowitz))), another based kike who was basically Stephen's mentor.

This isn't hate-chan.

Yep, protegee of Horowitz and also Jeff Sessions' right hand man for seven years. Ann Coulter even likes him.

>They're Republicans now.
Oh, wow. Crisis averted. All of us based nationalists who are totally White know the Republican party is looking out for us.
>I think he's a rogue Jew
Yeah. He's going real far off the plantation with a party that's been completely complicit in the near-constant warfare on behalf of Israel for decades.

The only real way is through christ.


What is the real problem rabbi?

Let me guess those it's those pesky goyim.

What kind of Jewish name is Miller?
Do we know for a fact he's Jewish?

that's not an argument. you made an assertion and i addressed it. explain how judaism which is practiced by the religious (anti zionist and pro zionist ones - a large perecentage) is in any way related to marxism or how it's marxist in nature.

He's always been that way. There's stories about him pissing everyone off when he was going to high school in LA because he didn't like shitskins.

It absolutely IS an argument. You're a kiked out saffer grasping at straws. These nominally anti-zionist haredi shitskins are irrelevant and still jews.

Of course they aren't looking out for us, that's not the fucking point.

If you really knew the kind of force it takes to convert libshit CA jews from Santa Monica to voting Republican...jesus fucking christ man, it's literally a fucking shoah. If Miller can accomplish that, he can probably do anything. People like that, you have to understand, joining the Republican party for them is no equivalent that adequately evokes the horror and loathing of even the mere thought.

It's a commentary on the force of this guy. Pretty impressive. He's young though. I dunno how much he gets about the nature of the party, though I suspect he's pretty Sup Forums. Another rumor about him is that he was friends with Richard Spencer at college--they both went to Duke. (I don't think Spencer's totally responsible for the rumor as others seem to recall them being connected, though Miller denies it at present for obvious reasons.)

Given that Miller was hot about "the war on Christmas" it could be that he is an actual white nationalist Jew. I would certainly like to figure him out.

I love this guy. He gives off the psycho vibe.

Fun facts;
Miller wrote Trump's republican convention address

Haha, yeah exactly. He does. Full of cold anger.

inauguration speech too iirc

I'm Jewish and I'm a conservative nationalist. As for the existence of a Jewish state, If they want to have it in bumfuck middle of nowhere surrounded by mud bloods then why not? Better than it being here isn't it? Most of the Jews I know are multiculti fags but there are still the good ones out there.


>If you really knew the kind of force it takes to convert libshit CA jews from Santa Monica to voting Republican...jesus fucking christ man
Shut the fuck up.

Not jew.

In my opinion, there's no pattern to the real problem we are facing: liberals come in all forms and shapes.

The real common denominator is the lack of a real personality and purpose in life, that makes them so influentiable.

white pride world wide

>Shut the fuck up.
No. Take your own advice.

>It absolutely IS an argument
nope. no answer me 2nd questions of the last post.

>I'm Jewish and I'm a conservative nationalist.
No, you aren't. You're interested in conserving the current zionist safe haven of the United States as a continued safe haven for zionism. Muslims and spics are scary to you because they either are outright hostile to your continued maggot-ridden existence or they simply don't care about anything you have to say and are wholly uninterested in doing anything that benefits Israel's strategic interests.

If you were a real nationalist, you would kill yourself.

Working class jews can be based.

The cabal motherfuckers all get the oven though.


I agree.

>Jews are White, goyim.
>Join me in this new war, goyim.

Same here. Entirely characterizing all Jews as "x" is retarded because people have agency. However, most influential lefties/social engineers are Jews. So it's a problem.

You're retarded. I want a white Europe and white america. And I'm white, even if that makes you sperg out.

Both crap.

Naziboos, everyone. Shitting up threads daily. Go back to cripplechan, you can't tell people here what to do.

Get a load of this overcompensating faggot

But I'm not a Zionist though. I don care one way or the other about the establishment and existence of a Jewish state. If it exists, it gets more out, which is good for you right? And if they kill some dune coons in the process then why be opposed to it? Are you a Muslim sympathizer or something?

>I want a white Europe and white america.
>I can't capitalize White, though
>And I'm white
No, you are not. If you want a Whiter West, start by killing yourself.

For the most part I agree with you. But you simply can't ignore all the Hollywood, media, politican and other corporate Jews with a lot of power and influence who use that to push Marxism and white genocide.

Certainly not all Jews are bad. Only an imbecile generalizes an entire group of people based on the actions of a few. However he Jewish people are extremely tribal and they do have some cultural cohesion.

I'm probably bigger, more attractive, more intelligent, and more white than you, cunt. Even hitler had mix breed Jews in the SS, and I'm a practicing Christian who's less than half Jew genetically.

You sound like a nigger talking about all whitey.

You care about the continued existence of the jewish race and your own continued existence. Your bloodline is the problem, not the particulars of the patch of dirt you happen to be squatting on in this particular century.
>Are you a Muslim sympathizer or something?
If a Muslim is killing jews, he is good. If he is not, then he is not good. Whomever kills jews, for whatever their personal motivations for it, they are good. Anything that results is extermination of jewish lives is a net positive all the way around.

>not liking Killer Miller

Don't listen to the stormfaggot. They are cancerous and retarded. We need all the friends we can get.

The same way a white man can become a faggot SJW cuck....

Self hatred works both ways user.

>I'm probably bigger, more attractive, more intelligent, and more white than you, cunt.
You aren't White so no, you are not. There's no such thing as "more white", mudblood.

Miller grew up in California with a school full of mexicans. He got in trouble for saying things like "not forcing students to speak english is harming their future."

Larping larper.

Fairly sure Miller is a Southerner from Alabama

after all, the main reason he is associated with Trump is because Miller was an assistant to Sen. Sessions

Not every single person with Jewish blood in them wants to destroy the West or change what the West means. Sure, a lot of Jews are internationalists who want as much power over the world as possible, but not every single one of them.

>We need all the friends we can get.
No, you need all the friends you can get because you're a weak, scared zionist sympathizer who is up against it right now in the Kwa. It's a bad time to be you.

>you care about the continued existence of the Jewish race

I actually want Jews to be diluted into the European gene pool. I don't like the separate identity and the culture it has.

If you know lefty Jews, as I did in the area I grew up, they tend to make being a Jew and Jewish stuff a big part of their identity and the entertainment they consume. it was always weird, and I never liked it

He's from California.

>no such thing as more white

hm, there seem to be some internal contradictions in your statements

Is an Italian with some moorish blood, but is clearly European/"white" not white?

I'm a fireman, I have voted conservative my entire life, and I am perfectly fine with living in a Christian state as long as I can still be Jewish. So explain to me how I am hurting you in any way, as opposed to the camel jockeys killing dozens daily? Or are you just someone who hates Jews because it's the edgiest thing?

Got mentored by Richard Spencer.

Fact: this larping homo has NEVER stated his views openly in front of a Black, Jews, Latino, Muslim or any other minority in his life.
Can't do shit.
Can't get women.

I am

>I actually want Jews to be diluted into the European gene pool.
Your Taysachs, schizophrenia, manic depression, and general sociopathy are degenerative. You are a disease. Your blood is diseased. Stop talking about all of your dumb "lefty jew" nonsense. You're the problem period. Your fucking genetics.

Nobody else likes jewish culture or identity, either, so the best course of action is to exterminate all traces of it, not incorporate it into something else so it may reconstitute down the line.

I think he just took the redpill and is in the sperg phase.

According to his wiki he just read a book and became redpilled.

>I am perfectly fine with living in a Christian state as long as I can still be Jewish.
We know you're very comfortable being a parasite. It's been the pattern for 2,000 years.

the fuck are you talking about? all the anti-Zionist Jews are extremely leftist, and there's nothing wrong with Zionism anyway, Jews just want a home, who cares about the sand niggers that used to live there.

Because he was baptized and has the zeal of a convert.

>and there's nothing wrong with Zionism anyway

yes, let's worship the imaginary kike on a stick

>productive member of society


right, just like how Neanderthal culture resurged after it was diluted into the homo sapien gene pool? you're retarded and manic.

Besides, Jews have high IQ which can benefit the gene pool. and most of the issues are RECESSIVE, meaning if only one of the partners has the gene, it won't be a problem, and would eventually disappear. Just like if whitey gets bred by black dong, the whiteness is recessive and would be superseded by the nigger genes. same thing with Jews and whites.

>Government employed parasite
>productive member of society

people who hate Zionism either don't understand what it is, or are Muslim

>all the anti-Zionist Jews are extremely leftist
anti-zionists such as neturei karta or atheist jew yorkers suh as sarah silverman?

I save people

What have you done with your life

>inb4 he thinks Zionism is anything more than believing that Jews belong in Israel

even hitler had loyal jews despite what libtards tell you. its the evil kikes that want a world without borders with one central location they can control through their banks and corporations.

>Besides, Jews have high IQ
No, they don't. Jews are a cancer on civilization. Just admit you're a fake nationalist who is simply scared shitless that ragheads have sapped this slave colony of yours of its will to war and you're freaking out that the grand replacement doesn't give two shits about anything you stand for.

changed the world by exposing his autism through shitposting.

How indeed.

die kuffar die

>Corporate jews push degeneracy
>T-t-totaly not jews goys!

I'm talking about your everyday leftist secular Jew, I'm a Jew, I know a lot of them, only the Marxist liberal Jews don't support Israel because of "muh Palestine"

>I save people
>Worship me goyim. I'm a (((first responder)))
I like to think Hamas was saving people when they blow up kike pizza joints with a vest full of ball bearings.

They can take many forms...

He might have been born into a Jewish household, but he claims to be a Christian now days, and attends a Baptist church according to a interview with him in 2015 or 2014. You will have to google it.

He means Silverman/Soros types.
But neturei karta is not right wing either. Who tf knows what their political beliefs are, there's not really a lot of them. They are just religious, just as zionists are. It's really confusing but it goes to show how divided Jews are religiously, politically and in any other way.

>I'm talking about your everyday leftist secular Jew
they're not anti-zionist, they still believe the jews have a right to their own land, they just want a peace-deal being made, whether it's a 2 state solution or not. that's not anti-zionism.

I'm not telling you to worship me. I'm just like any other fireman. I do what I have to when the bell goes off. You are the first person I've ever met who can manage to find a reason to hate firemen. It's just funny to me. Hopefully your smoke detectors still have batteries in them pal.

Lmfao. I'm fucking 20 years old, not the head of some grand conspiracy. Something retards won't understand about kikes is that what they do collectively to society isn't a grand conspiracy, it's more like a collective hivemind of pathology. Not all Jews are part of that pathology/don't buy into it, and hold their allegiance to the west who they feel to be their home and people. it's the classic Israelite vs Hellenic Jew conflict. I grew up studying western history, culture, and philosophy and considered myself nothing but white. Are you so fucking manic that you deny anyone's individual agency within "x" group? if so, you're fucking mad and should stay out of the public, because you'll just do any movement harm

Also, don't even try being in denial about IQ differences. Or are you a science denier?