The English are objectively the greatest and most accomplished ethnic group in history.
Prove me wrong.
The English are objectively the greatest and most accomplished ethnic group in history.
Prove me wrong.
We should have taken more shit.
Send proof, so that I can dismantle them.
If the English are so great why is English history just getting raped all the time?
What are you talking about?
Nothing significantly bad as ever happened to the English, ever.
English were genocided by the Normans so much that you got cucked and started naming yourselves after Normans. It is why so many English names are not English in origin, while very few actual English names are still used.
Then where is your Empire?
Who cares, post moar Karens!
It didn't happen like that.
You are our empire.
Yes it did. Harrowing of the North, mass genocide of the English by the Normans.
>ethnic group
Viking and Kraut rape babies are an ethnicity now?
Fuck man, to me you're not even white.
t. Celt.
Killing northerners is a good thing
Celts are literal subhumans.
t. nigger
page 180 of "The book of general ignorance" "A quite interesting (QI) book) first publish in 2006.
Q. How long have the celts lived in Britain?
A. Since 21 June 1792.
It was then that a group of London "bards" staged an entirely invented ceremony on Primrose Hill in London, involving a stone circle made from pebbles, and claimed they were reviving a ritual that stretched back to the ancient Celtic nation and its druids.
Prior to this, there is no record of the word 'Celt' having been used to describe pre-Roman inhabitants of Britain or Ireland and it was certainly never a term they used to describe themselves.
The word "Celt" was coined by the Greek historian Herodotus in 450BC when he described the people of the head-waters of the Danube north of the Alps.
The Roman name for such people was Galli ("chicken people") and they called the inhabitants of the British isles Britanni, never Celts.
The use of "Celt" in English dates from the 17th century. A Welsh linguist living in Oxford called Robert Lluyd noted the similarities between the languages spoken in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and Brittany. He called these languages "Celtic" and the name stuck.
The word "Celtic" has also been used to describe the curly-wurly style of design found in Irish gift-shops. There is no evidence to suggest that this was produced by an ethnically homogeneous group of people.
Most historians believe the language and culture we call "Celtic" spread by contact not invasion. People 'became' Celtic by adopting the architecture, fashions and ways of speaking because they were useful or attractive, not because they belonged to the same ethnic group.
The romantic notion of a Celtic Empire of horse-loving master craftsmen, wise old druids, harp-strumming poets, and fierce bearded warriors is the product of the Celtic Revival that started in the late 18TH century.
It has more to do with modern nationalism than with any historical reality.
Cool Orkney and Shetland Islands bro.
The Saxons were never genocided by the Normans, in fact the Normans hardly if ever bred with the local population. Pic related is of a DNA test of England Red is Saxon dna.
Yes they were, it wiped out old English identity such as the names and the language. Old English was much closer to Norwegian than French for example, but modern English is practically just French with a syntax.
forgot to post pic
with a Germanic syntax*
Celts are fiction
You mean because of the British Empire run by Jewish Bankers Rothschild? The same country that created Israel?
British history is biggest reason for global White guilt today, your country was the original Globalist projec
Not at all, Old English was merged with Norman to create Middle English which evolved into Modern English, pronoucniation changed over the years as well in the 1700's it sounded more like dutch.
*blocks your path*
Old English went extinct, Middle English just shows how England was dominated so completely by its conquerors.
your country is so tiny i could cover it entirely with semen from one jerk off session
>tfw England, a fraction of a tiny little island, has given the world more than any country on Earth
>tfw England, a fraction of a tiny little island, invented and popularised almost all of the world's major sports
>tfw England, a fraction of a tiny little island, has won a football world cup, a rugby world cup and is #1 at cricket, as well as being the GOAT at Formula 1, has the most famous Tennis tournament in the world, is great at Golf and one of the best all time nations in the Olympics
>tfw England, a fraction of a tiny little island, has produced more great literary works, more great bands and more great people than any other nation on Earth
>tfw England, a fraction of a tiny little island, has done more for science than any other country on Earth
>tfw England, a fraction of a tiny little island, is the reason the rest of the world isn't still living in mud huts
>tfw we are all right now speaking English
>tfw almost every single person on Earth has to learn English
>tfw you won the lottery of life and were born English
was until the world-wide cuckening and every shitcunt could have their shit opinion heard via the internet
>tfw England, a fraction of a tiny little island, is the reason the rest of the world isn't still living in mud huts
This is arguably a mistake. It would've been better to genocide the brown people than "civilize" them.
''Britain is not run by English anymore,we are under invisible Jewish dictatorship and it can be felt in every aspect of our society'' Nesta Webster
Your gay
yeah or worse, try and and not get a 100% hit rate, leaving 0.3 of the population to whinge about it for the next 200 years like in ausfailia
Sorry Britain bro,English is popular because of American Burgers not you.Listen with what accent people speak English LOL
I can't because you're correct.
fuck off and die perfidious anglo turd
>beaten by Potato niggers
Outside of that I agree.
>60 ships vs a few ships
Fuck off aquafresh, it's about who wins the match, not who scores the first goal
Normal people in England continued to speak Old English possibly into the 12th century. The vast amount of Norman names came from people naming their children after the Norman Hierarchy which had replaced the Saxon one. To say that there was a "Genocide" of the saxon people is ludicrous, again look at the DNA map. Almost no Norman DNA was found in normal English people meaning that just the Norman hierarchy moved to England.
>British controlled a quarter of the earth
>Jews control the entire earth as well as three dimensions higher and lower
Get rekt
>very few actual English names are still used
Most places in England have names that come from either the Anglo-Saxons or the Celts.
Loads of place names end in -sex, like Middlesex, Sussex, Wessex, and Essex, which denotes they are Saxon in origin. Some end in -ia, which means they were named by Angles. Countless others were named after individual rulers, like Bedford, which literally means Beda's Fjord
Yes British GLOBALISTS with the Jewish Bankers but not British nationalists who are being suppressed and hated by their own Establishment
Why is it a competition? We are all humans and should work together as a team and not let silly borders stop us.
... except for niggers and sand niggers, they can fuck themselves. But Asians, Americans and Europeans need to stand together and stop comparing penis sizes. We all contribute.
Ah he buttmad
Britain has influenced humanity in many profound ways, such as the Industrial Revolution, the creation of the television, the creation of the computer, the creation of the World Wide Web, the scientific method, the creation of the telephone, Newtonian physics, free-market economics, parliamentary democracy, Cadbury chocolate, the spreading of English as a global language, the creation of the United States of America (the world's sole superpower) by rebellious British colonists, all clock-time on Earth being based on Greenwich Mean Time, the Enlightenment and the creation of many modern sports. Also:
"* The Declaration of Independence is a creation of British Americans.
* The Constitution of the United States is a creation of British Americans.
* The American Bill of Rights is a creation of British Americans.
* The American system of government: a Constitutional Republic with a separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers is a creation of British Americans.
* Most American Presidents, Senators, and Congressmen, Governors and Ivy League University Presidents have been British Americans."
"Using the self reported 2010 census figures British Americans are the largest European ancestry group of all. However, this figure is likely a serious undercount, as a large proportion of Americans of British descent have a tendency (since the introduction of a new 'American' category in the 2000 census) to identify as simply Americans or if of mixed European ancestry, identify with a more recent and differentiated ethnic group. Eight out of the ten most common surnames in the United States are of British origin."
We are the cuck-pin that keeps the house of cucks from falling. Get over our/yourself.
>muh empire
>muh worlds 5th bestest economy
Where did all the money go?
English is obviously the best language. English is the first global lingua franca. English is the language of the future. English is the only language in the world that is an official language in countries on all six permanently inhabited continents. The English language has the most books, the most films, the most songs, the most science publications, the most web-sites, arguably the most speakers (ahead of even Mandarin if people who know only a few words of English are counted), it is the official language of both the sea (i.e. Seaspeak) and the sky (i.e. Airspeak) and it will someday become humanity's universal language of space (de jure or otherwise). English was also the first language spoken by humans on another world besides Earth (i.e. the Moon). Arabic, French, Russian, Spanish and Mandarin cannot compete with the linguistic leadership of English.
mfw Scottish living in England with an English wife.
Too bad you won't be honoring that heritage
Joe Rogan and Alex Jones. Jones started going on a rant about the Illuminati trying to get to higher dimensions and vampires from the lower dimensions trying to enter our dimensions and feed off our energy
The anglos are a fucking disgrace. They got their shit kicked in by everyone, started the downfall of the monarchy with the magna carta, kicked off the industrial revolution which has been a disaster, abandoned its diaspora after becoming the major player in globalist colonialism and now its being taken over by muslims while throwing people in jail for criticizing faggots.
Except most of our common words are Anglo Saxon, loads of our places and most of the genetics. My family have had anglo saxon names going back as far as I can check.
names like Smith, Edwards etc are all Saxon names.
Only the language got some latin and Norman influence which added a number of new words, usually for less common things.
The Greeks and Italians are up there too.
Keep in mid the Italians have both Roman and renaissance-onwards achievements
>Prove me wrong.
I can't, mummy.
>0.1% West African
You're basically black.
>The C A N A D I A N S are a fucking disgrace.
Get raked, leaf.
You're 1/1000 Yid. Into the gas chamber with you.
>Prove me wrong.
The main character in Gundam was a Canadian. How are the British ever going to recover?
we have Donald trump as a leader of our globalist empire, isn't that a good enough accomplishment?
It's pretty impressive
>Born long after NWO disolved canada
> Mostly raised by his japanese father
> Last met his mother by killing pepole in front of her and leaving her in shambles.
u wot
Too bad the best and brightest were slaughtered during WWI and WWII.
Or emigrated in previous centuries
The most popular name in Englistan is Mohamed, while you're constantly worrying about little ol' Bulgarians and Romanians
yep. What is left behind now are the clerks and jerks.
>this coming from Norway whose language is just a bastardised version of Danish
Admit it, the Danes are superior in every way to you
They've become cowards. It's not asa politically incorrect to talk about white immigration in a negative fashion which is why they focus their discussion on the Poles etc rather thatn talking about the real threat
Well we have been ruling the world since the 1600s. Anglo Saxon is the true master race.
You would be if you conqered Europe.But you didint.YOu always needed help from others in order to defeat France and Germany.
We are under threat now
It was the Anglo-Norse who were genocided by the Normans. So basically you guys.
And we're barely a people anymore
THIS! They are afraid to talk about the elephant in the room so they talk about Poles.
Same thing here in the states as the liberals love to talk about "white Christian males".
I agree with everything OP said, but if I had to choose between still having a strong british empire at its greatest extent vs. having pic related still surviving then I'd have to go with the Romans.
Imagine if that had survived, and those great engineers and organizers had the scientific and industrial revolutions that came from within that territory.
and, the bonus is that the british empire might have developed anyway, except as an extension of the Roman Empire.
Or the real best and brightest avoided dying and won WW2.
Let`s see:
> India > previously center of civilisation > under/after anglo > dirty shithole
> middle east > prior to anglo secularizing community, part of ancient indo-egyptian "silk" traderoute > under/after anglo > terrorism shithole
> South Africa > prior to anglo > land without niggers, because winter is too cold, hungarian farmers are making everything > under/after anglo > turns into nigger hellhole
> USA/Canada/Australia > We can only thank God for sparing these lands faith of South Africa. But hey, anglo is still there, so we might see soon how niggers turn america in 2nd South africa, abos+mudslimes turn australia in 3rd one and mudslimes forced by anglo tricks to move turn whole europe into 3rd one.
I`m not even starting on anglo funding bolshevism and ISIS.
Rome was, by its end, way too corrupt, lazy and decadent to really have made a comeback
Almost like a certain superpower today.
I concur, anglos are p good
Now give jobs :)
only the shittest of shitcunts emigrated to that shithole to gather and collectively get cuckolded by clementine ford
Fuck off reddit
>implying reddit comes here