Is this anything more degenerate than American television?
Just how far will (((they))) go?
Is this anything more degenerate than American television?
Just how far will (((they))) go?
>Is this anything more degenerate than American television?
Nope. And we have to put up with it. 90% of our TV shows are (((American))). Sick of their cancerous shit.
They are a beautiful couple.
Go away bigot. Racism and anti-semitism is not acceptable on Sup Forums.
>Is there anything more degenerate than American television
There's a British television show called naked attraction, you should google it.
>(((The eternal American)))
So make your own TV?
>watching the electric jew
I bet you watched the Oscars like a good goy huh?
yup, it's precisely what you see at the end of an empire
i hope you've bought your silver and bitcoin!
At least they didn't use a white woman.
>this is wholesome quality American entertainment
No I haven't watched TV since I was a little kid. Even those early years of indoctrination have affected me.
What did they mean by this?
>gyno on that white guy
>australia thinking it has the moral high ground while airing THIS
>what are (((them)))
I don't blame Americans really. It just so happens 95% of the worlds cancer comes from America. Because all of (((them))) live in America.
>both guys have bigger tits than her
I agree, but this time I think UNDRESSED is the worst offender
>Described as the 'most diverse dating show to hit Australian screens', the series features a diverse range of couples, including same-sex people and diverse singles.
What kind of a retard would watch this ?
Would you call ancient Celts and Germanic tribes degenerate? Well if you really are white and not just Mediterranean/Slavic then you are descended from degenerates who spent alot of their time naked in public according to multiple Roman and Greek authors.
Yeah I didn't even know about this. It sounds fucking disgusting and I hope whoever made (((this))) dies of cancer. Fucking disgusting degenerate cunts. The only way I can vent my fucking anger is through a Bangladeshi knitting board.
>I wonder who could be behind this?...
>naked people on tv makes me angry
Aussie get MAD when dick all TINGLY
Dumb burgers... dumb burgers wilL PAY
Isn't it past your bed-time Zhang?
>the current year
>watching tv
kys fags
But who the hell still watches TV these days?
>that gyno on the left
>that lennygut on the """girl"""
>that KANG skull
Well they elected a retard orange clown with narcissism issues.
I think they can go even lower
Stopped watching tv 2012
I've watched every episode of this degenerate show, and so far there have only been one or two hetero-sexual white + white couples
Yes this is degenerate I have already reported it to our Media watch dog here.
>tfw bought a projector instead of a tv because television is cancer and fuck the (((license fee)))
Nigger dicks don't swell and nigger muscles are fake.
Makes you wonder why we came up with modesty and clothing to begin with!
only problem is that they're censored. isn't this a show for adults?
This is just nitpicking. I've watched the show a lot and the couples are all over the place. White on white, black on white, black on black. There's some asian women too, but I don't recall a single Asian man ever being on the show.
nice try proxy leaf
America is responsible for negro worship.
>Makes TV show about being naked
>Censors everything
Lol, America.
ever seen a japanese tv show?
>dat perfect pink nipples
Just know many Americans hate this shit too. Most programming sucks now anyway. The History channel doesn't even show documentaries anymore. It's mostly reality shows about pawn shops.