>Trump's wall will stop Mexicans from coming into th-
>Trump's wall will stop Mexicans from coming into th-
>build a $40 billion wall
>climb over with a $40 ladder
>What is border patrol
Many such cases!
>implying someone can fall 50 feet and live
>not having machine gun drones on rails on top of the wall
Wall overhangs say hi.
>spending all that money on a wall and not enforcing it with snipers or wall climbing mexican seeking hounds of fire
trump forgot planes
Barbed wire would be more cost effective and frankly, stopping them with a physical barrier is silly to begin with.
And getting the Mexicans to pay for it? The only Mexicans that have that kind of money to throw around are the Cartels and trust me, you don't want the Cartels to build the wall.
Slide thread.
>>be american
>> not realize wall is meant to stimulate economy through employing craftsman
u retarded or what?
The wall is going to be like $10 billion at the most, and a ladder won't get anyone over the wall. Border patrol will just shoot them.
People have fallen much further and been fine. Your body can survive terminal velocity if youre muscles are completly relaxed. Why are you this autistic
They will obviously have border guards and sensors that captures any kind of strange activity.
Thats why we make it a punching wall like in those game shows and offer that if you can scale it you get citizenship, but the twist is the top arms are controlled by botder patrol agents and wont let anybody scale it.
Did you get that idea from a looney toons episode?
>Mexican ladder to get over ebil drumpfs wa-
Kys for such a shit thread
Border patrol is going to be covering every square mile eh? Woah
Man I can't wait till the wall stops illegals coming into our country completely, it's such a soundproof plan
Idiot mexicans can't afford ladders for one.
all obstacles require some form of overwatch or they're not obstacles. this is basic shit, op.
>using the ladder argument
I suggest you read these books to understand the whole point of fortifications. Nobody builds those believeing they will ultimately stop invaders, but slow them down.
>pic related: From my grandfather after passing the Maginot-Linie in Lorraine, France.
Know how they passed it? By going around it essentially. So Trump's southern border fortifications muts have no chance of walking around it on land.
>Your body can survive terminal velocity if youre muscles are completly relaxed.
this is what mexican intellectuals actually believe
The government will pay the ten billion one time or continue suffer over a hundred billion anually in lost trade due to the tariff
First up, we have a chain link fence.
Second, a small river.
After that, trees with pinatas. Pinatas you say? Well the pinatas are filled with poison gas.
Failing that, fake Home Depo parking lots spanning the length of the border, but every pickup truck that shows up is actually border patrol in disguise.
Give me a sec, I need to crunch the math on this.
So the US/Mexico border is about 3,200km long, the M2 machine gun, because I'm assuming you want the longest range possible, has a maximum range of about 2.5km and 1.8km effective range. Assuming you don't care about overlap that works out to 5km at the weakest possible coverage.
This works out to about 640 machine gun nests. I don't think most army divisions have that many M2s sitting around and personnel wise it's on par with an understrengthed brigade.
More accurately, he forgot about overstaying visas. People come here on valid visas and then forget to leave.
>Ladder is an easy way to defeat wa-
Also, ropes. Tie one end off on the top of the wall and then fast rope your way down.
2 shekels and a sage for this thread
The presence of a physical barrier will increase risk of coming over the border, so yes, immigration will be curbed cuck
illegal immigrants from Mexico and central america have been declining for years. Most new illegals in the US are Asians
Trump supporters believe a wall on the US's southern border will stop people flying in from Asia
Also see
>pic related: Posing infront of one of the Fortification outposts we Germans stomed after going through Belgium and surprise the French from behind
Imagine those are Mexicans after walking around your fortifications, smug, proud and ready to occupy Amerika.
If you don't want that to happen, you better don't repeat the mistake of the French, you build a fortification stretching from Ocean to Ocean. So if they wnated to go around it, they would need a boat.
Also you should have an exeutive order that allows Border guards to kill anyone they catch trying to dig under or pass over the fortification.
Fear has been a useful strategy in every war
That's it, Trump is finished
Boiling oil seemed to work in olden times.
The ladder is the new CTR slide thread forced meme. Stop replying, sage and report kthx.
Not even remotely true
wow great bait thread
One of the nicer countries down there. Lots to see and visit like
>Tell Sae'ed fortress
and of course
>pic related
Are you Kuwaiti or an American Soldier stationed there?
The problem isn't fortifications, it's cost. the border is 3,200 km long. Just throwing down barbed wire would cost a couple million dollars. Concrete with rebar? Trillions! Proper, man stopping fortifications? Hundreds of trillions of dollars. We don't have that kind of scratch and Mexico's most spineless president has said "No Way In Hell"
>Employing craftsmen
The wall will be built by poor scrubs for minimum wage
There won't be border patrol agent along every single inch of wall. It just isn't possible. Mexicans will find a way over and Trump will look dumb as fuck in the process.
3200km? Fuck i always forget how big the USA is. The Maginot Line was just 350km and would have been about 800km if the French had built it up to the Northern Sea.
But aren't there lots of funds you can re purpose?
I mean, the USA, just like most western countries waste too much money on foreign nation building which can be scrapped
sometimes you dont even need snips,a piece of rubber backed thick carpet over the barbed/razor wires works wonders
It is well known Asians have overtaken south Americans in immigration. Especially the south east
We'd have to reallocate military funds and there is no way we're doing that
Immigration maybe, not illegal immigration
>These retards
>sitting on razor wire
>pulling a big ass ladder up the wall and placing it in place on the other side without dropping it or falling
some walls are just too tall to climb up ladders. the mexicans that come through, come through the openins in the desert (native american lands have no walls or fences), or through the rio grande (no wall since river)
but if you build walls on indian land, you cut immigration by half. then you reinforce the rio grande with sensors, drones, manned outposts, and other tech.
Are nation building funds one in one with military funds? I guess because of worldwide US military stations like the ones in Germany that cost money? Can't you just get rid of the military stations in countries that already have been rebuild and now can afford their own military?
I'm a german Aghanistan vet (Hindukusch ISAF) and pretty much everyone of my NCO's up to our Generals wants the german gov to pay more for our own military so the USA can leave and use their money elsewhere
>Razor wire
>Hurrrrr I'm a beta manlet with no strength
Most people aren't basement dwelling weaklings
Ladder better be immune to atomic mines
>Border Patrol will be able to cover 2000 miles of boarder 100% 24/7
The effective range of an M4 is what about 400 meters where it can be shot with normal accuracy? that means on person could only cover 800 meter of wall. That means 4000 people would have to be stationed on the wall 24/7 to cover all of it with rifles.
Gee wonder what the annual budget of that will be. Having that many agents sitting around doing nothing 99.99% of the time.
But we're talking about Mexicans here..... most of them are beta manlets.
Spics are second only to east asians in terms of manletness
Yeah, remember how China got eternally BTFO by Mongols running rampant? If only they'd had some kind of fortification.
>razor wire
Yeah, I mean, why don't you throw yourself from a building and see what happens?
funny how adding useless jobs is sometimes a bad thing and sometimes the only redeeming quality of a presidency
>1 post by this ID
That's only like 75 million dollars a year (on the high end)
everyone replying to this thread and not saging is a faggot
It's almost like Mexicans don't know how to build pretty good tunnels...
Oh wait, they tunneled nearly 2 miles to an exact spot in a mexican prison to break out El Chapo.
750* million
That's just salary, now lets add benefits, and retirements, oh and maintenance of the wall itself, you know 2000 miles of wall isn't going to repair itself. And those 4000 are going to need additional equipment, supervision, fuel for trucks, maintenance for equipment.
Jeez you guys are as bad as the "Free College" Berne fags with our tax dollars.
good luck getting through hungarys fence, its a giant pile of razer wire, imagine getting stuck in that shit, the boarder patrol would get you out, then they would force you to fix it yourself during your 5 years in prison.
america is pathetic
Trumpsters are this delusional
If the ladder is "Made in Mexico" we have absolutely nothing to worry about.
>Gee, how do you get through barb wire
Its not like Mexians don't have access to one of these.
In 1990 the US Army retired an M2 that had a 3 digit serial number. That mg had made US enemies bleed since your grandfather was shitting his diapers. We have plenty of machine guns and bullets for our enemies.
Long as fuck reply but
sorry to disappoint there's nothing to see here ;_; and your pic is from Yemen
>Are you Kuwaiti or an American Soldier stationed there?
I should be saying "late as fuck" but I'm retarded
I don't think you're pricing this properly. Consider that with the right contractor an IMMENSE discount would be applied for such a large bulk of material order. Not to mention the tax breaks and other government money magic the contractor would receive. Heck the right person might even apply a discount because they believe in the cause.
TL;dr residential or commercial wall pricing is a terrible rule of thumb for Trump's wall.
What if he covers the wall with a slime so the ladders will slide from it? Did you think about it?
laughed too hard at this
lol a huge army of mexican children flooding the border with bolt cutters and ladders!
i feel like if i pointed out even more things the wall will have to defeat this shit, you will imaginarily equip your mexican invaders with more fun gadgets
>addressing one source of illegal immigration automatically means he's ignoring others
Even if he were, it'd still reduce the absolute numbers so I don't quite know what you're getting at.
How about a truck with a snow plow.
Besides, it not like American's would even remotely tolerate deadly force being used. There is Sup Forumstard fantasies, then there is the real world.
I hope Trump realizes that mexicans will just dig a tunnel that goes under the wall
No problem, but the german tourist paper says the Island belongs to Kuwait, interesting haha.
I disagree though, you got many ancient forts on Kuwaits coasts that i find interesting and will be visiting soon
> Trump will never get elec-
> Trump wont ban musli-
> Trump wont deport Mex-
You were saying?
>people will really think that the Berlin Wall will stop people
Not gonna lie, former Willy Brand supporter here, it's hilarious watching him crash on burn. In all seriousness, we can't let this man get the building materials
Border guards kek
>Guards can't be bribed by cartels or human smugglers.
Yeah talk to anybody who's worked in a prison sometime about that.. Guards are probably the weakest link.. Especially now that Trump wants an open casting call for them.
Equip with bullets, bean bags, or hot sauce.
>Jeez you guys are as bad as the "Free College" Berne fags with our tax dollars.
Except border defense is a legitimate task of the federal government, while education is supposed to be the domain of the states. Also, no one here is arguing that all taxes are bad except for snaekposters.