Reminder that even a literal cocksucking faggot think your gay for watching anime
Reminder that even a literal cocksucking faggot think your gay for watching anime
Anime is pure shit.
So? Doesn't change the fact that anime is the last legitimate form of modern entertainment for the redpilled white man.
Weeaboos have to die.
>faggot think your gay for watching anime
Three grammatical errors in one sentence. Great Job!
anime is love
and is life
Watching pixels on a screen Versus putting your dick in another man's arsehole.
What the fuck are you talking about?
5)R E A D I N G
7)Playing with the Dog
Fucking etc.
Stop watching cartoons and move out of your mom's basement.
Wow a jewish Coalburning literal faggot doesn't like anime.
What a (((suprise)))!
>faggot think your gay for watching anime
Faggot thinks you're gay for watching anime.
What is the third one?
leddit please go
Milo is entitled to his opinion.
waaaa....stop liking what I don't like!
>Caring about the opinion of a faggot
Yeah no
The jewish faggot finally shows his true colours, eh?
Brief reminder that if Jewish faggots hate animu that's generally a good sign animu is redpilled.
>caring about milo
Or that anime is gayer than sucking cock...
He's part right. Boku no pico is hella gay, and French animation is better than most animes. Wakfu and Doofus are superior to the current loli trend going on.
wtf i hate milo now
>current loli trend
Loli animu's been popular since the 80s desu.
There's actually much less actual "loli anime" now than there used to be.
>tfw milo's career is essentially over
I don't even watch anime but I prefer weebs to newfags
I wish
Is it a girl?
Is it a boy?
Doesn't matter.
because in cartoons penises are cute.
wtf i hate milo now
He's just mad he can't be as cute as an animu girl. He's jealous.
Stay mad, shits
Your kids are desperate to be one of us honorary Japanese because our superior entertainment.
good goy
t. American living in Japan
Milo the pedo's career is over.
> American
Your cuck fantasies are showing
It's been pushed a bit more in Sup Forums and a few doujin sites I frequent. Not my thing, so I guess it's time to take a break for a while and find better material elsewhere.
This desu senpai
Weebs are degenerate losers