I like him.
I like him
He's somewhat reasonable by libtard standards but holy shit he's not funny.
I do too. he gets it wrong on occasion, but he's the one on The Young Turks who actually has the same views of their viewers. even the liberals who watch the Turks are fucking sick of Lil Jihad and the water buffalo. The Jimmy Dore Show is way better than TYT
and yes he did spit on Alex Jones. I can't imagine what he was thinking doing that, all the cameras around and thinking about the culture associated with calling people out. nevertheless I was glad that he stood by the spitting. Alex stole air-time from TYT even if Alex is way better than TYT
bump because i am Jimmy Dore and shilling myself
He should switch to Infowars
If Jimmy joined they would change the name to ClassWars
I heard his native American name is "spitting tongue"
I hate that fag, says something about the sympathies of some Sup Forumsacks that they would like this green pacfist cop-hating BLM commie cuck
you're a little triggered bitchboy hahaha. how does it feel to be that emotionally weak?
Which is why he might not last long on TYT.
THIS. Half of the faggmasters here will be the first to hang. fuck jimmy dore unfunny fuck and fuck the young turds and hey fuck infowhores too. they are the new mayne streeem meaty whores
A "comedian" is supposed to be smart and witty, or at the very least thought-provoking. Dore is neither of those.
desu, I like him too. At least he's speaking truf unlike most of TYT that's too fucking pro-Democrat.
>so triggered over fat ass getting spit on by Jimmy Dore
Is he daresay /ourguy/?
I like him as well, I watched all his vids from October onwards to see him slowly go from rabid pants on TYT retarded tier anti trumpism into the sort of neutral "let's see what he actually does before crucifying the man" position he holds now(very rare amongst liberals of his breed/situation )
The only thing a comedian is supposed to be is funny.
But I don't expect you to know that, you're German.
Oh, isn't that the master of the sacred martial art... ¨Crouching Cuck, Spitting Shitstain¨ Jimmy Dore? Or is he another twat that just looks like him.
He's the spitter. Fuck him. The other guy with the glasses seems more chill. Even during the election night he just smiled durink Cenk's outbursts.
TYT ain't "Pro Dem". I followed then for years before their 1 side Gamergate BS. I do check on them time to time.
Some stuff I agreed, some I disagree.
Right now, they are like so hopping on the Anti-Trump bandwagon. I find them no different from the MSM, which they claimed "different".
Jimmy on the other hand fucks everyone.
>Jimmy "spits not swallows" Dore
kys you're self
At least he isn't a hypocrite, like the rest of the TYT cast. He gets major respect from me just on that alone.
He doesn't play identity politics.
He actually reports shit that even CNN wont report.
He's not afraid to call out people on the left for BS.
Other than the spitting incident he's a respectable guy even if I don't agree with him.
He's the kind of person I can agree to disagree with
Doesn't this guy fuck kids?
Dumb people aren't funny - unless you're at their level.