Has it ever produced anything of value?
Has it ever produced anything of value?
Other urls found in this thread:
oh we just kept the ocean out, what have you done?
tulips and cheese
Geert Wilders
>literally a pile of earth
>first to have fag marriage
>some of the loosest abortion laws
>one of the first to legalize weed
>high levels of atheism
total degenerates
The Dutch are pretty cool
Why can't Belgium become apart of a super Netherlands? that'd be pretty neat.
yeah that's how you would deal with it, you guys wouldn't know shit about engineering.
Stroopwafels, kroketten en frikandellen.
they are good pious catholics that's why
Your guys flag looked cooler when it was orange, why change it?
Initially we changed the orange because the dyes faded out at sea. Then oir nationalist socialist party adopted it so we still have bad memories. Personally I prefer it.
I thought we were friends Germany, I'm even learning German.
t. Subhuman Sacwiz Polski
het doodle fahrswoop dit oodle en googel
you should return to the motherlands loving bosom
Do you even have to ask, Hans?
>Annexed by Germany again
Please no, we'll just be your best neighbours like always.
>any of those things
And beer
But that's all
amnesia haze
Taylor Sands
Fucking Belgian drug tourists
I only buy weed grown in belgium
>great art
also liberal cancer and fag acceptance
Pay bicycle debt
What's technically wrong with any of that? The US has more abortions per capita, more drug use per capita, more STDs, etc. despite all of that stuff our country as a whole is much more degenerate.
You know, the list is a lot bigger than that.
tulips don't count Klaas
Good food.
Oh and helping us win the revolutionary war...so I supposed it (helped) produce the USA. So there's that.
And the food.
Oh, thanks for reminding me. MC Escher
Legal shroom tripping.
>establishing USA
You are welcome, Hans.
>one of the first to legalize weed
has never been legal, still isn't, while several US states made it legal.
Fuck off, turdboy.
He was the first MC ever, so props to him.
>waves hand like a nigger
That's degenerate.
Heineken sucks
It has produced everything
In the entire history, the Dutch have tried to make Europe richer and better, whilst you have just made it more ''enriched'', Mehmet
yes i know, those were the first things that i could think of
I didn't even know based MC Escher was from Nederland, neat
i bet those mams produce something of value
It looks washed out this way
Our flag still has orange, but it's in a separate pennant
Oh get invaded, you grain alcohol swilling pushover.
Neither do concentration camps, Hans. It's the only thing in modern history your country is known for. Well, atleast you're known for something in recent years. In our goldenage we were THE world power and first modern republic. Not anymore, sadly
Also we have a far more aesthetically pleasing language
Nobody seems to know. He was born in my city, but whenever someone talks about Escher and I mention he's born here, everybody seems surprised.
There's not even a statue or a plaque.
Grain alcohol, also a Dutch invention
Seems like I hit a nerve there.
Are you still upset about getting memed the fucked out few months ago?
Ik zag laatst een vraaggesprek van hem en het leek mij een heel bescheiden en vrijzinnige man. Echt een buitengewone man.
art and imperialism?
Oh en ook echt zeer autistisch over geometrie maar dat herken ik wel een beetje
>The Dutch guy says to the German
Ook bijzonder intelligent. Als je zijn werk bekijkt, klopt alles in wiskundig opzicht perfect. Tegenwoordig is misschien met een computer te doen, maar hij deed het met de hand.
Post dutch art
Not fully. But there's loopholes.
Trade and Slavery
Stroopwafels, miffy (by a guy named dick) and KLM.
Nah. Leopold II was way worse.
Pls no judging
cavity protection preferred by 9/10 dentists
The Dutch are the most attractive people on Earth
check out the philharmoniker or berlin airport lmao
Kek, dat was toch die beweging die probeerde als kleuters te schilderen?
van Gogh en co?
9/11 burger
t. Gay atheist stoner whore
free trade and stock markets
Ik vind alleen een paar van Van Gogh's werken goed
De Cobrabeweging! Ik weet niet of 'schilderen als kleuters' de precieze bewoording is die ze gebruikten, maar daar komt het wel op neer, ja.
Het bijzondere is dat in de late jaren '40, Karel Appel een van de eersten was die aan de wieg stonden van het postmodernisme, in een tijd waarin dat nog niet werd geaccepteerd.
Van Gogh had meer klasse dan dat!
Most of the big compagnies are seated in Holland (tax thing) so kinda every thing is from Holland
Ook een bijzondere, ja. Ik weet dat er in Nederland veel is geëxperimenteerd met dadaïstische poëzie (Dat zijn veel trema's in één zin), maar hebben wij ook schilder- of beeldhouwkunst?
Waar is het allemaal zo fout gegaan? In mijn mening is de Cobrabeweging wel erg creatief, alleen heeft het misschien huidige kunstbewegingen gevalideerd en geïnspireerd. Je weet vast wel hoe Sup Forums denkt over hedendaagse 'kunst'
Zal er volgens jou misschien een tegenstroming komen of zal het steeds slechter worden? Als je het 'slecht' vindt, althans