What do?
What do?
choose all 3 and napalm the apartment
Muslim, they dont shit where they eat and wont hide srugs and guns on my side of the room for when the feds come
I've lived with an indian. Not bad at all. Would do it again.
the indian. if he pays his bills and isn't too loud he'd be the best roommate i've ever had even if i have to clean some poo off the floor from time to time
Blacks. I don't have a wife/gf so I don't have to worry there. I also like rap music so if they were to blast it all the time I wouldn't be too peeved.
They would all shift the blame on me when they eventually get raided by police for being stupid though, but at least I don't have to clean curry shit off the floor
Indian bcs they are literally brown poles :^)
>I also like rap music
wow you're so cool
>I also like rap music
Good goy.
all three of them
1.make nigger and his friends bring me drugs of my choice and steal stuff for me
2.train indian to only shit when i walk him out with a chain, and get spicy food from him
3.teach muslim to milk goat and make cheese so he makes his own money and moves out soon
indian can be potty trained and i can eat his delicious curries
>Has a goat pet that fucks her sometimes
So its a female muslim who gets fucked by a male goat? What?
niggers don't actually listen to real rap, they only listen to bubblegum kike produced shit.
it's white people who listen to rap. just look at any video of a JMT/AOTP concert. all white
Baba, no question. I've had dogs before, if he poos, I'll be prepared.
You are a gentleman, a scholar, and most certainly my nigga.
This desu
I would go with the Negro. I like to smoke weed so would be cool to hang out with his homies and shit.
you want to eat his shit?
Indian, at least we can talk cricket and he can be the:
IT support.
>i also like rap music
End your life.
We can shit around the house back to back.
Muslim, goats are cute and I can talk shit about jews with him
Tfw had both a paki muslim as a roommate and an indian as one as well when I was in uni.
Its not even a real choice. Poo in loo wins all in this comparison.
Indian, he can cook for me. And I can hire his wife for housekeeping, thus solving the poo on carpet situation.
What do you like? I guarantee it's stupid and gay. 100%.
Only people who don't understand that music is visceral and subjective would say such a stupid thing. Let me guess, some obscure hipster bands, gay classical, or cringey "metal" or punk.
rap is for untermensh
>Basically already am, thanks Blair
>can convert to Islam to become immune to laws
>6 wives, can't do shit because muh culture
>behead any kuffirs we don't like, can't do shit about it because muh islamaphobia
>Being sent to prison isnt a problem because we'd already run the place
>Can be a total racist sexist anti-semitic turbo nazi and it's fine because i'm oppressed now and i'm punching upwards
allah fucking ackbar cunts
He is the only one that is productive.
>get a muslim roommate
>grow out my beard
>get to tag along with their rape gang now and then
What's the problem?