Do we still care about this?

Do we still care about this?

>On the edge of disaster: Full extent of the damage to the Oroville dam is revealed as officials stop the flow on the spillway showing that it is almost completely destroyed
>Authorities stopped flow to the spillway after Oroville Lake water levels dropped, starting clean-up process
>It revealed gaping hole and entire edge missing from the spillway, which takes water down from top of dam
>Huge piles of grey rubble lie at the bottom of the spillway, which barges and excavators are now removing
>Comes after nearly 200,000 people were evacuated from homes when the waterway broke earlier this month

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there is no live stream

we care about this!
/odg/ is the most comfy General! Lets revive it!

The Eco system of the feather river down must be completely fucked.

Well California you could have prevented this.

aqua-sama didn't deliver

B-b-but dams don't vote senpai :(

Thank the universe that it stopped raining. Now we can divert funds to sanctuary cities to increase welfare for vilified immigrants.

nobody likes california except californians.


Nobody hates california more than californians

Gibsmedat rain senpai


thats why everyone leaves


Looks fine, can go without maintenance for another decade or two.
Why did people make such huge fuss about it ?
Just a little erosion, nothing out of the norm.

Check "oroville" hashtag on Instagram for more.

i am disappointed that the powerlines didn't go down.

Jesus fuck! How do you fix that?

Like seriously, if they need to use that spillway for another month, (and they will because of snow melt) how are they going to stop the erosion up?

I mean look at that thick ass brown River of erosion that's coming from the top now that they slowed the water flow to nothing.

Slowest happening ever, God only knows how they'll make it to summer

btw. who has the lates /odg/ OP?
We will need it when this shit gets relevant again.

I'm telling you there is a leak somewhere. This dam is fucked on several levels

Uhhh Guys? Is it happening again?

I see there are some power lines going from the dam and crossing the spillway - what about the rest - were they washed away by the emergency spillover?

>American """"""engineering""""""

So all that we get out of this is fucking Jew social media garbage. Fuck kek!


I don't see anything wrong with it.

Is there gold in there?



God bless California and there fucking retarded environmental laws. They are literally racing against mother nature to save fish.

Don't worry residents, we got this.

Good collection of the carnage.