Tfw it was my birthday

>tfw it was my birthday
>tfw don't have anyone in my life
>tfw no one knows when my birthday is
>still had a linger of hope that someone would say happy birthday
>no one did
>tfw Sup Forums will say I deserve all the suffering I get in life because i'm a shitskin

Other urls found in this thread:

Just end it already shitksin

Happy birthday user

Shame about being a shitskin though

Happy birthday, leaf.

Happy birthday, you disgusting shitskin.

Happy bday, letme upboat your blog before you fuck off back to l e d d i t

Go to Sup Forums then kill yourself fag

>>tfw Sup Forums will say I deserve all the suffering I get in life because i'm a shitskin



Happy birthday senpai! Have a good one.

I was born as an orphan
I'm honestly lightskinned and hate Islam
But I will never be accepted by anyone

happy birthday shit skin, one day closer to death

Happy birthday, you fucking leaf

Can I get an Exit Bag An Hero?

Happy birthday user! No one should be sad on their birth day!
I'll be your friend if you want.

Happy birthday bro. Make the most of your life.

You are a fag for caring about what other people think

But happy birthday fucko

Happy birthday double nigger.

Happy birthday you fucking crybaby

>because i'm a shitskin
We don't want you to suffer (long)!

Happy Birthday, chin up!

Kek spoke to me.
Leave Sup Forums now while you still can.
Talk to people more, have some friends.
Don't worry about the world, the time will come, you will know it.

Why didn't you tell the people that were in your life a few years ago when your birthday was?

I know this feel. Happy birthday, user!

There wasn't anyone user
I was always alone

>leave Sup Forums

Happy birthday. No man up and go be somebody. Feelings do not matter.

Do what most of your kind do: pop a cap in another nigger and get 3 hots and a cot + a family reunion for life. Don't worry... the tax payers will pay for it.

happy birthday man.

go out and have a few beers unless youre an Ackmed. If you are, well have a fucking beer anyway life is too short to deprive yourself of things.

Happy Birthday! As long as you stay on your reservation you're okay! We'll even let you have some fire-water.

Happy birthday.

You can't help how you were born, so make the best of life

Kys you fucking leaf

A black sun rises everyday
Shadows cross my path as if to say
"Change your life, change your way,
Look up to the sky"
Tomorrow'll soon be here then time to die

I hear if death bell tolling out my life
Every strike another plunging of the knife
Mistakes I've made lead me to an early grave
I know it's too late I can't be saved

I'm white and nobody calls me on my birthday. Grow up you fucking attention whore.

buy silver wait six months to a year have a ton of money from selling it at 600-2000 dollars an oz
go bitcoin wait for price to skyrocket to over 10 thousand per coin next year
As this is happening property prices will be crashing
Take some of it buy a place in Western Canada just east of the Rockies mining is about to explode their also avoid being to close to the Pacific

In ten years a single bitcoin will be around equivalent to a million dollars toady
If you can hold on to a few until than you can retire off investments

Congrats you can now buy a wife and family,
because 90+% of people will be poor as fuck but you won't be

PS look up earthships, you and everyone else will need to learn how to garden indoors,
Incoming Ice Age

Get Silver first and storable food

Good luck dirt skin

Happy birthday user.

Some of us have hearts.
Happy birthday bro, wish you all the best.

How can someone be born an orphan you stupid fuck

Birthday should be celebrated with family. You can go in pub and give everybody a free round and you will have "friends" for a while. You are probably poor and everybody knows they won't get good food or drinks at your birthday.

Why are you wasting energy on puryfiyng rainwater for crops?

This isn't your personal blog you fucking muzzie shitskin faggot.

>Widow in labor
>Baby digs it's way out

user, be careful. You may be a nigger but that's no reason to trust an anime nigga, the lowest of Allah's creations.

I'm not black though.
I just like all people.

Happy Birthday, leaf!

I wouldn't I'd modify it for a very deep well, hopefully primary water if I can find it

Happy Birthday, user. You suffer because you want. Cry as much as you want, but keep moving on, making yourself useful. In time, you'll gain someone's approval: yours.

happy birthday user

you are not alone

Happy birthday you disgusting leaf


Dear user,

Have a great birthday.

Yours sincerely,

A curry muncher

Hey guys I don't have a birthday this year because I was born in a leap year. Can someone greet me just to lessen my depression?

hb nigga

happy birthday bro,

if it makes you feel any better most of the boys on this site are in the same boat, we have each other, hope you have a nice dinner and have a few whiskeys