>Born in 97
>Told all my life that college is the only way to go to survive
>go to college and hate it
>drop out first semester
>buckle down and try to find work
>find tons of work in many different fields from accounting to tech support
>now have my own place and saving up to start my own business
Is college really just something for people who are too scared and unmotivated to just join the work force?
College is a waste
Not everyone needs to go to college
>im a quitter
K, got it. Thanks for the update, faggot.
Not going to college caps your income over the long term. I got out of college making 40K. 20 years later I make 200K. It will probably go up more.
I never went because I can't stand students. Fucking know it all cunts are usually thick as pig shit too.
write a sucess story mate, and have others follow in your shoes instead of shitposting here
>I'm dumb
Not if you want a job in engineering, scientific research, or the medical field
Sometimes careers people want require a degree. For example, officers in the military require a 4-year degree.
but the money you spent going to college could of been used to start up a business, and that would give way more return then any job you could get if the business was successful
most new businesses fail. and without any business education that would increase the chances.
You're basically correct, user. Unless you have a a very targeted plan, college is just a great way to stack up unnecessary debt early on in life.
I droped out after first year, yeah the first 2 years or so I had regrets sometimes but they're all gone by now. Real work experience teaches you much more than any college can(if we are not talking about science). I started my career as IT support/Intranet code monkey in manufacturing company that is part of big concern, now 8 years later I work for the concern itself as head of information system development department, lead team of 7 programmers and my wage is 10 times bigger.
Not that I have anything against college educated people but I've met more than few in my life that shouldn't have a degree(they we're just plain stupid)
True , but I wouldn't go into it blind or by myself , I already have a few business partners with capital.
Actually that's where I'm starting now , in tech support/sales for a pretty large company. I've had plenty of jobs from the time that I dropped out , this one just seemed to stick and was the most enjoyable.
Exactly. There are people who go just because they think they have to. They have no focus on any real goals, and either drop out or have a bachelor's degree with no plan. Either way racks up unnecessary debt. Unless you have a specific career path in mind when you start, don't just waste your money on a useless piece of paper.
>born in '97
LOL I'ma bout to turn 20 in a month
Yup. It really sucks that a bunch of impressionable young people are constantly sold the idea that they're never going to get ahead in life unless they put themselves 60-80 thousand in the hole straight out of the gate. I wonder (((who))) could be behind that...
Sup Forums is a 21+ board
>went to college 20 years ago
If you make less than $80k you're a loser. If you make less than $100k you're pathetic.
At 20 tho ? that's hardly achievable without parents gibs
For sure. I worked hard from the day I turned 16, saved my money, and was able to buy a cheap, fixer-upper house at 20 years old. At the ripe age of 23, I'm remodeling it myself and have already added $20000 value to my investment. ((They)) want you to stay broke so you have to constantly be paying loans. It's especially difficult to repay when you're not going to be making $100,000 at every job that requires a degree. Sure if you're going to be a engineer or lawyer a degree is a good return on investment. But not if you're going to go to school for 6 years to get a Master's Degree in Kite Making or some shit.
kek you have to be CEO or similar in here to get this salary in here
So you think the majority of the world are pathetic losers? People like you should be put in the gas chambers
I worked 30 hours a week while going to classes full time, and lived at home just to avoid taking on debt. I graduated without taking any loans, but I didn't have an money either.
You cracked it. I went through it all to work that out.
>>find tons of work in many different fields from accounting to tech support
I really doubt this story. As someone who worked their way through cc and then state school, no office jobs are open without really solid connections and a bachelor's. I couldn't even get hired as a bank teller before graduating and I had a really long and continual employment history since I was 16 at a variety of different places.
>implying that faggot isn't living off parental gibs
Good for you man! I'm sure that had to be a bitch to do, but the hard work will pay off because all the money you earn will go right back to your pockets. Way to break (((their))) system and claim what's yours. Be proud!
I went to college for the career networking and it paid off well. I wish I could see another timeline where I didn't go to college or perhaps only went to a technical school.
At least that's a sensible degree in a growing field. I just feel bad that you guys that want to better yourselves get raped by student loans... This is going to be a generation plagued by debt.
I went to back to college 4 years ago in my mid 20s. Began at a community college and transferred to a huge state school, majoring in a liberal arts program.
Just got accepted to Yale Law School - the one fucking school more prestigious and selective than Harvard Law.
Dreams come true user.
College still serves some purpose, but not nearly the purpose it used to, and it's never been a one size fits all sort of deal. People who want to be mechanics don't go to college.
Having said that, I do think one reason these leftists push for free education is so they can have four years of justifying not working. Most on the left are quite lazy and entitled. Their laziness is one reason why most of them are not very bright, and are so easy to brainwash or be encouraged to engage in mob-mentality antics.
I agree with you completely but I think your message gets lost in your reeee
Nice! Good job getting out of liberal arts and finding a real career. Even if it is as a lawyer... Just don't forget your roots later in life as you sit on your pile of Jew gold.
It was alright, but in retrospect I should have just gone to trade school and gotten into a decent career early. Also, checked.
Fucking nailed it user. It's a good idea for some people who want to succeed. Some people just want 4 more years of avoiding the real world.
I know I just repeated your point, but that's because it was a good one.
Getting a degree so I can enter the Army as an officer. They pay for it, and I'm getting a history degree because it's interesting to me. I get to spend the next 3 years doing something I enjoy for free, and then the next >20 getting paid to do something I enjoy even more. I get a salary, free room and board, and shit to do. Call me a cuck, but I've always kind of lacked direction in life, and being told exactly where to go and what to do seems like it'd help me in the long term. Plus I'm a good shot and I have no qualms about shooting "people".
College isn't 100% useless, but the way most people use it makes it seem that way. Just because it was a waste for you, OP, doesn't mean it's pointless for everyone. Certain degrees are completely useless though, like anything arts related.
I know people who literally just went straight into the trades after high school and make 150,000+.
Good for you OP.
College should be only for people who have the ambition+intelligence to make a contribution to their subject.
Trade school is the way to do it if you don't mind getting dirty. My buddy is going to school for HVAC and he's gonna be pulling in $70,000ish starting. His only mistake was doing it through a community college so he had to waste all sorts of time and money taking English and Historical Baking classes.
why didnt you buckle down before your first semester? no one likes college.
> 20 years ago
It's not the same now, desu.
Today every idiot who is to lazy to work goes to college.
they pushed college so god damn hard in portuguese high schools with the bologna process and the erasmus program, it was a propaganda bombardment.
now all our youth is college educated, and either working as cashiers, or emigrating
Like I said. 20 years from now he'll still be making that. That's fine but I intend to make a lot more than that.
LOL. You're about to hate life bro. The military is incredibly shitty. I did 4 years of it and it just keeps getting worse. Imagine everything wrong with the DMV. Now spread that like peanut butter across the entire DoD.
Oh yeah he's gonna be clearing over $100,000 after he finishes his apprenticeship or whatever. Literally people are coming to classes to recruit these kids because the number one problem the industry faces right now is that none of these losers show up to work after they finish school. With his good work ethic he's gonna skyrocket to the top.
That was the case 20 years ago as well. You're thinking of the 70s and 80s.
Did you say you got your bachelors or your masters?
Im thinking of just getting an associates.
What do you think?
It depends OP. My brother dropped out of college after only a year to start his own business. He's now a multimillionaire.
I on the other hand like going to college and plan on getting a bachelors only because it's required if you want to be an officer in the military.
>TLDR. Not everyone requires college and not going to college doesn't make you dumb and poor.
I would also like to know. From what I've heard, associates degrees are pretty much useless on their own. Besides being a receipt to poor spending. But I'm not very informed on the issue.
I've come from two jobs just like this. Except I had no power to do anything. Sounds like fun though.
To the top of plumbers? That's like 150K.
This Pham. I'm joining the marines. Already talked to a recruiter.
Bachelors in microbiology. I work in the pharmaceutical industry in sales management.
ive looked for work in accounting and tech support amongst other things, they always require a related degree. What do?
My gf never went to college and has 25k more than me.
go to a community college get your associates and transfer to a 4 year. will save you a ton of $. don't stop.
everyone in ROTC just majors in political science, communication or some easy bullshit major.
military is super gay though. i don't think you have any idea what you are getting into.
>muh brother is a multimillionaire business owner
>he won't even hook me up with a job
It depends. If you have an associates from a really good school and not just a community college then it's good but other than that it's useless.
I did work for him. Made 30$. I've worked several different jobs and gonna tell you he was the biggest dick head of a boss ever. He was never gonna let me be in a higher management position then what I was, it wasn't gonna be worth it to stick around.
Eh I'm majoring in engineering so I got something when I get out.
Maybe only in canadachinkvillestan where crack squats are $1 million
yes. i stopped going despite having a 3.6 gpa.
some professors should not have had their jobs, they were absolute hacks, and working at a pretty prestigious school.
i started buying and selling things because i've always been interested in antiques.
now i live as comfortably as the kids who graduated and are working on wall st, or what have you.
if you are majoring in engineering stay the fuck away from the military. it is a massive waste of your time and you will be surrounded by crayon eating retards and outranked by illiterates.
But why?
because the military is nothing more than a massive welfare system and babysitting service full of rednecks, semi literates and felons.
99% of people in the military do nothing to contribute to the security of america or its allies.
unless you do small unit operations with a purpose the rest of the military spends most of its time standing around and doing asinine time wasting tasks
have you ever painted rocks before? do you want to paint rocks for america?
have you ever raked sand? have you ever been told to mop up water in the rain? do you like unloading storage units, counting whats inside of them and then reloading them?
enjoy your "service". mine was the most redpilling experience of my life.
Sucking and fucking dudes for money is quite lucrative.