Let's be honest. How many of you here are underage?
Let's be honest. How many of you here are underage?
I am 40. I must be over-aged. Goddamn youngins'.
nice try mod
I'm turning 25 tomorrow, sometimes i'll feel young, sometimes i'll feel like an old fart.
Kinda sorta depends.
judging by average edgyness - like 90%
You've fucked up if you're on this site and are actually over 40.
fuck off pedo scum
Heh you young whippersnappers so keenly interested in ages of people.
Age does not mean wisdom, or anything really. Just amount of time you HAD to learn and mature.
Tripfags are all under age
High school senior here, I've lurked for many years.
Holy shit dude, be careful. Don't cut yourself on all that edge.
If i was underage i would be sitting in chaturbate selling my boypussy for cash, instead of wasting my time here.
I spent most of my time here as underage, now i'm 18.
Nice try mod.
Not really. Most of the people that I have met and known from Sup Forums are 25-45 years old. Private /k/ meetups are pretty awesome.
Is age also social construct?
Everybody under 24 should answer. I'll be for a few weeks longer.
kinda yes and no, age is just really a "social construct" measurement system for growth.
Growth isn't a social construct.
So it's kinda yes and no
Kek I've been on here since I was 15. 19 now.
It social construct if used in any other context than 'physical age' telling you how long thing X has existed.
If you add any thinking like, how older people tend to be more informed than edgy youngsters you get to social construct part.
Heh stupid. I am age kin. We are twice as your age.
74 and a 1/2. In hexadecimal, my elder sister is N1663R years old. I will be 14 on July the 88th, 2083
Can't say
No, it's a measure of time since birth. Age is important for calculating milestones in human development and is a useful tool for biological and psychological sciences. Legally and in our social environment it's a social construct but that isn't a negative thing.
nice try OP
I am 12 years old and what is this
Sup Forums is on one the oldest boards on 4chin