Why is Sup Forums so racist?

Why is Sup Forums so racist?

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Real world experience.

its satire man, we're just here for the memes (i personally came from r/the_donald in January)

any other reddit escapees here?

Any group that gives up tribalism will be overrun by other groups that embrace it.

Because I have eyes.
Eyes have seen acts that defy reason.
Eyes that have seen savage behavior.
Eyes that have witnessed riots, crime and senseless killings.
Eyes that notice that there's one particular trait in common with the perpetrators of the most depraved acts committed.

I'm racist because I can see.

Because it's not socially acceptable on any mainstream part of the internet.

In Australia, people have lost their jobs or in some cases gone to prison for having an unfavourable opinion on the internet.

My opinion is that the world would not be worse-off if 1.2 billion Africans suddenly died.
That opinion is not only racist and offensive, but could potentially cost me my meagre wage-cuck livelihood if I dared utter it on a namefag forum.

Because we have eyes and a brain

>just satire

You really only just got here huh, user?
Many are very serious.


Are you sure about that? People here aren't joking. Most people here are genuinely racist. I'm a curry muncher myself and I hate niggas. Coming here is relaxing to me because I can express my views with like minded people even though some of them probably wouldn't give me the time of day in real life

Pattern recognition. It's not fair to the percentage of blacks who don't fit the stereotype, but it's still accurate enough for use.

Now it's most likely a bunch of teens and people who still live at home or very little world experience.

Inb4 that one guy who is more racist because he did travel. Sucks you are a weakling brah

It's just joking.

I for one am from 9gag and came here for the Pepes and memes.

Some Pepes are a little racist so I can't share them on my FB.

Same here. Goybook tends to get people into deep shit because it is pretty much a public billboard... that is why I deleted mine.

Why are you concerned with my thoughts? Fuck off, Ministry of Truth

Gr8 b8

So you never saw people like the "perpetrators" be productive to society, neither have you seen the supposed victims do harm in other societies?

just leave plz

Who cares if we're racists
We can't have any kind of decent conversation about politics here
Literal 15 y o fucking shitposting le epik white race meme XD

Because we are from the real world.

But isn't that culturalism? Would you really hate a good nigger buddy while you both put bullets in the heads of Sinaloas who will threaten the border wall?

The exception just proves the rule

>Why is Sup Forums so racist?

It is filled with far-right occultists posting powerful magical symbols of racist hate ... apparently.


The true final redpill is that blacks and whites are not "not equal" in a negative sense, but are both simply given different traits by nature to survive in the locations they are historically home too by natural selection. Whites and Asians have higher IQ's because it takes a smarter population to survive harsh winters of Asia and Europe, while it doesn't take smarter people to survive in Africa. When you realize this, and see that separation of each race back to its native homelands is the only way you can achieve true world peace (not including local tribal warfare) you have truly swallowed the final redpill.

We arent, we are diverse realists like the nazis were, while occasionally making racist jokes like the holocaust

You both need to leave


Don't forget that Europeans and Asians intermingled with other proto-humans when the Homo sapiens left Africa. Meaning, the Human "Race" as it were, is not as unified as we are lead to believe.

Really though, hqvr you never noticed the stark differences between the European and the Negro? Aside from skin, they are just....different.

Those guys... Always kidding around with their pretend racist jokes :-)
Yep we all hang out on reddit op.

Being Racist is rational.

White Supremacy at least can be argued against.

Why are you not racist?

Are you 12?

That is why it's satire to you.
You're not a real man.

Racism is a part of every grown man's life, due to life experience.
It's also misogyny. And hate for betas.

I come here to laugh at the racist redneck retards here


Racism is learned through life experiences

Misogyny is learned through life experiences.

hate for beta males is learned because they are responsible for inflated female egos. I become "physically ill" when I see how many beta orbiter subscribers there are in twitch/video game streams that are just stroking the egos of low IQ females with a half decent or even mediocre face and figure.