Redpill me on Russian 'ghost cities'.
Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast. Nizhny Novgorod was previously named Gorky.
Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai.
Redpill me on Russian 'ghost cities'.
Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast. Nizhny Novgorod was previously named Gorky.
Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai.
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its just cities that foreigners require special permission to stay in
are they walled off and shit?
What's in the cities that foreigners can't see?
They have a millions of hundreds of thousands population (ethnic russian population).
sensitive government installations, military buildings, etc.
they aren't walled off, they're big normal cities and you can go into them. but you can't stay for a long period of time without a permit
>ghost cities
You what?
>ethnic russian population
So they are all walled up so they don't see -staners fucking your land.
I really wish to visit Vladivostok someday
shit I meant 'closed cities'
ghost cities are those cities in china that they built for millions of people but no one lives there.
OP is a faggot, probably from Kiev.
>I really wish to visit Vladivostok someday
Why? what's so good about it?
best of Vladivostok on 1 photo
>-staners f
It makes no sense for them to migrate to Nizhniy Novgorod or Perm or Yaroslavl, lol.
Well, they are what they are. Usually built around military/nuclear/etc object. If you're a citizen you can visit most of them, but you can't stay for long without permit. Nothing really too interesting about them 2bh. Also the cities you listed in OP aren't closed cities.
that's a nice bridge. What year was it built?
Look at this, one of the best landscaped russian citiy.
what city is that. looks comfy as fuck.
Reason for commieblocks is rationalism - it's a lot easier and cheaper to heat 1 commieblock than 300 houses during winter.
Petropavlvosk-Kamtchatski ?
Look like Ruskiy Bridge.
It's 2012
My buddy from the states studies it a closed city?
>Reason for commieblocks is rationalism - it's a lot easier and cheaper to heat 1 commieblock than 300 houses during winter.
I understand that but it's still crazy for me to see them in real life. They are so fucking big.
Probably weird for you to see this picture of my town in the middle of winter
Soviet architecture was a thing
Read the filename cunt
Vladivostok quite comfy
No, it's not. All cities mentioned in OP are neither ghost nor closed.
>Read the filename cunt
>written in moon runes achmed
But Vladivostok is open since 1992
learn to read Cyrillic. it takes two hours and you will never forget. like riding bike
Yeah, you are right. I meant currently.
I think NY is closer to me then Vladivostok, lul
Nope closed cities are usually small satellite cities, There are little of closed cities left.
Well, they have their own charms. I think russians get used to commie blocks, so that even new buildings are built following the pattern lol.
i want to in rusian sity!
rightio cunt. I may just do that.
>Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast
What do you mean a ghost town? I was there, that's not a ghost town. In fact, it's pretty fucking comfy for Russian standards.
Omsk is the best city.
>Well, they have their own charms. I think russians get used to commie blocks, so that even new buildings are built following the pattern lol.
Would you rather live in a house or a commie block?
Was there elevators in commie blocks in the 60's and 70's or was it just stairs all the way to the top?
want to in rusian sity with mamoi
Yep, too hot for me, like this must be wierd for you
can i come to pley
A foreigner can't travel in those cities ?
Jokes aside, Omsk is the shittiest city, really worst city out of large ones
Reason for them is that russian subhumans are slaves without history. This is what globalists want for everyone on this planet.
OMG fugg! Is she prolapsed?
>Yep, too hot for me, like this must be wierd for you
yeah dude, I've lost my European cold weather DNA.
Give me 30 degree winters anyway.
But we have no many mountains in Russia (at least, traditionaly ethnic russian populated areas), only part of Urals, Kamchatka, Altai and part of Caucasus, but it far from center of Russia. This is 100% our traditional landscape
You need a permit, but there's nothing interesting there anyway.
hes wrong its not closed sity anymor
its meny gopnik
fucking comfy mate-o.
How long does it stay warm in Russia? As in you don't need to wear a shirt outside?
Seriously Nizhniy Novgorod is pretty dam depressing even in russian standarts
comfy as fuck
Nizhny Novgorod,Perm,Tomsk,Vladivostok are all open now for foreigners. You can travel, fasho.
Every commieblock that have more than 5 floors have elevators.
Mission: not to commit suicide is quite hard there i think, lul.
This sort of looks like 90's America (all the bicycles/roller-blades).
Russkies is Krokodil a real problem or is it just a meme and only a few people use it?
Hey how are you doing? Are mods banning mummy threads? Any news from mummy? Can you give brief rundown on her stance about new movie about Russia's last tsar and ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya?
well Russia is kind of America in the 90s meaning we are 20 years behind
>As in you don't need to wear a shirt outside?
I live in the north of European Russa (saint-petersburg and it's region), so, may be few weaks in summer. But in the South ( Krasnodarskiy krai and so on) you don't need to weak it whole summer i think.
Drugs in general is a problem. Krokodil is mostly a meme.
I live in closed city called Snezhinsk. We have nuclear weapons research facility here.
There are about 30k cars for 50k people who live here, including children.
About half of all peeps work in nuclear research center. It's pretty hard to find a decent job otherwise.
There's pretty much no crime and ecology is near perfect (only one factory on outskirts).
It's pain in the ass to make a pass to leave/enter city. People who want to visit this place sometimes spend months making one.
Area is heavily forested and there's a lake 1km from my house.
So it's a really nice place, all things considered.
>Drugs in general is a problem.
what type of drugs?
What can be done about it?
It's mostly meme, like the AIDS epidemic, which is contained in the junkie circles.
WTF that actually looks nice. See what you achieve with just a little urban planning and landscaping?
Why is the crime so low?
Thanks bro
>It's mostly meme, like the AIDS epidemic, which is contained in the junkie circles.
Did you have a drug problem in the soviet union?
Or did it come after (((western civilization))) entered the country in 91?
Because it's closed and people who live there are nuclear scientists desu.
Don't know much about Perm
Heroin mostly.
>What can be done about it?
remove Afghanistan
You can't enter/leave city and everybody knows each other.
City is pretty green which also contributes to general mood and mental stability.
dont mek mummy threds anymore mods ban they meanies
mummy got script for movie and wos on bbc rus
cant show sex with holy tsar its not alowed
Afternoon mummy poster.
fuck thats comfy. When I travelled Europe I was planning to go to Stalingrad but I talked to some Russians in Germany and they said if I go to Russia I will get murdered for my money and phone. So I decided not to go.
I still regret it.
still an underage bona fide autist who'll be lucky not to kill himself as soon as the pointlessness of his abnormal existence truly kicks in
That would honestly be alright with me. Just think about it. Yeah, there'd would probably be some boredom at times, but people on general would be out and about doing shit like riding bicycles, skating, just enough tech to have fun, not enough to make things irritable, etc.
nice, and weird when you think it is not that far from Japan
> vast colossus of mother Russia
>Because it's closed and people who live there are nuclear scientists desu.
>tfw don't live in a city of nuclear scientists
That butt on the right is perfect. :3
my contac in donetsk hasnt respond to me im woried
im 18 now btw
Well you already try that.
Only in late Soviet Unionm but that was not massive. Things got very much worse in 90's, first nigger students started to smug H. Then things got even worse after yankees invaded Afganistan. But in several depressive regions. Seems like junkies are localised nowadays.
But generally things are much better then in 90's, well for my region.
Tomsk is not closed city, anyone can come
Seversk is and it's some 30 kilometers away
t. Tomsk-kun
>remove Afghanistan
Russkies going for round 2. I like it.
it began in the 90's, was and is mostly opiates with spice/salt coming recently.