ITT: We pretend we are Reddit
ITT: We pretend we are Reddit
you won't believe what my wife's son just said to me...
Hey, since we're all too fucking autistic to recognize sarcasm, why don't we make a new puncuation mark /s
/r/Sup Forums
kys. A legitimate thread died so you could post this cancer.
sage grows in all fields
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/thread here's my upvote sometime not poor get this man some gold.
... no one?
Anyone catch Pewds' BASED new video?!
This place is already r/the_Donald.
Upvote for civic nationalism
I wouldn't know how to, I've never been there unlike (you).
You shut your fucking mouth, I'm better than you!
Guys I am really afraid of what Donald Trump is going to do now that he has been proven wrong on everything he has done so far .
why pretend? the fact that you made this thread proves we truly are
As a certified shit poster, I disagree. GTFO please.
edit: downvotes?
oh i'm sorry i though this was a free board you stupid nigger
lol fellas Rick and morty is amazeballs! LICK MY BALLS XD
Downvotes are opinionphobic and a direct violation of the non-aggression principle you ignorant twat, this is the haven of like free speech? And you don't get to dictate with your Hitler words what certified shit posts like, you racist