Give me an argument for the banning of abortion that doesn't rely on emotion
The argument against that of pure emotion
>doesn't rely on emotion
is this a new meme? literally everything is "emotions". fuck off robot
1. women need repercussions for acting like whores
2. the process of life begins right after conception, by ending that process you are preventing the growth of an otherwise healthy human, thus killing them.
inb4 muh morals not an argument.
White people are a minority of ~20% of the world population and need to bolster their numbers
If we ban abortions, western society may survive.
If we legalize abortions, western society will not.
Murder is illegal
Give me an argument against murder that isn't based on emotion.
What are ethics? What are morals?
>cognitive dissonance incoming
Good job user, but a good argument like this is guaranteed to get the most autistic answer possible
The argument has always been there. A fetus is a developing organism. It is within an existing organism, and it is developing from it, but it is a different organism nonetheless.
A woman's body is her own body, she can put three tits all chop them off or whatever, but an organism inside her womb isn't her body.
One valid argument for permitting abortion is if the mother's life is in danger, that's it.
A Sup Forums-like argument for permitting abortion is niggers and spics are breeding like rabbits.
All morality is based on emotion, pure reason doesn't get you very far.
Why are you telling people what to do? this is the least conservative ideal i have ever come across: the government compelling you to make a very personal decision
If a 13 year old girl is raped by a relative i hardly think you can justify forcing her into motherhood
>1 post by this ID
I think both of those are arguments from emotion. You don't like whores so you want them to be "punished".
Sorry but that's retarded you want a human beings life to serve as a punishment? Like just think about what you're saying for a minute
The second one is legit feelings. Like you have no evidence that a baby is a human yet and no arguments either. If potential life is important then yes jacking off is genocide.
Every life is a potential genius or miracle innovator snuffed out of the rolls. The next big thing might as well be a roll of the dice as far as I understand the distributions of great thinkers and doers across time and population. We need every chance we can get.
What's an aurgement for murder being bad that isn't based off emotion?
What do you think about the fact that more females than males are being aborted?
Why do I need to? Who are you?
Also this is different from murder because a fetus cannot want anything. The fetus cannot be sad that it did not get to live. When you kill someone you take away that which they already have. They have consciousness and it is taken. The fetus never had it. Much different
Statistically speaking, I should rather humans maintain and expand their dominance over the planet rather than bugs.
>literally everything is "emotions". fuck off robot
How very liberal of you
Ban abortion and black births will sky rocket, don't you racists hate that?
See above, dumbass
Who cares if a baby is aborted, that's what I'm saying. Chances are, that if a woman wants an abortion, then she shouldn't be having children anyway. Good riddance. Why would you want someone who would have otherwise killed their child to be a mother
Disappointed at this complete lack of emotionless argument
Not an argument.
If my 15 year old niece is raped and wants an abortion she will get it.
Maybe your parents considered abortion.
1. A repercussion that men get virtually nothing in relation to. The chance of paying child support pales in comparison to actually raising a child.
There's plenty of things that you do that's degenerate that you don't get consequences to. There's no need to go full MGTOW angst.
2. Life is not personhood. Life Begins before conception. Cutting your hair and your nails is ending human life. Getting a papercut terminates some human life cells.
You have to make the argument that at a certain stage that a person exists. This argument is easy to make at 8 months. It's vague metaphysical philosophy at any stage where there is not significant brain development prior to viability.
Pro Choice IS a libertarian ideal
Masturbation kills thousands of potential lives. You should be raping women with that seed because "we need every chance we can get" right big guy?
>How very liberal of you
>Disappointed at this complete lack of emotionless argument
It's liberals that base their arguments on emotion instead of logic.
>Ban abortion and black births will sky rocket, don't you racists hate that?
Abortion for non-whites should obviously not only be allowed, but encouraged.
Good, so if I kill a person who's sound asleep it should be legal because when I killed them, they couldn't want for anything or feel deep emotion. No more than a dog could.
You just proved OP right by arguing from emotion.
My guess is your a Trumpcuck too.
should be illegal for whites only
Give me an argument for banning murder that isn't based on emotion
Curious to know the statistics on your argument. Is it perhaps one in four?
>We can't have abortions! We might abort someone who could grow up to be a doctor or cure cancer!
>What? Take in poor refugees from war torn shitholes? HA! Yeah right! No chance they could be a doctor or cure cancer if given the proper chance!
classic cuckservatives
>See above, dumbass
I believe in dealing with the blacks humanely, dumbass.
The solution of tricking them into murdering their offspring is morally disgusting. And you should be ashamed of that suggestion.
It's literally the killing of babies. You might get emotional about that, but it's still true.
Judgements of right and wrong based upon what's best for a society or individual, systems include but are not exclusive to the following:
There are more systems.
Judgements of right and wrong according to an interpretation of a collection of books sewn together a couple hundred years ago but mostly about a deep seeded emotional connection to a bigger power' because you think you're a fucking snow flake.
If I was in America I would support abortion solely because it's ghetto nigs who get the majority of them and it keeps their population down
For me it's very emotional, and I'm strongly against it. That being said, I would never vote against abortion, simply because there's few reasons to not allow it.l
Are you being stupid on purpose? Of course that's not what it means. Even while asleep people can have consciousness in their dreams.
Besides you really missed the point. During the day the person can go "I don't want to die in my sleep because x, y, or z". And thus have wishes that should be respected.
A fetus is incapable of thought or consciousness, it is but a potential for those things, differing from the sleeper in its potential and it's past. At this point it is not a human and thus can be terminated
Abortion is fine, mostly used by niggers and mexicans
That's why I said
>how very liberal of you
Are you fucking stupid?
you emotionally think killing fetusis ok. freedom for women is an emotional argument. you're arguing from emotion also but you're too stupid to realize it. you'll never listen to anyone arguing against you so it's completely pointless. if it wasn' on th einternet you would just get ignored and talk to yourself.
It damages the womans body. Also leaves DNA in her brain. Also hurts the woman emotionally. Also murders a potential human. Also encourages slutty behaviour and lack of responsibility + lack of discernment when banging / choosing mates.
All of these together + Feminism 3rd wave + Cultural Marxism = Rome Burns again.
Not moral, not even emotional. When women get liberated - society falls. Not swiftly normally, but we have some Great Allies helping it along.
Whores are dangerous to society. You're blue pilled as fuck.
declining birth rate.
demographic winter.
aging population.
First give me an argument for abortion that doesn't rely on emotion.
Millions and Millions of White babies have been killed by Abortion
according to the theory of evolution if a person aborts their child they are a biological failure. only a mentally ill creature would advocate for the mass failure of it's species
Way to ignore the question, it's ok, I understand it must be difficult for you
it's against the bible.
The argument for abortion is that of pure emotion.
Its murder. There is no question about it.
Murder is illegal.
>potential human
its human from conception
what you're looking for is potential 'person'
That's not an argument.
>Comparing proteins (quitin) to to totipotential cells
At least finish HS you muricatard
>that men get virtually nothing in relation to
abortion has negative health repercussions. that's biology not emotion.
society with abortion has statistically lower marriage rates.
there you go nigger. all of these arguments have been made before you are full of shit.
>allow abortion
>birth rate drops
>use as excuse to invite in third worlders to breed whites out of existence
There you go bait poster, no emotions just facts.
it's as much of an argument as saying abortion is a right
saying abortion is a population control is bullshit also as abortion goes hand in hand with promiscuous culture and birth rates haven't dropped since it was legalized
Is there a good reason to inhibit white population increase by making abortion easily accessible to white women, OP?
>lol murder is cool unless you're an emotional faggot
Give me one none emotional reason murder shouldn't be legal.
>Ban abortion and black births will sky rocket, don't you racists hate that?
This is true but it does not matter because it only delays the invasion of niggers. The only solution is to get them out of here.
>Who cares if a baby is aborted, that's what I'm saying. Chances are, that if a woman wants an abortion, then she shouldn't be having children anyway. Good riddance. Why would you want someone who would have otherwise killed their child to be a mother
Do you know how many great mothers never intended to have children? 80% of the time child birth is something that just sort of happens. Almost nobody wants to be that guy with a kid until he's in his 40s and see's everyone else having a good time with their kids.
It's not your right to take someone else's life. Killing is immoral because it negatively effects socoety, neglecting it of a potential producer of goods valuable to the society
>damages the woman's body.
C-sections and actual live births damage a woman's body.
>leaves DNA in her brain
>hurts the woman emotionally
So does an unwanted pregnancy.
>encourages slutty behavior (and other MGTOW drivel)
Stop being retarded.
There is no data you can point to that indicates the existence of abortions as an option means that women are going to be more sexually open.
An abortion is a hell of a procedure compared to just getting birth control.
Abortions are rarely about women who simply forgot or didn't care to use a condom or something like that.
Right and you don't like promiscuous culture cuz it makes you feel bad? It upsets you emotionally when people tarnish tradition. It's an emotion.
You're buttblasted bro. All you are is mad or angry that you can't get a wife. It doesn't matter to most people. Lots of people are happy being sluts.
>deep seeded
Why are you retarded?
No new players. Need to fill up the server.
Burden of proof is on you.
It's literal murder.
It's promoted just to further strength the agenda of female sexual corruption, nation corruption and morality destruction.
Kills tons of niggers
good with me
Abortion is the equivalent to murder because you're taking innocent life.
In order to have consistent laws, we either need to ban abortion or get rid of restrictions on murder.
Murder is illegal. Babies can survive outside the womb after 25 weeks.
Millions actually, but so does normal insemination, we don't make sure every sperm gets to bind to an egg; besides that not masturbating doesn't preserve your sperm, their nutrients and proteins are reabsorbed back into the body and recycled, which is unhealthy so go fuck your uneducated ass.
Nihilist arguing from despair refutes arguments based on a useless emotion.
Except most of those refugees aren't actually refugees seeing as they don't cone from a warzone.
What kind of full-blown retard would let a 13 year old get pregnant.
It's still human life.
I'm saying it's a problem with making the argument that life is present at conception. The statement is technically true but the scientific definition of Life keeps getting completed with the poetic definition of human personhood as "life".
A man wants to support a policy upon a woman in order to prevent certain behaviors. The kind of behaviour where it literally takes two to tango, but no such artificial punishment exists for the men.
Premarital sex is bad regardless of the gender.
You want to argue about how you think it's human life it's being terminated that's one thing. But "muh sluts" just reeks of vengeful virgins who are probably upset that we don't have arranged marriages anymore because that's the only way they could ever be marketable as a groom.
>Give me an argument for the banning of abortion that doesn't rely on emotion
well it relies on ignorance, the fact is that in a zone 6 climate there are abut 47 different plants that can easily allow you to abort a child inside the first trimester
so the fact that we talk about this at all just proves how ignorant we are as a culture
once you get into the warmer zones the number of plants that can allow you to abort a child by making a tea and drinking it jumps to over 100
so why we would bother to legislate this issue when anybody with even the most basic knowledge of natural medicine could abort a child is absurd and laughable
free medicine you can find anywhere can abort a child
how can you make a thing out of abortion knowing that? why bother talking about it let alone legislate? and the fact remains that planned parenthood has produced millionaires who run those clinics where they perform dangerous invasive surgeries that have killed people, meanwhile free plants can produce the same thing with no cost and no risk
it's retarded and the fact that we're discussing it proves that we are an ignorant culture
so it relies on ignorance
Your niece shouldn't have to murder people just because she got raped.
And if abortion is used to kill rape-babies, maybe she'll just be raped repeatedly since rape carries no long term consequences at this point.
W-wall! B-build wall!!
>If we ban abortions,
so you're going to find all those plants and destroy them all? about as impossible as banning abortion
>Ban abortion and black births will sky rocket
Niggers do not get abortions. They prefer to have as many children as possible because each one is a meal ticket for more gibs from the government (also because getting an abortion costs money). White people are the ones getting abortions, because they have the intelligence and foresight to know whether or not they are ready to have children.
Banning abortion would not see black births skyrocket. It would see black births remain high while white births go down.
Wow okay so masturbation is okay sorry. You don't need to get your panties in a bunch.
Still doesn't prove that a fetus has more consciousness than a mouse. I kill mice. I can kill a fetus.
classic cuckservatives dodging this like a kike dodges an oven
i cant believe you let this man get his hands on the nuclear codes
>thou shall not kill.
>Niggers do not get abortions.
they get mountains of them, at a high cost, show them the natural way of doing this that has been around for thousands of years performing this task without risk
This argument is really fucking simple. Stems from alot of conservative ideals. You do not have the right to tell me what I can and cannot do. I dont like abortion. I dont have a right to tell someone ive never met they cant do something. Thats it perios there cqn be no debate on this other than memes like DEGENERATE REEEEEEEE. The people that abort do not pass on their genes and the problem will correct itself in time.
It's murder. Give me an argument against abstinence before marriage that doesn't rely on emotion.
>Listen to my opinions.
>They are firmly rooted in facts I made up.
well you can be against planned parenthood and the concept of abortion but there is no way you can ever stop people from getting them
having an abortion is so easy so long as the people know how to do it, all you have to do is drink a tea and that pregnancy will be terminated
>negative Health repercussions
They can only be negative when compared to the alternative of actually giving birth or having a c-section in finding an actually worse outcome.
I've yet to see any data implying that exists.
>marriage rates
That's a product of women entering the workforce and the economy shifting to “mandatory" College. It's substantially lower the value of an individual worker, delays the age of actual adulthood buy a few more years, and makes financially supporting a family much less tenable.
Our welfare state is out of whack and it's easier for an illegal immigrant mother to have several kids and feed them all than for a middle-class family to simply have two.
It's not the existence of abortion that is ruining marriages. It's the other factors that would otherwise persuade a woman to get an abortion that are the problem.
>the problem will correct itself in time.
not while you're handing out free food it won't
how do you know the thing you are killing is a human or not?
it has a chance to be human therefore you shouldnt kill it
as you shouldn't shoot in a dark room if there is a possibility of having people inside it
>he doesn't absorb his own seed energy
how will you walk the path of cultivating inner energy if you can't even drink your own semen?
Wow, not an argument.
>abortion has negative health repercussions.
not when you perform it using a tea made from specific herbs, no risk when you do it that way
even if you're retarded, and it's a lot cheaper
Controlling people's personal lives is dangerous to society, dummy.
gg ez. get gassed scrub
pinko spotted
false. compared to having the child abortion has a negative impact on women's well being. there have been thousands of studies on the mental health impact and it usually results in depression.
abortion creates consequence free sex which makes it impossible for people to ever settle down and get married. welfare is also a factor but that doesn't erase the impact of abortion, which is what the topic is.
But that's correct. Intelligence is genetic. Shitholes have shit genes which don't support a high intelligence population, which is why they're shitholes.
Pro-life doesn't mean NO ABORTIONS either. That's just the religious people yelling and the fake news focusing on that to confuse the issue further.
Pro-life means you don't believe babies should be killed once they're viable for life outside of the womb, which is at 25 weeks, barring any extreme handicaps or deformities. I'm all for exterminating downies and other drains on resources. Most abortions are downies and niggers. I'm not for irresponsible women getting pregnant, waiting 8 months and then killing a fully grown baby.
still wrong even if you believe somehow herbs have no risk which is stupid. abortion has very high depression rates compared to keeping the child.
I don't argue with retards.
>Except most of those refugees aren't actually refugees seeing as they don't cone from a warzone.
relevant to my question. those economic migrants could still be doctors or cure cancer if give the proper chance of life most in the west have
also not relevant to what i previously said, or even remotely addresses it
>Abortions are rarely about women who simply forgot or didn't care to use a condom or something like that.
Bullshit. Source that. Birth control failing because someone fucked up the schedule is still an avoidable mistake.
Stab a pregnant woman in the stomach and kill her baby but not her... it's still murder.
Also, Five yr old children can't live without their mother or an adult, so that argument is retarded