Where does /pol stand on female circumcision, why is male circumcision so pushed by (((them))) but female circumcision is only popular in Islam but with everyone else (muhh mutilation). Sexually controlled aesthetics, or roasties? Also, is vagioplasty/rejuvenation being more popular a sign that circumcision is on the rise?
Redpill me on female circumcision
>female circumcision
Female genital mutilation is in a whole nother ball park than male circumcision, which has been shown to not even reduce sexual pleasure in the slightest.
I think it is justified to prevent women turning into whores like 99% of white women have.
>which has been shown to not even reduce sexual pleasure in the slightest.
>losing 20k nerve endings meant purely for sexual sensation
>having no effect on sexual pleasure
my condolences if it happened to you, just don't do it to your kids out of some vain notion of "well it will look like mine"
if you're a woman, then fuck you
It's totally a misnomer to call it "female circumcision". It would be more in line with cutting the head off your cock.
Real female circumcision would entail removing only the hood from the clitoris. Removing the clit itself is so far beyond circumcision
I on the fence with this issue. I think type 1 could easily be a "cultural norm" just like male circumcision. Funny thing is that Islam claims that it benefits women in the same ways that western science says it detriments them.
It could be argued that circumcision is just a more friendly way of saying mutilating for aesthetics, the procedure for foreskin removal isn't so pretty either. Supposedly, in Islam it is not mandatory, but it is preferred but who knows, I found it on some message board that said "Allah knows best."
>on the fence
>about removing or partially removing the most nerve-dense portion of the body
Wtf, man, this is nothing at all like male circumcision. Go back to fucking goats in your own damn country
mutilation. it is multilation. call it what it is/ all circumcision is mutilation, all mutilation of the genitals is basically the same, all are disgusting abuses of children or humans proper, only EVER propagated by victims themselves. If you were forced to as a child you will be taught to excuse the hazing ritual by hazing more babies... it should be serious pedophiliac sex offense crime.
ahmed and his anteater dick...
I have absolutely no idea, why it is well-known that the Rabbi's felate the child after circumcision, something to have to do with a flesh and blood ritual. Sounds like some satanic pedophile crap to me. No one seems to openly condemn it. The Jews always get out with their ideologies unharmed.
>american will defend mutilating baby dicks
How cucked can you be?
phimosis is a medical condition and not indicative of a fully functional uncircumcised penis.
the foreskin glides back and reveals the glans (head of the cock) so it looks exactly the same as an uncircumcised one, just instead of an area of discoloured, scarred skin, there is the stretched foreskin (i.e. your cock)
I am white as fuck, blue eyes, and you are either some facebook tier normie faggot, or an american woman
Fuck Islam.
However, it makes sense for a sub-wife to do - it's the logical end of the Anal Only Lifestyle.
No more clitty orgasms. She cums from the ass or not at all.
>ritualistically cutting parts of your body
>not primitive
That's an interesting way to look at it, and that was the response I was looking for. A more submissive culture and a reduction in the amount of village bikery. I am not a fan of Islam at all, I just hate feminism. The idea that we can have a conversation about dicks being ripped apart casually bothers me but the second we start talking about genital mutilation people start flipping
Circumcision exists in marriage based societies to make cheating less prevalent
You're missing the point completely.
The male analog of the clitoris is the cock head, or glans. Removing the clitoris (or what is erroneously referred to as "female circumcision") is equivalent to removing the glans, which is *not* what entails "male circumcision".
"Male circumcision" involves removing the foreskin shielding the glans. Therefore, "female circumcision" should entail removing the hood shielding the clitoris, NOT THE CLITORIS ITSELF.
How can you not understand this?
Women are retarded. Who gives a shit?
Type 3? Wtf how do they reproduce?
I like D type, looks so much neater and cleaner, plus without a clitoris she would not be a horny slut and would be far less likely to cheat on me.
wow sure is great that this thing that doesn't happen in first world countries is so much worse than the thing that happens all the fucking time in first world countries
the dose makes the poison, you complete fucking moron
lol it still feels pretty damn good. I can't imagine having a small flap of skin is going to suddenly make it so that I can't believe sex never felt this good!
Plus female circumcision is bad. Did you read the pic? Remove the clitoris? Sew the entire thing up?
Right. Disgusting
>this is nothing at all like male circumcision
So removing the labia majora is all good in your book?
>cutting off one part of a child's genitalia because you don't like it is completely different than cutting off another part of a different child's genitalia because you don't like it
>you're arguing against Type 1, so you must be okay with Type 2
How can you people be such beta faggots that you actually care about the female orgasm? Is the female orgasm needed for reproduction? No. The only purpose it serves is for her to be a sexually degenerate little slut. The more I learn about Islam the more it makes perfect sense.
They are both wrong if they are done without consent. How can you not understand this?
>I can't imagine having a small flap of skin is going to suddenly make it so that I can't believe sex never felt this good!
So what you're saying is you want to deny logic and rationality to feel better about your situation, and justify advocating the perpetuation of what amounts to mutilation?
yes, female mutilation is objectively worse due to the fact it is the clit that gets removed
you cannot discount the significance of losing 20,000 nerve endings that exist solely for sexual pleasure
you sound like a woman trying to be a man btw
Hey, I'm not against uncut dicks. I actually think part of the push for male circumcision is to make it harder to spot Jews. But that's besides the point.
I'm just trying to point out the false equivalence between male circumcision and "female circumcision." Male circumcision is not even in the same ballpark as its female "counterpart"
I'm more concerned with how circumcision can affect a child's brain. Cutting off a bit of the dick or pussy should fuck their shit up, man.
shut the fuck up achmed
Did you get cheated on by some whore or something? Or are you just an inbred retard trying to seed islam in beta brains?
Its all genital mutilation.
I'm completely unafraid that my wife will ever cheat on me. She was raised well, has her clit, and never touched a dick before mine.
Don't breed or support harlots, how hard is that?
What are your thoughts on apendectomies or tonsilectomies?
Do you have a problem understanding the concept of "consent" or something? Why do you want to make such a distinction between female and male genital mutilation, almost seeking to normalise circumcision?
Pretty hard I guess since 80% of American women have HPV
I can get behind that frame of mind.
I come from the mindset that my children are my property until such arbitrary time that they can fend for themselves or be entrusted with making decisions that benefit them long term.
So if you want to give your kids the option, more power to you.
Oh, also, you think if a child needs an apendectomy and out of fear refuses to give consent, that his parent have no right to make him?
Yeah, I believe that too.
That doesn't mean I can justifiably rape them, torture them, or mutilate them.
There is no justifiable reasoning beyond pure vanity to circumcise your child. If he really wants to once he is able to actually make an informed decision about it, probably about the same age he is able to legally sign contracts, then he can do it. Otherwise, you are making a decision about his body that he will have to live with for his entire life, because you wanted to continue a tradition of mutilation granted to you by anti masturbation rhetoric at best, and zionist subversion at worst
Oh sorry mate didn't realise having a foreskin could be a life threatening issue
Btw phimosis is not the norm
daft cunt. at some point down the line one of your ancestors will see it as mutilation, spite their fathers and ancestors for adopting the "tradition", and stop it. enjoy
Lol I never said anything about consent. I just said for me sex still feels great. Sure more nerve endings would make it feel better. But don't think you are better then me for it. Sex still feels just as good for me as it does for you. Circumcision was useful as one point. It is no longer.
I don't think I am better than you for it man, I am just trying to stop it from happening to more people
those posters are either young cunts that are just getting kicks, or pro circumcision posters playing a role
True this. Well know that I think circumcision is bad.
any kind of child mutilation should be forbidden, its fucking barbaric.
People dont care about male circumcision because they are brainwashed by the cancerous 3rd wave feminism
>Not knowing muslims love cirumcision as much as you
Its good that you're not hung up on it, I remember having a convo with a good friend in about 2005 how he resented his parents for choosing to do it to him, at that point I didn't really process the implications of it and just considered it "a flap of skin"
>I can't imagine having a small flap of skin is going to suddenly make it so that I can't believe sex never felt this good!
You can't believe it because you never had it in the first place. This is why circumcised males are so cucked.
I don't resent my parents for it. As my sex life is still good. So it has not exactly negatively impacted my life but I will not have my children go through it
We must respect other people's culture.
That doesn't mean this crap should be allowed on our soil.
If the tip of your dick/dick sensitivity was the most important part of sexual pleasure, you'd never be able to walk around while wearing pants.
Many "pleasure" lubricants de·sen·si·tize the penis because it makes the session last longer.
Is she shitting in the third/fourth image?
You tell me
That's just a close up of a tarantula, you're actually looking at proto Quelaag concept art.
>Female genital mutilation is in a whole nother ball park than male circumcision, which has been shown to not even reduce sexual pleasure in the slightest.
>Removing the clitoris
There's a theory about the hottentots that say that their elongated labia is the reason why African tribes practice female mutilation today. It disappeared along with the race mixing with other african sub-species, and exists today only as a weird tradition that they don't even know why they perform.
This is what a majority of Indonesians do. My ex was a muzzie from Indo and had her clit hood removed, and a very small amount of her outer lips. It didn't look half bad. It's like a coming of age ritual for them, the elder women in the community do it.
She would defend it, much like circumcised dudes. Cultural values
Right so as long as it's a socially forced form of culture it's an acceptable way than it isn't "wrong." Kind of funny because with that logic nothing is wrong. But if nothing is wrong, than what is right. What's right is what benefits you. If it decreases sluts and it regresses feminism. That's a good thing in my book.
>reading comprehension, nonexistent.
He was arguing that male circumcision "has been shown to not even reduce sexual pleasure in the slightest."
not that removing the clit doesn't affect sexual pleasure.
argue correctly if you are going to call someone a kike.
Any more pictures like that?