>And so both of these bizarre events put one in mind of a simple but arresting thesis: that we are living in the Matrix, and something has gone wrong with the controllers. This idea was, I’m told, put forward first and most forcibly by the N.Y.U. philosopher David Chalmers: what is happening lately, he says, is proof that we are living in a computer simulation and that something has recently gone haywire within it. The people or machines or aliens who are supposed to be running our lives are having some kind of breakdown. There’s a glitch, and we are in it.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Once this insight is offered, it must be said, everything else begins to fall in order. The recent Super Bowl, for instance. The result, bizarre on the surface—with that unprecedented and impossible comeback complete with razzle-dazzle catches and completely blown coverages and defensive breakdowns—makes no sense at all in the “real” world.
>There may be not merely a glitch in the Matrix. There may be a Loki, a prankster, suddenly running it. After all, the same kind of thing seemed to happen on Election Day: the program was all set, and then some mischievous overlord—whether alien or artificial intelligence doesn’t matter—said, “Well, what if he did win? How would they react?
>Trump cannot be President—forgetting all the bounds of ideology, no one vaguely like him has ever existed in the long list of Presidents, good, bad, and indifferent, no one remotely as oafish or as crude or as obviously unfit. People don’t say “Grab ’em by the pussy” and get elected President. Can’t happen
I kinda like the idea of reality itself getting trolled.
people have a very well-known bias towards the regular, the habitual, so much so that they discount rare/improbable events to the extent of believing strongly that they are actually impossiblethis bias can be traded against, as NN Taleb keeps proving
The whole "simulation" thing has already been disproven.
Happens from time to time if one refuses to accept certain social axioms and falls into nihilism. Gladly the weak going down that road will always kill themselves.
its got to be a fake name right? adam gopnik??? it cant be real
>The people or machines or aliens who are supposed to be running our lives are having some kind of breakdown.
Yeah, I bet the exploitative globalist overlords that take the place of the evil machines using humans like bateries are having a breakdown.
They are literally pointing it out. Their doublethink indoctrination is complete.
>he doesn't know that the black sun is rising and the demiurge is losing power over the sons of Hyperborea
It's KEK
>There may be a Loki, a prankster, suddenly running it.
He's talking about KEK!
This based philosopher has seen what we have seen. He doesn't yet understand the full picture.... but he will.
This is the age of KEK.
>there may be a Loki, a prankster, suddenly running it
Should we tell them?
>People don’t say “Grab ’em by the pussy” and get elected President. Can’t happen
Yet it did happen, which destroys your liberal, illogical theories.
it's the weak who stay in The System dummy.
can anyone explain to me the difference between '''the matrix''' concept and the spiritual concept that so many religions have been describing since....the beginning?
also why is it easier for leftards to believe in a giant computer in the sky than to believe in a Deity? i mean they traded god for a machine and angels for aliens and that is perfectly reasonable to them? do they honestly not see the satire in that?
>People don’t say “Grab ’em by the pussy” and get elected President. Can’t happen
That's where you're wrong, faggot.
>it's the night of the oscar jew 2018
>2017 oscar jew was big success
>it felt good handing out trophies to black movie-makers because as everyone knows black movie-makers are most unrecognized of all movie-makers
>all black movie-makers are literally kubric but nobody knows because oscar jew has been holding them back
>not happening with oscar jew 2018 though
>oscar jew 2018 has added a new category
>best tyler perry in a tyler perry movie
>meryl streep is on stage to present the award
>she is grinning from ear to ear
>"in 2018 the oscar jew finally decided to recognize the greatest hidden figure in movie-making." she says
>"tyler perry challenges us"
>she pauses for an inordinate amount of time
>"he challenges us to think about race"
>"which we almost never do every five minutes."
>there are shots of oscar jew audience and they all look deep in thought.
>"and here are the nominees"
>"tyler perry's: madea puts a whoopin on they kids"
>"tyler perry's: madea goes to the outside where white folk be sleepin not in they bed but on the ground in big socks"
>"tyler perry's: madea holds a queef so long she burps it out her mouth"
>"tyler perry's: madea puts ungodly amounts of spice on her food"
>"tyler perry's: madea puts a whoopin on they kids 2"
>there is a 5-way split screen of tyler perry with his fingers crossed looking very anxious
>meryl streep opens the card
>"and the winner is tyler perry"
>"for madea holds a queef"
>audience in full standing ovation as tyler perry takes the stage
>tyler perry appears a little choked-up now that he's holding a real oscar jew
>it's difficult but he's able to do his 'madea voice'
>"Errr I been holdin dis pussy burp all they tree days"
>audience still full standing ovation
>many taking selfies to remember the most diverse and progressive oscar jew in history
>the 2018 oscar jews.
>People don’t say “Grab ’em by the pussy” and get elected President. Can’t happen
Its like this guy has never heard of Andrew Jackson.
A Deity is a higher power than what it is controlling. From Source Code Microscopic Analysis we can see we are independent from the world. The 'Simulation'.
>no one remotely as oafish or as crude or as obviously unfit. People don’t say “Grab ’em by the pussy” and get elected President. Can’t happen
You are ignorant as fuck
The game was clearly rigged for entertainment value. Ask any mathematician.
That and/or look into how long the list is for the Mandella effect. How deep down that rabbit hole do you want to go?
Ey cheeki breeki
>someone i don't like became president
I wonder how the Hilary timeline is doing
anyone who believe the whole oscar mix was real is an idiot. why were all the talk shows saying "if you didnt watch the whole awards you missed everything" ratings my freind. dont be fooled by the electric jew. any publicity is good publicity. once again THE OSCAR AWARD MIXUP WAS SCRIPTED
So I live in the liberal shit hole that is san Francisco, and it's honestly amazing to see the butthurt in real time. But even more amazing is watching the more moderate people slowly come around to trump and more and more find good things about him and this situation.
Obliterated in nuclear fire. There's a reason the timeline was forcibly shifted.
it would be like naming you kid muhammed gangbanger or vishnu mafia or solomon chav .... just seems fake to me
pretending you are living in the matrix rather than face reality will lead to personal disaster.
Reality is a simulation, and God is its coder. The real world lies beyond the simulation, in Heaven and Hell.
Yes liberals we are living in a matrix, there is nothing you can do to change anything. Check out and be a degenerate.
discrediting the fact you live in the System will leave you broke retard.
you can tell yourself whatever story you want, but if you ignore that people actually support trump in favor of believing loki caused a glitch in the computer system you are missing a large part of reality.
As far as I'm concerned, the only respect in which Trump's victory in November was a "glitch" was that it brought dumb libtard 14-year-olds to Sup Forums in their thousands like the OP and everyone who is sustaining this painfully gullible blue-pilled thread.
READ what this fucking New York Jew has WRITTEN. Are you really so hopelessly brainwashed, kids, that you think this is some sort of "red-pilled" thesis that Sup Forums should be discussing?
Even a normie conservative like Tucker Carlson clearly saw that it wasn't "La La Land" that was the "safe choice", it was "Moonlight". What we saw wasn't a "glitch in the system". It was the Jews stamping the glitch out of existence thirty seconds after it appeared.
Nice numbers but you misunderstand. You mean those who don't give a crap about rabbit holes except that yummy rabbits live there. With weak I mean those jumping head first into the pit, which is always risky, especially if one can use ladders, build safety support for that the hole doesn't break down and buries one while exploring it. Maybe weak is the wrong word and moronic is more appropriate
Wait, if it is possible to simulate an entire universe from within the confines of another universe...
Then where does it end? Universe A creates Universe B which creates Universe C which creates Universe D, but which was the original? IS there an original? Or is reality infinitely recursive? Is this the reason for the development of human(or human-like) intelligence, to allow a universe to "reproduce" by creating more sub-universes?
Hey goyim.....did you know you're not even real?
emma stone comin with the bantz. when are you going to go full 1488 gtkrwn, cutie? also remember to have lots of white babbies!
i think you were seriously trying to answer me but i came off like total gibberish. care to elaborate cuz ill listen?
checked and it looks like kek wants to go all the way down the rabbit hole, user.
all the whites are dead by now
this is most likely correct
>You'll never have Trump tell you his exploit stories on the premise that you'll be a good boy and go to sleep afterwards.
>Adam Gopnik
What a name.
it starts at the beginning of the program energy code silly. Event 0.
Your first mistake is assuming time is a simple process of cause to effect, when in reality its more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff.
maybe they will lose faith in the Devil
It does not really matter, this is our reality
They're one and the same
Free willy thing goes in. Free willy thing comes out. Or is completely deleted if it's expected outcome is not satisfactory.
It hasn't and it's basically impossible to know what lies outside of our universe. The only thing we can assume is that the simulation chain has to be finite or else it would break somewhere and would've broken already.
time machine is also another theory. As the machine gets used more and more, the further away from the probable path we divert.
>no one can break the law so many times, buy out the media, and lie to dead soldiers' families to their faces and be president
"believe in God = backwards
believe in The Matrix = progress"
You don't want to be backwards, do you?
it's all about protecting their feels and ego.
then again jfk was kill so maybe we were on the crazy path all along
this leafy chatbot is broken. ignore as usual
there is no need to tell them. even the unbelievers are starting to see the light, so bright it shines
also, witnessed
A disturbing amount of people still can't accept reality. Will society be safe when they eventually snap?
Oh god, I read that whole thing in her speech acting voice.
fucking this
Hillary bombed Tartus "accidentally", and started WWIII
She's just began enslaving the cishet white males. Castration will take place next week.
If all the white people are dead, who's going to pay for welfare?
If our existence is merely a simulation, and this was absolute truth. Wouldn't our governments and leaders actively do everything in their power they can to supress this information from the public eye? Wouldn't this truth create a state of widespread global panic? Wouldn't much of the population start commiting degenrate acts and atrocities in the name of our existence is not "real", therefore eliminating such things as morality and self responsibility.
A complete and total societal and cultural meltdown of mankind that would be unrivaled in all of history. Mass suicides, murders, rapes, looting, and ultimately the absolute destruction of mankind.
So if this was the truth, then why are well known people such as Elon Musk allowed to freely flaunt this information around, well knowing that if revealed it would destroy us. Governments have silenced people for far less serious and sensitive knowledge. Why would this, the most dangerous knowledge to mankind,the key to our absolute destruction be allowed to be so well known, and spoken about so openly?
That is why I cannot agree with the simulation theory.
Hmm, it would seem so, and I have been exploring things lately, and it does seem that something somewhere has fucked up and either merged realities, switched them around a bit, or "aliens" are fucking with things kind of "behind the scenes"...
cause the Elites don't care they're always dying and bored.
fucking kek
Maybe like trying to scare/program those who "think outside the box" into suicide, insanity, or falling in line?
Interesting stuff...
the idea is very old.
what if we are merely a sorcerers spell in a bottle?
What if we are the dream of a tree?
>the battle for some random computer rock continues in other news water is wet.
Shut up, captain obvious
No one with a brain believes this unironically
Kind of like how the military leader "fell" off of his balcony after he was running around telling everyone that there was a massive underground Nazi city in Antarctica?
Because the Matrix won't judge them for their sins, so they'd rather believe in that
your right i didnt think of that.... correction everybody is dead
Jesus, are these guys for real?
What happened to real journalism?
New Yorker was once a respectable magazine, and this guy has a long career there (he's 60 years old, apparently).
>what is Algorithmic Judgement.
>Adam Gopnik
Cyka Blyat of course there is glitch you fucking Gopnik. It is the magic of meme.
checked. this is a good answer!
what if we need to break the fourth wall and praise our creators?
Living in a fucking simulation and still no gf.
Train conductor theory > simulation theory
maybe if we praise the luls The Higher Power(s) of Luls will defeat the Cultists or some shit. It's worth a try. Whatever.
If mistakes mean the system has gone haywire it should have gone haywire on august 24, 1956
many such cases. sad!
It's all pretty simple:
The world has officially ended December 21 2012. The project has been finished as planned and the ayylmao team left. The simulation was left to run uncontrolled and has been slowly deteriorating since.
They dont like the idea of god watching a film called "Their Life" and him making the SHIGGYDIGGYDOO face the whole time
>There may be a Loki, a prankster, suddenly running it.
>some mischievous overlord—whether alien or artificial intelligence doesn’t matter—said, “Well, what if he did win? How would they react?
This fool doesn't even know about meme-magic, it's obviously our powerful meme-magicians causing this.
who? link?
have they studied the 1u1s and why have They attempted to replicate the lulz and failed.
it probably would be like communist china in the 60's with a pseudoamerican polish
>be shitty comedy channel.
>can't replicate luls.
>god pity laughs at u.
>u get cancer and die.
>G0d shitposts on Sup Forums but no one believes it's Him.
>its ridiculous that an awards show by actors for actors could be scripted
you retarded?