The right is regressive and hates science! The left is pro-scien-....
I know it's a clean source of energy, but you can't ensure that it's 100% safe. I'm not saying someone would detonate them, that's retarded, but an accident can cause mass destruction.
>you can detonate a fission pile like a nuclear warhead
stupid sexy grandma
There is nothing to worry about, stop spreading fear
Driving can cause mass destruction stop being a pussy
What's her agenda here?
Is she in bed with coal lobby or something? Does she have shares in a solar company ?
What's the motivation behind this?
Are you a proxy troll?
So does everything she know about nuclear power plants come from The Simpsons?
I agree with her, but the problem is even after they're shut down they require decades and decades of round the clock work to prevent a meltdown.
Nuclear power was such a shortsighted solution.
...her twitter account down.
Yes, same with most leftists.
kek, nips are great
I think the hope was that by the time it came time to shut down some plants due to age, science would have progressed enough to make dealing with the the nuclear waste much easier.
That hasn't happened. While the lifespan of nuclear plants is something short, like 40-50 years, the majority of nuclear plants in America have had their lifespans lengthened with inspections and upgrades. We have a ton of really old nuclear plants and it is a problem our generation will have to deal with.
Just look at the costs for Fukushima, and they're still not able to control the meltdown.
Why are greenies so anti-nuclear power? It would completely stop CO2 emissions.
dont mind him its just his 2nd head thats talkin.
Chernobyl says hi......
I also find it funny how you're trying to do a proxy because anyone from Japan wouldn't say that especially after Fukushima
Because we're not good at dealing with nuclear waste yet.
We have a perfectly fine system for disposal, the nips just fucked it up by building their reactor in a tsunami zone
>da noocyooular plants are abootta explode goy
>betta shut em down
The left is pro social science. And other forms of cuck science
Yucca solved this issue decades ago. Hillary Clinton killed it in lobbying the green-left who would never be happy with anything, less the death of all humans.
Build containment facilities in the middle of Nevada.
retard alert
A literal who now
I like how easy it is to spot share blue now
They can't explode as if they're nuclear weapons.
Chernobyl was a case of "quality Soviet engineering" decades ago. Japan was a deficiency of fail-safes of a facility that was near the coast that tsunamis could hit.
You're not going to get a tsunami in fucking Nebraska. Just keep the nuclear reactors away from serious earthquake fault lines and actually maintain modern standards of failsafes and literally nothing bad is going to happen.
she is stupid.
She's just stupid, but she's useful
Earthquakes can have the same devastating effect.
>be you
>be a fag
But I repeat myself
Just because she's got a PhD doesn't mean she cannot be stupid.
Chernobyl was more than that.
>Hey, lets build a new breeder reactor, but keep it secret and say it's just for nuclear power!
>Brilliant tovarisch! Let us also only tell the very top level of the people running the plant, everyone else can think it's a regular power plant!
>Great, we'll also train them as though it's a different design as well to further the secret!
>This is the best of ideas, Ivan!
We don't know how to properly dispose nuclear waste. Having a conversation on Nuclear power is like having a conversation about vaccines. Any opinion seems to be ridiculed.
>We don't know how to properly dispose nuclear waste.
At least you told everyone you're Shariablue with the filename.
Maximum keks from red ball flag man
Just pointing out that this topic in particular attracts in the paid shills. There are other alternatives in energy that are far more cheaper and cleaner..
The ionosphere has virtually unlimited amount of power that we could harness and benefit all of humanity
>We don't know how to properly dispose nuclear waste.
I spoke to a nuclear engineer a while back... He claimed that for particular kinds of nuclear plants, they have ways to recycle the nuclear waste to use it as fuel again some time later.
C'est ne pas un argument
Put Hythe waste in LFT reactors and call it a day. Conversely, recycle the uranium/fuel and put it in a breeder reactor to make heavy elements. The nature of radio active material is that so long as it is emitting particles, it can be useful. Eventually the material will decay to something stable. Until then, disposing of said material is a silly idea because it's obviously still active, meaning still useful for creating heat.
People constantly associate the stupidity of Russians doing Russian science with that of the entirety of the nuclear industry. Nobody ever bothers to look at the amount of regulations and safety measures that have been taken in response to Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, and even now with Fukushima.
Nowadays, you can even build smaller modular reactors, on the order of around 500MW power generation that correct almost all the design failures, as well as threat of scale, of previous reactor designs. Nuclear hysteria is just that, a trend best left in the 80s, accidents happen, but by and large, they don't.
Reprocessing nuclear waste is a very expensive process, not to mention, dirty.
Science called. They want you to stop posting until you know what the fuck you are talking about.
""Dr"" Jill "cooking with wifi" Stein
>Reprocessing nuclear waste is a very expensive process, not to mention, dirty.
He indicated that as long as it was protons and photons being radiated, there was no longterm problem... The problems arise from neutron radiation.
I don't know the details but he seemed to think it was not so bad.
Shut the fuck up. Chernobyl and fukushima are a thing. Both were accidents. Both happened.
>and even now with Fukushima
Fukishima is older than Chernobyl, only 1st gen nuclear reactors had troubles so far, they're slowly being replaced.
We should be as creative as the Swedes:
Declare Sweden to give up all nuclear power. After 20 years declare not possible. Have more nuclear power plants per capita than anyone else.
Muh green.
(((shut them down)))
One was due to incompetent staffing and a poor reactor design.
Not every Japanese plant failed, in fact the majority went in to safe shutdown during the quake and tsunami. The reactors that did fail simply didn't have a means for maintaining power to cool the reactors while equipment responsible for it were underwater.
If the best reasons not to use nuclear power are incredibly stupid Russians and infrequent tsunamis, you really have quite a lot of work to do on convincing me why nuclear itself is the problem.
I don't see why we always get these false equivalencies. The difference between chernobyl and newer reactors should be obvious to everyone. It's almost as if a lot of people just have a blind prejudice against anything nuclear.
>The ionosphere has virtually unlimited amount of power that we could harness and benefit all of humanity
Tell that to the energy companies. Free energy for everyone with no wires! I bet they'll be super happy.
>if if if if if
The world shifts around "ifs". You can't foresee what is going to happen..
Very happy
Neutron embrittlement. Uranium releases neutrons during fissions, tho. It'd have to be a daughter that only releases beta and gamma radiation.
Taking up large portions of land and storing nuclear waste is more expensive, as is the cleanup that happens when the containers fail.
There is literally nothing wrong with nuclear energy.
One nuclear produces 100x more energy, while leaving less pollution than using conventional power plants to match the output.
Jill Stein is a literal retard, and certainly not pro-science, more like pro-virtue signalling.
no, we need to strip mine entire forests for the components to make far less efficient solar panels.
>don't guy goys, "green" energy is so much better.
Holy shit, people are allowed to discuss Dr. Jill Stein? I thought she pissed everyone off by demanding a recount for the presidential election and subsequently finding widespread voter fraud done on behalf of Clinton that she would have committed suicide by now. By shooting herself in the back of the head four times.
Any reactor can meltdown. Our nuclear reactors are almost all on the great lakes and they could technically meltdown, purge, and irradiate them along with 40% of Americans fresh water.
no, that's not nearly a retarded enough way to off herself. She would feed herself to colonies of endangered fire ants.
Nuclear energy is extremely expensive and requires more and more security every single year. Our local nuclear plant has a police force bigger than the small city I live in. It produces less electricity than one $100m gas plant. It costs more than that every few years.
Not to mention the decommission estimation was more than $3b. We're literally stuck with this expensive piece of shit until it becomes unsafe.
She's right though, if you think otherwise you're probably retarded or never had the chance to get exposure to actual debates
>It produces less electricity than one $100m gas plant
How come? Doesn't make sense. All I have heard is that nuclear plants produce huge amounts of electricity. They actually wanted to build one in Estonia to replace our coal plants, but they dropped the plan because they found no land for it (nobody wanted a nuclear plant in their vicinity)
>the left is pro-science
Not even lefties believe that.
She found widespread evidence that Hillary Clinton failed at stealing the election from Trump. I meant she would commit "suicide" by bizarre methodology because that seems to be what happens to people who cross the Clinton's.
She does know that uranium is a naturally occurring substance and can be found in the rock and soil of umpteen countries?
You can't run them at full capacity as they are always being inspected, fixed, etc. Our nuclear capacity factor is just over 60% on average. For the gas plants it's just under 95%.
Nuclear plants might be good in Estonia but in a multicultural hellhole it's a shit idea. Massive expensive targets that would not only irradiate large areas if attacked but would shut down the electricity grid as well.
liberals hate science. Evolution and race, eugenics
It doesn't take up large portions of land. Garbage takes up large portions of land. More nuclear waste comes from coal production than uranium. And the containers never fail. Yucca could have solved all of this for centuries.
>Not even lefties believe that.
Not true, lefties defend this fervently. Maybe the most hardline SJW's only aren't pro-science.
Foundation the Liberal shill. How's your wife doing?
You need 235 which makes up less than 1% of Uranium by weight. It's separated using a chemical and mechanical process not that different than refining oil in scope.
Every other source of energy is more harmful than nuclear (except for wind & solar).
Maybe it's an old generation plant built in the 60's?
Sounds kinda bad anyway. I actually advocate massively for renewable energy, I just can't be too vocal about it because lefties have stolen all that "being green" sthick and apparently, if you are right wing you can't be supporting green lifestyle or energy these days.
Why would a Liberal shill hate nuclear energy again? It's ridiculously expensive to build, ridiculously expensive to decommission, ridiculously expensive to maintain, and even the per twh produced is higher than most other sources when you ignore startup, shutdown, and maintenance costs.
It's also a massive target for terrorists. A giant radioactive pool sitting on the largest fresh water source in North America, protected by a few feet of concrete and 150 overpaid police officers with small arms.
This is because liberals live in concrete jungles and conservatives live in rural areas with nature. Liberals can shill about wind, solar, and nuclear energy because they live nowhere near these projects and don't pay their own electricity bills. They can shill about muh waterways and muh lakes because all they see is the pollution and disrespect liberal vacationers inflict on nature.
Nuclear is the only feasible green energy
They're all controlled opposition
the two or three times a year they leave their million dollar human birdcages. I hate city environmentalists with a passion, as does almost everyone else on the local wish and wildlife conservation board my dad has volunteered for 20 years on.
Nuclear energy isn't feasible, but you're right that solar and wind are far worse. At least nuclear can provide extremely expensive baseline power, a modern billion dollar solar panel farm or wind farm can't even do that with molten salt efficiently in the fucking deserts of Arizona.
You absolutely can. Don't let an opposition party tell you why you can believe.
Literally any engineer with a 4 year degree could put you in your place in 5 minutes. Liberals that go against nuclear energy with all its safety regulation advances and technology are cucking themselves out if the closest thing to cheap, mass clean energy that we will achieve for at least another thousand years without building hundreds of miles of solar plants in the desert.
i don't trust nuclear power myself. no matter how many people tell me its safe, i will always prefer alternatives.
teslas work is the actual redpill since it doesn't require dangerous nuclear energy.
FINALLY! Someone who knows. People need to be redpilled on his discoveries.
you know it, i'll always avoid (((nuclear energy))).
The tesla rabbit hole goes way deeper. he discovered the same thing as hermes trismegistos taught. i am not sure if he had read the hermetic principles or not tesla said that if you want to discover the secrets of the universe you need to think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration, and science has only been catching up to that slowly.
tesla and trismegistos have discovered these truths much earlier than science. what modern science is discovering, is part of ancient knowledge.
And as always, this knowledge will be kept away from the public.
The technology that harness the unlimited amount of energy from the ionosphere exists. It's clean and readily available. Tesla was electric Jesus.
right, i hope that one day humanity will find it bro.
lucky to live in germany, we almost only get green energy through windparks etc
Shut up lliar, I breathe a polluted air from your coal-fired plant.