Autism doesnt exist

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I want to fuck that jagged rock

Who cares just let the docs segregate you defective spergs out of the general population pleasee


> animeright
Stopped reading there


Fuck this redpilled me hard

y are you on Sup Forums newfag gtfo REEEEEEE

This was pretty good

it was

Anime is good, the community is worse than niggers though

They just haven't been taught properly.

That's lewd.

>Anime is good
Any particular genres that are better than others?

This desu, animeright in particular is downright autistic and almost makes me feel bad to watch animu and be right-wing.

I am enjoying the articles even if the branding makes me want to die.

>being angry about a silly sarcastic website

Madness is what fuels me and every other Canadian on Sup Forums desu.

Battle Shounen
Hajime No Ippo inspired me to start boxing

>Battle Shounen
As opposed to regular shounen? What's the difference?

>Battle Shounen
Sure feels like reddit in here.

Battle shounen is like DB/DBZ, Hajime No Ippo, grappler Baki, Kingdom, and karate shoukoshi kohinata minoru, it's all about the action and training, getting stronger
Regular shounen is like Magi, Dai no Daibouken, One piece, Naruto
Which is more story/lore based and less about battle


Ah, I see. Perhaps I can look into it more in the future.

Naruto and one piece are battle shounens too you retard. A shounen that isn't a battle shounen is something like Flying Witch or Joshiraku.

Just fyi this guy is a total newfag talking complete bullshit.

Naruto and one piece aren't all about fighting and the other ones I listed are.

Yes they are, don't just randomly draw arbitrary lines because you don't like them.

>anime right
Is that now really a thing? I'm not against it or anything, but damn. I guess anime does promote conservative ideas.

>Naruto and One Piece aren't all about fighting
Every single arc is about fighting and action desu. The stuff that isn't about fighting or action are almost all filler, or exposition building to to the fights and action.

No they really aren't
Naruto wants to become hokage and luffy wants to find the one piece.
Goku wants to become strongest in the universe
Ippo wants to win the boxing championship
They differ greatly

What does Naruto do to become the hokage? Fight anything that's stopping him.

What does Luffy do to find One Piece?
Fight anything that's stopping him.

My fucking ass you stupid nigger. They're all shounens with battles as their main themes so they're battle shounens.

The main theme for One piece is Adventure
Naruto's main theme is about the ninja lands

Every single conflict in both anime are solved with fighting.

That website is sarcastic.But this one isn't. Healthy young cuck goes on Sup Forums, gets pumped full of redpills, doesn't feel quite right, and changes- AUTISM. Many such cases.

Naruto and Luffy train once in a blue moon, Goku and Ippo train daily

They fight in every single episode, the shit are you talking about. "Adventure" can mean anything you want and I'm pretty sure ninjas aren't famous for shooting fireballs and wielding two handed swords.

They are also called Indigo children

No they don't. And like I said it's more about the training/getting stronger part which luffy and Naruto rarely need to do

>the branding makes me want to die
I don't get this, are you ashamed of anime?

What does that have to do with anything? Training makes something a sport series if anything, not a battle series. And even then it's completely irrelevant since being a battle shounen has no criteria of training anyways.
Also yeah I'd consider hajime no ippo more of a sport series than a battle series.

No, it's just very on-the-nose.

> And like I said it's more about the training/getting stronger part
Said literally no one else fucking ever. Stop making up your random definitions.

Do you know of any on-the-nose anime serieses?

>Naruto wants to become hokage, a.k.a. the strongest ninja in the leaf village
>luffy wants to find the one piece AND become king of the pirates, a.k.a. the strongest pirate in the world
>they differ greatly

He was making a point about Ippo being different because he fights a series of battles to get a title, which is somehow different from the other two.

I like how this thread is going so far.

Hokage and king of the pirates are titles too?

What else are they?

>autism doesn't exist

Really quicked my rundown.

Yeah they aren't specifically looking forward to battle, they just come across it as needed

>not talking about best anime

So like in DBZ. Again there's some overlap with sports series and battle series but if it's in a shounen magazine and has a lot of battles then it's a battle shounen. That's about it.

If they WANT to battle, it's a battle shounen,
If they NEED to battle, it's just a regular shounen

Irrelevant countries BTFO

>another random ass arbitrary definition
Is this what reddit looks like?

It's a pretty simple concept, definitely not random

>it's simple so it can't be random
Are you actually autistic?

Yes let's talk about the best anime.

>he doesn't know about battle shounen
You're the autistic one.
Stick to Umaru, weeb shill

This entire thread you haven't been right about battle shonen at all desu. One Piece and Naruto are fighting-centric shonen anime, and are thus battle shonen. Dragon Ball has just as much filler as the two of them by the way.

In Naruto and One Piece, every confrontation/conflict is literally solved through fighting. Every single arc revolves around battling villains. That's text-book battle shonen.

I don't think you understand what that word means baka.

Hold on a second. Do you even know what shounen means? It's not a genre, it's a demographic. There are magazines that are aimed at this demographic and have "shounen" somewhere in their title. Anything published in those is considered a shounen. Some of them revolve around battles, so they're called battle shounens. Just open up any shounen magazine and you'll see plenty of series that don't feature battles at all.

Autism was just created for all the people online to start calling each other that name because they didn't go out and socialize ever

How do you explain us, then?

>It's not a genre
Well, this is news to me.



Gonna add it to my RSS feed


Toriko is a shounen
But it's about food, they only fight when they have to, where in battle shounen they are always looking forward to a fight and training for it

>Autism doesn't exist.
>Therefore vaccines don't cause autism.

Prove me wrong, Sup Forums.

Shonen is less of a genre and more of a demographic, shonen in anime/manga sense just means anime that caters to young boys, it doesn't really tell you what the anime will be like or the actual contents or themes of the anime. An anime that's heavily battle/fight centric marketed towards younger boys is a battle shonen.

>shonen in anime/manga sense just means anime that caters to young boys
Does this mean I shouldn't be watching it? Since it's for younger people. Also, is that why there is a "sho" in it?

>Shōnen, shonen, or shounen manga (少年漫画 shōnen manga?) is manga aimed at a young male audience. The age group varies with individual readers and different magazines, but it is primarily intended for boys between the ages of 8 to 18.[1] The kanji characters (少年) literally mean "boy" (or "youth"), and the characters (漫画) mean "cartoon" or "comic". Thus, the complete phrase means "young person's comic", or simply "boys' comic". Shōnen manga is the most popular form of manga,[2][3] and the female equivalent to it is shōjo manga.
There's a difference between a grand battle shounen and an unorthodox battle shounen, toriko is an unorthodox battle shounen while naruto is a grand. They're still both battle shounens. Go watch barakamon if you want more details.

If autism doesn't exist then why does this article reek of it?

Errr bakuman not barakamon.

I don't speak or read Japanese.

To be a crystal child sounds lame to me.

You watch what you want, but shounens are aimed at teenagers. Seinens are aimed at adult males. Yes sho is the sho from 少, aka small.

How did you do that?

No, you're allowed to watch it, there's nothing wrong with it.
Japanese like to split animu between intended demographics. Shonen is intended for younger boys generally below the age of 15. This can include stuff like Dragon Ball, Yu Yu Hakusho, to the first bits of Jojo, Pokemon, Beyblade, Gurren Lagann, etc. Then there's Seinen which is essentially marketed towards young men and older teenage boys.

There's similar terms for girl animu too (Shojo being the female counterpart for Shonen, and Josei being the female counterpart to Seinen).


>crystal child

>proceeds to make up arbitrary labels

>make up
Stop talking about anime until you've learned the terminology you cancerous faggot.

These are labels I've heard in bakuman. And I'll believe them over you.

knh is borderline porn


Couldn't hand surgurey or cutting of some of the fingers work? What of bone replacement and physical therapy?

Don't bother with these losers from twitter shilling their shitty website. They gave a shitty name to what Sup Forums already is and claim it to be their "Brand". They are organizing and shilling ITT. Like most threads on Sup Forums it's part of a shilling operation. Look at the #AnimeRight hashtag on twitter. They're insane fags who post traps sometimes too. Beardson Beardly is involved somehow.

Animeright are pretty cool guys. They bullycide commies and doesn't afraid anything.

> one anime

Meh.. What anime does Sup Forums watch this season?
Only LWA and Kuzu No Honkai caught my attention this season.

>one newfag

LWA, Konosuba and Youjo Senki

I don't watch a lot of currently airing animu too often though.

>one weeb policing every term

Kemono friends, nyanko days

I'm basing everything I say on what Japanese experts said. Whereas the source for everything you say is your ass.

That "article" itself is proof autism exists.


They will regrow faster than they can cut them off.
Think of Wolverine's healing factor only focused more on regrowth and no added durability what so ever.

anime is the final redpill