Whites in America

So if California and New York was removed from the United States. How white would the country be then?

And why aren't you supporting the #calexit?

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go 'noles

Insta-preg on the one on the right.

Just remove major cities.

i thought southern usa was the place full of niggers

>why aren't you supporting the #calexit?
Losing a state would be a massively negative event. We would cease to be the UNITED States of America. It would set a very bad precedent and weaken our political standing across the globe. They must be brought to heel.

It is

Least White states are in the Southeast and Southwest. New York is pretty white besides NYC.

Country would be great. i fully support it.

the south can bring tradition back

> working for Putin

Kind'a giving away the sekrit on who manufactured the fake Brexit. Probably best if you not drink any tea, in the interests of having a long life.



United states was a mistake. Both Canada and the USA needs to balkanize.

There is no united states as the states don't have any power anymore.

ok faggot but why dont you remind him that we're STILL the most right wing voting block in the nation.

in fact, the new england area are the only whites in the country that are majority left wing.

I think that's the point he's making you dumb fuck.

south Italians and jews are not white.

There are more white people in New York and California than in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and both Dakotas combined.

This, its the fucking city that prevents this state from being red. Stupid immigrants and skinny libtards that can't drive for shit plague everywhere but downtown manhattan

I've been to both states. Lots of blacks in California, especially LA, but I haven't seen a significant amount of them in NYC.

The girl in the middle is a new kind of midget.
The hottest I would say.

Just look in the mirror if you want to see blacks.

yea i know california is not white, that's the point of my post...

Yeah southern america has alot of blacks. But california has tons of mexicans.

How can you judge one's complexion based on a flag ?

Don't remove cali.
Burgers use cali as a containment state.
Let them stay there and don't let them migrate somewhere else.

Your capital has more poo in the loo than india.

Problem is cali has alot of none whites, and in the election the state provides alot of deligates. That's why it would be better to just cut it of.

its not that they aren't white eurobros. its that they are white cucks. they make hollywood.

let me show you what i mean. this map is the 2016 election if only whites were allowed to vote.

the whites in the south are extremely right wing. like 80+% trump in each state in this picture.

God damn you people are idiots. Stop basing all your dumb shit off of queens or the other nigger Burroughs.

New York is whiter than half the southern states.
Fucking nigger op

They have black features.

fuck I need to move to a white state...

>New York is whiter than half the southern states.
Fucking nigger op
Dude i created this thread to learn more but also discuss. Don't chimp out like that.

hes a jew yorker what did you expect? they chimp out on Sup Forums because they want everyone to ignore how much that state ruins the country.

Oh hey, it's that song again.


>Jew York

Burroughs wasn't a nigger, he was one of the great white faggots of America you stupid piece of burger patty.

I don't get the hate of New York on here. Yes, we have a lot of minorities, jews, and gays but we're incredibly self-segregated.

Puerto Ricans live in the South Bronx, Blacks live in Harlem/Bed-Stuy/Jamaica, Italians live in Bensonhurst/Howard Beach/Staten Island, Irish people live in Rockaway Beach, Russians live in Brighton Beach.

Plus we gave you Trump.

Also jew york is NOT a meme. pic very related.

notice the lack of southern states?

Kill marry fucck desu lads.

new york was overwhelmingly against trump. and like 1 in 3 "whites" in your state is jewish

I'm 100% on board with a Calexit.
Then once they break off, the US immediately annexes them because hey, we have a military and you have no guns.

Then just make them a territory like Guam. No electoral votes. And any refugees we take in go there.

>Then once they break off, the US immediately annexes them because
that would make it utterly pointless. the nation would benefit by NOT re-taking them.

It would be a country of rural and suburban retards.

Cali and NY hold 40%+ of the U.S. economy, I'll gracefully join the new empire.

Jews basically only live in Brooklyn and Rockland county. Like you can avoid Jews if you don't go near those two places.

Most urban areas did, urban areas in the USA are concertation of artists, gays, and minorities.

He did well in Suffolk county and Staten Island where the working class whites live now.

2 and 3....... GAT DAYUM!

Jews are like 15% of New York.

To put that into perspective for Britbongs - London is 15% niggers. Now when I go to London, the large number of niggers is actually what feels strange and alien compared to the diversity more generally.

Jew York is Jewish as fuck

>Cali and NY hold 40%+ of the U.S. economy

Please provide source. Even if true, I highy doubt the blacks and hispanics in those states, are the ones keeping the economy going.


Are you counting ex-panics as white? Because they do. At any rate, removing Texas, AZ, NM, CA, and NY would certainly help.

Whilst we're at it, MA (PR immigrants), and WA (orientals). Then US would be 70% white.

People forget there are WAYYYY more blacks than census knows about.

It discourages other states from attempting to secede, and strips California of electoral votes.

There's simply no way that (if this was left alone) China would not attempt to lay claim to it, citing its need to protect the Chinese nationals living there.

why it's always swedes who called everyone else non white

>It discourages other states from attempting to secede
okay dumbass and for what reason? why are some of you so hell bent on muh union.
> and strips California of electoral votes.
thats complete guesswork. theres no reason california would be stripped of its electoral votes if they were stomped so quickly. and even if they were it would only be for one term.
>There's simply no way that (if this was left alone) China would not attempt to lay claim to it
retarded as could be. they cant even retake taiwan or hold the spratley islands. they wont be taking hawaii, california or any american soil any time soon. even if the nation completely fell apart.

Yes, but they're hyper concentrated in one area. Imagine in London if all the blacks lived in Southeast part of the city and one town 30 minutes outside of London.

>the south can bring tradition back

But the south is overflowing with niggers.

and as ive said before. the whites are by far the most based right wingers in the nation.

even the white millenials are still red here. probably the last area in all western countries where this is the case

Because it'd our fucking clay that's why
A bunch of narccicistic commies aren't going to take it from us and if they think k they are they'll find out what a Russian gulag looks like from the inside first hand

Gator here, I have never seen such a high concentration of 8+/10 girls as florida state greek life

It's fuckin insane.

First of all America is like 60% white, Sweden is 88% white. Second of all you post a pic of degnerates larping as nationalists. They don't represent us at all.

would your rather they ruin the nation and prevent anyone remotely right wing from taking control again?
our demographics are still changing fast. trump won the right states just barely. once the old white voters die out we're fucked. UNLESS a state like california is dropped. then we might have another few decades.


California doesn't need the United States, they would be fine on their own. They would probably end up taking Washington and Oregon too. Lots of rednecks think this would be a good thing, so let's make it happen.

Kill, Marry, Rape for me

The tits in the middle ain't liddle. Fuck off lanklet she beasts, I like em small enough to carry in a suitcase. I have my reasons so don't ask.

>high concentration of 8+/10 girls
This. Lived four years in Tallahassee; thought I was going to lose my mind.

FSU is a Chad and Stacy factory

There's probably more white people in CA than any other state.

I agree with calexit because then we could bomb them because they aren't Americans.



>Dems lose 55 electoral votes
>USA is republican for eternity
>Rapefugees, illegals and nogs move to California
>European based whites migrate to USA
>Build second wall around Cali
>White race is saved

pick one :(

I did not say voluntarily.

>nogs used melanin magic to teleport to detroit


based fucking burger, I hope Trump declares dictatorship and MAGAS for 20 years straigth.

They moved there for jobs and safety. This was before welfare existed

>They moved there for jobs and safety
Holy shit we've got a live one here.

Dems would never win again. that's for certain.