Keeping our Race clean
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Heil indeed. Beautiful.
That Eeestianõn here who might care to say WHY this pic is "BS"?
You think we lost them?
This implies that Germanics are Slavs too.
fuck off vatnik
I like that.
The balto-slavic tree is propaganda.
It originated in soviet russia,
and is still being pushed by kremlin "scientists".
Because the Finnic tribe that lived on the territory of Latvia has died out.
Too late, I already claimed one of your blonde women
I'm dark haired, 1.75cm
Deal with it
Get cucked.
my latvian gf wants to move back to latvia to be with her famliy cause she is preggo with my child and wants me to go with her but i dont speak latvian and hate the cold plus i dont know anyone but her what should i do
Learn to read, specifically the base of the picture, where it says "PIE", i.e. Proto Indo-European....
Actually, though, I SHOULD have included a Slavonic infusion into the modern German ethnos...
There, fixed it.
Learn the language and move.
Or break up.
If you are shitskin filth then just KYS.
>Because the Finnic tribe that lived on the territory of Latvia has died out.
This. Not completely correct Livs still exists but only around 200 people speak Liv.Most ethnic Finnic people made ethnogenesis with Balts in Talava so making Finnic+baltic language mix.
By the way this was written by a shitskin.
I don't people were arguing about PIE...
Its the Russians here that pretend that split never happened
Why are we shown as Finnic? This absolutely makes no sense, linguistically or genetically. I've replied to you before yet you chose to ignore because it doesn't fit your shitty narrative.
>Actually, though, I SHOULD have included a Slavonic infusion into the modern German ethnos...
>believing the memes
Russians weren't even in a third of the country back then, learn some history.
give her some time alone with her family and she will be back pretty fast.
We are cucked ,our women would rather go out with strangers/foreigners than ethnic men. Deal with it.
>The balto-slavic tree is propaganda.
You utter mongs. I'm English, and can tell from simple playing around with Google translate that it's a clear-as-day reality. You have tons of words in common. This is almost Ukrainian-tier pseudohistorical retardism.
>the Finnic tribe that lived on the territory of Latvia has died out.
The language died, the distinct identity (almost! - go to the coastal villages where Liv was last spoken and ask!) died, but the blood remained, and now shapes what it is to be a Latvian.
She has black features.
Livs did not die out - they assimilated into the Latvian society just like baltic Curonians, Latgalians, Selonians, Semigallians
the sad truth
Who is that and what specific country is she from? Estonia? Latvia?
Are you a shitskin?
lmao this has to be one of the best trolls that's been going around the board recently.
> Inb4 people take it seriously and respond as such
>You have tons of words in common.
So English is Latin?
Hail Romance Anglos.
it's because women like $$$
poor potato farmers cannot provide $$$
it's not like they long for a black cock, they just want stability
although I'm not exactly rich. Just a normal guy.
100% celt phenotype but the language is too foreign like spainish and italian was quite easy to learn cause there both base in latin and i learnt them when i was young but latvia is too strange
What race are you?
Our women date exclusively within Latvian race or other Northern European. We almost had beaten to death some Spanish subhuman when he tried to approach a girl at our local bar
Some small percentage do it. Not very common here.
>I'm English
Do you speak a language from both groups?
If not, then you have no say in what seems alike or not.
English have a lot in common with slavic languages too btw.
We have nothing to offer westerners deposits and other shit we can't afford mix schengen area with shitty economy and women nature they would rather go out with repefugee who gets benefits than a Latvian man because the shitsking gets more money.
We can kill your whole family much?
Do it - learn the Latvian language.
beware of niggers good people
Who cares what ordinary laymen Russians think? They routinely go on tours of the "Golden Ring" and get told by tour guides that all the rivers they cross on the coach have "Finno-Ugorsky" names, and yet never make the obvious conclusion that the people there are part Finnic in ancestry.
What did I ignore? Maybe I just missed it. Anyway, the diagram clearly shows Lithuanian as directly coming out of the Baltic branch.
For fuck's sake, this OBVIOUSLY refers to the Wenden/Sorben/Polaben of the early mediaeval period.
What the fuck you on about latvian is so fucking hard compared to german and french
stop lying subhuman gypsy. you are just triggered you are not one of us
Not human, obviously.
Well I was never arguing common PIE ancestry
no i am white
Replied to in previous thread about genetics, it's much more complex.
Finnic languages are later newcomers than Indo-European languages to Baltic region.
Autosomaly Estonians also have high amount of steppe ancestry from Corded Ware.
Also Estonians and Finns have 1-5% percent of Siberian admixture, whilist Balts even if they're loaded with N1c they have absolute zero. Also all Baltic N1c is from a single clade from 600BC, around the time first archeological Baltic cultures formed.
There's also no Uralic hydronyms or toponyms in Lithuania or in most Latvia, save for the areas where Livonians lived.
>stop lying subhuman gypsy. you are just triggered you are not one of us
Yes because paternal genetics are 100% affected by you fatehrs mother hehehe.
i like these pol geneticists.
Why are people in this thread so dense? The Romance elements in English are an obvious superstratum. They don't concern the most intimate parts of our lives. The similarities with Slavonic in your language are due to common inheritance, affecting almost the entire native vocabulary.
I read Russian. I speak it like a retard, but reading is enough for these purposes!
Oh then you are in.
Wellcome to Riga.
No. Your bloodline is dirty and we will remove you.
Baltans aren't white, deal with it.
More white then you.
>affecting almost the entire native vocabulary.
Show's how much you know about linguistics and this subject.
No one cares about you Sadiq. You all will die out, while we establish racial state
This is a very nice town
but it's hard as fuck and plus i dont know anyone there she comes from a place called Aizkraukle whats it like there
Actually Baltic languages are the oldest surviving ones in all of Europe.
So there is a chance that Slavic ones got spawned from us.
>No. Your bloodline is dirty and we will remove you.
I will look like an average Latvian guy you know that.
she lives in a place callled Aizkraukle
but the landscape is dreadfully flat
About the language, idk some chink girl tread to learn it.Her acent is compleat shit but i can understand her.
pole grandma was living in latvia and was sent to siberia on a choo-choo-train
there she met german grandpa
russian grandpa brought italian grandma with him to moscow
parents lived in latvia for quite a while so I even know a language a little bit
Read this article please:
Virpi Laitinena et al. (2002), Y-Chromosomal Diversity Suggests that Baltic Males Share Common Finno-Ugric-Speaking Forefathers, Human Heredity, pages 68-78,
So you are pussy who is afraid of learning a language?
>I read Russian
Do you read Latvian or Lithuanian?
Learn some. We have SOME things in common with slavic, and A LOT that is completely foreign.
You're completely wrong too, no such thing as oldest language. Just the most archaic meaning least changed from it's ancestor PIE. You don't measure languages by how old they are and you can't say f.e Latvian is older than Italian.
Have you seen WWII? Whatchu think them loyal Germanic chickas did once the Russkies started walking across the border?
you sure ats a chink looks like a finn
you can try
your males are pretty cowardly so probably not
fuck off to America mongrel mutant
Why not?
They run pro-Nazi parades and hunt shitskins, stupid nigger
kek,nah she said she is a chink herself.
>latvian is so fucking hard
Not my fault you're not good at languages. If you had a decent base in Latin or Greek, you would cope far better, but obviously you're a victim of the fucked up British education system.
>English have a lot in common with slavic languages too btw.
Yes, especially old nature terms - bobr, berloga, svin... That's why the IE linguists sometimes talk of a "Northern IE" grouping, though they say it's more of a matter of regional diffusion of words, rather than direct common ancestry.
Ah, I missed this. Yes, the Balto-Finnics and Lapps have a kind of double ancestry. This is common knowledge, no? Probably an NW European thing that predated PIE. You see Saami with mitochondrial haplogroups distantly related to those seen in Morocco, for instance. As I picture it, the Finnic language spread from the Komi/Volga area due to the better adaptation of its speakers to the cold climate after some ecological shifts. They fused with the Westerners they found by the Baltic, giving the resultant mixed group their language, while it retained the anthropological "look" of the locals.
But that is stuff "below" the events summarised in my tree diagram. PIE itself might even be conceptualised as a Finno-Caucasian interface!
We are LARPING keyboard warriors in denial.
you are manlet
But he can and he will. All life has spawn in Latvia, not in Africa like simpleminded folks think.
pretty much but i think this is a plan to get me to stay in latvia and bring all my streling with me cause she keeps telling me we would be living like a king and queen cause the pound as much more bag for it's buck
You will break up otherwise. Many such cases.
I would like to, but I have a nice job, and there are too much niggers there.
But i know spainsh and italian and some latin went to catholic school.
I often look in my Russian etymological dictionary, and the Baltic cognates are always closest after the other Slavonic ones. And I have at least a passiing awareness of Old Church Slavonic, to get an impression of the older form that was a little bit closer to the common shared ancestor with your langauges. I think you lads suffer a bit from "special snowflake" syndrome, as evinced by those of you parroting foolish statements like "our language is the oldest in Europe!" That's the problem here.
Mate, you're clearly semi-literate in your native language. I cannot help you.
You should read new papers instead of posting old ones with promoting old concepts that fit your narrative. Genetics came a long way in 15 years.
Current understaing this Finnic languages spread to Baltic region later than Indo-Europeans to Baltic region.
And only few specifics clades can be tied to Finno-Ugrics. Not all N1c is = Uralo Finnic the same way not all R1a is Slavic, as it was recently shown Tocharians in Tarim Basin carried R1a, Indo-Iranians were also loaded in R1a. R1b is found also in very different speaking language groups.
How do you imagine measuring age of languages when they all spread from common ancestor which is PIE and at the time all these languages differentiated into various PIE dialects like Proto-Germanic/Proto-Indo-Aryan etc when they weren't written languages? Yes some branches differentiated earlier than others, but that doesn't make them more closely resemble the "original" PIE.
Don't listen to Larpers and look at the map we are from the same Yanma culture we just loved Finnish Pussi too much.
Shilling for Soros and Germanistan is not a nice job.
Pro nazi parades when police cowers you ass? Thats rich.
Each year you cowardly suffer through nearby commie worshiping festival
More and more blacks are seen in old capital. You cannot defend your women.
Hunt shitskins? What are you trying to imagine yourself as? Glorious Breivik? All you hunt is fleas in your shitty apartment.
My sister came back pregnant.
Gave birth here.
Didn't want to go back.
They broke up.
which proves my point
but i would feel like a cuck if went with her dont get me wrong i love her and she is the mother of my child but she would be the one wearing the trousers cause i dont know latvian all my interactions would have to go through her
I'm glad there are some sane people still among you! Maybe the rest have too much Spurdöõ in them to see things clearly...
>Many things in comon
Yeah becouse of Soviet Unfluance over Language,they destroyed a lot of aspects of it, so it would become more ''russian frendly'' for example they destroyed rya sound becouse it sounded to non-slavic, what they left was š and č sounds that where more like russian, there is no 1 Latvian btw, comon Latvian is vidzemian latvian there are a lot of Latvian dialects.We literaly had nothing to do with slavs untill 14th of century.
So learn the language.
Ancient Slovenians aka. Veneti confirmed. R1a was in Yurop before R1b invaders!
i am not english i am french