What do you think about "white" as an identity?

What do you think about "white" as an identity?

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I prefer European

Im not a 60% mutt, so I have a clear ethnic identity.

Excuse you did you just assume my ethnicity?

I think the Trump family aren't particularly white, and his daughters are the definition of trashy looking Jewish bitches.

Give me a beautiful, wholesome Aussie brunette like pic related any day. Australians are the real definition of the white master race.

It's a retarded and worthless term created by Americans.

ha, good one roofucker

no such thing; unless you're a mongrel you identify with your ethnicity

just blanda up and be brown lol


is bait of the elites

>White people are being asked—or pushed—to take stock of their whiteness and identify with it more. This is a remarkably bad idea. The last thing our society needs is for white people to feel more tribal. The result of this tribalism will not be a catharsis of white identity, improving equality for non-whites. It will be resentment towards being the only tribe not given the special treatment bestowed by victimhood.


identifying as a skin colour is dumb

It's a desperate attempt at any kind of identity by the colonial spawn of the Anglos and the countless European immigrants they took in. I don't view it with hostility as much as sadness, since it demonstrates what stripping people of their national identity does.

Any European who calls themselves 'white nationalist' rather than of whatever nation they represent is a joke though, and they should all be hung.

What is this "white identity"?
If i met with a britbong or a swede I did not think "oh i've met a fellow white person" but "i've met a british/a swede"

If I see a nigger in the streets of my city my thoughts would be "eh more shit from Africa" who cares if he has Italian citizenship or not?He's an African so he's not Italian.

What I laugh at is when people say they're African-(country)

Like "Yeah i'm Sudanese-Australian" - like nah lady you're just sudanese


Yeah its retarded!
It's like pic related get mad because we refer to her as "the congolese" and she cries she has italian citizenship. And why the fuck should we care?Stay congolese and mad.lmao!


An Americanism. Ethnicity is the real redpill.

The United States was supposed to be a nation of Anglo-Saxons and to a lesser extent northern Europeans of good character
our identity turned from Anglo to just "white" when we let in too many Germans, Italians, and Irish.
Because their only real common trait was being white we went from an Anglo identity to just a regular white identity, throwing aside a lot of our heritage and changing the face of our country forever
Similar to what said we now have (country)-Americans instead of just identifying solely as American

Now we're spreading this idea around the world that all white people are the same when it's not true at all. White's can coexist with each other within a nation but that doesn't mean there won't be cultural changes because of it. There is no single "white" identity and I assume (((they)))) push it in order to push not just white people but all peoples towards a single cultural identity that can easily be controlled.



>push it in order to push not just white people but all peoples towards a single cultural identity that can easily be controlled.

This is it. You can't have white privilege without the idea of a single white race.

Why do you shitskins even post here? Go away.

It's a concept invented by muddy americans who have no ethnicity or culture. They have to point to there skin color to have any bond.

just be american !! admit you have little to no culture or history. but be proud that of your country. even if that means you have to include niggers and such. it's not like they aren't part of your life.

White is not even a race

Used by countries without a culture of their own, see Australia, Canada and USA. The first two may as well be a part of Britain since their differences are very minimal, though I'd say Quebec has more of an individual culture than the rest of Canada.

While I recognise that a non-white immigrant ((((Syrian)))) (((((((((((refugee)))))))))))) will never be a true Bulgarian and should fuck off as we have built our wall before America's, we have nothing in common with say, the French, nor the Germans.

this tbqh

america was a mistake

Only makes sense in some post-colonial countries where people are descended from many different ethnicities, and effectively become a new one.

So basically, outside of the United States, I find it pretty retarded. There's nothing wrong with promoting European brotherhood between the European peoples, but trying to lump us all as just "White people" is outright disgusting.

ITT: People finally waking up to the fact that ((((White nationalism)))) is just another form of globalism.

>No culture
lad our culture permeates into every nation on earth, you think we have no culture because you grew up with american culture around you and can't tell that it's actually american

>being this much of a special snowflake

name one thing that is american

the white Chuck Taylors that literally every Scandinavian girl wears

you yank mongrels will never understand

Thing invented by Americans, We, Europeans, actually don't need that.

Eh I rather like being a European mongrel, it's nice having family from all over the continent.

You naive sheltered Europeans will never understand.

You are judged by your skin color first when it comes to other races. All white people in the US understand this.

>You are judged by your skin color first when it comes to other races
that wasn't the case until our idea of a white identity infected the world you fat fuck

Like I said, you will never understand. Your whole fucking country was founded on liberal principles. You were doomed from the start.

>against people identifying with their ethnicity
>wants to put into ridiculously broad categories
>and excepts people to identify with their phenotypes, something completely abstract to the vast majority of people

Outright ignoring culture and History. How awfully globalist of you, user.



That's because your countrymen are so fucking dumb they're unable to find USA on a world map
You have to use a meaningless proxy for retards, skin colour

People who migrated from the same continent had a lot in common together. Thus formed a white identity.

Is there something wrong with that you dumb faggot?

I think you naive and very sheltered yurofags will start to understand this more and more as you countries continue to absorb more and more niggers.

Hell, you are so brainwashed you would probably consider them closer to you kin than people who make up the same ethnicity as you.

Surely it has nothing to do with the fact that Europeans convergently evolved together for centuries? Nah, that would totally ruin your special snowflake mentality.

>Get out of my safepace :(

say what you want but the Chuck Taylor sneaker has been a part of the American identity for a while. It may be made in China now but it's as American as baseball, rock and roll, and muscle cars



The point is not to absorb them. Just because you're loyal to your nation doesn't mean you can't help others. I want nationalists the world over to unite and fight for their cultures against the globalists.

You seppo LARPers pretending a skin pigment is an identity are just in the way.

Suits America and only America.

>I prefer European

>had a lot in common together
>Is there something wrong with that you dumb faggot?

>doesn't even know the history of his country
there's a reason why white ethnic groups in America hated each other for the majority of our nation's existence. This nation was meant for Anglo-Saxons and to a lesser extent northern Europeans of good character, the other european races changed us into something we weren't supposed to be and now we're suffering for it

Good when it's used as an inclusive European identity. All Europeans have common heritage (Empire, Christianity, Crusades, Rome), and "white" is the perfect identity to encapsulate that.

Bad when it's defined very specifically and then people start arguing and making hierarchies about who is "more white."

White people do have common heritage though. The Russian eagle, the Austrian eagle, the German eagle, the Polish eagle, the French Imperial eagle, the Romanian eagle, the Serbian eagle, the Mexican eagle, and the American eagle all have a common origin: they are the Roman eagle, and we are all Romans.

any new world country really

if thats your culture then congrats. your culture is so crappy it can be made in china
made by jews and nazis. usa stole most of the tech

Freedom of speech. I know you backwards Continental types struggle with that one still. Enjoy your holocaust denial laws you fucking monarchists.

Abolition of the aristocracy. Quintessential part of the American Revolution that has spread all over the world.

I could go on.

>Good when it's used as an inclusive European identity.
t. knows jack fucking shit about Europe
Don't you fucking dare lump me in with the frogs or the krauts.

Sure, we shouldn't lump all Europeans together, especially on the basis of skin tone. But surely we need a term to describe the cultural group that 'white' is now used to describe.
Christians? Can't work because religious identity is so fragmented, at least for now.
Latins? Probably the best descriptive term, but is used to describe a subset of 'white' people.
(Western) Romans? Also pretty accurate, but most people's historical knowledge is shit and it wouldn't make much sense.
Europeans is geographical term, it was accurate 500 years ago when all of us were in Europe, but it's being strained now that some colonies are so successful, and there is more porous immigration.

Convergently means exactly what it means, together without mixing
If you spent less time around white-afro-native mongrels you'd realize that there are certain behavioural traits that are particular to each ethnic and cultural groups.. Italians do not behave like spaniards, russkies do not behave like czechs
And if you look closer, there's even some physical differences that you can spot. There's nothing 'white' about that, it's specific to a nation, or even a region
It's okay though, I don't expect Tyrone McPirelli aka Squinting Badger to get the nuance

>your culture is crappy
>but we gobble it up
what's worse? Producing crap or having crap permeate your society so much that you can't even recognize it isn't yours?

>they all share eagles so let's throw away how each one is actually incredibly different and just call everyone white :^)
you're playing into the globalists

Well said, user.

White identity is only viable in the US, if even viable at all.

just shut the fuck up

They are literally from the Roman eagle. All our cultures derive from the Roman empire either directly or via Christianity.

Don't be a nigger. We're all on the same side.

are you serious??
what aristocracy did you abolish?
can you show titty on tv?
can you say fucktard on the radio?
we can.

us all being on the same side doesn't mean that we should embrace a greater white identity

I know more than you do. Europe is both divided by recent culture and united by ancient culture. We are one civilization with many branches. It's never more obvious than when you throw Muslims and Africans into the mix. Then the differences between European nations don't look so large.

>what aristocracy did you abolish?
the british, although we fucked it up and now have our own
>can you show titty on tv?
on a lot of channels yes
>can you say fucktard on the radio?
on certain stations yes

>I know more than you do
>thinks "white" is an all-encompassing European term that fits
I'm so thoroughly embarrassed for you.

You can have separate national identities AND a common white identity. Wow. How fucking hard is that.

You can have a Western Crusade without merging all Western nations into a single European state.

Hey kike, white just means "European" and Europeans do have deep ties to one another.

Fuck your divisive Jew shit.

No I understand that well, my family were Germans and they received tons of stigma after WWI, even told to stop teaching their children German.

And yet, a few generations later when push comes to shove you see a uniting effort that binds whites together. Almost like they have similar behavior characteristics or something.

Your perceived slight differences will be the death of us all. You as a Finnish man have more in common with a Norwegian than someone from Yemen.

You naive and sheltered yuros need to come to an American "diverse" neighborhood and see how you are treated for a week.

I see that. You continue to see that even after these ethnic groups come to the US and live here for generations and culturally become American. German-Americans = autism, Italian-Americans = talkative hotheads with no impulse control.

My point is you have more in common with any westerner than you do other racial and ethnic groups. I wish I could force you to come to an American ghetto and you would see how they only see you as white. Your heads are collectively shoved up your collective asses on this one, sorry frog.

>white just means
That's what you're not getting, you dense fucking cunt. "White" isn't a thing outside of America. I don't look at a German and think "he's white". I look at a German and think "He's German."

How fucking retarded are you that you believe a stronger culture of ethno-nationalism is actually divisive multiculti globalism?

Fucking hang yourself. If you can possibly find a rope strong enough.

The American experiment was the abolition of the aristocratic system. Even 100 years ago it was a peculiarity in the world. Today that idea has drastically altered the social structure of almost every nation in the world.

Mexicans? White?
Slow your roll, mate. Spain may have colonized it, but they're Mestizo through and through.

If it hurts your dainty little feelings so much, we can just use the word "European" instead. Since they mean literally the exact same thing.

You fucking vagina.

The Mexican flag has the Roman eagle killing the Aztec snake on it. So it has both halves of their ethnicity, but with the Roman/European/"white" part as the dominant part.

The problem is now Europe is getting "diversified" with refugees.
And with a increase in car and air travel, (trigger warning)"white"(trigger warning) Europeans are mixing to.

No. I disagree with you on this user. Don't call it white identity if it triggers you, but western identity should be a thing.

>trying to lump all Europeans together when Europeans all hold hugely different cultures, languages and histories
You're a fucking mongoloid. This is why nobody likes yanks. You don't even understand the concept of ethno-nationalism.


European nations have had separate history for 1500 years. You're all different. I FUCKING KNOW. IT'S A REALLY SIMPLE CONCEPT.

But BEFORE that, ALL European nations have a foundation in Roman civilization and Germanic customs, which merged into Christianity and Christian culture. And BEFORE THAT, we all had a common Indo-European pagan religion and language and culture.


This is the idea of the Crusades. The ""DIFFERENT"" nations of Europe come ""TOGETHER"" to fight external enemies and then go their separate ways once the external threat is neutralized.

you didnt have any aristocracy.

You interpret small behavior characteristics or differences in facial features as entirely different. You haven't even begun to see diversity yet Nigel, you don't yet know how truly different other races are. We are the byproduct of European racial mixing, and we actually live with other races. We see the writing on the wall, our ear is to the ground. You yuros are naive and sheltered, you will come to understand this as we do in the coming years as your countries turn into the middle east.

Quit while you're behind.

This post was utter fucking gibberish.

did you not know that we used to be a part of the british empire or?

Mestizos (read: Mongrels) are 62% of the population whereas Europeans are >10%.

White Americans (I mean from all the Americas) have a clear advantage over the Europeans because we have been dealing with non-whites for centuries.

Meanwhile Europeans are encountering them in their homelands for the first time ever, and pic related is happening.

This sort of shit gets niggers lynched here.

Seems like you can't refute anything and now your getting a bit huffy.

Branches on a tree. Is this concept impossible for you to understand? Or are you just a slippery fucking kike?

Europeans are separate branches on the same trunk. Muslims and Africans and Chinese and shit are different trunks. Sometimes we should behave like branches (focus on our differences), sometimes we should take a step back and look at the big picture (focus on our similarities). We have both.

What's to refute? Do you even know what "gibberish" means?

>Branches on a tree
No matter how many times you're told this isn't the case, you ignore it. Fucking kill yourself, you utter, utter spastic.

he's the one that's right though

"White" is a retarded term in itself.
The proper term is WASP, and not by accident.
Being white also automatically means you identify with your nation, or distant national/tribal ancestors. No self respecting "white" person says they're white. They say they're Polish or Hungarian or Russian.

In the better parts of the World being from a certain nation automatically identifies your race as well. This is sadly no longer the case in first-World, and very soon to be third-World, Western democracies.
I guess in America this was one reason to identify with your distant European ancestors. French, Irish, Swedish American etc. The crucial term is "was".

Ya, and yet they speak Spanish and not Nahuatl.

Mexico is a mongrel nation, as I said.

You can't possibly deny that Europeans have common origins.

Absolutely nothing. You know I have a point.

Western people have more in common with each other than non-westerner people. This is completely true and you would have to be a moron, or a shitskin in denial to not see this.

you didnt have a aristocracy fucktard

>Western people have more in common with each other than non-westerner people
literally nobody in this whole conversation said otherwise

Europeans are more like different trees on the same plot of land. You wouldn't understand, being a mongrel and all.

>he literally doesn't know what "gibberish" means
Classic America.

Best identity next to "East Asian"