A few cells are not a real human and abortion is NOT murder
Rural and suburban retards think this is murder
Rural and suburban retardo-phobia is spreading like wildfire on this board
how many cells are a real human?
That isn't what most people protest against, and even if that was so, those cells will potentially result in a completely viable human being. They are alive and replicating, working towards developing a human life.
>I fucking replied
Besides, abortion is disproportionately done by niggers. It's a bigger downward pressure on nigger population than their own violence against themselves. I for one support dead niggers.
>A few cells are not a real human
What species is it?
Op has never experienced the joys of trying to drive a 4x4 while shooting at targets.
Do you believe homophobia is unjustified?
Cells aren't a species
Men don't really get a working brain till they are in their mid 20. I should have the right to shoot you fucking teenage basement dwelling chimps in the head.
Fuck trump and fuck rural and suburban retards. But seriously we can't let them get the nuclear codes
abortion has 0 downward effect on nigger population compared to welfare. it doesn't make a significant impact.
Expected a leaf flag
Worst thread of the day so far.
Leftists sure hate science
a human zygote is a human life.
Go away Shareblue, the Day of the Rope is coming for you.
a human is just a couple trillion mindless cells, so what if a couple gazillion cells die??
Cells are not people!!
I can't handle this level of stupidity.
>spreading the jew meme that contributes to white whores and white genocide
Kill yourself, nigger kike.
Niggers having more niggers equals more dead niggers. The leading cause of nigger deaths is niggers, fool.
If liberals had agreed that abortion is only ok in the first trimester then this wouldn't even be an issue. Very few would care.
But no, you fucking leftist cunts wouldn't be satisfied with anything less than no limitation, federally subsidized abortion. Well fuck you. An 8th month pregnancy is a god damned baby and we will not spend tax dollars to kill it.
Every adult human is ultimately a collection of cells. Why should a human organism with just a few cells be treated any differently than a human organism with lots of cells? Wouldn't it make more sense to just treat all human organisms equally?
It is undeniably a human life with a DNA code different to that of the mother. Whether that matters or not is up to you.
Abortion is ok, and gay sex is too. Stop overpopuation.
Your words contradict with science. Why do commies deny facts?
did you know that abortion only stops one pregnancy and you can get pregnant every time you have sex? as a virgin you may not realize this but blacks have sex quite frequently.
Okay then, don't support late term abortions. Simple as that. Those are extremely rare and most liberals in that case have mixed feelings. Abortions aren't fun for anybody.
This is what I mean. Bang Bang chimpy.
Agreed. Fuck free abortion and anything after the first trimester is undeniably murder.
Especially for tax payers.
Tax payers business is to pay taxes.
If most liberals have mixed feelings why did they fight to get the trimester rule of the roe v wade ruling overturned, thus reversing the federal ban of post first-trimester abortion? Why is the democrat stance on the subject "women's choice, no exceptions?"
So........ this is a shitposting thread right?
city people abort their kids
You should have been aborted for being so stupid
Liberals are nothing more than a conglomeration of cells going through constant mitosis to maintain a homeostatic state that permits the to continue speaking about things that go beyond their limited, and challenged mental capacities.
They should be aborted do their mental incapacity to stop being complete faggots
Because there shouldn't be exceptions. If someone wants to terminate their pregnancy they should be allowed to at any time. Doesn't meant we're not gonna judge them if they're 8th months in and say fuck it. Just means that legally they should be allowed to.
>A few cells
>wew lad
Indeed. Goes to show how much of an echo chamber pol really is.
This is part of the woman's body. It is her right to abort part of her own body for her health.
This my child hasn't developed fully. Shes 4 and incompetent.
If I want to use her as an offering to Baal, which is far more useful, I should be able to use her as that. You fucking leftists fucks are so fucking cucked I swear.
>"For her health"
>That's not the liberal line
>The liberal line is "whenever she wants for whatever reason she wants"
>Stop lying
Except you retards don't get an abortion for 4 to six weeks after your pic releated.
Not even a fair anecdote try again buddy.
I should be free to practice the religion that I choose. You fucken bigot.
Can't manage to find the one where they poke it. That'd be an even better demonstration
No, they should not! A third trimester abortion is murder!
ITs a fucking waste of a human being. You could offer it to Baal. This fucking scientism is fucking the worst.
> using supposed images of third trimester abortions as main argument
> not understanding that abortions taking place in the last trimester account for less than 1% of annual abortions.
It's okay buddy I know numbers are hard. Big buttons on Internet confuse you. Back to the dummy factory.
That they are not zero percent of abortions is an unforgivable crime.
Okay then advocate for first and second term abortions considering they account for 99. 5% of yearly abortions and voice against third trimester instead of casting out all abortions. Not that hard buddy.
I'm sorry to have triggered you. That's actually a second trimester abortion. Google "third trimester abortion" to see what that actually looks like (the baby is almost fully grown).
Oh, and I'm a stem cell researcher. I used to be super excited about hESCs until I actually saw an aborted fetus. I only work with adult and iPS stem cells now. I'm a scientist at the FHCRC in Seattle and work with huge datasets all the time using programs like GraphPad and Origin.
Even second trimester is questionable, given that the nervous system has formed already. First trimester is acceptable, but should not be advocated for. It should only be used as a backup for failed contraception or in the instance of severe genetic disease or deformity. Not a normal operation.
Yeah no ones advocating for anyone to use any abortion as a primary form of birth control or even an "oopsie I pregnant time to go to the clinic". There's just a lot of folks who have unwanted children and when the children are born there aren't good services to help them.
Yes they do. Liberals do. They don't think abortion is a big deal at any stage and don't think you should either.
It's life, it's from a human. Human life. Ending it = murder
I think that is a cell dividing, not murder
Kill as many fucking babies/remove cells as you fucking want as long as it not funded by taxes. I'm not paying for your shit life choices sorry pham
in about a dozen ways
You're right, I'm sorry - I'm so used to seeing advocacy groups use third trimester pics and claim them to be "every abortion" that I assumed your stance which is wrong. I appreciate your discussion which is rare on Sup Forums lol. I agree that second term is questionable too, but it's still the minority of abortions. Most folks getting abortions don't feel great about it either. I just feel folks should have the right to terminate pregnancy so they choose. STEM graduate as well.
That's assuming all liberals are the same. That's like saying all conservatives advocate for white nationalism. When you're removed from a group, you're only presented with the most extreme.
Of course by no one I didn't mean literally no one, just a small select few.
The pussy hat marchers want unlimited abortion, and there were a lot of them
How about free hysterectomies for women that have more than one abortion?
Yes it is a human life.
Those cells will form a human like you not a plant, they have a "code", you can use a condom...lol
there is no soul but consciousness
to me you're not a human being until like, 3
Abortion ought to be illegal totally, in all cases, including rape.
I will not associate with women who have murdered their children in this way.
Or they wanted Planned Parenthood and to defend other female health services. But sure slice it to fit your argument. That's like saying all Trump voters support Betsy DeVos.
Look how triggered you are. Deep down, you know abortion is evil. You just can't break a lifetime of emotional conditioning to recognize it as such.
If you destroy a seed is it the same as chopping down a tree?
I support Betsy DeVos, our education system is just blatant liberal brainwashing at this point, and it needs to change.
It has the same effect
>humans are trees
By your logic you should just kill yourself since your life isn't valuable
Nobody is talking about few cells.
Giving women responsibility or holding them accountable for their actions is sexism
The very elderly are not people too. You are only human between 10 - 70
> Dismembering a baby for your convenience
Very compelling argument against abortion.
At the stage where abortion can still be performed, it actually looks human, but only the heart is functional, and there is no alert brain activity, only nerve receptors. Only human-shaped cells with no consciousness behind it.
People who say/write that "A few cells are not a real human and abortion is NOT murder" are not a real human and killing them is NOT murder.
If the bar for "real human" is not objective, you may find yourself on the wrong side of it.
>If the bar for "real human" is not objective, you may find yourself on the wrong side of it.
Objectively, murder is killing a sentient being. A clump of cells is really anything but sentient. When brain has started functioning, at about 22nd week onwards, abortion cannot be performed unless only in dire life-threatening circumstances.
This really jeb'd my guac
leftists will never get the abortion rights they want so long as the sacredness of the individual is key in their ideology
thanks 2500 years of christian and hellenic thought
Humans are made 90 % of water so murder is ok right? Every biological organism is made of cells you retard
Daily reminder that abortion is the biggest killer of niggers and that anti abortion = pro nigger
Ok for real though, where does the line get drawn? I had a friend who fit his girlfriend pregnant and he was fucking thrilled to be a dad. He was financially stable, a strong man, good values. He and I tore apart his office and turned it into a nursery. Two fucking weeks later, she aborted the baby because she said she "wasn't ready". He became depressed, sold his house, and moved without telling anyone, I haven't been in contact with him since.
He didn't fucking think it was a clump of cells. To him, it was his child, and he would've raised it with or without her, but she made the decision without him to just terminate the pregnancy. She could've had the baby and left it with him, but no. As the father, he has absolutely no legal right to demand she keep his baby simply because it currently exists in her wretched gut. To him, she murdered his baby, and there's not a single God damn thing our laws can do about it because of your stupid ass "her body her right her choice" bullshit.
It has a voice! Free speech!