Thinking marijuana destroys the brain checkmate kiddos enjoy your caffeine and aspirin riddled brains

Thinking marijuana destroys the brain checkmate kiddos enjoy your caffeine and aspirin riddled brains.

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Nobody keeps track of all people who jump through window or from bridges after smoking marijuana

>makes one lazy
>makes you dumber
>turns into a moneydrain
>you don't learn anything while high
>you smell like shit doing it
>your apartment smells like shit
>huge turnoff for woman
>no way to know if it triggers you and turns you into a psychotic wreck

fuck off man im trying to stay away from that stuff until the weekend, stop trying to tempt me man

im trying to ditch the habit

I don't understand this I use it once a week maybe and not alot. I've mostly been vaporizing I don't even feel a difference in lung function.

literally bad

>Lists all related deaths to other substances.
>Only lists overdose related deaths for marijuana.

Really activates the peanuts.

I don't see the big deal about Marijuana.

I just wish their proponents would stop trying to deny that it is a gateway drug and deny the fact that it has a negative chemical impact on developing brains (people roughly under 25 years of age).

If anything Marijuana should be happily smoked or consumed by older people with a variety of issues.

That was a guy who ate a fuckload of THC in an edible and it lasts 8 hours honestly if they would have restrained him he would of been fine

not everyone has the same willpower, my grandpa was an alcoholic so I know i have it in me to become addicted to things (whatever they may be)

also life in canada in the winter is fucking boring/brutal

im talking mostly about mental health, the physical side effects are meh

Irrational hatred of a perfectly natural plant destroys your brain faster than smoking it

Agreed although i think it's a gateway in the sense that the government lies about alot of drugs and people are like wow marijuana doesn't kill you/make you crazy wonder what all these other illegal drugs do


>using your brain destroys it.
Stoners would get what they wanted much faster if they would just shut the fuck up and let non retarded civil libertarians speak instead of saying stupid shit like this.

Shouldn't activate your peanuts cause it's more dangerous the weed

Hemp porridge is great.

nice post refugee

I agree with you.

Yes they do. I'd concede it's more than zero I but way less than literally peanuts.

Perhaps. Everyone I have known throughout my life that has been "militant" about Marijuana use are either losers, dead, or now into hard drugs.

That is more to say that you might really blame their personalities more than the actual drug itself.

Peanuts don't significantly increase your risk of motor vehicle accidents.

And you don't smoke peanuts. If you smoke marijuana it contributes to your chance of developing heart and lung disease similarly to tobacco use.

It's impossible to overdose on nicotine too, so by that same merit you can say smoking tobacco has 0 direct fatalities.

From a purely civil libertarian perspective I support legalization. But retards like you guys make it hard not to want to revoke my support out of spite.

of course it's safe. it just basically makes you really lazy and stupid. obviously those traits aren't great for being a productive and successful member of society


Tobacco also doesn't have all these chemicals that the fruit companies put into apples.

>when people eat themselves to death 4.5x more than they drink themselves to death

I honestly hate how fat this country is.

I am also high right now, forgot to mention that. probably a good example of how it makes you stupid though

Is there really no marijuana related DUI death ever?

Legal pot comes with a price and unintended consequences: it brings down the price of heroin because of the market share battle. Dope is not that bad on itself, but we all know the consequences of heroin

Should say nicotine
Who allowed the big tobacco companies to spray there shit with chemicals??
Not mention it's quite easy to overdose on nicotine just like caffeine. Nicotine in liquid form can be absorbed through the skin...

does this graphic take into account deaths caused by car accidents of impaired drivers?

In places where pot is legal, you should see the trends of heroin overdoses. and then come back to the forum with your opinions.

>huge turnoff for woman
kraut, women love drugs, if you want easy pussy start dealing

>Taking 60mg of nicotine

KYS. A king size smoke has at most 3mg of nicotine in it, and your body doesn't absorb it with anywhere 100% efficiency when smoking it.

Also the metabolic half-life of nicotine is 30 fucking minutes. It takes the average person 5 minutes to smoke a king sized cigarette.

Do the fucking math.

>Marijuana isn't addicting
>Whole life revolvs around marijuana
>Constantly talk about the "benefits" of marijuana
>Get totally triggered if hearing someone saying marijuana is bad in any way, goes apeshit
>Uses several hours a day arguing IRL or/and on internet why marijuana should be legalized/how it cures cancer/How it made my life worth living

Yeah sounds healthy mate

Basically this.
Death penalty for marijuana = weedfags shut the fuck up about weed for 3 seconds = worth it. I'll fucking bring down the guillotine myself just for that moment of peace.


Not that my story proves anything but now that Marijuana is legal in Colorado my loser cousin is now into coke and heroin.

He has been seeing things lately and has threatened to kill unspecific people that have "crossed" him. This guy still lives with his mother and has never held down a job his entire life and is in his 30's now.

At the same time though he is also a massive alcoholic so I am not really sure what I am trying to prove here. I guess that heavy Marijuana users get bored of their addiction and move onto more destructive behavior.

Nicotine overdose is pretty common now with E-Cigs.

once it was proven that smoking tobacco increases your chance of lung cancer that put filters on them, but that screwed with the flavor and made you pull harder and the filter was a fucking gimmick to begin with it barely had an effect.
so in order to make it more flavorful and have a better pull they sprayed it with chemicals.
growing your own and smoking without a filter is not as bad as what you buy at the gas station now

I don't see how. An entire vial of "e-juice" or whatever the fuck they call it only has like 15-20mg in it.

what is propaganda for 600 alex

the only way marijuana would kill you is if you smoke it hard and then decide to drive and crash against a lamp post due to sleepyness

>muh added chemicals
You fucking mentally retarded apes.

The chemicals "in cigarettes" are natural byproducts of burning organic matter.

They aren't sprayed with fucking chemicals.

And marijuana will produce the exact same chemicals if you burn it.

I used to smoke in high school, I'm 21 now and when I get high I become incredibly anti social and can'turn even speak my mind. I got high at a concert over the summer with my girlfriend and I flat out passed out and woke up on the ground in the middle of a crowd. I don't know why it does that to me now.

At least peanuts didnt make me psychotic for 5 minutes and think there was snipers and mines everywhere

>wanting to fuck a drugged piece of shit

no thanks

You can overdose on nicotine with nicotine patches. It can kill you.

what is wrong with relaxing at the end of the day?


cheaper/less degenerate than drinking


smells good

smells good

women love drugs

>muh reefer madness

used to vape it depends on what you buy, if you buy a flavor that has 3mg nicotine it was 3mg per mL and if you were crazy enough you could vape 5mL within 30 minutes

Bullshit weed propaganda - Marijuana accounts for a percentage of those Motor Vehicle Crashes (impaired driving), and Homocides (schizo paranoia, gang rivalries).

>read post
>about to respond
>see flag

Meanwhile they put chemicals in the water that make actually make kids stupid like flouride it's OK though

>smells good

Actually, really kill yourself. Only fucking degenerate retards with low IQ thinks weed smells good.

That's still well below the LD50 of nicotine. And again, 30 minute metabolic half-life.

Also nicotine "highs" reach peak intensity with a dose of about 2mg. You literally can't feel any additional pleasure from it past that amount. There's absolutely no incentive to take more than 2mg at a time.

>black male white female
>nig rapes and kills her
>THC in his system

Yes goy, it was the weed that killed them..hehe

Post stat that includes alcohol-related automobile incidents into the alcohol line and the motor vehicle crashes categories at the same time.

Post stat that does not include pot-related motor vehicle fatalies as well (protip: they both get rolled into the DUI/DWI category).

You should be able to get wasted as long as you do it in a way that doesn't hurt anyone but you. But at least try to argue fairly.

as someone who's smoked marijuana since i was 14, i have never once jumped from a window or off a bridge because i was smoking marijuana

>her husband had ingested marijuana candy and was hallucinating
yeah, sounds totally like pot. Not to mention his prescription for pain medication.

faggots gonna fag.

So what you're saying is you don't have an actual argument because you're a fucking mentally retarded pile of shit?

easy but degenerate, not worth having around

Your story only serves to probe my theory right. Heroin/oxycodone are available to your cousin just because they are cheap. this is not a matter of him being bored with dope. He can afford the more addictive only because dope is legal and heavily subsidized by taxpayers.

>what is wrong with relaxing at the end of the day?
implying you stoner shits have any self control, you think nobody notices but everyone who is sober instantly knows that you're high as shit all the time.

yes it does make you dumber, even lowers your IQ

>cheaper/less degenerate than drinking
confirms that he needs some sort of buzz to even function
you're a confirmed subhuman now

>smells good
smells like shit
ask any non smoker, they will tell you the same

>women love drugs
stoner trash will never be wife material


Maybe a panic attack? Quite common with those who uses it. One of the biggest group of drug users in psyciatric(probably because most common used drug after alcohol) are marijuana smokers. Symptoms they often have are anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks, depressions, loss of quality of life etc. This is ofc those who smokes regurarly. Panic attacks, anxiety etc can also occur on those who only smokes now and then.

Now, I'll wait for the shitstorm of faggots screaming PROPAGANDA

Well. At the beginning of the thread, I still supported marijuana legalization (because I'm a civil libertarian) but this thread is so full of retarded bullshit that I no longer support it.

Congratulations. You've managed to decrease your level of support.

now what if I told you 3mg was the 2nd lowest nicotine option there was?
the highest i think was 24mg per mL
vapers tend to get high amounts of nicotine to like 24mg if they used to smoke 2 packs a day

That graphic is right. Marijuana itself doesn't kill anyone. Never have I seen a marijuana plant strangle anyone. But, I have seen fatal marijuana car crashes, marijuana gang wars. So basically, marijuana indirectly causes thousands of deaths.

>Meanwhile they put chemicals in the water that make actually make kids stupid like flouride it's OK though

hahaha now this is a funny way from some stoner tard to legitimize drug use

>"they do all stuff into drink water might as well smoke weed erryday lmao 420"

>i only eat chicken tendies with ketchup everything else is weird and scary and weed smells icky

im not high all the time and wouldnt give a shit what some pleb thinks anyways


>muh drug free life is so much less subhuman
hate to break it to you but you are still just shitposting on a cartoon board

smells good

>i am saving myself for marriage with a pure white princess virgin and we will only have missionary with the lights off for the sole purpose of conceiving children

I definitely feel those effects. It makes me a mess. I wish I could just unwind every once and awhile but obviously my messed up brain can't handle it so I stay away.

kraut I'm not a smoker of the devil's lettuce but come on your projecting is obvious

I mean sure you can also have a panic attack on coffee. If it causes anxiety or panic attacks don't smoke or drink it

I looked into vaping back when I was quitting smoking. The amount of nicotine in "e-juice" is lower. 3mg would be 3mg per vial, not per dose.

I don't get this you think by calling me some retarded stoner it makes you better than me I'm just stating facts.

I'm not trying to legitimize anything there are plenty of people who stuff there face with food, can't get away from coffee, enjoy refined sugar, drink alcohol, etc.

Jus goin to da sto fo some weed paper.

I've smoked for over 12 years(quit october last year), and the biggest "trap" pot sets for you in my experience is that it makes you think you need it to as you phrase it "unwind every once and awhile".. Problem is, it only makes it worse.

What I've noticed helped alot for my head after gradualy falling into depression, smoking more and more, social anxiety etc is healthy eating(not much bread, specially not in America where whole grain bread is rare, lots of vegetables, fish oil, and small amounts of meat), sunshine(makes wonders), workout.

This will really help anyone in that type of situation really

I think it's about 90%+ of marijuana related hospitalisations are also related to alcohol

It's no worse than alcohol is and society accepts that shit just fine.

Yeah, no. There has to be at least one case of somebody having a panic attack and doing something crazy, somebody smoking and driving a car doing something stupid, or even just one freak accident while on pot. Saying 0 just hurts this argument more than it helps.

If you want to discount stuff like that saying they didn't overdose or whatever, might as well say tobacco kills nobody too.

he had skittles and soda to make leen with

codeine and promethazine from the (((doctors))) legally while weed is illegal...

I'm about to skin up a massive fucking joint lads

>im not high all the time and wouldnt give a shit what some pleb thinks anyways
obvious denial paired with ad hominems

>hate to break it to you but you are still just shitposting on a cartoon board
what kind of druggi logic is this now?
imageboards are now only for the mentally ill drug abusers or what?

>i am saving myself for marriage with a pure white princess virgin and we will only have missionary with the lights off for the sole purpose of conceiving children
sounds better than
>I can only get STD ridden sluts because I give them free weed lmao

your morals are fucking disgusting

the point is its not the topic here, just because they dump shit into drinking water means you should start smoking weed

No, what the graphic means is, weed itself has never killed anyone. Kind of like the guns don't kill people argument.

Illegal weed has kept millions of non-whites in prison and out of the gene pool and off the streets. Why ruin that?

weed stinks maybe you think its smells good.

You said it makes you dumber which isn't true though

The thing with hash, or pot. Is that you will gradually get these symptoms without realizing it. So no. Most pot users end up as regular users, they smoke as much as someone who smokes cigarettes, only with joints/bongs/edibles etc..

Never met a potsmoker in my life(and in these 12 years as a smoker its been many) who have not turned into a regular smoker, and who in time doesn't get these symptoms. Some won't admit it, some doesn't understand it. But close to all end up the same way.

Pot is shit. Drugs are shit. The only "drugs" worth doing is working out, sex(not porn) and healthy eating.

it does, look it up on google

The burden of proof is on you since your just spouting off bullshit

Wrong. went to the store to steal cigars. What do you think those were for? His social media shows him making blunts.

Wait what does aspirin do to the brain?

>hurr refined sugar
People who use this term should be fucking executed.

The only unrefined form of sugar would be eating raw sugar cane or fruit. If you get sugar from anything but that you are eating refined sugar. And then you really need to count refined carbohydrates as sugar too, since when refined most carbohydrates are just easy glucose for your body.

So if you are eating any kind of bread, or pasta, or shit, you are essentially eating "refined sugar". Aka, glucose molecules detached from any sort of roughage.

If you drink fruit juice, you are drinking refined sugar, etc.

But at the same time your bodies optimal function requires some amount of carbohydrates (more, the more active you are).

>muh refined sugar
Faggot stoner argument, nothing more.

I quit smoking pot and now I'm an alcoholic. Shit fucking sucks. Granted I'm not a huge alchie I only have like 3-4 beers every night.

>im losing the discussion so ill just jam my fingers in my ears and screech like an autist

pretty much... i would wager at least 90% of people here are degenerates or mentally ill/can't function in society

enjoy your self righteous virginity... you totally want to be a virgin and we are all weak for indulging in sinful behavior. jesus is going to give you a super cool trophy for being so strong and only touching your penis to cartoon girls

Anybody whose brain isn't completely destroyed by weed can see that you guys are totally 100% BTFO by him.

oh the other faggot had sprite and skittles. they all kinda look the same yaknow

OP just do what you want to do, don't let these losers dictate your life.

> you forgot Turns you into an addict

Pot doesn't make you dumb in my opinion. But it makes you get an addictive personality, which again leads to doing more things on impulse. Which isn't really linked to intelligence, but leads to dumb and regretable choises.

Your body requires carbs but not sugar.

That's why you can survive on a keto diet. Sugar is literally poison.

>>makes one lazy
>>makes you dumber
subjective + temporary
>>turns into a moneydrain
nope, I still earn more than spend
>>you don't learn anything while high
depends on activity while high, same as when sober
>>you smell like shit doing it
subjective opinion, most whores with their parfumes smell far worse
>>your apartment smells like shit
same as the one before
>>huge turnoff for woman
My life decisions don't revolve around women.
>>no way to know if it triggers you and turns you into a psychotic wreck
So you're just afraid to discover if your genes are weak, huh?