Could the western world survive beyond 2100 with a non-white majority?
Could the western world survive beyond 2100 with a non-white majority?
Ha Ha Ha, Oh Wow!
Western World, Western culture or both?
You mean like, the inbreds of World Government in Israel ruling over a hemisphere of mulatto worker bees?
Any of it. Would it end up either an ultra-totalitarian dictatorship, or a somalia?
Asians will have to pick up where whites left off.
It would basically become Mexico with a large shitskinned working class and a small White upper class.
>(((small White upper class)))
Is that even a question? Of course not, we would turn into a shit tier chimpanzee exhibit within 30 years.
No, way too much inter-ethnic conflict and the other groups of people in aggregate would not be able to maintain white institutions due to lesser overall ability and less social trust.
White people were last to civilization.
Even niggers had civilization before whites did.
In fact, most of what Greece knew came from Égypt.
Sorry to burst your bubble.
Ancient Egyptians weren't niggers though, they were Berbers.
Remind me how many of those civilizations made it to space and formulated modern science and have independently maintained consistent economic growth and scientific advancement without regression.
See: Brazil
Look at majority non-white countries and see how they've fared.
Asian countries seem to be the only successful ones.
Either way, white people were VERY late to civilization. For them to extrapolate that the world would be worse off without "pure" whites is fucking retarded, since they were in caves while Égypt was making pyramids.
Historically, it's myopic thinking.
he p much looks italian
Looking at japan, china, india, arabia, brazil and peru, about 50% of non-white nations can do well for themselves at the moment using tech already made by people before them.
Oh look, you put an accent on a word, you must be an expert.
Evidence to suggest their was a civilisation around Danube River before Egypt.
you'll see a natural caste system form with kikes/whites on top of hordes of unwashed masses. It'll be similar to India in that aspect, but look to Brazil to see a more accurate projection. Oddly enough, US could very well be more violent.
What? Not at all.
this isn't a 'lefts most punchable faces' thread? oh well, I'd punch this fuck anyway
White people just have a better place to live than other races, that's why the development thing is higher. Don't go full racist ok Sup Forums?
Egyptians were nilotic-semitic people, basically the first men to have civilization, aka OG jews.
Black people is a soft term to indicate the negroids from central-western Africa, their average IQ is less than Koko the monkey, i'm not sure they are even sentient and i have no idea why they are put in the same species as normal human beings. They are basically slightly more capable monkeys.
Exactly, but worse. Much worse
It's survived for thousands of years
you might think this is some kind of joke or racist delusion, but think about it.
how many non-white, non-asian communities actually have relatively good standards of living? if they do, how much of it is due to outside support? what do you think the usa will look like when there's a nonwhite majority? of course it will survive, but do you think we'll be as prosperous as we are now?
> Australia
> > Send some of the worst of your country, which is all white people, to this deserted wasteland shithole that isn't even habitable for the most part and lacks accessible agricultural resources almost entirely
> Dangerous animals and subhuman abbos and shit everywhere
> 150 years later it's a first world country with one of the best standards of living in the world
Face it, Australia proves White Supremacy.
South Africa and Rhodesia are doing wonderful
This is absolutely retarded to assume that this projection will play out
Competely unsustainable population growth
Considering that all non white majority countries (except Asian) are shitholes, probably not.
Absolutely not. Have you looked at non-white population growth? We doubled in the last 45 years. Double again and the world ends. 15 billion people cannot be fed.
of course. western culture being great has nothing to do with white people
Do you know what a colony is?
You mean the world is renewed
15 billion people 10 billion of them are abject retards that starve
World is inherited by 5 billion capable humans
I'm fine with this senpai
Also do you see that green stuff on the map? Yeah 98% of autralians live there
But the science that took them there was started by non-white people.
That's like me starting à project, then you stealing my work and my wealth and finishing it and taking the crédit.
Try again.
No, a nation is a land and it's people. Change the people you fundamentally change the nation/culture.
>Competely unsustainable population growth
M8, you have no fucking idea of what those pieces of shit NGOs are doing in Africa. How many billions our governments are throwing down the drain as "international aids" in food and drugs to those people.
The current rates are artificially pumped by those who have interest in a demographic nigger bomb to flood our countries with, with additional excuses to play the "muh hunger, muh famine" cards to keep sending more
everbody needs to embrace eugenics and selective breeding. With genius sperm banks, everybody can have genius offspring. So then we wouldn't have a problem at all.
Corporations should have their own sperm banks stocked with the sperm of their best workers. The military should have sperm banks stocked with their best and most talented soldiers, pilots, engineers, generals, etc.
Daily reminder that tablets with writing have been found in the Danube Valley which predate Mesopotamian writing by more than a thousand years.
Yes to both, that doesn't change anything. Japan is almost entirely mountainous without much arable land and yet they can grow 70% of their own food and have perhaps the most technically sophisticated and (one of the most) successful economy in the world, all without living in an extremely nice or access to good natural resources.
Who cares? Most of us will be dead by 2100
I am using à french keyboard. We spell it "Égypte" in french.
Sorry that I speak multiple languages.
There's no possibility of there being a nonwhite majority. What's more, whiteness is a meme.
Good thing nationalism is on the rise
>I bought the poster board so I should get to put my name on the science fair entry
>niggers had civilization before whites
so where is this civilization now?
Accept all of the biggest cities in Japan are on the coasts.
yes basically
jews won, let's face it
and pure european whites cease to exist lets face it
Most Australians live in the tiny greenish areas. Also, Australia used to be pretty poor.
I would like to thank OP for making 10 micro-conflicts in a conflicts all at once. Good job.
>exceptionalism requires a large population of people to produce progress capable individuals.
One man from Serbia lit the world.
Japan was feudal and reactionary until the mid 19th century. Large amounts of direct Western investment and competition initiated by the Meiji led to its industrialization. Even after that it had very bad living conditions and a terrible human rights record until very recently.
Of course. Mixed blood mutt country USA #1 in the world. Most mixed state CA is #1 state in country. Obango started at 10% unemployment and ended at 4.7%. If you want to argue that measurement is flawed it was flawed at 10% too idiot. China will soon surpass the United States in total economic size. Europe's EU is disintegrating because of itself leaving itself open to attack from much larger economies of the US and Asia. Blame the immigrants but it was the greeks that bankrupted themselves with a welfare state. The Spaniards have always been economic failures. France is too socialist and killed their free market. Corrupt Italians with their corrupt banking system that will die. The Brits might have a shot but their economy will soon be smaller than that of California. Eastern Europe continues to be a corrupt joke that spends more time fighting with itself. mah commnism killed us! Look at the former commie gooks and chinks, they're absolutely destroying your asses.
the west will fall
the good news is you will be still alive when it happens. you will be old and mutter the incomprehensible words ''pol was right''
The ultimate question will be whether or not they can create a new identity that integrates immigrants. The US has done this quite well, at least while the immigrants were white, but I suspect even nonwhites will be accepted as Americans (or at least the Christian and atheist ones).
European countries have a more established culture, which makes it much more difficult to integrate minorities. Many Europeans don't even accept white immigrants, and a few decades ago there was still animosity between Protestants and Catholics. Europe also has many more Muslim immigrants, which will make integration much more difficult.
I'd expect to see civil war in Europe over Muslim immigration, especially since they integrate poorly. Hispanics don't integrate well either, but at least they don't want Sharia law. Hispanics want big government liberalism, which is probably worse than Sharia law, but it doesn't generate as much pushback as Sharia law does.
>could the world survive without whites?
It would be way shittier than it currently is.
The world would be shit, the whites that are left would be in Northern regions or on islands watching this tin-pot world rot
>your example of a civilization was destroyed thousands of years ago, ergo I am right that non-whites can't opérate the world without pure whites
>also, my country is less than 300 years old so let me tell you about longevity of civilizations
No. You cannot expect non whites to be able to continue western civilization since they
A. Did not build it
B. Don't care about it
C. Don't understand it