Is Reddit right Sup Forums? Do white people really have no culture?
Is Reddit right Sup Forums? Do white people really have no culture?
Other urls found in this thread:
>whites have no cultural celebrations that are defining
>on Fat Tuesday
No. Whites' culture consists of hatred and greed, not to mention violence.
Even by reddit standards OP pic is retarded.
And that's what makes it so fucking awesome.
Sup Forums literally can't refute this. It is wrong and hurtful to engage in other's cultures.
>4th of July
These are White American cultural celebrations and they are far more significant than cinqo de mayo and MLK day. Reddit can go fuck itself
Alt right virgin detected
The comment is right, americans have no culture. But then again americans are not white anyways.
We have many traditions, but we don't present them as "white traditions" because we've accomplished so much that attributing them to us, for a time, seemed to be utterly arbitrary. I think we should start defining our traditions as 'white' if it comes to it.
>classical music
>renaissance art
If we stole so much from niggers, why aren't we living in mud huts right now
I do think it's challenging for the Average White American to identify themselves with a clear historical culture, for pretty obvious reasons.
To say there is no "white culture" is a misleading and fallacious statement however
what are all national holidays?
Yeah not surprised at all.
A parent-less, bernie-supporting, self-hating faggot. Shocking.
The poster is right minorities shouldn't be allowed to dress like whites and earn their benefits. They should have to wear their traditional attire to easily single out those not worthy of service. Whites are way too generous.
>tfw Greg
feels good to be a normal human male
I wonder what that guy thinks of transgenderism
Saying someone has no culture is the dumbest thing ever, it's physically impossible for a people not to have a culture according to what the definition is. Why don't they just admit they hate white people and their culture instead? They seriously look for anything and everything to try and bring down whites and it's getting old and I'm sick of them trying to change definitions.
Nothing in this list is american though
>triggered nigger
What fag?
But it's white
I never said it's American
If that's true then stop celebrating Christmas then faggot
Liberals at their finest, gotta ignore the things that don't fit your argument afterall.
Stop appropriating white culture.
Top kek
We've got literally 50 cultures in the USA alone.
If you're on Sup Forums you aren't a greg
Cant we just kill these people already? What do they contribute
>Is Reddit right Sup Forums?
Do you even have to ask?
I've noticed this one bit of verbal warfare the Jews have come up with. With brown people and yellow people we must always talk about them as "Somali" or "Chinese" or whatever place they actually come from. With white people we are just a color. No heritage, no history, no defining identity to bind us together in cohesive groups. Also whenever someone talks about something good done by white civilization its all "the Romans did that, you aren't Roman" and whenever it's something bad it's all "white people bought slaves" even if your ancestors had nothing to do with that and came here as slaves themselves.
To combat this I suggest we use Jewish attack rhetoric ourselves and start referring to all minorities by their color. Brown people did 9/11. Or better yet, just as minorities. Minorities commit the vast majority of rape and murder. Think of how pissed asians are going to be to be to get lumped in with the blacks. We should start owning all white accomplishments as well. If they take away our individual identities we will take "white" as our identity together.
>americans have no culture
You can't recognize it because you're living in it, fuccboi.
Sounds very familiar to what our ex prime minister said. That Sweden has no culture except for the barbaric part.
The same guy also just claimed that immigrants actually lower crime rate in Sweden. Some people are just mad.
It's true. You see, while the Africans were developing their culture - summoning lightning via dance, mutilating their genitals, fucking animals, twerking, eating mud and mutilating their faces with giant discs, the cultureless Europeans were busy making vast scientific and technological advances to propel mankind forward.
Unfortunately, amidst all the working to cure disease and figuring out how to industrialise, they had little time to develop prominent cultural practices like not knowing how to utilize the abundant resources on your own countries land.
The white man doesn't know how to cook properly. Doesn't know to coat things in spices. He just came up with the methods that farmed the food you eat, the technology you use to cook it, the table you eat off, the way the house you're in is built, the country you reside in.
It's easy to forget about culture when you see it every day.
Fucking faggots are just saying white culture isn't "exotic"