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What's wrong with that? Low risk probably means typing weird messages online without doing anything illegal.
When are they arresting the rich pedophiles? My guess is never, so I don't care if they give the poor ones a slap on the wrist
What it the difference between pedophilia and homosexualism?? Both are mental diseases and should be treated as so.
Burn alive the "reporters" who write this shit.
daily reminder that pedophilia is sexual orientation
IMO the pedophiles who dont want to abuse children should be given psychological help (if it all possible) to see if their ilness can be cured. Pedophiles who actually molest children are digusting, but the ones who dont want to and wont molest children should be allowed to get the help they need to stop being pedos.
I will admit im not a psychologist so i dont even know if its possible for them to actually be cured, but I think its atleast worth a shot.
Low risk is still a risk
Best to have 0 risk by killing them off
And so it begins
When will this actual pedo be arrested?
I want a judge or a public servant to certify that they are "low risk".
In case the pedo wasn't low risk, the ones who certified him should answer with their assets or jail time.
Just give them anime, they will never look at a real kid ever again
>catholic priets
>actually arrested for being pedos
The entire catholic church was created and continued so that older men can fuck little boys. Their massive influence and power means that even today with all the hate against them, we are a long ways away from them ever being held accountable for mass child rape
>something something
>slippery slope
is loli considered low risk?
This looks good if they are lowrisk but as soon as they touch a child you publicly hang them.
Pedophile should get help instead of hate and disgust
The more you want them in jail, the more kids are going to get raped
Child molesters should get the rope though
I can't help but imagine that the real reason they're doing this is the abundance of 16-17yr olds taking selfies and sending them to people and them winding up on the internet. Clearly this situation wasn't really envisioned when the laws were made and the people whose life would be ruined weren't really the intended target of the laws.
fuck off kike
Louis sums it up best:
I love the dilemma with pedos
if they are sick, obviously they need treatment and not incarceration.
if incarceration is the way to deal with them, it means that there's nothing wrong with them, they just broke a law and are punished like any other person that broke a law.
If you dont fuck missionary. You should be given a "help line".
You're a fucking lunatic, you are advocating for thought crime.
Pedophiles who aren't breaking the law nor stalking children should be given therapies and be watched closely.
Pedophiles who actually attempt to molest a child need a low-drop hanging.
it's necessary.
>given helplines
I thought that was what double chan was for
Daily reminder that attraction to a girl that's entered puberty is completely normal. Most girls start puberty between ages of 12-14.
here's the problem with this: You soften the law, and perverts will engage in riskier behavior online that endangers children even more.
For example, many join live broadcasts and direct abuse via chat. They will also purchase more of it online. more demand, more money = more abuse.
They consider "Low risk" to be those who collect CP and paedos that are old. Nevermind that Jimmy Saville was literally raping kid's corpses in a hospital morgue. He was old, so he was low risk. Don't worry about it.
DESU the rate of child abuse is declining nowadays due to better mental health care and the abundance of online pornography meaning that there is less of a need to actually go out and rape children.
I dobut it's sick, since it's been practiced in a lot of cultures since forever (look up the samurai and their "shudo"), but it's currently incompatible with, and deemed unacceptable in, modern civilization.
I think Millennial Woes was onto something in one of his recent videos, where he stated that since pedophilia/hebephilia is the only sexual practice it's currently socially acceptable to be "puritan" aoout, people go completely ballistic over it. Even when it's something biologically "normal", like an adult man feeling attracted to teenage girls.
I think killing you is necessary.
And I goddamned hate pedos with a passion otherwise reserved for Democrats and commies. So, good going, fuckface.
Pedophiles who act on their urges demonstrate a confusion of fantasy and reality, and need therapy more than any other kind of treatment.
Why the fuck is everyone so resentful? Your children aren't being molested.
>inb4 "it could be my child next time!"
That's spooky nonsense, and you know it.
The US should do the same and have Mike Pence in "Charge" of it.
How about group therapy in a gas chamber.
Kill the pedos.
good one
Ok, granted, but they still need to be kept the fuck away from kids, for good. Also, unless they're stark raving insane, they are still responsible for breaking the law, and should be punished for that.
This means the loli loving autists aka (You)
RT also has an article
thanks for correcting the record
What does low risk mean? If they look at CP i wouldn't consider that "low risk".
Loli is illegal in the UK, so see
You will hang pedo, you and all your pizza friends.
Depends on what they consider to be "low risk", does that mean they have no CP and have never touched a child and are only known to be a pedo because of a psychologists admission? Also, I thought sexual preference was a life choice, if you can't beat the gay out of someone, how can you beat the pedo out of them? These fucking libs can't make up their goddamn minds.
This 'help instead of jail time' will only ever be applied to our paedo politicians, I guarantee it.
2nd conviction for pedo sex offenders=death sentence
I was thinking that but you wouldn't get jail time for just admitting that to a phycologist.
Wtf m8
>\threading yourself
I don't see why
'Dcotor, I've been having some sick attractions and urges' isn't an admission of any crime
All pedos should be executed immediately, even ones that haven't committed the act yet. It's only a matter of time.
It seems like "virtuous" non-offending pedos are nowhere near as common as all the jewish apologist articles in salon, the NYT etc imply though. Even the shining examples they pick out for those stories generally turn out to have touched kids or at least been credibly accused of it. Also many of them freely admit to consuming CP like that's not even really a crime, which of course it is (in UK law downloading or otherwise making copies is considered "production".)
The hand of the jew is obvious here, especially when you tie it together with the supposed sexual agency of children to be transgender and the "right" of male perverts to declare themselves female today and enter locker rooms, toilets etc with young girls. It's the same basic playbook they followed to legalise/normalize faggotry, but more aggressive and faster paced. Hopefully the pushback we're now seeing means they have made the classic kike mistake of getting overconfident, and overplaying their hand.
>15 y/o boy comes out as pedo to friend
>friend reports him and gets him executed
yeah, people won't protest this at all
What's the context here?
Being a pedo isn't a crime, do they mean child molesters? If they've already molested a child how are they low risk?
But this makes sense, what's the point of incarcerating people for just a sexual preference if they pose no risk to actual children, if they're trying to groom children then yes they should be in prison but just having images and nothing else is just a waste of government resources. Only put people in prison that really need to be there, not people that pose no actual risk to the public.
If they are just looking at drawn kids and shit i dont care, if we go by all the drawn porn around the net drawings dont look nor "act" like any real kid would, so i doubt they would even want the real deal.
Those that have actual porn of IRL kids should get some sort of a punishment given to them, because that shits whack yo. Plus the fact that you probably grow the market for people to make more of that shit.
>should be kept away from kids for good
And what of the perpetually undetected pedophile? Must we now keep all adults away from your precious "children" due to their potentiality toward pedophilia?
>should be punished for breaking the law
Besessenmensch. You're just elaborating a philosophy of resentment and hope I'll agree with your hatred because you have imputed it to "law-breakers" instead of "pedophiles." I care nothing for "law" unless it is my law, I care nothing about "pedophiles" unless my child is in harm's way. You are, in fact, a corollary to the scum of the earth. You are a last man.
You're also scum, at least you're funny scum.
Don't kid yourself, all pedophiles want to abuse children.
The difference between a pedophile and child molester is merely a matter of opportunity.
It seems like most of the abuse was pederastry, i.e. with teenage boys, which technically isn't pedo but rather standard homosexual behaviour. It was tagged as a pedo abuse scandal nonetheless because (((the MSM))) didn't want to admit the uncomfortable fact that literally all faggots lust after underage "twinks" and don't really see such relationships as wrong, partly because that's often how they were turned gay themselves e.g. Milo.
>we should try to cure a mental disorder instead of imprisoning people and wasting people's taxes
What's the problem?
This. They can see the van coming is all.
if we make trans not mentally ill just like how we did with gays (because PC), then its only fair to do so with pedos as well
I say fuck em all (gays are in grey field for me in some stuff)
They won't and in fact are not allowed to say anything unless they feel that you may be an actual risk, at least here in the US. That applies to child abuse, domestic abuse, homicidal and suicidal tendencies, and maybe a few other things. There is no law against thoughtcrime yet.
What's wrong with that? It's the same as anger management. I had read about such programs in Germany. As far as I remember, this is volunteering program for people who wish to do no harm to children. You can't even charge them with anything, by the law - they have not done anything yet (having inappropriate thoughts is not illegal, at least at the moment).
Honestly as much as I hate pedos it's probably the best way to handle it, deal with them before anything can happen, keep them away from kids and environments in which they are a risk to them, if they contact you you can move them to an environment where there is no harm, give counseling, etc., all in all it's a cheaper and better way of dealing with it than shutting up and dealing with it when they do something on their urges.
Well if a pedo hasn't done anything we can't send them to jail.
A hotline is better than nothing but I'm sure there is a better way
>fact that literally all faggots lust after underage "twinks" and don't really see such relationships as wrong
>literally all faggots lust after
>Source: my ass
This place attracts all kinds of retards.
Butthurt faggot detected.
Also regarding your other post thoughtcrime does exist in Germany, France and to a slightly lesser extent the UK : just try expressing opinions about the holocaust contrary to the official narrative.
>most fags were molested as kids
>the cycle continues
holocaust in germanny was hoax
Yep. Effectively it's how they reproduce, assisted by jew propaganda efforts to normalize it.
Hope you're behind 7 proxies
Am on the net of neighbors.
The timing of this is interesting. Literally the day after yet ANOTHER child abuse enquiry starts.
UK yes
Does this mean loli will finally be legalized?
>bomb labor camp and shoot trains full of people killing untold amounts of innocent people at nordhausen
>shoot the German camp guards and blame them
bad germans!
Butthurt retard detected.
>try expressing opinions
One is an action, another - just a thought inside your head.
The incidents of child molestation in the Catholic Church aren't any higher than the rest of society. The only reason it's a story is they're allegedly held to a higher standard.
Nice try, Malala
Hey guys, does this mean ive got the green light to search for cp right now? (just about to fap here).
Gerard Menuhin, der Sohn des Jahrhundert-Geigers Yehudi Menuhin, erzeugt ein Jahrhundert-Beben der größten Lüge der Menschheitsgeschichte:
„Der Holocaust ist die größte Lüge der Geschichte. Deutschland hat keine Schuld am Zweiten Weltkrieg und Adolf Hitler war der einzige Staatsmann der Welt, der die Welt vor der plutokratisch-jüdischen Gefahr hätte retten können, um den unterjochten Planeten wieder zu befreien.“ (Gerard Menuhin)
Your IP is reported.
Have you ever asked yourself why the world won't come to rest? Why your parents, grandparents or great-grandparents had to die in wars that never should have occurred in the first place? This book holds the answer . . .
Behind the scenes, events are controlled by a coterie of ethnic puppetmasters who work their marionettes in high places out of public view. How did this world get to the dark place it is today? Who could have stopped it and what can we do today?
The book consists of three sections. The first section concerns Adolf Hitler, and the real causes leading up to the outbreak of WWII.
The second section enlarges on the activities of the real culprits, provides a historical overview of their progress, their nature, their power over finance and the media, and the methods by which they achieved it.
The third section concerns the First and Second World Wars (what the author refers to as "the Second Thirty Years War"), their conception, funding and inescapable continuity; current laws against freedom of expression, and the evolution of the Orwellian state; the importance of U.S. support for the Soviet Union throughout the Cold War, and Communism's significance in the plan; the true origins of the enemy; Palestine's occupation and its fate as an example of our common fate; plus much more.
The text is interspersed with "Memos from Today," that emphasize its relevance by citing current events.
Hundreds of quotes are included from a wide range of authoritative sources, original and translated. The last pages of this manuscript comprise conclusions and predictions.
The author is the son of the great American-born violinist Yehudi Menuhin, who, though from a long line of rabbinical ancestors, fiercely criticized the foreign policy of the state of Israel and its repression of the Palestinians in the Holy Land.
Can i claim benefits for being a pedo now...
Agree desu
Pedophilia is the ultimate redpill. The stigma against it is founded on Jewish lies. If you oppose the right of the white man to have a pure and innocent child bride, you are a good goy.
All the real abuse was from homosexual priests who became priests so they wouldn't have to get married. Faggots are the real problem.
And they're only held to a higher standard because the left wants them to fail. There's more molestation in public schools and it gets covered up. The left doesn't want the public to abandon public education. That would destroy their indoctrination and national teachers union.
england here i come
>implying you weren't on your way already
that's why you post anime girls on Sup Forums while Jamal is fucking white girls
In a few weeks my dad will go to prison because of evidence showing that he looked at hundreds of images of cp (category C images - naked images of children not engaged in sexual activity). He never saved the images and says he was filled with disgust and shame every time he did it, but it became an addictive way to deal with the loneliness and depression he was feeling. He had been sexually abused as a child, and this was a way for him to cope with his emotional problems. Despite his interest in children, he never acted on it and never harmed me or my siblings. For about a year before he was arrested, he had been going to counselling to deal with his problem, and felt like he was making progress. He has already lost his job and his family, and everyone in my town now hates him.
Serious question, do you think he deserves to go to prison? I'm inclined to agree with the article completely when it comes to people like him (ie 'paedophiles' who haven't acted on it, but have viewed cp), but I know that I'm biased.
i ll be honest i am not. but i do have a plan on going to sweden or finland maybe
I'm not interested in the kind of girl who'd sleep with Jamal.
How long is the sentence?
If he had never acted on it, there is no crime in my opinion. He didn't even save the images on PC, not to mention fucking distribution. I did not knew that charging for viewing is even possible. Bullshit law, imo. He will have tough time in prison.
Yes, a sad backstory doesn't excuse you
>Well if a pedo hasn't done anything we can't send them to jail.
Fuckers over here get what they deserve.
"Land of the free" and nonces run free with pictures of little cartoon kids on their computers lol
This is a good thing though.
Low risk, and potential, pedophiles identify themselves via a helpline and receive corrective therapy before any damage is done. Currently they are just left to fester into real and dangerous criminals.
Prevention better than cure, and all that jazz.
It's likely to be 12-18 months I think, although he probably won't serve the whole sentence (due to mitigating factors and good behaviour while he's inside). I think he may have traded images in chatrooms during his 'sessions' and then delete everything once he was done, so maybe that counts as distribution, I don't know. I'm not sure if he'll get protected in prison (ie separated from the violent offenders), but if not, yeah he'll definitely have a very tough time. He's not violent at all and won't be able to protect himself.
Who did he harm? Where's the benefit in treating him as a criminal instead of as mentally ill?