Why do millennials whine so much?
They've been coddled their entire lives
Lack of beatings.
Theyre a product of cucked cucking kikes.
>coddled since birth
>made to think that the solution to all problems is to whine about it
>lack of mandatory military training made have no respect for authority
>live in an environment isolated from all danger
>lack of christian morals
Pop and mum always solving their problems 24/7
i can't wait for Gen z to fuck millennials up
DAE gen z redpill?
cause everyone is supposed to get a prize
that's why they whine so much
Come right in and steal everything immigrants.
You gen z?
God I love my generation
first off, why the fuck do we care about anyone under 25. They have no idea what the fuck they are talking about
Yaaaah let in immigrants
10 years later when they are 35. Can't get a job. realise it's due to all those immigrants they let in, when they were 25.
OH...maybe that was a bad thing?!
anyone under 25, you have no right to speak about immigration. Because you have no idea how it will affect you.
You can speak when your 35+ and HAVE TO BE a responsible adult.
like its crystal clear. you see that faggot wearing colored shirt. in third worlds or us ghettos he would be bullied for that sole reason. and he thinks he have a say in politics. god, the west died in 1989
They should switch the voting age to 30
Who own land
Where is any evidence gen z is redpilled. I always see these claims with zero evidence.
Trust me I hope to fucking god they're the most conservative generation the world has ever known, but all I ever see is speculation based on the notion that people believe their conservatism will be a natural rebellious action to gen x and y.
It's a fucking gummy bear shirt. Of course he would treated like a piece of meat
i want to cut gummy bear chub's throat
They've made things like victim complex and being "depressed" with "social anxiety" cool and trendy.
>born too late to be in the national-fueled years of America
>born just too soon to catch the next generation of national-fueled people
kill me now desu
There is no salvation for us, the millennials. We were coddled by Boomers into a life as overgrown children. Honestly, I can't tell who is worse, the Boomers that coddled and abused ones like me or the millennials that cry out in the name of social justice and carry on their poisonous and destructive teachings. They both can burn. Carry the torch to glory, Generation Z. Kek be praised.
Lack of beatings and proper discipline, no major international conflict/incitement to join the military.
gummy bear apologist
Participation awards.
i know someone who disagrees with you.
Oh no
It's not our fault. We didn't ask for everything to be done for us. We were always forbidden from taking any initiative on anything. Every hour of our lives was scheduled for us without our say. Before we could pronounce our own names our parents decided we would go to college instead of working. Our schooling was then designed with that goal in mind.
Recess was eliminated, and anyone who couldn't sit still was literally drugged into compliance. Free periods were eliminated to make room for more classes. Shop classes were eliminated because future college grads weren't supposed to need skills. Home economics classes were eliminated. All that mattered was what we would need to know to one day take our SATs.
Even in pre-kindergarten, play time went like
>Okay children, go to your assigned corner and do your assigned activity with your assigned playmates, and don't even think about talking to the other groups.
Then we became adults and were told to go figure out what to do from there. Is it any wonder most of us ended up becoming socialists? We're a population engineered to not know how to function without an eternal supervising parent figure. The government is happy to oblige.
Gen Z is super redpilled because they saw what was happening to us before it was too late for them. They know why they need to resist.
Why do millennials on Sup Forums whine about millennials so much?
I don't know what your talking about. I'm 37
because it's always worked for them.
Could we talk about the faggot wearing the gummy bear shirt?
What can be said that hasn't already been said?
>It's a gummy bear shirt
>He's a faggot
kek a few days ago I was watching some Locked Up documentary about a kid who gets sent to prison for threatening someone with a knife. He's a chubby tall white kid, 20 but looks 16 in the face. As soon as he got into genpop the other inmates started calling him "GummyBear." He got the shit kicked out of him. That guy in OP's picture just reminded me.
There have been a few polls conducted in regards to homosexuality, nationalism, and liberal/conservatism in which gen z seems to be right leaning. However, conducting polls on 12-18 year olds rarely finds anything meaningful or reflective of reality. They're too young to really know what they want.
>that ridiculous shirt
Don't expect me to ever hire you if you're childish enough to wear that
Scripture spoke about the Operation of Error.
Personally, I believe contemporary liberalism to be the secular manifestation of theological liberalism, stemming from the Protestant Gospel of private interpretation to Nineteenth century Modernism.
If you get all you want , you usually think life is easy