Jon Stewart on Colbert last night

Take one look at that man's face. This man is a true patriot and tells it how it is.

This was an absolutely, spine-chilling riveting episode of the great Stephen Colbert Show. He's usually good but this.... THIS was a work of art. I dropped my mug full of French Vanilla cappuccino when it was on and I didn't even care. It was a spectacle to behold.

I'm on Sup Forums today to share the best moment of that episode, when Jon Stewart himself crawled up from the depths to say what needs to be said:

"Jon Stewart To The Media: It's Time To Get Your Groove Back"

> Worried that the mainstream media's breakup with President Trump has reporters feeling blue, Jon Stewart stops by with relationship advice.

Stewart does not disappoint! He does it again! He masterfully blends comedy with sharp, on point, serious analysis.

You cannot refute a single point because he is 100% right.

P.S. the comments there are great. You'll be lucky if you'll find one good equivalent comment on Sup Forums over the course of a few days.

Other urls found in this thread:

The pioneer of derisive laugh track journalism is mad whitey isn't apathetic like they were in the 00's.

Meh. He sound's like a pedo apologist.


He was right about people like you.

I love how the only way Colbert can save his show is by making this unfunny jew come out of retirement

Jon Stewart is the epitome of kikery.
No person is as blatantly anti-white and anti-american while still holding popularity amongst the sleepimg dregs of society.

in case you didn't notice, he has had the BEST ratings of any late night TV show host for 3 weeks straight.

That's because, as the commercials say, it's "smart and funny". And it is true. You obviously are just upset that there isn't any sort of right-wing late night show because the reality is, right wingers are not funny. They are scary.

its unfortunate that there's not really any funny right wing people. I guess it's because comedy itself has been neutered in the last couple decades by political correctness.
as fucked as his politics and borderline brainwashing is, jon stewart is a good performer.

You don't own patriotism. He actually is a patriot and a red blooded American.

>right wingers are not funny. They are scary.
Rightophobia, much?

Try hard next time

>Jon Stewart
>not using his actual name Jon (((Leibowitz)))

This fucking kike.

You're name, like your gender, is whatever you want it to be. Otherwise, Trump would be Drumpf.

Why the fuck would Trump invite this asshole media into the white house if everything they will post and report prior to their visit, they will just demonize him?

Has there ever been any evidence of Colbert lying?
I need something so my dad stops getting his news from (((comedians)))

Not a fan of Stewart but that wasn't bad. He's basically calling the MSN shit because they're obsessing over trump instead of doing actual journalism. Sure there were a lot of jabs at trump but if more people started talking like this, maybe the MSN wouldn't be so awful.

Sounds to me like you're dad actually has Maple Syrup running through his veins unlike his son.

yeah because Leibowitz just rolls off the tongue so well..

Daily reminder:

oy vey fuck drumpf and fuck white ppl lol


that pasta

Comedy Central is not news. Jon Stewart is a professional clown.

>tfw I've never owned anything like the dumb goy I am
Pls forgive me Jon. I didn't know.

>You cannot refute a single point because he is 100% right.
That's where you're wrong, friendo. Jon Stewart is a fucking clown. So there's no "points" to refute.

Anita Sarkeesian appearances, Deeray from Black Lives Matter.

drumpf is a clown too so I don't see your point.

So is our President

Bored of this cunt only rearing his head to talk about Donald.

Me and you are on the same wavelength like Colbert and Stewart are.

>the media defends Donald trump

This kike is losing it

Is he wrong? The news media shouldn't just be typing out everything the president says.

They did this for Bush, and it got America to go to Iraq.

They did this for Obama and people are left thinking Syria and ISIS forming were just honest mistakes.

Obama a few years ago: Jon, you gotta stop making Americans cynical

Kind of like how there are more right wing radio shows than liberal ones. Right wingers bring more substance to the conversation and that's why people listen to right wing radio more.

>b-but Jon Stewart makes jokes!

He looks like a fucking hobo.
I hope he's miserable.

I'm amazed that they're just doubling down on this whole thing, digging the hole deeper rather than seeing the writing on the wall and changing their tactics.

You told me Jews were smart and sneaky Sup Forums, these people are just arrogant and stubborn.

That's what I don't understand, what difference would it make them being there? they would just make up their own stories anyway

Uhhhh nope. Right wing radio shows are only popular because left wing ones don't exist.

Great jokes too.

When will this crotchety old kike stop drinking the blood of gentile babies and just shrivel up and die?
>In contrast to conservative talk, progressive talk has historically been far less popular on commercial terrestrial radio; it briefly had some modest mainstream success for a period from the mid-2000s (decade) to the early 2010s.

Right wing are not funny? From the mouth of the left that made everything PC and where jokes are no longer allowed. The left, where Monty Python refuses to do Universities anymore because of the left crying "muh feelings" and trigger warnings, and protests. The left, where comedians from the 90's and early 2000's say they can't do the same type of material that made them famous because of the backlash of butthurt and leftists that have no sense of humor.

Keep deluding yourself faggot, your psychosis is going to be your undoing.

Anyone can write anything on wikipedia. Not a legit source, buddy.

chrisraygun is pretty funny idk if hes really considered right wing or just anti sjw tho

Severely underrated post
10/10 using this

He means clown in the literal sense, not figurative. You liberals are actually starting to believe your own sarcastic quips.

You wrote quite an ignorant response. Disqualifying him on the merits of being a comedian is no different than disqualifying Drumpf on the merits of being a business man.

when will the MSM realize that their obviously biased and click-bait content is only half the problem.

The real problem is that no one believes media outlets that are controlled by multi-million dollar corporations.
>Gee I wonder if in a crony-capitalist country, these huge media institutions have an agenda?

That and less people watch TV. It's all about the internet now. They are dying and they are loud dyers.

The point is that calling Jon a clown is literally accurate, while calling trump a clown is just sarcastic hyperbole. We wouldn't even be pointing out the fact that Jon is a comedian if he didn't use that label as a shield against criticism.

His report on becoming a man at 4 weeks was pretty good.

>murder rate is lowest its ever been
Yeah, probably because we've imported millions of people and the murder rate is based on murders per 100,000. Meanwhile, police spending and militarization are going up, advances in technology with better surveillance and security are happening, as well as the "standard" of living is going up as even poor people have a TV, phone, and internet now so they stay at home instead. Then, this doesn't even account for unobservable factors in the time trend.

As an econometrician stuff like this makes my blood boil. The left just says things so smugly and "as a matter of fact" but if you bring up IQ, for example (which has over a hundred years worth of data) they say that doesn't count.

Any station, and I mean even youtube channels(provided kikes don't shut them down), would be an overnight fortune if it used the Stewart children's formula against the leftists.

>Present the latest idiocy from the left about 99 genders or how an outspoken celebrity lives in a gated 98% white neighborhood, cue laugh track.
>Make fun of liberals being furious with Trump not letting refugees in after Obama went and bombed their families.
>Constantly bash the effeminate numale stereotype that dominates the left, invite a few on as speakers and humiliate them as they stutter out a defense of their worthless degree and art project for BLM
>Directly attack other liberal speakers like Stewart, Maher, Oliver, about how they preach diversity from the safety of their gated white communities
>Attack the democrats for "jewish privilege" and not welcoming enough "people of color" into their intolerant religion ;)

Also the nigger gangs losing street power is a big reason why the murder rate is down. When more sophisticated mafias are in control people just "disappear" instead. Nigs losing their stranglehold on the drug market is also why they are getting poorer, more leftist, and asking for more gibs.

Trump literally naming the jew

Looks like he wants to end his own misery.

This is a CTR shill thread paid for by the Democratic party.

That's the face of a washed up has-been.

12 year-old bait. You are not even trying. It isn't 2004 anymore.

hi Stephen the great!

>a fucking leaf

Ingratiate youself through academia, comedy/culture or politics and then when their guard is down...

Sage goes in all boxs

CTR shills love John Stewart? WHO'D HAVE GUESSED


Make it trend, these networks need to replace him with POC.

Stewart looks like absolute shit, like he's been crying all night.

Stewart is a Jew /thread

Wait, he means Molyneux?

You do know what NPR is, right? It's not just the Car Talk station.

What the vast majority of the left does not realize is that a lot of former true believers have tried the diverse lifestyle out and found it to be sorely lacking in humanity.

One's tolerance for diversity is greater the farther they are from it. The left can't never let that truth be discussed in the mainstream media or the Mass Immigration/Cheap Labor scheme gets blocked.

They are still trying to figure out ways to block discussion of it on the internet.

Some like for the lolz. Some kike for the Sheckls. Some kike for the tribe.

John lebowitz kikes for all three. He is a level 10 sheckle master woke kike nigga.

No he's actually a jew.

he seems like a comedy of himself though, doe she really need to work the deranged granpa rep?

They took his baby blood away. He needs to larp as entertainer a few more times before they give it back.

You mean (((Lebowitz)))?

>307 good goys approve of this projection

Yes state funded bullshit that can't get canceled. Truly the bastion of popular opinion

I feel like a fucking low iq assburger watching this shit. Why do they laugh at everything?






I find it funny how this jew got so butt-tickled by Trump that he came out of retirement to cry in front of a camera again.


bait thread

> implying Colbert Report / Stewart show were actually news
> implying comedy is real news

It's really funny how big media brought up Leibowitz from his cryogenic sleep just to discredit him. I bet that they've paid top dollar for that as well. This basically means that MSM is sinking and they are doing everything to push the narrative.

Was he blowing Colbert under the desk before the show?

Well, radio shows are listened to most commonly by people at work or driving to/from work, so that's only natural.

There is a difference between anglicising your name to assimilate and changing it entirerly

To be honest this something that i think we should pay attention too, this is the closest the left has gotten to comedy in a while and that's because Stewart was willing to make fun of theach media and the left. If the left can make fun of itself then the game has shifted again. Lets hope that this is an isolated event