What do UK fags think about eastern europe immigrants?
What do UK fags think about eastern europe immigrants?
most are actually good people, as i live around them they are 100x better than pakis
they're being exploited and their home countries ravaged by EU corporations and bureaucracy
Don't have a problem with them generally. Women can be hot. And they're Christian and white. I'd put a limit on males allowed to come though women only.
Hey Europe, why DO they squat? Is it embedded in their DNA
best immigrants you could get
retard. some squat, some are doctors, programmers and lawyers and journalists
how about you murican fags? dont have squatters?
They have to go back.
>americans are to fat to squat
>not knowing the most powerfull stance
toppest kek, first WORL STAAAA
not an UK fag but you better deport them, please. I can't watch these smug fags on their facebook bragging about some worthless shit bough from their slave job in the UK.
>haha poland sucks, fuck poland lol so edgy. here I can suk dik and buy me an new iphone :^)
Poles are great. Romanians and Albanians can fuck right off.
They squat because many eastern european cities dont have places to sit, they are just that fucking poor and inefficient with their infrastructure
I'd prefer we didn't have them but there are more important undesirables to get rid of.
Plot twist. They're actually Brits.
I think not all Slavs are terrible, but with open borders, we get a lot of low-intelligence, non-skilled shitbags looking to get what they can by exploiting a high trust system. The shitty Slavs are no different from all the other human detritus that makes up the migrants to the UK:
>not needed
>make life worse for everyone
>cost the taxpayer
Remove the squatters and take in only highly educated individuals.
>squatters, doctors, programmers
OP here
I asked because im an eastern european immigrant, I think UK should discourage us from coming here somehow, we need to fix shit back in our countries not go running like a bunch of cucked psuedo-niggers
Hi. I see you hate yourself. your country is in shit becuse the west fucks everything in its wake through corporatism. people have no choice but to seek better income. the gov wants the cheap labour, nobody wins but the corporations/government. you cucks hate yourselves while making them rich
those with perceived loss of opportunity don't want you there whereas every business that's hiring would rather hire you over a native because muh simple economics
Gopniks, Gypsies, Chavs, whats the fucking difference.
You could take the first step yourself and piss off back home. Tell your countrymen not to come here.
Not exactly welcome, but less unwelcome than Muslims.
I understand their reasons for coming over here.
I don't believe for a second that Brexit had any corollary surge in anti-polish hate crimes. It's fucking nonsense.
Fuck off, our countries suck because we suck at operating them, we could fix 90% of our problems if we actually acted, its just slavic faggots dont want to go into politics and help our nations they just think running to the UK or germany or some shit and hopping on the welfare state is easier.
Reminder that London is still majority white only thanks to Eastern European immigration.
Just fucking gas the disapora already so no one has to take them in or take them back.
Disapora are literaly niggers not men
You have to go back.
When im able I plan to do that, looking to start a political career back home, im not here exactly of my own volition
people are entitled to wnat whats easier. or to seek better lives. corruption is also rife and hard to beat: besides romanians : 1. killed their dictator in 1989: lead to more shit but with diff name; 2. are protesting now and its all admirable and the gov still does what it wants. so stfu you slave.
Gangmasters got you picking cockles in Morecambe Bay, lad? Find a payphone and call 999 the rozzers can get you out of there.
it was worth it 10 years ago, when pound was much stronger, nowadays,only retards go to uk since it isnt really worth it because with good school you can get same or better paid job over here with all the benefits of staying - lower cost of living, no shitskins etc.
> I live in shit so other should
i dont know, our doctors and nurses are still stolen routinely by the uk who has paid zero towards their education but is now enjoying their services. hint: im from the only non slavic e e country
I've never had a problem with them. As long as they work, pay taxes and speak English then I see no reason why we shouldn't have them here.
Although, I don't think non-British immigrants should be allowed to vote until they've been living and working in the country for a few years.
You too have to go back.
can anybody from UK tell me how can I get a job in the UK??
Do I need to shank a Pole or something???
>be me
>only 17
>still in high school
>parents wont let me leave cuz they need my language skill to leech off the state (fucking disgusting I know)
>have no relatives in home country to take me in until I get education
>Polish lad smugly tells me he is moving to Manchester because there are too many blacks around here
they are pretty good bantz. enjoy the north of england you silly kurwa.
That's a big problem I know as well. All decent doctors/nurses that an Eastern European country pays to train goes to Western Europe as soon as possible and all thats left is old doctors/nurses near retirement or shit "barely passable" doctors/nurses
I am not from the eu though.
you are right with nurses, however doctors dont really go to uk, some go to Germany or Austria, not because of money (they are rich as fck because of bribes anyway), but because of better work enviroment.
I think he'll be disappointed when he gets to Manc land from what I hear
underage b&
you can't fix a ship if people can just leave it for a another one. and leaving a ship for a another one isn't really a long term solution as you might imagine sooner or later you will be kicked out or worse - you won't meaning that the left wing parties will allow you to stay but in such case the UK will be a another sinking ship.
thats what you get for being a fucking gypsy
Dont you mean b8? And that would make no sense either way you fucking faggot
word. it's passed as immigrants stealing from the West when whats happening is the West stealing from the developing world mafia style large scale down to the last rocks in our soil. and then drones come here and call for immigrants executions or some shit... I despair
Im a fucking white slav you fuck
>Buy Romanian or Bulgarian passport
>Come to the UK and stay here
It's piss easy if you're foreign.
Employers in Britain are literally required by law to discriminate against native Brits by hiring a large percentage of immigrants. They also know that they can exploit Eastern European workers because most of them don't speak English and will work for low wages (by British standards).
There are plenty of jobs where you're actually required to speak Polish in order to work there because that's what the workforce are speaking.
You do not understant migration. There are great countries like the uk where the vast majority are good people. There is Poland where there are way less of them. And good people cannot change the state of their country cos there is just not enough of them. So they have not a lot of choices: kill bad people, kill themselves or immigrate.
This is true. I've seen one squat on top of a fucking park bench. ON THE FUCKING BACK REST.
I squatted with him and had beer. Cool guy
I meant underage ban as in you aren't fucking old enough to be on this sight you piece of shit doesn't underage b& sound like 'underage ban'. you fucking degenerate piece of shit
we should all scrounge from the state universal basic income and that shit. and corporations start paying tax, fuckers. and stop working while at that. cucks working hard to make others rich defend their master stockholm syndrome style