How to Kill Sex Drive

How do I eliminate my lust, Sup Forums? I'm a 21 year old male too focused on masturbation/sex in my life to do many productive things. I'm too weak to stop masturbating, and I tend to daydream about sleeping with women I come in contact with. I keep fucking up with girls and only had sex twice (2nd time I paid for it), and thought once I lost my virginity I could stop feeling so desperate. I want all the sexual feelings to just go away for good.

I'm also non-white, so me never entering the gene pool is a winning scenario for you racists out there. Care to help me opt out?

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> How do I eliminate my lust, Sup Forums?
You don't, either fap or have sex, if you're not white just don't have kids with white chicks, who cares. Also not politics.

Goddamn. I'm racist as fuck but I would let that girl milk my hard cock anyway.

Try cucking if you are really non-white, white women always go for that.

Cease all sexual material, you should not even have a picture like the one you posted. Even just seeing it affects the sex drive on a subconscious level.

See the pic related. If you still want to masturbate after reading that, then you have a serious problem and should consider anti-androgens to permanently kill the sex drive.


Cut off your dick.'s gone!

I struggle with this as well, even after turning to Jesus Christ. It's tough because once I start masturbating I have to finish because the pain from edging is too much. OP, my best advice is to abstain from Sup Forums. Or never fully open suggestive images, or just disable images altogether. The first few days of not masturbating is tough but if you stick it out for at least a week you can do anything. God bless you in your efforts.

Masturbation and sex increase the sex drive. It temporarily sates it but in the long run, you'll find yourself doing it more and more frequently, hence the reason OP wants to stop.

Just realise that it just a way that you get your dopamine through.Once you realise that it actually harms you you will start to kill it.

Start doing other things, once you find out what you enjoy you will probably be fine.

Just stick around this place, it comes to you in a few years.

what if i told you that you can be racist but your dick can be lefty as fuck?

just dont get em pregnant

ive slept with loads of brown girls..ok i say loads but i mean 5 brown ones

Get children, OP. Get white children and focus all your attention on getting your kids redpilled.

Family is all that matters in this world.

>sex drive is distracting
more news at 11

>I'm also non-white
>so me never entering the gene pool is a winning scenario for you racists out there.
Well since you insist, castration or anti-androgens.

It either one will lower your testosterone.
Castration or an ochectomy will either kill or remove your testicles completly.

Antiandrogens block testosterone in your system, its used (among other things) in HRT for trannies in combination with estrogen to start growing boobs.
If you take a low dose of antiandrogens then it should simply decrease your testosterone instead of eliminate it.
You sorta need one sex hormone or the other inorder to not want to blow your brains out, so try not to get it too low. If you do get it too low your want to off yourself and you wont realize the real reason or even care. Youd know that all you have to do is stop taking the pills, but at that point taking a bullet sounds better.

Gorge yourself on chemically modified foods and become morbidly obese. Your libido will plummet proportionally to your blood sugar and you won't even be able to see your dick.

Just stop masturbating. If you stop then your urges won't come up. If you masturbated or had sex yesterday then of course you'll want to do it again today. Also don't ever look at porn

Slave masters used to fuck their slaves?. This was acceptable right?. Shit those slave women that used to work must have been fucking FIT. I would trade my white wife for a slave.


This is what I said but you said it much more simply. If anyone needs a reason not to, permit me to introduce to you some of the most daring and original writers in this field, Melville Keith, M.D. The following is quoted from his work, "The Marriage Law:"

>"We tell you that at every emission of semen you are losing the food and the best portion of the (blood) corpuscles, inasmuch as every particle of semen which is ejected will be replaced by more taken from the blood. This is enough to convince you that when you are ejecting the semen which should stay in the body and become reabsorbed so as to go and form the oil for the joints, new muscles, the brain material, as well as every other part of the body, you are really destroying or throwing away your life.


Castrate yourself, that would fix it.
If that isn't an option, man up you fucking pussy.

>I'm too weak to stop masturbating
Then you'll just have to kill yourself


>"`You eject the substance of the synovial fluid. You send forth, to gratify a moment's passion, the very material of which the brain is made. This is a fact which you will acknowledge when you consider that all this semen is the material of which all these substances are made and supplied, and when the semen is ejected you have selected the best part of the body to go out and become to you a useless inert mass, which can never be restored to you under any circumstances. It is lost and gone. Then, the semen being out of the body, the sexual penalty comes apace. The penalty for this loss of semen is so far reaching and so concealed from the body of people of the present day that we do not know the exact spot to look for it. But we tell you, when you see paralysis, palsy, apoplexy, rheumatism, brain softening, bent shoulders and haggard face; when you observe a young old man and the dried up young lady, in all of these cases, and in dozens of others, you may set it down that there have been sexual losses and a waste of the bodily substance from the sexual orgasm.

>"`You will see this penalty all around you, and there is no place where you may go but you will see the fruits of this sexual indulgence to excess. The penalty may be denied, and all these diseases may be attributed to every other cause under the sun, but you will be right in laying it at the proper place, and that is to the sexual drain which has sapped the blood corpuscles of the victim before you. We assure you nothing can be so very enervating as this sexual excess, and any sexual mating is an excess, providing it is not for the purpose of having children.

daily nigger thread sage and hide


Start with limiting mastrubation to once per day, and cut porn completely. Make sure your sleep cycle is normal, work out, and keep busy all day. Start praying to God to guide you to a right path in life. Since you're a person of Nubian descent, that path is to preach responsibility to blacks in the West, become a conservative role model for black youth.

At least that is what i did, good luck.

> Masturbation and sex increase the sex drive. It temporarily sates it but in the long run, you'll find yourself doing it more and more frequently
This is like saying that food increases hunger by sating it temporarily but increases it in the long run since eating feels good. Just don't have a nigger-tier addictive personality and control yourself. Sex/masturbation is normal and healthy in moderation. Ignoring it is insane and leads to you being uncontrollably horny.

The point is to get rid of horniness.

Install anti porn programs on your computer

you'll grow old and impotent soon so enjoy it now

You may temporarily suppress unwholesome stated by encouraging their opposites. In the case of lust, remind yourself of the impure and coarse qualities of the human body. When you're attracted to hair, remind yourself that it's like grass growing from the scalp, when you're attracted to skin, remind yourself that it's lumps of fat wrapped with skin, filled with numerous pores that excrete sweat and shed skin, and so on and so forth.

This is just a temporary solution though, the only way to be free from lust is to follow the eightfold noble path and attain enlightenment.

antidepressants or anti-psychotic pills

Since self control seems out of the question, go with chemical castration.

>Get married
>Have kids
>get divorced
>go through family court

That oughtta fx it for ya.



Which will never happen, unless you're a bizarre asexual freak it will never happen, just learn to control it somewhat and constructively apply it, you shouldn't be going berserk every time you see nice boobs or a big, firm ass nude.

get married.
instantly all sex disappears from your life.

problem fixed

get yourself a fat sjw gf like i did.
i spend most of my time not caring about sex and improving myself. I keep her around as a reminder that I need to get the fuck out

Side effects include suicidal and homicidal thoughts and actions

get into my little pony... you'll want nothing to do with humans and you'll be chasing the cartoon horse pussy. its like being into hentai and anime, but more autistic.

I can't have white children.

This is a fetish sub.

Considering it.

Don't you people think that blacks can never follow a noble path?

To those of you telling me to castrate myself or cut my dick off: Won't I still feel horny? I want to eliminate the sexual feelings completely, like I'm a fucking child again.

It's not a matter of losing self control. It's the fact that sexual activity or thought impairs intellectual thought. The two are mutually exclusive.

You're intellect is weaker after you masturbate or have sex, so doing either isn't going to solve anything.

Digits confirm. Better start meditating, OP.

Pavlovian Response. Associate arousal with an external stimuli, then take it away.

I wish I could engage in thoughtful conversation with this specimen and convince him, that despite our differences, he can be anything he sets his mind to

Don't worry, when your 40 you will be longing for these days

you're retarded

anti-androgens will fucking kill the OP lmao will also do more than just LOWER t even if he does it safely

literally off yourself man

Everyone can practice meditation and attain enlightenment including blacks, the only exception is people born with mental illness, or people who have lived such messed up lives that their minds have stored up so much unskillfulness that they have no hope.

> Your intellect is weaker after you masturbate or have sex, so doing either isn't going to solve anything
Absurd, after sex or masturbation is when your mind is clearest and you're the most devoid of your sex drive impairing your other mental processes, have you ever had sex? After it your mind is completely clear and you can think wonderfully.


Start drinking. Heavily.

Seems like these things will just replace my current problem with an even bigger one.

Why would I be longing for this? It's horrible and I can only see it being bearable for people that are much more well-adjusted than me.

How do I attain enlightenment?

There HAS to be a way to remove someone's sex drive cleanly and efficiently, it's [current year] for fuck's sake.

Prolactin shoots up like crazy after ejaculation so you're clearly mistaken. You're mind is clear for a few seconds and then it's fuzzy because all of the prolactin gunking up you're dopamine system.

Cut your balls of and carry them around in a purse.

If done correctly, you could even get rich out of the deal. Good luck Mr. Harry Palms.

I don't know what you're talking about man, anecdotally after sex my mind is clear for up to an hour afterwards or at least until my sex drive returns, and the same is true for pretty much every guy I've ever talked to.

By stop posting vinly theiled race mixing threads on Sup Forums

Infact it's better if you stopped posting here all together

I still think even the hottest black chicks probably smell weird during sex.

that'd be weird as fuck
i don't want to smell ape when I fuck some bitch

then again, I fucked a sexy ass indian bitch and she didn't smell like curry at all

>You don't, either fap or have sex
I don't want to be associated with sex or porn at all. It just makes me feel depressed.

>constructively apply it
How does one "constructively apply" wanting a piece of ass?

Fuck off frog. "Infact" it's better if you'd stick to the topic at hand.

They won't slow down until you're in your fifties, according to most older men I know and they say that it still grips you despite it being less frequent. There is a genuine evolutionary requirement for men to become full on retarded when it comes to sex, otherwise we wouldn't reproduce. Without that overwhelming, constant urge and that loss of impulse control men just wouldn't bother with sex and our genetic line would die off. We need to lose total control like we do because we're too smart for our good really.

I feel you though, it's too bad we can't just have some kind of Vulcan Pon Farr where once every 8 years or so we just get the urge to find a mate and reproduce and get another 8 years of never getting the urge. We'd get so much more done, guaranteed.

For me it goes

White > Middle eastern/indian > Latina > Asian > Black.

>How do I attain enlightenment?
By practicing meditation, the purpose of which is to see reality clearly as it is.

To explain the buddhist view of reality (the object of meditation, and the thing you must see objectively) let's take cartesian doubt to the extreme degree for a moment, suppose there existed an omnipotent omniscient evil deity that wanted nothing more than to confuse and trick you. It could make you see, hear, taste, smell, feel touch, feel emotions, and even make you think things against your own so called free will. In such a worst-possible case, what would be the one thing that you can be sure is real? The only thing would be the experience. You might be made to see things that aren't real, but during that moment you would know for sure that there is seeing. You can be made to hear things that aren't real, but during the moment when you hear you can be certain that there is hearing, and so on. In buddhism we don't necessarily believe that objective reality doesn't exist or that it does exist, the only focus is to see clearly the one thing which we know for sure exists. Once you are able to see reality with objectivity and impartiality, you will know it's nature as being unsatisfying, impermanent, uncontrollable, and non-self.

Get a hobby. Doesnt have to be riding bikez down a narrow canyon road at breakneck speed. Try jui-jitsu.

>American education

Sublimate it. Don't fap. Just let yourself be horny. Use the lack of fatigue to your advantage. Talk to girls and have female friends, and just actually fuck or get off With them occasionally to stay mentally sated. If you need to fap, pick one day every two weeks or so. When the craving comes, just observe it and let it pass.

I found it was much easier to avoid when I was in school and had to occupy my free time with my studies, and when I had free time I spent it with roommates/friends.

Now that I work 40 hours a week and live by myself, every night I end up looking at porn and jacking off. It's like a magnet. Its the worst addiction in my life, but it doesn't feel like it's bad. Objectively I know I could spend the time better but fuck. I succumb to my libido every night.

> I don't want to be associated with sex or porn at all. It just makes me feel depressed.
There's something wrong with that dude, it's normal and pretty much a biological need, just do it and don't think much of it, don't let it drag you down, get rid of your urges temporarily and go on with your life.
> How does one "constructively apply" wanting a piece of ass?
Using it as motivation to better yourself, get smart, educated, well-paying job, in shape, etc. so that you become desireable to get a high-quality qt3.14 female.
Alternatively if you want to break free from the cycle learn about stoicism and some Eastern Meditation techniques and how to deprive yourself, practice fasting, Anapanasati meditation, etc.

Stop watching porn and do more productive things. Sex is better when it's with someone who loves you and also who you love, anyway

>How do I eliminate my lust, Sup Forums?

Fuck off.

>Stop watching porn

No, just no.

Heroin kills libido

Bullshit. Why the fuck would they kill him?

wtf I hate nofag now


Just wait 40 years.


like these 2?


> quoting early 20th century quacks to prove your point

do you put leeches on your body to drain out "bad blood" as well?


close but something more like true, honest love for each other


Thank you.

Those "urges" you speak of occur multiple times a day. Maybe you get enough sex to keep your urges vanilla, but mine have become something much more disgusting to me. It's gotten to the point that I need some very un-PC things to get off on occasion.

Not everything is trying to attack you. I personally want this for myself and couldn't give a single shit what you do, Adolf.

The 3rd post in this guy's picture is partially correct. When I jerk off I just want to have comfy, warm sex but I'm too much of an ugly autist to get it consistently.


muh dik

You're still thinking 1 dimensionally. Just look how happy they are. Just look at their faces.

The porn addicts are insecure and will attack anyone they feel threatened by, user

maybe you're right and i am blind to the truth

I want her to shit in my mouth.

Not always. At peak it might, but usually it just makes it hard to sustain erection. If lucky, you'll get erection and go for long time. Then get pissed off at the girl as opiate rage sets in.

The easy answer is castrate yourself.

You're nonwhite, so it's a double win

SSRIs and Antipsychotics

You could join the Catholic Church.
As a priest.
Don't worry Father will just transfer you.


Get a gf

this should be illegal