Van of peace?

Van of peace?
Ban assault van

Other urls found in this thread:

>bluetooth on but hot connected
>24 hr clock
Fucking kill yourself


>bluetooth on but hot connected
>24 hr clock

Holy shit literally fuck off cunt

whoa, wrecked.

Too many hurricanes

*autistic screeching*

False flag to demand AI override systems on all newly manufactured vehicles.

>Be a good goy now, or we'll lock all the doors and drive you straight to the police station.

>not using military time

> driving a truck into the crowd
This kind of attack does not work in USA - the truck would be easily stopped by all the fat

24hr isn't military time. Military time would be seventeen hundred hours 57 minutes.

Do you really expect your phone to type out "17 hundred hours 57 minutes"? Doesn't the military use that same notation, while verbally saying the "hours" shit?

is there a video of the happenin
words arent comfy

No. It'd be 1757, without the colon.

12:03 AM would be 0003

Driving while drunk is already illegal.

Oh well my bad. I still view the colon notation as military even though I might not be the best source since ive never served. So okay, let me rephrase my post to that user since I'm wrong.

>not using a 24 hour clock

Yeah 24 hours is superior. Most other countries use it as standard.

>24 hour clock

Ay that's my hometown.

Prob another drunk. However we have been getting Syrian refugees thanks to some catholic organization down here settling them in town. About 3-5k are in town I do believe. It's a conservative town too, rip my right wing white men

>seventeen hundred hours
What stupid ass nonsense is this?
There are 24 hours in a day, not 2,400
Explain yourselves armycucks

>Mardi Gras
Drunk idiot