Why do Conservashits vote against their own economic interests


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>If you free our slaves, who will pick the cotton?

>Democrats 1861

conservashits BTFO again kek

Fuck you that's why

Deportation is too good for illegal immigrants. I will do everything in my power to destroy their lives. Watch.

So make a seasonal guest worker visa available for mexicans problem solved the workers come over legally and leave. taxes get paid and wages are fair and everyone wins.

Sure a few will abuse this to get in the country but ICE will take care of them. maybe collect biometrics on entry?

lolo when will drumpfkins learn?

>I'm going to waste my time committing harm onto others
>I literally have no life or anything better to do

I hope your family dies horrible deaths. And I hope you realize that people like you go to a certain special place when you die. Enjoy eternity in hell-fire you sick fuck.

Democrats continuing their slave labor charade.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

I did not ask for this war. But I will go to sleep, wake up, go to my job, and literally DESTROY THE LIVES of as many illegal immigrants as I can. And get paid well for it.

Hate pays

Loves costs

>wave of immigrants force wages down because huge influx of cheap labor
>gee I wonder why native murricans did not take those jobs

This is me
Watch what I do, you fuck. Watch what I do.

DO you really think congress wants to put in the work and actually do some paperwork?

I worked as an intern for a senator. Do you know what he does all day? Eat, drink, play golf And twice a year he would actually go to DC to get something done. And he get's paid 150K of our tax dollars every year, plus bonuses he can give himself.

this is the most autistic post I've seen all morning. Good job.

where are the migrants in this whole thing?

Sage you and your dishonest misrepresentation of the issue.

Sage you for supporting slave like conditions just because it might help your political party get elected.

I do thank you though, it was when the left too up this very garbage argument that taught me that you don't give a rats ass about actual people and you are only interested in power.

Ameticans WILL work thier asses off. But you have to pay them appropriately. See UPS and similar jobs.

It's a living.

Mercy is over. I did not ask for this. I wanted peace. Everything in my power. Men, women and children.

Sup Forumsfags can't say anything about this except give their opinion which is not fact, I worked in the fields before among Mexicans and I be damned if I ever saw a white or heck black person on those fields picking fruit, it just never happened nor will it happened of the 23 years I lived here in Oregon where apples,cherry,pears, grapes, and peach are grown.

>liberals: $15/hr minimum wage is a moral necessity
>liberals: we need foreign laborers that work for pennies on the dollar

So, how much were they actually paid for their labour?
If they weren't fairly compensated, it's no wonder they fucked off.

I thought libcucks were against exploiting poor people for labor though???????????????????????????????????????????????????


Came here to post this


>be white male taking mechatronics engineering.
>build robot to pick strawberries and beans.
>mfw I saved the USA by building a robot Mexican.

racism is a south vs north issue. Democrats used to occupy the south, they now occupy the north. Republicans now occupy the south. This is a matter of progressive vs conservative not a color scheme. Idiot! You sound like my aging parents.

So in your eyes, paying illegal immigrants slave wages is totally okay?

Have you ever wondered why Americans don't want to do these jobs? I mean, it certainly can't be because the atrocious pay these jobs give, which is a direct consequence of normalizing illegal immigrant labor.


>it's in your economic interests to be unemployed

And in the interest of full disclosure. You think a person like me has a family? A person like me was created by the state not a family. Right down to my cock. I was built for this not bred.

Get the welfare niggers into the fields.

soon mexican

>Low wages are good for consumers
>High minimum wages are good for consumers

This is actually a very valid argument, however...Farmers have a shitty time finding workers that are legal because lets face it...government regulation makes it impossible to farm and set prices and unfortunately most Americans are spoiled and lazy so manual labor is out of the question. That's not even taking in consideration the fact that they would make union labors be involved and ruin it for owners and workers. The fucked up shit is that the GOP in coalition with Demoncrats wanted to form a bill in order to proctect and grant visas to these farm workers. Two year visas so they can work, be taxed and then go back to their countries yet the pathetic excuse of a president that we had blocked it. Let's hope that this opens again with Kek in power and bring balance to the force and the economy . The truth is we do need immigrants, we do need labor and we do need them here. These people are not like sand niggers who want a handout. Most Central American immigrants are hard working people who wanna make ends meet and go back to their countries once they saved up enough money. We can be all red pill as we want but these farm workers deserve these visas . Farm work is no fucking joke and the government makes it difficult for us folks to own our own farms.

the music in this is cancer btw.

>we will use "immigrants" for jobs with unbearable working conditions

Most farm workers are not americans. They are not illegal either. Most farm workers are Mexicans who are allowed to come here through the bracero program to do farm labor.

Good. Kill yourself

They should ban cheep labour so that engineers are incentivise to create robots for it.

>democrats want slaves
>democrat jews want slaves
good one retard

>no source
>never any source

White majority > economic interest

Sacrifice if it comes to that. You think I don't consider that every time I walk up to one of these rat fucks? You don't do a job like mine if you don't have some kind of a death wish. Still technically sacrifice not suicide though. It's still murder. On both of our ends.