USA is not fasc...
USA is not fasc
Correct Olga
Ukraine is first wor...
Now it is, Ivanchenko
Ukraine is not Russian clay...
Oh, wait.
hololcaust when?
>symmetry is fascism
what's your tumblr i wanna scope your aesthetic
He was probably referring to the fasces on the wall, from where we get the term.
Muricans copy the Romans in every single symbol.
It's normal, Romans were great.
it's almost like this country was founded upon roman symbolism
>US education
Probably means you could have Obama with swastikas around him and think it probably isn't political.
No, that's because Americans are crazy enough to believe they're the 'heirs' of rome, and thus they have the symbol of the Roman republic (fasces) and Roman styled buildings everywhere.
The only heir to Rome was the British Empire, and Britain today - as that nation is the only nation that has contributed as much civilisation and academic progress as Rome. America, is a distant second in that regard, as they haven't spread civilisation and their academic progress is comparable to Spain's.
We've been a form of fascism since the 1930's
>the same hohol shitposting with his multiple bait threads
Wtf I love Putin now
lucky them
If this country had been founded with the Swastika & Nazi symbolism in its heritage centuries ago it wouldn't be political, it would be traditional aesthetics, no?
>Eagles everywhere
>Fasces everywhere
>MULTIPLE secret police organisations listening to you and watching you
>Constant wars of aggression
>A media that broadcasts the propaganda of a wealthy elite
>Out of control police
>Second class citizens with no rights number in the millions and are used to fuel the economy
>Race based class system
>The last time territory tried to leave the states it was invaded
>Assassinates foreign leaders and installs puppets
Totally the good guys.
>"We're the true heir to Rome!" squeaked America's streetwalker
>tfw galactic empire
Can we post more Roman symbolism from US? I love that shit. I recall something like wooden carved laurels in some important building somewhere? I think there was something inside the laurels but I can't remember.
Rome never had to lie about their power.
Everyone could see Rome's absolute power face-to-face.
For America, not so much. No one is scared of you; no one respects you; no one cares for you. You are as powerless as any other nation.
Not even Ukrainians say that it's first world. Nobody has ever said or thought that.
Have another Guiness, Mick.
>t. the eternally butthurt Brit
>the only nation that has contributed as much civilisation and academic progress as Rome
nigga scipio was black, nigga
neoclassicism was in vogue everywhere during that time. america was never supposed to become another rome nor was it intended to be the worlds babysitter.
As if "mick" or "guinness" is an insult coming from a drug addled >50% nation.
America went too far with neoclassicism, just as they go too far with everything, eventually ruining it.
yes yes you're a big strong country that doesn't afraid of anything. Now take my bilateral trade deal up your health sector.
There is no second class. The police aren't out of control. We don't have a race based class system. Quit watching fucking CNN you enormous faggot. Or just go back to /leftypol/.
The rest is true, though. But that's not necessarily fascist. If it is, then fascism is part of the life cycle of any nation that reaches the top.
Yep. It's Irish all right.
You can just use the flags, José.
No trade deal is better than a bad one.
Besides, you're out of your mind if you think Trump will try to be a bully to allies. He won't be a bitch like Obama, but that doesn't mean he'll be an unprincipled cunt like Xi Ping.
Th fasces is a symbol of our combined power and collective might. That the will of the people can be represented by our elective officials. It is a symbol of democracy with a great cultural heritage and we adopted it long before Mussolini.
if america went too far then britain and western europe did as well. that style was everywhere up until the 19th century.
Seriously, were there any whites who didn't do "we wuz romans" and shit?
This. See how much hindus and other asian countries care about the Swastika.
I mean, shit if we can't use anything the Nazis used, you can't use skulls, thunderbolts, trenchcoats, the color black, the color gray, eagles, swastikas, the list goes on and on. Nazis had good stylings.
m8, you know that isn't true. Please stop projecting. Delusions don't help anyone.
Trump's a businessman, he'll extract as much value for Americans as he can.
Remember, America First.
>Race based class system
Absolute bullshit.
The fasces is a cool symbol
Who let the achmed on the internet again?
>tfw we were the original fascist
>all roads lead to Rome
three nation-states with supranational sovereignty:
Washington D.C.
City of London
this is not a coincidence. the Rothschild/international monetary interests and these locations are not superficial or coincidental.
the United States and the United Kingdom are corporations with ties to Roman canon law. this is one piece redpill most of you will never swallow and understand. the cage had been built a long time ago
>Fascist Italy was such a non-menace Fasces are not considered a hate symbol
Please tell more user. I find this stuff fascinating.
wew lad. You're in for a wild ride.
Stay thirsty, my friend.
don't try and take it all at once, start slowly with a single location and work upwards.
start here for D.C.
here for Vatican
and here for City of London
there are many books about these locales and their connections but start small and soon you'll see the bigger picture
Why did they leave an empty space? Honor? Remembrance? Or something more?
We'll continue...
saturn dump?
saturn dump.
The Jesuits made IXXI rings in the 17th century.
Hundreds of these Jesuit rings were recovered from the wreck of La Belle, Louis XIV’s ship that left La Rochelle (the Templars’ port) in 1684. It was La Salle’s ill-fated expedition, the same man who two years before claimed the Mississippi River valley for the Sun King, naming the territory Louisiana in his honor.
From La Salle’s Expedition to Louisiana in 1684 by Theodore Gudin (1844), Ian Le Cheminant says the following: “It may be implied but you don’t expressly mention that the two XXs (Dos Equis, muy buena cerveza) form a square and compass between the pillars in the IXXI diagram. This is particularly apparent in the first Jesuit rings you show.”
Tribunes were Sacrosanct, and fasce is the icon of Tribune. founding fathers loved Roman republic.
Holy fuck, just stop already.
Why does the Church of Saint Sulpice have an obelisk inside? And why does it have solar alignments?
Romans regularly fellated themselves and were just as arrogant and self-centered as you consider Americans to be. It's just what the citizens of the most powerful nation do, Brits were like that when you were the world power
There has never been a more fascist president or a more fascist presidential administration in the history of the United States than Barack Hussein Obama and his administration.
Daniel Liebeskind, the master plan architect for the reconstruction of the World Trade Center site, also designed the Imperial War Museum North in the UK
Cesar Pelli, who designed Canary Wharf Tower, also known as One Canada Square
>pic related
Had this to say:
>“According to Lao Tse, the reality of a hollow object is in the void and not in the walls that define it. He was speaking, of course, of spiritual realities. These are the realities also of the Canary Wharf Tower. The power of the void is increased and… with its supporting structure creates a portal to the sky … a door to the infinite.”—Cesar Pelli (1991)
now just for funsies
cob+ allah
>my sides are orbiting saturn
all jokes aside, wtf is all this Saturn dump and why is it relevant to beleive in made up things?
just correlates all religions to a single point
All religions? I though Catholics were against pagans and satanic rituals.
hello, (((richard spencer)))
only on the surface
You would salute the flag like this when saying the pledge. Upon saying "to my flag" you were to rotate your wrist palm facing up until completion of the pledge.
Red pill me on pic related, beginning with said pic meaning
statue of lucifer installed at the vatican. pretty much explains itself tbqhwy
How many people are going to think Trump put them there tomorrow?
Pretty sure that was prior to WWII and was only stopped because (((they))) decided it was too close to a Nazi salute. Which is what you're trying to imply it is, which it isn't.
Isn't that supposed to be Jesus?
naw just me
considering you can see his wings being removed and falling into the abyss, I can't imaging why this would make anyone think jesus while looking at it. but if you know more about it, I'd be interested in hearing it
It looks cool. That's the whole reason that we dig classicism. You Slavs do the whole Byzantine style, so don't act like you're not copying someone ya pricks.
I wish we were...
They go to rome and that road leads to Egypt, and that road leads to Babylon.
the r-r-edpill is so awesome
Jesus Fucking Christ
I doubt they would have the eternal enemy as a statue
>In the Mayan calendar, it was said that there would be 20 years of no-time. A period of unrest where the planet is making a transition from one age to another. 9/11 stood 9 years from the start of this no-time and 11 years from the end.
>The World Trade Centre stood like an 11; 9 + 1 + 1 = 11
>September 11th is 111 days until the end of the year
>The first plane to hit the World Trade Centre was Flight 11; total crew on Flight 11 was 11
>9/11/01 stands 11 years from 2012
>The World Trade Centre took 11 years to build
>On 9/11/90 at 9.09PM, 11 years prior to 9/11/01, George Bush Senior made a speech to Congress entitled Toward A New World Order
>On 9/11/41, 60 years prior to 9/11/01, the soil was broken and the foundations set for “The Pentagon” in Washington DC
>A book written in 1981, 20 years prior to the 2001 attacks, called “The Birth of Christ Recalculated”. The author, Dr. Ernest L. Martin, claims to have calculated the exact date of Jesus Christ’s birth based on the celestial charts for that era. The date of Christ’s birth, based on the famous Star of Bethlehem, is calculated to be September 11, 3 B.C.
>According to Hebrew Scriptures 9/11/99 was the 6,000th anniversary of Adam’s creation, and year 1 on the Hebrew calendar.
all I can tell you is this.
luciferian doctrine is exactly what you would imagine it to be. deception and coercion, counterfeits abundant. to them, Yahweh was the oppressor, locking mankind in eden with no will of their own. to them, the snake/lightbearer/satan freed humanity from the prison Yahweh created. they truly believe the roles to be reversed.
if you want to read up on some murky history of the Vatican, take a hard look at the Jesuits. in the past, they were just as welcome as the jews to most countries, which is to say not very. assassinations and espionage. francis is the first jesuit pope in history, and looking into his past might make some uneasy to say the least.
keep in mind, I'm not trying to attack people of faith, just try not to accept anything from them blindly.