RISK Thread


Read through the rules;
shoutout to whoever created this neat map

>Nazi Germany
>Dark Red
>Map too small, maybe Eastern Germany, maybe all Germany?

Serbia and Montenegro
Serbia plus Montenegro

> Shuo Dynasty
> Manchuria Area (Starting point Beijing)

Also color is light red

>Portuguese Empire
Post a decent picture OP.


I'll provide larger map, but I won't do mupdates.


nice map.
OP use this one

Edgy blue
Start just north of Uruguay

fug. fine then
black (of course)

Think that is nice? Thats just alpha version.

south west france to be exact

I'm talking about the size.
Anyone want an alliance?


I would be happy to ally with you.

Beta version here:

Can we establish Triple Alliance?

Attacking Croatia, we can split it in half.
OR we can split in in three.

I'm game for that.

Map Update


No Serbia?
also, Fill Eastern Germany, spill into West, further spill into South

fill northern france spill italy

OK, i will do mupdates but the rules need to be changed to make it quicker. Base roll x4 0=40 straight/pali = number X15 multiples = number x25
Are you guys ok with this?

Finish consolidating power in Portugal.
Then Invade Castille.

Shit sorry lemme add you in

Fill to lower China

Fill territories south along the coast

also, my area is messed up, like you just scribbled it in.
>Can we have one roll per mupdate, just to cut down the confusion that ensues after a while?

fill Croatia, spill Bosnia

oh, someone host but forgets to add me roll to expand into Australia

name update

Well if he is taking over I might as well join in
>New England Monarchy
>New England USA

The map is balanced for those rolls, but sure, what can go wrong?

Make it three rolls and we've got a deal

Both of you make your mind up as to who updates what.

Roll to expand down on the east coast

Can ye tell me what the fook are ye' sayen

You're the host now.

Who is hosting afterall?
Whats going on?

no have 1 per mupdate. it makes it so much simpler

ok, wait so i can mupdate, dont forget to roll


Is hosting

also, don't forget to add "host" to your name.

Fill Croatia

just checking that I'm filling france

Actually you are right

My roll is >

If this is happening then spills take all of Spain.


My roll is -> >Nazi Germany
>Allies: Serbia, Shuo Dynasty

My Roll:

ok, bear with me for a moment i need to make sure i dont mess up rolls.

Take your time.

my roll.

Bump to keep thread alive

Are we doing multiple rolls per mupdate?

Just one per mupdate, keeps it simple.


If this thread dies, we can just continue in /tg/. This is just a reminder.



can I fill Britain?

Fill Southern Germany, spill into Western Germany, further spill into Austria

southern England then spill into northen england

Take Sicily through the islands in the mediterranean.
Spills move to Angola through the islands in the Atlantic.

Fill South East of China, and spill to Vietnam.

Shoutout to the filename.

25 T left

Name change

spill Netherlands then please

>New rule (Don't worry wont affect much)
Double digits: 75T Will give bonus if greater multiples
Straight/Pali : 50T Will give bonus for greater straights/plais

I think this rolls are just too high f a m.

Gonna have to move to mobile soon.

I want an action packed game

Fill that one pesky one in the northeast and extend southwest along the coast

fill france spill italy

death to infidels (DTI)

Take Italy.
Spills fill where I am im Africa and push in Zimbabwe.

Continue to fill South East of China then proceed to Vietnam.

now with trip

Chinese Kek giving me a hard time.

Guess I missed it by a few seconds. Keep filling the +3 territories

The next time someone forgets their bonus i will not count it in.

forgot my bonus. I think this bonus is correct. correct me if I'm wrong




Fill Western Germany, spill into Austria, further spill into Western Poland

Nigger i'm supposed to have both Serbia and Croatia
fill Bosnia

name change to reflect bonus

moving to mobile

7 T left state spills



take Italy sp


Finish filling South East of China, fill bottom part BUT don't spill to Vietnam, spill to the Korean Peninsula.