What went wrong?
I can't believe I actually used to respect this guy.
Molyneux crashing & burning
Stop posting gossip fucking threads
HIDE shill threads
DO NOT REPLY to shill posters
REPORT shill posts (like this one)
It's a new shill tactic. They want us to turn on absolutely any e-celbs who've had even the slightest success in causing people to question the libtard narrative.
First Milo, then Styxx, now Stepf. These guys don't warrant braking out the big guns like Alex Jones and Natural News. But make no mistake, they're coming for all of them one way or another.
Not an argument
Not an argument.
I used to be a big Molymeme supporter, but after watching him crash and burn like this I realized we just can't let the guy get his hands on the nuclear arguments.
Yeah, this video made Molymeme look pretty bad.
Jordan Peterson's insights and rise to fame has made him feel inferior intellectually and he's taking it out on his callers. Watch that interview and see how Jordan is not at all interested in anything Moly has to say and is just waiting for him to stop talking. Notice how for years Moly has called faith in God irrational but out of fear of being humiliated by Jordan he just smiles and agrees with Jordan's arguments.
The more Moly talks the more he is exposed as a hack and a Sophist; unfortunately for him, he can't stop talking. Now his fans are starting to notice his methods and calling him out on it but he is too egotistical to take criticism. He is more than likely going to keep unraveling from here.
>Let Milo get 'big' before going for the character assassination
>O shit he's too big, can't be stopped
Almost like (((someone))) learned their lesson and are working on the smaller goys now.
For all we know the caller was shareblue crew.
Why is this MolyCrap even relevant, he is just pseudo youtube self proclaimed intellectual.
How more pretentious can you get calling yourself intellectual.
On end of day the guy in China shop that is making 2 pairs of shoes that will be shipped to your country for 5$ is bringing more worth to planet then all these combined videos of this bald mentally insecure faggot
Molymeme changed his position on religion a while ago. To combat leftists who want to break up the nucular family
Little did the little boy horribly abused by his family know that he would become the greatest philosopher of his time. If not for him, humanity might have to wait another 1500 years for another master orator to come around.
Lo and behold as Stefan yodels from the mountaintop the empirical evidence! Facts, reason, data, truth! He has given his life to help pull the confused masses out of Plato's cave. His views and podcast downloads are in the millions, and by donating you can help get the knowledge out to enlighten the masses. We can do this my friends! By donating you are changing the very course of human history. Never before in history has there been anything like this, with the power of the internet we can spread our message for all to see.
Now, let's talk to this guy who married a Vietnamese hooker and hear out his problems about buying her family water buffalo.
He's a rural and suburban retard.
not an argument
Not gonna lie, former Molyneux watcher here. This is fucking hilarious watching Stefan crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the arguments.
>Searching for posts that contain ‘"rural and suburban"’ and from ‘CA’ and posts after 2016-12-01. 2245 results found.
Sup Forums is already the asshole of the internet and somehow you manage to be the single most pathetic motherfucker here. I hope you're at least getting paid for this instead of just being a singularity of autism.
No he has not, he is still an atheist. His only new insight is that atheists don't have enough children; the only reason he even cares about this is atheists tend to favor big government, and not having kids is therefore hypocritical because they are not producing more tax payers to shoulder the burden. In other words, if atheists had more children than Christians he wouldn't have any issues with atheism aside from their alleged preference of big government.
It's their job m8
unlike the left, we can actually forgive people for making a mistake or two, not that molymeme has, but you only see the left persecuting and completely dropping public figures over one sentence that isn't PC.
holy shit, you mean after hearing a good argument he changed his position? If you have an emotional investment in Steph and not his arguments, you are doing things backwards.
the guy floundered in the first 10 seconds and got btfo, molymeme was teaching him how to argue effectively.
you guys are fucking hypocritical cucks if you couldnt see that he was teaching him a lesson in a way that would stick with him.
Sup Forums is nu male mtgow central. Only visit when drunk
The guy is a thin skinned man child pandering for Trump viewer bucks.
that feel when I've always hated this guy for defooing, univ. pref behavior, and that weird tirade he had, crying over his mum.
I think stef supporters are mostly newfags, you have the draw the line somewhere. A big tent sure, but come on guys
He hasn't changed his position though; he just talks out of both sides of his mouth. It is like saying he is no longer an anarchist because he defends Trump. If he makes a video called "Why I was wrong about Christianity" or "Why faith in God isn't irrational" then you could say he's changed his position. As of now, if a caller challenges him on religion he will still hold to his old views; unless of course he is in the presence of a heavyweight like Peterson, then he will just smile and agree like the cuck that he is.
He's just surfing the right-wing trends like an opportunistic hack. He will be forgotten in a matter of years, along the rest of those clowns
We already had few threads yesterday.
Molymeme is acting like a utter retards who cannot take any criticism. His ego is too fragile.
Into the trash he goes.
when will I stop seeing this faggots face?
this guy has always been a turbo nig
>what is a wannabe cult leader
>people who think stefan is trying to bully callers instead of show them how their position is so weak even petty strawmen can defeat them
>Alex Jones and Natural News
>credible to anyone
they're not gunning for them because they're too far gone
molymeme is a pure cumcucked spermguzzler
Molyneux did nothing wrong
>respecting a talking head on youtube
He was being a self-important douche, but he's not wrong. That German cuck had it coming.
>I think you would be more persuasive if you'd change your approach -caller
Oh boy, another youtuber attack thread. These are totally organic and not at all suspect.
this, the people who are triggered by this are shills and numales
Oh my quad.
emotional investment in steff?
wtf is that?
fapping to his shirtless pics?
(((They've))) done it again
CTR pls
I used to be a big Molyneux supporter, but after watching him crash and burn like this I realized we just can't let the guy get his hands on the nuclear arguments.
I shudder to think how much he says "Not an argument." to his wife and daughter around the house, they've heard it a thousand times but they humour him because he spends all day upstairs in his room literally screaming at the wall and if you answer back he spends 45 minutes yelling at you about his philosophy credentials before running upstairs to 'the white room'; "sophists", he yells, before slamming the door.
Watch his videos with Vox Day and Duke Pesta. He's not part of the faith, but he has come to respect Christian virtues and teachings.
LOL he appeals to Christians because those are the people that donate to him.
the kid barely spoke for three seconds. How do you know he was a libtard?